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is decorated with three phalli in relief.

Later, though

@. Except possibly Faliscan, the other dialects of Italy

Dermatophyton grows on the carapace of the tortoise and

wind. The application of this observation to the phenomenon

in which the influence of Tieck is observable; but his

said about his personal appearance. We are further told

Protestant parents at Uzes, in Languedoc. His father died when

Ireland 534,875 4,645,215 3,749,352 1,164,316

161,175,000 bushels (1901). Similar details for potatoes,

of the aediles of Rome. In Athens there were ten, chosen

when, apart from the natural dislocation of commerce, many

and the pelvis widens, it is usually driven out of this

seized by his adherents; the amir's troops were defeated some

(South and South-East Africa)

great career in America; as the vehicle of use, books, journals,

ALCHEMY. In the narrow sense of the word, alchemy is the

See G. Droysen, Albrechts I. Bemuhungen um die Nachfolge

about 394 B.C. at Thurii and taken early to Athens,

to a general in command, but now a distinct high functionary

transmission of property. Imprisonment for debt has been

the abdomen gave small, repeated doses of Epsom salts to wash

this only a few fragments of the domestic buildings exist.

a section of his poems ``anacreontiques,'' because they

space stacked loosely with wire-gauze. When D moves down,

reached the territory at that time regarded as reserved to

1 For an analysis of the play see an article on

made not only on the meridian, but whenever she might be

southern boundary of a wider portion of the generally barren

itself, ``unmolested.'' ``Paulus Romae, apex Evangelii.''

is attached a keyboard with from 5 to 50 keys. The keys on

to extend it to conclusions from moral and spiritual

this case having descended from a single pair intentionally

recent works mention may be made of Alfred the Great, Chapters

he entered the ecclesiastical profession, and in 1513 became

Prof. T. F. Tout's articles in the Dict. of Nat. Biog.

failed, and the only result of it was the occupation of

part of the cargo, in either case for the purpose of saving

which lay close inshore and cannonaded the left flank of the


Academy have no legal, but that they have a moral claim to

use of hydrogen gas, there are anticipations that must be

and coasting steamboats. It is a quaint, old-fashioned city,

the square inch, to bottling machines which fill and close

a hypocritical and arrogant priest, in his relations with his

but his feelings towards her were of a stronger kind and her

continent. The fame of both authors is associated with New

forces during the four years of war was 359,528, and of the

great mining region of Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire.

ages---are inhabited by Vlachs or Tzintzars, who possibly number

across the continent had arrived at Benguella.

exclusiveness, and that they treat strangers with gentle kindness.

language tally so nearly with kinship. Marriage was exogamic

least as early as 1544, the judges then holding that ``for

monarchy, which lasted till its overthrow by Shah Jahan in

Winchester, and in 1006 he succeeded AElfric as archbishop of

fell off for want of mechanical supoort, and the separating

is distinctly acid. It crystallizes in quadratic prisms.

solids not fat, nor less than 3 1/4% of milk-fat. Standard

compounds; aldol itself on distillation at ordinary

epitome of this translation, also in Latin, was made some

clumsy, and cannot be folded up into a small compass for

in 1685, but apparently he spent most of his youthful years

alone amongst languages has consistently recognized this, and

Finally, they are both characterized by a strong infusion of

existence; and this view is confirmed by direct palaeontological

Thus if the body absorbed half the incident radiation its

of Afghan race; and if so, the first. But the historians

king from 1162 to 1174, was the son of Fulk of Jerusalem, and

a proof that the early English church did not hold the Roman

in Sweetings Rents, by the Royal Exchange, London.

1891 836,439,228 76,602,285

for 1868 (p. 381) is a most interesting account, by Charles

mundi aetalibus de Adamo usque ad ann. 869 (in Migne, cxxiii.

1890 36,087,154 11.1 399,262,000 83.8 334,773,678

building elsewhere. The matter slumbered, however, till 1858,

The reversible character of the principal reaction has

and Beauty,'' ``Origin and Function of Music'' and others

ratification should be accompanied by a recommendation of

bodies. The Arctic peoples regulated their lives by the

of L. 200 for one year, gold and silver medals, and prizes

sermons whereof 15 preached before the king . . . (1669);

prominent men of that time. James Bowdoin was its first

a powerful influence in Egypt. To Alexander the Great the

opportunities for geological investigation, and as might

fashion to represent sounds different from those which it

battle. When after an action wounded men come pouring into

while the North poured unlimited numbers into the Federal

examination of the store accounts of ships as well as some other

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