Andreas Hendro - F1071201016 - Ii-A1 - Pendidikan Biologi

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Name : Andreas Hendro

Nim : F1071201016

Class : II-A1

Academic verb and nouns

It is important to recognize both the verbs and the noun

form of academic word when you are reading and to spell
them correctly when you are writing.

1. Look at the noun in the table and find their verb form in the paragraph below. Write the
verb in the table next to the noun form.

No Noun Verb
1. Injury Injure
2. Provision Provide
3. Reduction Reduce
4. Suffering Suffer
5. Encouragement Encourage
6. Solution Solve
7. Recognition Recognize
8. Involvement Involve

2. Look at the short text below and underline the verb which are used in the text. Then, find
the noun for each verb. Obesity can reduce life expectancy and lead to serious illness
such as heart disease and diabetes. To address this problem, some governments run
educational programs advertising campaigns. These educate people about the dangers of
junk food and the importance of a balanced diet. They also show people how to find out
about the nutrisional values of food. Another important way to tackle obesity is regular
exercise, because the more physical activity we have, the better we fell.
My verb and noun table

*Number I had been done as an example

No Verb Noun
1. Reduce Reduction
2. Run Run
3. Educate Education
4. Find Foundation
5. Show Show
6. Tackle Tackle

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