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E N G L IS H – V I


1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

[1] There are no rules to tell us how we ought to behave or ought
not to behave in all matters. But in some matters, there are rules
that all have to obey. Take, for example, the rules of the road. The
purpose of these rules is to make the road safe for everybody. If
people disobey traffic rules, accidents will happen sooner or later.
There are rules for pedestrians as well as for vehicles, and every
user of the road ought to know the rules. Here is an important rule
for pedestrians.

[2] They ought to keep to the footpath and leave the middle of the
road for vehicles. Where there is no footpath, pedestrians must keep close to the edge of the road.
If they do not obey this rule, they will cause danger to themselves as well as to others.

[3] All vehicles should keep to the left and leave the right half of the road free for those coming from
the opposite direction. This is the traffic rule in all parts of India. In some countries in the west,
however, vehicles have to keep to the right and not to the left. It does not matter whether it is right
or left but, everyone should obey the rule. Cyclists should always keep to the edge of the road and
not get in the way of other vehicles or pedestrians.

[4]Where the road is busy, this will interfere with the flow of traffic and cause accidents. The rule
about overtaking is an equally important rule. One vehicle should overtake another vehicle only on
the right, because otherwise, it may get in the way of the vehicle which is trying to keep to the left.

[5] Drivers of vehicles should never fail to give the right signals because otherwise there is a great
danger of accidents happening. There are signals for turning right or left, for slowing down and for
stopping, and for letting another vehicle overtake yours. Cyclists are often careless about giving
signals, thinking that these are important only for motorists. But all road users, cyclists as well as
motorists, ought to have the right signals so that others on the road may be warned. Pedestrians
too should have a knowledge of these signals so that they may be able to tell which way the
vehicles on the road are going to pass. This is the most important rule of all.

Based on your reading, Complete the following sentences:

i. People must obey the traffic rules otherwise __________________.
ii. Cyclists on the road must travel _________________
iii. Vehicles on the road must not keep ________________________.
Answer in one or two sentences:
iv. What will happen if the drivers of vehicles do not give proper signals?
v. What is the purpose of traffic rules?
vi. What is the traffic rule for pedestrians?
vii. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the word: obstruct as given in Para [4]
(a) Interfere
(b) Overtake
(c) Otherwise
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(d) Trying
viii. Identify the part of speech the word ‘equally ‘ belongs to in the given statement.
The rule about overtaking is an equally important rule.
(a) Verb
(b) Adjective
(c) Adverb
(d) Noun

2. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

[1] Lifestyle diseases are the diseases associated with the way people lead their lives. These
include heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, etc. Across the world, about 14.2 million people between
the ages of 30 and 69 years die prematurely each year from these diseases. Undoubtedly,
urbanization and medical advancement have brought about tremendous improvements in
healthcare and the general standards of living. But there have been many negative implications of
the changed lifestyle behaviours as well. Dealing with day-to-day struggles, we often compromise
on a diet, exercise, rest, and relaxation, making convenient but poor choices.
[2] While the toll from infectious diseases like tuberculosis, influenza, and smallpox has greatly
reduced, lifestyle diseases such as depression, anxiety, psycho-emotional disturbances, unsocial
responses, insomnia, eating disorders, drug addiction, cardiovascular diseases, gastric ulcers,
obesity, early aging, and cancer have seen a . dramatic rise. Consequently, these diseases have
emerged as bigger killers than most infectious or hereditary ones.
[3] Undoubtedly, technology has made our life simpler, but it has also caused a dramatic increase
in pollution. This pollution of air, water, soil, noise, and light has led to myriad problems. Noise
pollution has led to an increase in neurotic problems, hypertension, problems, and heart-related
diseases, while air pollution is responsible for many respiratory ailments and cancer. Water
pollution has led to various water-borne diseases such as allergies, cholera, gastroenteritis, and
jaundice. Unhealthy food and a lack of exercise are risk factors for various diseases.
[4] In order to lead a healthy life in the present times, we must reduce the consumption of fast
food, soft drinks, and excessive consumption of fat. These should be replaced with cereals,
vegetables, pulses, rice, and milk. Physical exercise should be a part of our daily routine. We must
have pollution-free zones. Over and above, we must develop a positive attitude in life. This will
help us relax. We can improve our lives by reducing these diseases including the type of work we
do, environmental factors that affect our living conditions, work environment, the food we eat, our
exercise habits, and stress.

Based on your reading, answer the following questions:

i. The lifestyle diseases are -------------------.
ii. The alarming situation related to these diseases is -------------.
iii. The two factors that have positively impacted health care are -------------.
Answer in one or two sentences:
iv. Mention two disadvantages the of modern lifestyle?
v. What are the adverse effects of technology on our lives?
vi. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word.
‘This pollution of air, water, soil, noise, and light has led to myriad problems. ‘
a) Adjective
b) Noun
c) Verb
d) Adverb
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vii. Find word from the passage which is the synonym the of phrase given below.
‘ahead of time’ (para 1)
a) Advancement
b) General
c) Lead
d) improve

3. Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:

I took a stroll down Cypress Street
The hot sidewalk beneath my feet.
The one thing that stood out the most
Where trees once stood there were lampposts.

I’d never seen so much concrete

No Cypress left on Cypress Street.
According to my great Aunt Gem
There used to be a lot of them.

They cut them out, they took their wood

A treeless street is plum no good!
Just like a treeless neighbourhood
So tell the Mayor the next time they meet
To change the name to lamppost street.

On the basis of your reading of the poem, answer the following questions in one or two
i. The poet took a walk down the _______________________.
ii. The poet suggests changing the name of the street to a _______________________.
Answer the following questions in not more than one or two sentences.
iii. What had replaced the trees in the streets?
iii. What is the rhyme scheme of the last four lines?
(a) ) abcc (b) abab (c) aabb (d) abcb
iv. Identify the poetic device used in the given line.
‘No Cypress left on Cypress Street.’
(a) Simile (b) Repetition (c) Personification (d) Alliteration

4. Write a message in about 50-60 words based on the given conversation:
Jai: Hello! Is it Rohit’s place?
Raj: Yes. May I know who is there?
Jai: I’m Jai, Rohit’s friend. Can I talk to him?
Raj: Oh! Sorry. Actually, he has gone to the tuition now. Can I help you, please?
Jai: Oh, sure. In fact, I wanted to tell him that I know you are moving to a new house, so I would
like to come and help him as he has been helping me a lot in school.
Raj: Oh sure! Thanks.
Jai: Take care!

5. Write a story in 150 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title and a
moral to the story.
It was Mahi’s first day at the new school. She was feeling very nervous. She stood in a corner and
watched the students who were laughing and talking excitedly. When she saw four senior students
advancing towards her, she …

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6. You are Ria/Rishav studying in Class 6, Gandhi School, Mysore. Write an application to your
Principal requesting her/him to arrange extra classes/doubt-clearing classes in Mathematics.

7. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable modals to complete the passage:
I have been moving across the globe; however, I feel I (i) ______ not be doing so in the coming
days. Recently I acquired a new office position that (i) _______ demand most of my time. I (iii)
________, however, delegate most of my work. After a year or so, I (iv) _________ think of
continuing with my travel business since I (v) --------- have covered most of the work that I need to
cover at the moment. It (vi) ________ be so exciting to travel again and see the world.
(i) a) can b) may c) would d) should
(ii) a) will b) can c) should d) may
(iii) a) will b) would c) shall d) should
(iv) a) will b) can c) must d) have to
(v) a) must b) should c) might d) ought to
(vi) a) would b) could c) should d) must

8. Fill in the blanks using suitable linking words from the box:

However, In addition, Overall, Moreover, Furthermore, For

If I have to
choose one thing that is important in my life, it is my notebook computer. It is an Acer notebook
running Windows 7. It’s a fairly cheap notebook that I bought about four years ago. It’s black and
thin and rounded edges that are soft and smooth when you pick it up. It’s also light enough for me
to carry in my backpack. (i) ______, it can do nearly everything I need to do. (ii) ________, I can
create documents, design new pages on my website, make recordings, and download TV shows.
(iii) _____ to many files I have saved for my work, it contains a lot of photos and music. (iv)
________, it’s not a perfect computer. It crashed a few years ago and since then it’s been much
slower. (v) ______, it has downloaded some programs that I hate. I don’t know how to get rid of
them. (vi) ______ though, this computer is pretty reliable, convenient, and allows me to work
anywhere I go.

9. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct form of the verb:

The Nile River, which (i) _______ its name from a Greek word, is 4,184 miles long. It (ii)
________ a good deal of the African continent and is considered the longest river in the world.
The Nile and its tributaries (iii)______ through nine countries. The White Nile (iv) ______ through
Uganda, Sudan, and some other countries. The Blue Nile (v) ______ in Ethiopia. Tributaries in
Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi (vi) _____ into the Nile or into Lake Victoria Nyanes.
(i) a) had got b) will get c) were getting d) gets
(ii) a) covering b) is covering c) covers d) are cover
(iii) a) is flowing b) flows c) was flowing d) flowing
(iv) a) moving b) moves c) was moving d) is moving
(v) a) was starting b) is starting c) starts d) starting
(vi) a) is flowing b) was flowing c) flows d) was flowing

10. Fill in the blanks using appropriate prepositions:

to in over into of with on near beside by

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I love to keep my room neat and clean. My books and other study materials are kept properly (i)
_____ my table. My t-shirts are nicely stacked (ii) _____ the cupboard. My shoes are never lying
(iii) _____ the shoe rack, they are always inside the rack. There is a ceiling fan (iv) _____ my bed.
I have a TV mounted (v) _____ the wall (vi) _____ my room. There is a big photograph (vii)_____
my parents (viii) _____ the TV.

11. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box:
neither, either, all, both

Aman: I'm broke. What about you?

Ajay: I don't have any money __________.
Aman: I don't like cricket.
Ajay: ______________ do I.
Aman: I have never been to Spain.
Ajay: I haven't been there ________.
Aman: So, it means _______ of us have a lot in common.
Ajay: Yes, _____ of us do not like many things which others like. It means we are unlike
___ of them.

12. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns.

My mother asked me to take care of my baby sister. I took her to my study room. There she threw
away the (i) _______ of notebooks that were on my study table. Then she tried to chew the (ii)
______ of keys. I took her to the barn as she loves being around animals. There she played with a
(iii) ______ of puppies for some time. Soon she was tired. So, she lay under a tree and was happy
to see a (iv) ______ of birds flying across the sky.

i. (a) bunch (b) pile (c) pack (d) bundle

ii. (a) herd (b) pack (c) group (d) bunch
iii. (a) litter (b) flock (c) murder (d) herd
iv. (a) pile (b) flock (c) group (d) bundle

13. Read the following lines given below and answer the questions that follow:
‘Halfway up the tree I had built a crude platform where I would spend the afternoons when it was
not too hot. I could read there propping myself up against the tree with a cushion from the living
room. Treasure Island, Huckleberry Finn and The Story of Dr Dolittle were some of the books that
made up my banyan tree library.’

i. Which tree is the narrator talking about?

ii. Name some books which made up the author’s library?
iii. What is the meaning of “propping myself up”?

14. Read the following lines given below and answer the questions that follow:
“When the gong sounds ten in the morning and
I walk to school by our lane,
Every day I meet the hawker crying, “Bangles,
crystal bangles!”
There is nothing to hurry him on, there is no
road he must take, no place he must go to, no
time when he must come home.
I wish I were a hawker, spending my day in
the road, crying, “Bangles, crystal bangles!”
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i. What sound does the poet hear in the morning?
ii. Who is the poet not in hurry to go anywhere?
iii. Why does the speaker want to be a hawker?

15. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

i. How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking sake’?
ii. Why words are called the ‘food and dress of thought’?
iii. When Jumman’s aunt realised that she was not welcome in his house, what arrangement did
she suggest?
iv. Why was the crocodile unwilling to invite his friend home?
vi. Who made the pact with the sun? What was it about?

16. Imagine you are the boy in the story “The Banyan Tree”. Pen down your feelings in the form of
a diary entry after watching the fight between the cobra and the mongoose.

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