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Nutrition Guidelines for Stomach Heat

The digestive process can be compared to a pot of soup sitting over a fire. Stomach heat
is when the fire blazes up, interfering with digestion and sending excess heat upward. To
help correct this, foods that clear heat and protect the stomach are recommended. Even
though TCM generally emphasizes lightly cooked foods, raw fruit and vegetables are
included in the nutritional guidelines for stomach heat, because they are cooling. Since
most animal sources of protein are heating in nature, vegetarian protein options are also

For stomach heat, the ratio of food groups should be as follows:

40% easily digested complex carbohydrates like grains and root vegetables
40% vegetables
20% protein, mainly vegetable sourced
*diet should include plenty of fluids, especially in the form of soups
*avoid overly spicy, oily, or hot dishes

Foods that Clear Stomach Heat

Rice, millet, wheat, barley, oats
celery, spinach, swiss chard, cucumber, lettuce, daikon radish, asparagus, eggplant,
cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, purslane, bamboo
shoots, water chestnuts, avocado, arugula, watercress, spirulina, kelp, seaweed, slippery
elm powder
apples, pears, watermelon, bananas, kiwis, mango
tofu, tempeh, soy milk, mung beans, yogurt
crab, oysters, clams

Foods to Restrict or Avoid

Chilies, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, onions, shallots, leeks, basil, cloves, wasabi, coffee,
vinegar, mustard, horseradish, chocolate, tea, lamb, red meat in large quantities,
shrimp, prawns, veal, cheese, citrus, all fried food, barbecued food
*also avoid cigarettes, alcohol, recreational stimulants

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