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A Thesis Proposal

Submitted to

The Faculty of the Graduate School

Southern Mindanao Colleges

Pagadian City

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Education

Major in History



October 2018

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................ii
Chapter 1......................................................................................................................................1
The Problem.............................................................................................................................1
Perspective of the Researcher...........................................................................................5
Conceptual Framework.......................................................................................................6
Statement of the Problem...................................................................................................7
Scope and Limitations of the Study...................................................................................8
Significance of the Study.....................................................................................................9
Definition of Terms.............................................................................................................10
Chapter 2....................................................................................................................................12
Review of Related Literature................................................................................................12
The teenage pregnancy problem.....................................................................................12
Teenage pregnancy and sex education in the Philippines...........................................13
Comprehensive sex education might reduce teen pregnancies..................................14
Effect of sex education on teenage pregnancy among secondary school students. 15
Relationship between teenage pregnancy and the sex................................................16
A need for comprehensive sex education.......................................................................17
Programs to reduce teen pregnancy...............................................................................18
Sex education reduces teenage pregnancy...................................................................19
Associations between sexuality education in schools and adolescent births............20
Evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention curriculum...............................................23
Chapter 3....................................................................................................................................26
Research Methodology.........................................................................................................26
Research Design................................................................................................................26
Research Environment......................................................................................................27
Research Participants.......................................................................................................27
Sampling Techniques........................................................................................................28

Data Gathering Techniques..............................................................................................29
Statistical Treatment..........................................................................................................29
Ethical Considerations in Research.................................................................................30
Appendix A..................................................................................................................................33
Appendix B..................................................................................................................................36
Appendix C.................................................................................................................................37
Curriculum Vitae.........................................................................................................................38

List of Tables

Table Title Page

List of Figures

Table Title Page

Chapter 1

The Problem


With the more loosened up sexual principles of present day times,

teenagers are winding up sexually dynamic at more youthful ages. Sex training

and young pregnancies are ideas profoundly connected with each other. The

errand of teaching youths about sex has been viewed as the duty of the

guardians. Yet, parent-youngster correspondence in sexual issues might be

ruined by parental restraints or by different intergenerational strains, and studies

have demonstrated that kids once in a while get their first data on sexual issues

from their folks (Encarta, 2007). The fight has dependably been between sex

training and forbearance as it were. A few specialists contend that restraint

instruction is the best way to keep adolescents from engaging in sexual relations,

while others demand that young people will have intercourse regardless, and it is

better for them to be outfitted with strong instructive data about sex. Such will

empower them to restrict HIV contaminations and avoid numerous spontaneous

adolescent pregnancies (Guttmacher Institute, 2008 refered to by Beatrice,


As indicated by World Health Organization (2018), pre-adult pregnancies

are a worldwide issue that happens in high, center, and low-pay nations. Around

the globe, immature pregnancies will probably happen in underestimated


networks, normally determined by neediness and absence of instruction and

work openings. Every year, around 15 million young ladies are hitched and got

pregnant before the age of 18 years wherein half of these pregnancies among

young ladies matured 15 to 19 years in creating locales are evaluated to be

unintended. Pregnancy and labor difficulties are the main source of death among

15 to 19-year-old young ladies all inclusive, with low and center pay nations

representing 99% of worldwide maternal passings of ladies ages 15 to 49 years.

The issue of high school pregnancy is significantly more terrible in Nigeria

than in some other creating nation. Among creating nations, Nigeria has one of

the most elevated birth rates for ladies under 20 years and study recommended

that the issue of high schooler pregnancy in Nigeria might be identified with less

sex training in schools and lower accessibility of conception prevention

administrations and supplies to youths (Encarta, 2007) concerning instruction,

school-leaving can be a decision when a young lady sees pregnancy to be a

superior choice in her conditions than proceeding with training, or can be an

immediate reason for pregnancy or early marriage. An expected 5% to 33% of

young ladies ages 15 to 24 years who drop out of school in a few nations do as

such in light of early pregnancy or marriage World Health Organization (2018).

In an investigation directed by Salami (2017), it is refered to that sex

instruction has not yielded much achievement in Nigeria since its presentation in

the auxiliary school educational programs as more young people get pregnant

and drop out of school. In the Nigerian setting, sex training is viewed as a

forbidden that ought not be specified in the general population. The little

information of sex instruction that a young person is to get before marriage is

expectedly given by the parent of a similar sex. A study of ladies and occupation

in the Niger Delta by Sofri (1987) as refered to by Salami (2017), uncovered that

lamentably, most guardians in Nigeria because of social and customary

standards think that its hard to connect with or include their kids who are of

immature age in sex and sexuality instruction. As indicated by Ekeng, Ekanem

and Esien (2014) Salami (2017), this absence of learning is because of social

hindrances whereby the information of the youngsters about the utility of their sex

organs is constrained to pee. Subsequently, when their bodies start to

demonstrate sexual sensations at youth, the young people end up confounded

and after that challenge to endeavor to utilize it for sexual exercises.

The recurrence of young pregnancy among the adolescent is disturbing

and has turned out to be pretty much an unavoidable truth in numerous countries

of the world including Philippines. With a 70-percent rise noted in a range of 10

years from 1999 to 2009, the Philippines has one of the most elevated high

school pregnancy rates in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),

a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) official said. UNFPA nation delegate

Ugochi Daniels encouraged the administration to address the issue as this is a

piece of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), the Philippine Information

Agency reported.The PIA refered to an UNFPA 2011 yearly report demonstrating

the quantity of high school pregnancies rising 70 percent from 114,205 out of

1999 to 195,662 of every 2009.It said the UNFPA figures on female pre-adult

pregnancies show the aggregate number of yearly births changed minimal over

the former 10 years. The UNFPA 2011 yearly report said there are 53 births for

each 1,000 ladies matured somewhere in the range of 15 and 19 in the

Philippines. The PIA included more than 11 percent of the 1.75 million live births

in 2009 (the most recent audit year) were given by high school moms (GMA

News Online, 2012).

Be that as it may, powerful sex training projects can diminish sexual

movement and increment preventative use among those as of now sexually

dynamic. They keep up a restricted spotlight on lessening particular sexual

hazard taking practices; give exact data about sexuality; construct relational and

relational abilities to oppose sexual weights; address both social and media

impacts on sexual practices, (Amazigo et al 2003). Sex instruction before the

accomplishment of pubescence could prepare young men and young ladies to

build up the correct demeanor in immaturity that will prepare them for difficulties

of growing up and getting to be powerful subjects that could be coordinated into

the general public. Regenerative wellbeing training has been coordinated in the

essential instruction educational programs under the K-12 program, the

Department of Education (DepEd) said yesterday. DepEd pre-adult conceptive

wellbeing central individual Rosalie Masilang (2017) refered to that kids at this

age are most powerless against mishandle and abuse, focusing on the

requirement for them to comprehend that they have the privilege to reject

endeavors to exploit their childhood. The move to incorporate sexuality

instruction is in accordance with the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive

Health Law of 2012, which orders the arrangement of an age-and improvement


fitting conceptive wellbeing training for teenagers. DepEd dissipated worries that

regenerative wellbeing instruction would center around the sex demonstration,

saying it would rather center around the exploration of multiplication, physical

care and cleanliness, redress esteems and the standards of relational relations to

maintain a strategic distance from pre-marriage sex and high school pregnancy.

In the course of recent years, high school pregnancy has turned into an

open concern which produced a lot of consideration in the territory of Vincenzo

Sagun. Especially, in Kabatan National High School, young pregnancy results in

bring down instructive fulfillment, expanded destitution rates, poorer life results

for offspring of adolescent moms contrasted with offspring of grown-up ladies.

Albeit, scarcely any investigations have discovered that sex training programs

prompt maintained decreases in undesirable pregnancy rates, A 2011 study of

the latest assessments of standard sex instruction programs in the UK, by sexual

wellbeing master Daniel Wight, additionally discovered "negligible impact on

announced conduct" and that none of the projects prompted decreases in

undesirable pregnancies. Notwithstanding, this examination hopes to address the

hole in writing that there is little confirmation from research or global correlations

which tells about the idea of making sex training necessary can bigly affect the

sexual wellbeing of youthful people.This along these lines incited the specialist to

direct this examination which is expects to explore the impact of sex instruction to

juvenile pregnancy frequency among optional school understudies of Kabatan

National High School, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur inside the range of 5

years from 2013 to 2017.


Perspective of the Researcher

The researcher is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education, major

in History and has earned 18 units of Master of Arts in Education Major in History

at Southern Mindanao Colleges, Pagadian City. Presently, the researcher is a

regular/permanent junior high school teacher at Kabatan National High School-

Senior High School, having chosen as her research environment on conducting

astudy on the effects of sex education to teenage pregnancy incidence. As an

AralingPanlipunanteacher, one of her objectives is to guide the young students

through a comprehensive sex education which will prevent them from the

incidence of teenage pregnancy.

Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researcher will determine the level of incidence of

teenage pregnancyamong secondary school students in 5 years and assess the

level of awareness on teenage pregnancy that sex education in the secondary

school curriculum provides. The aim of this study is to develop an action plan on

the enhanced integration of sex education in the Araling Panlipunan 7 of the

K12Curriculum. Moreover, the researcher intends to investigate theeffect of sex

education toteenage pregnancy incidence among secondary school students of

Kabatan National High School, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur from 2013

to 2017.

The conceptual framework of the study in shown in Figure 1.



Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study.

Statement of the Problem

This purpose of this investigation is to determine the level of incidence of

teenage pregnancy among secondary school studentsand discover whether

there is a significant effect of sex education to teenage pregnancy incidence

among secondary school students of Kabatan National High School, Vincenzo

Sagun District, Division of Zamboanga del Sur during the school years 2013-


Particularly, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of teenage pregnancy incidence among secondary

school students from 2013 to 2017?

2. What is the level of awarenesson teenage pregnancy does sex education

in the secondary schoolcurriculum provide?

3. Is there a significant effect of sex education toteenage pregnancy

incidence among secondary school students?

4. Based on the findings, what action plan on the enhanced integration of

sex education in Araling Panlipunan 7 can be developed?



The following hypothesis was tested using the 0.05 level of

significance:There is a significant effect of sex education toteenage pregnancy

incidence among secondary school students.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will be undertaken according to the scope and limitations

projected to be able to differentiate this study from other studies in the same


Subject Matter. The concern of this study will be to determine the level of

incidence of teenage pregnancyamong secondary school students in 5 years,

toassess the level of awareness on teenage pregnancy that sex education in the

secondary school curriculum provides, and investigate theeffect of sex education

toteenage pregnancy incidence among secondary school students.

Time and Place. This study will be conducted in Kabatan National High

School, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur during the school year 2013-2017.

Research Design. This research will utilize descriptive survey and

inferential design to determine the level of incidence of teenage

pregnancyamong secondary school students in 5 years and assess the level of

awareness on teenage pregnancy that sex education in the secondary school

curriculum provides.

Research Participants. The participants of this research will belimited to

the students who were enrolled at Kabatan National High School and got

pregnant at their teenage years (12-19 years old) within years 2013-2017.

Research Instruments.The instrument of this study will be an adapted

questionnaire of two parts of which the first will contain questions on teenage

pregnancy incidence and the last part will cover queries on awareness of

teenage pregnancy from sex education.

Significance of the Study

This study will be conducted to investigate the effect of sex education to

teenage pregnancy incidence among secondary school students. The results will

be beneficial to students, parents, teachers, researchers and other interested

individual because this can serve as empirical data where actions and

interventions to minimize teenage pregnancy incidence in the school can be


Students. This research will benefit students who sare at school because

it will give them information about the cause and possible effects of teenage

pregnancy to their studies.

Parents.This will also be an advantageto the parents to enable them to

realize their great role in educating their daughters, protecting and diverting them

from indulging early sex outside marriage.


Teachers. The findings of this study will guideteachers indeveloping an

action plan on the enhanced integration of sex education in the K12 Curriculum.

Other researchers. The results of this study will be a great help to future

researchers and to other people who are interestedto know more about teenage


Definition of Terms

The following terms will be used extensively in this study and shall be

taken according to the definition given below:

Awareness. This approach corresponds

Incidence. It is the

Sex Education. A

Teenage Pregnancy. It is concerned with the

Teen. It

Structure of the Thesis

The study will consist five chapters: Chapter 1 The Problem, Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature, Chapter 3 Research Methodology, Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, and Chapter 5 Summary of

Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations.


Chapter 1 includes the introduction to the research focus. It includes the

perspective of the researcher, conceptual framework, statement of the problem,

scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, definition of terms,

and structure of the thesis.

Chapter II discusses a review of the literature related to teenage

pregnancy and sex education. The topics carefully selected are the related

research findings on the effect of sex education to teenage pregnancy incidence.

Chapter III covers and explains in detail the methodology which will be

used for this study. After a careful review of the literature on study design,

quantitative data measures will be found appropriate. Statistical analysis and

data collection methods will be described.

Chapter IV presents the findings and discussion of results.

Chapter V presents the summary of findings, the conclusions reached by

the researcher, and the recommendations forwarded relative to the results of the

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter reviews the literature related to teenage pregnancy, sex

education and effective sex education in reducing teenage pregnancy incidence

which will provide the bases for the interpretation of the data that will be gathered

far ahead.

The teenage pregnancy problem

In a proclamation from the American Academy on Pediatrics (2018)

expressed that lately, an across the country worry over the "scourge" of high

school pregnancy has created Explanations for this marvel have extended from

poor sex instruction to indiscrimination. This announcement will survey current

information and data with the goal that pediatricians in charge of the medicinal

services of young people can value the suggestions and outcomes of early

childbearing. The present issues with high school pregnancy can't be

distinguished completely without understanding immature sexual conduct and the

mainstream changes that have occurred. From 1900 to the mid 1960s, sexual

conduct in the unmarried high school populace changed. An audit of the prior

writing demonstrates that a critical increment (ten times) in the occurrence of sex

among single, high school young ladies happened in the early piece of this

century. Quantifiable changes in the mentality of teenagers toward sexuality

turned out to be strikingly evident in the 1960s. The twofold standard rehearsed

by guys started to vanish; at present, the level of sexually dynamic guys and

females is comparative.

Young people are ending up more sexually dynamic, and at a prior age.

These progressions in sexual conduct among teenagers include all fragments of

society in the United States. The more youthful the youngster, the more sporadic

and by and large inconsistent is the level of sexual movement. This conduct has

critical ramifications for viable prophylactic control. Adolescents are not by any

means wanton, as indicated by late examinations. They for the most part bind

their sexual relations to a solitary accomplice in a "monogamous" relationship

that may keep going quite a while. A few examinations have discovered that in

excess of one portion of the young ladies and three fourths of the young men met

had gambled pregnancy by having unprotected intercourse in any event once.

Moreover, this announcement has been assessed and endorsed by the

American Academy of Pediatrics' Council on Child and Adolescent Health (2018).

Teenage pregnancy and sex education in the Philippines

As per the information gathered by the Philippine Statistics Authority

(PSA), among 10 Filipinas matured somewhere in the range of 15 and 19 years

of age, one has become pregnant; 8% have moved toward becoming moms and

2% are pregnant with their first kid. From the Department of Health (DOH), the

information they have assembled appeared there have been more than 30,000

AIDS/HIV cases recorded somewhere in the range of 1984 and 2016.It can be

gathered from these measurements that the elements that have added to these

issues are the obvious confused ideas the young have about sex. It very well

may be additionally gathered they need parental direction when presented to

media not suited to their ages. This is particularly valid if obscenity is included.

Without appropriate direction, their comprehension of sex is they can get joy from

it yet are ignorant of the genuine result – the procedure of reproduction.

Young ladies are frequently the ones who pay for the results when they

get pregnant. Their absence of development makes them powerless when

constrained by their sweethearts to have intercourse as an approach to show

their adoration. However, the minute they get pregnant, they are the ones who

regularly flee from potential duties of being a parent. This is on the grounds that

they have not achieved that phase where they can completely get a handle on he

significance of love. Given this disturbing data, the administration through the

Department of Education feels it is Sex Education must be incorporated into the

educational programs of schools, particularly to Middle School and High School

understudies since they have a place with the age bunch considered "helpless."

Emphasis will be set on instructing the adolescent on how the conceptive

framework functions.

Comprehensive sex education might reduce teen pregnancies

New research proposes that thorough sex training may prompt less high

schooler pregnancy, and there are no signs that it helps the levels of sex or

sexually transmitted maladies. "It isn't hurtful to show youngsters about

contraception notwithstanding forbearance," said the investigation's lead creator.

Guardians and instructors have since quite a while ago contended about whether

understudies ought to get guideline in contraception or essentially figure out how


to state no. At issue is which approach will best delay sex. In the wake of

inspecting the outcomes, which analysts weighted to mirror the U.S. populace

better, the analysts found that Nine percent — especially poor people and those

in rustic zones — got no sex instruction by any means. The other 66% got far

reaching direction with exchange of conception prevention. Teenagers who got

exhaustive sex training were 60 percent less inclined to report getting to be

pregnant or impregnating somebody than the individuals who got no sex

education.Other review results proposed that far reaching sex instruction—

marginally decreased the probability of adolescents having occupied with vaginal

intercourse (The Center for the Advancement of Health, 2008)

Effect of sex education on teenage pregnancy among secondary school students

Majority of the teenagers 60.8% favored the school sex instruction as a

first wellspring of data contrasted with 39.20% who considered have their folks as

the main most favored wellspring of data on sex. Past examinations demonstrate

that when Nigerian youthful young ladies, particularly those in the Niger Delta,

end up pregnant they drop out of school and may never return again yet turn out

to be low level workers or knaves to the general public. This examination

researched the degree of adolescents association in sex, pre-manner of females

to pregnancy in the Niger Delta of Nigeria, the level of availability of guardians to

encourage their high school little girls on the off chance that they end up

pregnant, the level of sex training in optional schools, the substance and setting

of sex instruction in the Biology educational modules and how it is reflected in the

National approach on training and furthermore inspected the need to survey the

arrangement opposite sex instruction. The examination received a review

configuration utilizing Likert-reaction surveys to evoke reactions from

understudies, guardians, optional school young people and Biology educators.

The after effects of the investigation utilizing recurrence checks, rates, and

examination of difference (ANOVA) uncovered that high school pregnancy is on

the expansion in the Niger Delta, sex instruction isn't given a position of need in

the Education National Policy, educators bashful far from encouraging it in

schools, guardians don't bolster sex training in schools however there is a dire

need to fuse it into the Biology educational programs.

Relationship between teenage pregnancy and the sex

The after effect of the Chi-square test uncovered that there was no huge

connection between high school pregnancy and the sex training got. The

outcome demonstrated that there was no distinction in the proportion of the

individuals who got sex training and got pregnant to the individuals who did not

get sex instruction This finding proposes that the sex training got in schools does

not have any huge impact on the level of high school pregnancy. This finding is in

accordance with the investigation of Bonellet et al (2003) which uncovered that

sex instruction turns out to be less compelling a direct result of financial burden

and abhorrence of school. Those loathing school will probably have sex, expect

sex by age 16, and hope to be guardians by the age of 20. Oettinger (1999)

likewise underpins this examination that enrolment in sex training was related

with before sexual action for females. Sex training likewise was related with

before pregnancy for a few gatherings of females, however these impacts were

littler and not in every case factually noteworthy. Be that as it may, in these

ongoing years, inquire about has over and again discovered that sex training

which gives precise, finish, and formatively suitable data on human sexuality,

including hazard decrease techniques and contraception enables youngsters to

find a way to ensure their wellbeing, including deferring sex, utilizing condoms or

contraception, and being monogamous.

A 2012 investigation of from the National Survey of Family Growth

analyzed 66 complete sexual hazard decrease programs observed them to be a

successful general wellbeing technique to lessen pre-adult pregnancy, HIV, and

STIs. The examination evaluated the effect of sexuality training on youth sexual

hazard taking for youngsters ages 15-19 and found that teenagers who got

complete sex instruction were 50 percent less inclined to encounter pregnancy

than the individuals who got forbearance just until-marriage programs.

Notwithstanding representing contrasts in family wage and instruction, states

which show sex training as well as HIV instruction that spreads restraint and

contraception, have a tendency to have the least pregnancy rates.

A need for comprehensive sex education

Numerous nations keep on experiencing high frequency of young

pregnancy in spite of the intercession procedures that have been set up. In 1990

roughly 530,000 youngsters in the United States ended up pregnant, 51% of

whom conceived an offspring (Coley and Chase-Lansdale, 1998 refered to by

Maseko, 2003). The consequences of this examination of Beatrice (2013) on rate

of young pregnancy among youths in Ibadan city uncovered the truth of the high

school pregnancy in the territory of study. The immature favored data from

guardians, medicinal specialists, and sexual facilities contrasted with that from

some other source. In spite of the fact that the level of sex training is impressively

high, what is obvious is that the sex instruction accessible isn't adequate to

address the issues of young pregnancy in the district. The outcome exhibited that

there is high rate of young pregnancy among the teenagers examined in this

examination. In this way more is should have been finished with respect to the

sort and nature of sex instruction in Nigeria. Clearly, absence of value sex

training assumes a noteworthy noticeable part in the execution of this social

issue. A thorough sex training is the sort that will stress the estimation of

restraint, yet additionally to furnish youngsters with the instruments and

information that will probably prompt more capable conduct should they choose

to engage in sexual relations by any means. Programs to reduce teen pregnancy

In 1997, most studies assessing the impact of programs to reduce teen

sexual risk-taking failed either to measure or to find sustained long-term impact

on behavior. However in 2001, 4 years later, the research findings are definitely

more positive, and there are at least five important reasons to be more optimistic

that we can craft programs that help to reduce teen pregnancy as stated by

(Kirby, 2013). First, teen pregnancy, abortion, and birth rates began to decrease

about 1991 and have continued to decline every year since then. Second, larger,

more rigorous studies of some sex and HIV education programs have found

sustained positive effects on behavior for as long as 3 years. Third, there is now

good evidence that one program that combines both sexuality education and

youth development (i.e., the Children's Aid Society—Carrera Program) can

reduce pregnancies for as long as 3 years. Fourth, both service learning

programs (i.e., voluntary community service with group discussions and

reflection) and sex and HIV education programs (i.e., Reducing the Risk) have

been found to reduce sexual risk-taking or pregnancy in several settings by

independent research teams. Fifth, there is emerging evidence that some

shorter, more modest clinic interventions involving educational materials coupled

with one-on-one counselling may increase contraceptive use.

Sex education reduces teenage pregnancy

Generally, teenagers were not given any data on sexual issues, with

dialog of these issues being viewed as forbidden. Such direction as was given

was generally left to a youngster's folks, and regularly this was postponed until

just before a kid's marriage. The vast majority of the data on sexual issues were

gotten casually from companions and the media, and a lot of this data was of

dubious esteem. Quite a bit of such data was normally known to be lacking,

particularly amid the period following adolescence when interest of sexual issues

was the most intense. This inadequacy turned out to be progressively apparent

by the expanding frequency of high school pregnancies, particularly in Western

nations after the 1960s. As a major aspect of every nation's endeavors to

decrease such pregnancies, projects of sex instruction were organized. The

straightforward truth is that sex instruction is the main beyond any doubt

approach to help avert high school pregnancy. Adolescents experience a sexual

transformation of sorts; there is a desire to become more established than one's


age and the real changes that reflect makes one mindful of one's sexuality. There

are a considerable measure of inquiries running in one's psyche right now, thus it

is essential that they find every one of the solutions that are fundamental for

them to remain safe. There are a great deal of youngsters who are candidly

unable to adapt to their sexual advancement, and along these lines need bolster.

They get this help through sex training, and feel more loose and brooded. Others

are out and out humiliated to trust in somebody about the progressions that are

experiencing their body, and at last an auspicious sex instruction can be of huge

help to the young people. Once a young lady becomes acquainted with that she

has odds of getting pregnant in the event that she has unprotected sex then she

will reconsider before making a stride. A kid in a similar way would not have any

desire to get somebody pregnant and make intricacies when he takes in the

same. Frequently youthful adolescents would rather avoid easygoing sex and

defer their sexual experience until the point that they achieve a more established

age. There is a requirement for them to comprehend the esteem and the

significance of sex, and that is to state how sex remains as an imperative column

in adoration, marriage and family life. Adolescent years are the perfect time for

youngsters to comprehend the essential mental and physical contrasts between

both the genders. It is additionally critical to think about the diverse responses of

man and lady about the distinctive physical substances of adoration. Sex training

can decrease high school pregnancy.


Associations between sexuality education in schools and adolescent births

For this related investigation, a group of scientists driven by Rehg (2012)

of the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University of St. Louis analyzed

the impacts of sex instruction hones on immature birth rates, while controlling for

statistic, religious and political variables at the state level. The analysts noticed

that in general, adolescent birth rates in the U.S. have been on the decay since

the 1960s, in spite of the fact that there was a slight uptick in 2006 and 2007

preceding the rates started to decrease once more. In spite of the general

descending pattern, U.S. adolescent birth rates remain lopsidedly high

contrasted and other created nations. Intensive examination of school-based sex

instruction programs is fundamental to better understanding the projects' effect

on adolescents' sexual practices. The analysts looked at the connection between

youngster birth rates and the normal score for all sex training subjects, and also

with every particular theme. They incorporated the year in their examination "to

represent drifts in pre-adult birth rates that couldn't be clarified by any of our

deliberate factors after some time."

The outcomes uncovered that from 1996 through 2004, a "generally high"

level of schools in the 24 states showed sex training themes, in spite of the fact

that the rate that included direction on the best way to utilize a condom was

much lower, the analysts found. Gold country had the least normal score of sex

training points educated (68.8%) and New York had the most noteworthy (91%).

The higher a state's religiosity, the less condom instruction was educated.

Political philosophy additionally was related with a large portion of the sex

training subjects, "showing that the more liberal the express, the greater sexuality

instruction points were educated," the specialists found.

The normal birth rate for young ladies ages 15 through 17 was 25.6 births

for every 1,000 young ladies, which step by step declined to 17.7 births for each

1,000 young ladies in 2005. New Hampshire had the most minimal normal birth

rate amid the examination time frame (9.7 for each 1,000) and Arkansas had the

most astounding (34.8 for every 1,000). Inside states, changes in youngster birth

rates after some time were not related with changes in a large portion of the sex

instruction subjects. At the point when the specialists analyzed information

between states, they found that states with higher normal rates of schools

showing sex training themes had a tendency to have bring down youngster birth

rates. A 1% expansion in a state's normal score over all sex training themes

educated was related with 0.6 less births for each 1,000 young ladies ages 15

through 17, they found. There was a noteworthy relationship between teenager

birth rates and eight of the 13 sex training points: HIV anticipation, pregnancy

counteractive action, sexually transmitted contamination aversion, restraint as

the best strategy to dodge HIV disease, how HIV is transmitted, condom,

adequacy, how to utilize a condom and human sexuality.

Nonetheless, for huge numbers of the themes, the relationship with

teenager birth rates lost noteworthiness in the wake of altering for the time

pattern and statistic attributes. Inside states, the higher the extent of whites, the

lower the birth rates were. Between states, both a higher normal destitution level

and more elevated amount of religiosity were related with a higher youngster

birth rate. States without laws requiring parental contribution in minors' premature

births had a tendency to have bring down adolescent birth rates, contrasted and

states with such laws. In this way, higher adolescent birth rates were related with

destitution and with minority status, and additionally more traditionalist state

attributes, including higher religiosity and stricter fetus removal laws. At long last,

the fundamental discoveries uncovered that sexuality training was not related

with youngster birth rates once religiosity measures and fetus removal strategy

were incorporated into the investigation," they included. In this way, the

arrangement of sex instruction did "not autonomously clarify the significant

varieties in youthful birth rates found crosswise over theories states," as per the


Isolating the impacts of state qualities from the impacts of sex instruction

on teenager birth rates is "mind boggling," however there are a few conceivable

clarifications for the higher youngster birth rates in more traditionalist expresses,

the specialists proceeded. One conceivable clarification is that more moderate

and religious states don't completely execute sex training programs; it

additionally is conceivable that youngsters in those states tend to dismiss the

instructive messages. Another plausibility is that female teenagers in states with

more preservationist esteems, higher religiosity and stricter fetus removal laws

are less inclined to have a premature birth, contrasted and their companions in

different states. In conclusion, the analysts encouraged policymakers in


moderate states with high youngster birth rates to "logically distinguish strategies

to diminish the rate," including by grasping exhaustive sex training.

"Policymakers, medicinal services suppliers, specialists and other key partners

should reasonably address these frustrating issues while assessing and

executing sexuality instruction programs," with the adolescent birth rate as their

metric of achievement or disappointment, the scientists composed.

Evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention curriculum

Proceeded with endeavors are expected to lessen adolescent pregnancy

in the United States, this is based from the investigation of Workman, L. M.,

Flynn, S., Kenison, K., and Prince, M. (2015). Usage of proof based educational

module in schools is one technique toward meeting this objective. In 2010, the

South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (SC Campaign) got

subsidizing to execute a teenager pregnancy counteractive action (TPP)

educational modules. Consistent with South Carolina law, the educational

programs must be affirmed by a school region warning board of trustees. A

contextual analysis was led to investigate factors that prompted appropriation of

the educational modules in a single school region. Inside and out meetings (n =

17) were led with school area staff, warning board individuals, network partners,

and SC Campaign staff. An inductive examination recognized a few key subjects

that advanced educational modules appropriation: creating systems among TPP

advocates, associations with nearby media, setting up a school locale duty to

address TPP, amassing a different warning board of trustees, an exhaustive

educational modules endorsement process, and using the skill of the SC


Campaign. TPP educational modules selection might be encouraged through

backing endeavors, network and school associations, and the execution of a

thorough endorsement process that considers different partners including

guardians, school heads, understudies, and confidence network pioneers.

Based on the review of related literature, it has been found that there is a

scarcity of materials related to the positive effect of sex education to teenage

pregnancy incidence that yielded results on reduction in the past years.

However, in the recent times, there are few emerging studies which give hope to

a more comprehensive sex education which can bring about significant effect of

sex education to reduce teenage pregnancy incidence. Hence, this study is

proposed to determine the level of incidence of teenage pregnancyamong

secondary school students in 5 years,assess the level of awareness on teenage

pregnancy that sex education in the secondary school curriculum provides, and

investigate theeffect of sex education toteenage pregnancy incidence among

secondary school students. These steps will be taken to attain the end goal

ofdeveloping an action plan on the enhanced integration of sex education

particularly in the Araling Panlipunan 7 of the K12 Curriculum.


Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research methodology of the study. It includes

discussion on the research design and research methods covering the research

environment, research subjects, sampling techniques, instrumentation, data

gathering techniques, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will employ descriptive survey and inferential design.

Descriptive survey research design is used to allow researchers to gather

information, summarize, present and interpret data for the purpose of clarification

(Orodho, 2003). The descriptive survey research is intended to produce

statistical information about the level of teenage pregnancy incidence and level of

awareness on teenage pregnancy from sex education. The descriptive research

design is suitable because the researcher collected data and report it the way the

situation is without manipulating any variables. Inferential statistics design is to

reach conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data alone. Inferential

statistics is the way to understand how accessible data can help to explain

unknown relationships and social realities (Abbon, 2016).


Research Environment

The site of this examination is in Kabatan National High School, situated in

barangay Kabatan, of Vincenzo Sagun, territory of Zamboanga del Sur. The

Kabatan National High School (KNHS) is one of the Independent Schools in the

Division of Zamboanga del Sur. It is the mother school of the three extensions of

Vincenzo Sagun District optional schools: Judge Edmundo Pinga National High

School, which now have its own plantilla as an administered school, Cogon

National High School, and Sagucan National High School, an enacted school by

Republic Act No. 9556. Presently the school is managed by Mrs. Nenita R.

Rivera, with forty eight (48) teachers and five (5) non-teaching staff.

KNHS is 1.5 kilometers from the city corridor with three feeder schools

listed as Vincenzo Sagun Central School, Waling-waling Elementary School and

Talaptap Elementary School. At introduce it has almost a thousand students who

are supported by 90% of the parents and guardians whose fundamental

wellspring of living are fishing, faming, and carpentry, and 10% of them are

government employees (School Improvement Plan, 2012).

Research Participants

The participants of this research will be the thirty (30) students who were

enrolled at Kabatan National High School and got pregnant at their teenage

years (12-19 years old) within years 2013-2017.


Sampling Techniques

Due to the fact that the study is focusing on a specialized population

(teenagers) purposive sampling method was adopted.


One challenge educators and evaluators face in measuring engagement is

determining the appropriateness of the available instruments, especially given

limited time to review the literature. The teenage pregnancy incidence and

awareness on teenage pregnancy questionnaires will be adapted from the study

of Salami (2015) entitled “Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the Niger

Delta: Implications for Secondary School Biology Curriculum in Nigeria”. They

were designed to measure the level of incidence of teenage pregnancy and

assess level of awareness on teenage pregnancy from sex education in the

secondary school curriculum.

The hypothetical mean range to be used to interpret the data is as follows:

to determine the level of incidence of teenage pregnancy and assess level of

awareness on teenage pregnancy

1.00-1.75 Very Low 1.76-2.50 Low

2.51-3.25 Average 3.26-4.00 High


Data Gathering Techniques

For this study, the researcher will follow the right procedure in obtaining

relevant documents for the study. The researcher will seek research permission

from the schools division superintendent of Zamboanga del Sur and from the

school principal of Kabatan National High School. Then will proceed to make

appointments with the selected subjects. The researcher will attach a cover letter

to the questionnaire requesting the respondents to participate in the study. The

data from the questionnaire will be collected, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment

Data generated will be subjected to descriptive statistics of frequency

counts and percentage analysis. Additionally, descriptive statistical tools such as

weighted mean will be employed to establish the condition of variables under

study and inferential statistical tool such as test for repeated measures Paired

Sample T-test will be utilized to determine whether there is a significant effect of

sex education to teenage pregnancy incidence.

Processing of data will be done using the Statistical Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS) Version 2.0 for more accurate and reliable results. Using

computer technology in statistical process is substantial in ensuring the accuracy

and reliability of results.


Ethical Considerations in Research

This study will put in deliberation certain ethical subjects wherein all

respondents will report their written response regarding their contribution through

signed consent letters. This is to reinstate self-assurance on the respondents that

their participation will be premeditated and that they may straightforwardly

withdraw for any reason. Subsequently, the respondents and their parents will be

knowledgeable about the purpose of this research since the respondents are

underage. They will be comforted that their responses will be treated confidential

and used only for intellectual purpose.


American Academy on Pediatrics (2018). Statement on Teenage Pregnancy.

Pediatrics: Committee on Adolescence. Pediatrics 63 (5), 795. Retrieved
from on August 27,

Beatrice, O. F. (2013). The effect of sex education on teenage pregnancy

among secondary school students in Ibadan Metropolis. IOSR Journal of
Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). 17 (4), 59-64 e-ISSN: 2279-
0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. Retrieved from on
August 20, 2018.

GMA News Online (2012) Teenage pregnancy in PHL highest among 6 major
ASEAN economies—UNFPA Retrieved from on August 22, 2018.

Kirby, D. (2013) Emerging Answers: Research Findings on Programs to Reduce

Teen Pregnancy (Summary). American Journal of Health Education 32(6),
348-355. Retrieved from
on August 27, 2018.

Microsoft Encarta (2007). Teenage pregnancy.

Rehg, (2012)

Salami, M. O. (2017). Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the Niger Delta:
Implications for Secondary School Biology Curriculum in Nigeria. World
Journal of Education, 5 (3), 73-78 EJ1158522, ISSN-1925-0746.
Retrieved from
on August 21, 2018.

The Center for the Advancement of Health. (2008). Comprehensive Sex

Education Might Reduce Teen Pregnancies, Study Suggests. Science
Daily. Retrieved from on August
27, 2018.

Workman, L. M., Flynn, S., Kenison, K., & Prince, M. (2015). Adoption of an
Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Curriculum: A Case Study in
a South Carolina School District. American Journal of Sexuality Education,
10 (1), 70-85. EJ1055753, ISSN-1554-6128. Retrieved from on August 22, 2018.

World Health Organization (2018). Adolescent Pregnancy. Retrieved from on
August 20, 2018.
PEDIATRICS Vol. 63 No. 5 May 197

Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Dao, Pagadian City

March 26, 2018

The Principal
Kabatan National High School
Senior High School Department
This Division



Attached herewith is a letter from Rowena A. Adavan, Researcher,

Master of Arts in Education of Southern Mindanao Colleges, which asked
permission to conduct the research in your school entitled “Effect of Sex
Education on Teenage Pregnancy Incidence Among Secondary School
Students” of which the Office approves, provided that as stipulated in DO 9 s.
2005- Instituting Measures to Increased Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring
Compliance therewith be observed.

Please be guided.


Schools Division Superintendent

October , 2018


Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Pagadian City



The undersigned is presently taking Master of Arts in Education Major in History

at Southern Mindanao Colleges, Pagadian City. I am in the process of writing my
research paper entitled “Effect of Sex Education on Teenage Pregnancy
Incidence among Secondary School Students”.

In this regard, I would like to ask permission from your office to conduct the study
at Kabatan National High School, District of Vincenzo Sagun. The respondents
will be the Grade 7-12 students who were enrolled at Kabatan National High
School and got pregnant at their teenage years (12-19 years old) within years
2013-2017. All of them are currently enrolled in the present school year 2018-

I am looking forward to your favorable action on this regard. I do hope and would
be very grateful for the approval of this request.

Very truly yours,



, Ed.D.
Dean- SMC Graduate School

Approved by:


Schools Division Superintendent

March 26, 2018

School Principal
Kabatan National High School
Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur



The undersigned is presently taking Master of Arts in Education Major in History

at Southern Mindanao Colleges, Pagadian City. I am in the process of writing my
research paper entitled “Effect of Sex Education on Teenage Pregnancy
Incidence among Secondary School Students”.

In this regard, I would like to ask permission from your office to conduct the study
at Kabatan National High School, District of Vincenzo Sagun. The respondents
will be the Grade 7-12 students who were enrolled at Kabatan National High
School and got pregnant at their teenage years (12-19 years old) within years
2013-2017. All of them are currently enrolled in the present school year 2018-

I am looking forward to your favorable action on this regard. I do hope and would
be very grateful for the approval of this request.

Very truly yours,



, Ed.D.
Dean- SMC Graduate School


Schools Principal
Appendix B

Directions: The following items describe the teenage pregnancy incidence and

awareness on teenage pregnancy from sex education. Please encircle the

number that represents your response as to:

4- Very true to me 2- Not true to me

3- True to me 1- Very not true to me

No. Item Responses

Teenage Pregnancy Incidence 4 3 2 1
Awareness on Teenage Pregnancy from Sex

Appendix C

Research Participant’s Informed Consent Form

Title of Study: Effect of Sex Education on Teenage Pregnancy

Incidence among Secondary School Students

Name of the Researcher: Rowena A. Adavan

Directions: Please put a check mark inside the box before

each item if you agree the conditions being

I am assured of the confidentiality of my responses. I am also assured that

my anonymity will also be kept confidential at the strictest level.

I am requested to participate at my own will. I understand that my

requested participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time
upon giving a valid reason.

I agree to take part in the above study.

I confirm that I have read and understood the consent form dated;

__________ for the above study and have had the opportunity to raise questions.

_______________________ _____________ ______________

Name of Participant (Optional) Date Signature

Rowena A. Adavan _____________ ______________

Researcher Date Signature

Curriculum Vitae

[Insert picture in toga]

Name : Rowena A. Adavan

Date Birth :

Place of Birth :

Present Address : Poblacion, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur

Parents :

Address : Poblacion, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur

Educational Background

Graduate Studies : Southern Mindanao Colleges

Pagadian City

Tertiary : Central Mindanao University


Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Business Technology (March 20__)

Secondary : Kabatan National High School

Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur (March 20__)

Elementary : Vincenzo Sagun Central Elementary School

Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur (March 19__)

Eligibility : Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)

August 20__

Work Experience : Teacher I

Kabatan National High School- Junior High School

Kabatan, Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur

February 2008- present

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