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PRN E006401 August 2020

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy

Watching Brief Report

Westville, Undy

Prepared For:
Monmouthshire City Council
Planning Application No: DM/2019/00706

Report: Mr. S. Reames

QA: Dr. N. Phillips
A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20


Site Name: Westville Undy, Monmouthshire

Site Code: WB/WU/20

PRN: E006401

NPRN : -

SAM: -

Other Ref No: -

NGR: 343389 186938

Site Type: Residential

Project Type: Watching Brief

Project Officer: Dr N. Phillips

Site Director Mr S. Reames

Project Dates: July 2020

Location of Original Archive: APAC. Ltd

Location of duplicate digital

Archives: GGAT (HER), RCAHMW,

Location of material archive None

Number of Finds Boxes: None

Location of Finds: -

Copyright: APAC. Ltd

Restrictions to access: None

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20


A.P.A.C. Ltd was commissioned by the Client to carry out an archaeological watching brief on land to the
rear of Westville, Undy (centred on National Grid Reference (NGR): ST 43389 86938).

A series of conjoined trenches were excavated to the rear and side of the property which revealed modern
intrusion and deliberate backfilling immediately surrounding the property and along the boundary line.
Within this disturbed material, residual Roman pottery was retrieved as well as possible building

The remainder of the Site revealed a sequence of natural geological layers.

No undisturbed archaeological material was encountered within the development area.

Comisiynwyd APAC Cyf. gan y cleient i gwblhau gorchwyl gwylio archeolegol ar dir y tu ôl i Westville,
Gwndy (wedi’i ganoli ar Gyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol (CGC): ST ST 43389 86938).

Cloddiwyd cyfres o ffosydd cydgysylltiedig y tu ôl i’r eiddo ac i’r naill ochr ohono a ddatgelodd
ymyrraeth fodern ac ôl-lenwi bwriadol o gwmpas yr eiddo ac ar hyd llinell y ffin derfyn. O fewn y
deunydd y tarfwyd arno, cafwyd hyd i grochenwaith Rhufeinig gweddilliol yn ogystal â deunydd
adeiladu posibl.

Datgelodd gweddill y safle ddilyniant o haenau daearegol naturiol.

Ni ddaethpwyd o hyd i ddeunydd archeolegol nas tarfwyd arno o fewn ardal y datblygiad.

Copyright Notice: A.P.A.C. Ltd retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100045677) to reproduce map information; Copyright
remains otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover photograph: Post Excavation Image of Site, DSC01011 (© A.P.A.C. Ltd 2020)

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Contents........................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Location ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Topography and Geology ................................................................................................................ 5
Brief Archaeological and Historical Background ........................................................................... 6
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 6
Results ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Finds ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Ceramic ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Glass ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Metal............................................................................................................................................ 8
Bone ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Lithic ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Finds Summary ........................................................................................................................... 8
Environmental ................................................................................................................................. 9
Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Archive ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 10
Copyright ....................................................................................................................................... 10

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20


Figure 1 Location
Figure 2 Map progressions, 6inch Monmouthshire 2a XXXV NW 1899. 2b XXXV 1918
Figure 3 Post-Excavation Plan of Site
Figure 4 Representative Section
Figure 5 Representative Sections

Plate 1 Southwest facing section of property boundary
Plate 2 Southwest facing section of modern service trench [112]
Plate 3 Southeast facing section of property foundation trench

Appendix I Context Index and Matrix
Appendix II Finds Index & Assemblage Plates
Appendix III Complete Site Photograph List

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20


This report results from a condition: (3), to a planning application for a single-storey side and rear extension at
Westville, Main Road, Undy, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, NP26 3EH (hereafter the Site), centred on National Grid
Reference (NGR): ST 43389 86938. The planning application (DM/2019/01706) was made to Monmouthshire City
Council (hereafter MCC) by Mr T. Finnis of Mistral Architects & Surveyors, (hereafter the Agent) on behalf of the

Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (hereafter GGAT); advisors to MCC were consulted as part of this
application and confirmed that ‘the proposal would require archaeological mitigation’, MON/2409/HB by reason of
the position of the site within the Archaeologically Sensitive Area of the Gwent Levels, and previous archaeological
works in the area, have uncovered evidence from Prehistoric period habitation, Roman, Medieval and Post med.

As a result of the historical importance of the area GGAT advised:

‘It is considered that whilst the ground has previously been disturbed, there is still a high potential, as
previous archaeological investigations have shown, for disturbed archaeological remains and features
to be encountered during the proposed works’


Following that advice, the planning application approval, condition 3 states:

‘No development shall take place until the applicant, their agents or successors in title, has secured
agreement for a written scheme of historic environment mitigation which shall be submitted to and
approved by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the programme of work will be fully carried out in
accordance with the requirements and standards of the written scheme’

‘Reason: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during the works, in
order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource, in accordance with the
requirements of Technical Advice Note (TAN) 24: The Historic Environment (2017).’


The required WSI was prepared by APAC, Ltd and sent, by way of the Agent, to MCC where it was approved in
March 2020. The watching brief was undertaken in June/July of 2020 during the intrusive groundworks associated
with the proposed development and were supervised and conducted by Simon Reames in June and July 2020. The
report was written by Simon Reames.


The Site is located at the western extreme of Undy village which lies approximately 10km east of Newport and 4km
west of Caldicot, Gwent (Figure 1). NGR: 343389 186938

Topography and Geology

The Site occupies a predominantly rectangular parcel of land encompassing an area of approximately 241.54m² and
contains a gradual slope which lies at an elevation of 10m above Ordnance Datum (AOD) at the south-eastern extent
before falling to 8.9m aOD to the northwest. The Site is bounded to the northeast and southwest by neighbouring
residential structures, to the southeast by railway lines and to the northwest by the current Westville domestic

The underlying natural geology of the area comprises Black Rock Limestone (British Geological Survey, 2020) and
superficial deposits of clay bands.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20

Brief Archaeological and Historical Background

The origin of the name Undy is uncertain with various early references made to Mundi (c.1200) and Gwndi (c.
1566). The precise derivation of the Undy therefore is unclear, however, it maybe an amalgam of the Welsh words
Gwen (white) and Tŷ (house), the latter, possibly indicative of a holy place or abode (Owen & Morgan, 2007) cited
in (APAC.Ltd. WB2/UN2/16).

As stated above in the introduction above: GGAT, advised that the area has evidence of activity and even settlement
from prehistory to present. There is evidence for Roman settlement and activity within the area including: ‘an
inhumation discovered within a stone sarcophagus (05669g; 06232g; E002287; NMW: 96.27H/1, 96.27H/2)’ ‘a
second or third century cremation burial (11198g) and a Roman agricultural building (11197g)’… op. cit.

St Mary’s Church, whilst rebuilt during the later nineteenth century, has surviving architectural elements suggesting
a thirteenth century construction phase but there is also in close proximity, ‘the remains of a possible medieval strip
field (06230g)…’ op. cit.
‘Post-Medieval buildings are known between Whitewall and Arch Farm (06231g) and a World War II Air Raid
Shelter (09574g; E003382) is also quite close’, op. cit.

Archaeological work in the area has noted a number of interventions producing no significant archaeological
material such as APAC Ltd, E000953 and Monmouth Archaeology, E006020, both at about 100m away;
however two exceptions were a LiDAR survey carried out by Wessex Archaeology in 2011 (E002680) where 50
new potential sites were identified and Monmouth Archaeology’s Watching Brief in which a possible Roman pit
and post-medieval wall were discovered (E003342) 38 meters to the east.

Map progression show no evidence of any structures as late as 1899 fig 02a with the area shown to be orchard.
The later 1918 revision published in 1922, 02b shows four pair of detached houses with front and back gardens:
fronting onto Main Road and rears backing onto the railway line.

Aims and Objectives

The aims of an archaeological watching brief, as defined by the Charted Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA, 2014)

• To ensure that any buried remains located within the development area are fully investigated and recorded
if revealed as a consequence of the site works;
• To provide an opportunity for the archaeologists present to signal to all interested parties, before the
destruction of the material in question, that an archaeological fid has been made for which the resources of
the watching brief itself are not sufficient to support treatment to a satisfactory and proper standard;
• If such a find is made, representatives of both the client and the regional Development Control
Officer/County Archaeologist will be informed and a site meeting organised, as appropriate.

In accordance with the agreed Written Scheme of Investigation (A.P.A.C., 2020) the general aims of the watching
brief were to:

• Establish the presence/absence of archaeological structures or other significant features within the works
• Elucidate the character, distribution, extent and importance of any identified archaeological deposits;
• Preserve by record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits uncovered during


All land within the boundaries of the Site were subjected to archaeological monitoring.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20

The land within the footprint of the development area was opened by a 1.5 tonne tracked mechanical excavator
fitted with a grading bucket. The overburden was excavated down, under constant archaeological supervision, to the
top of the archaeological horizon or undisturbed natural geology, whichever occurred first.

All spoil from the excavation was visually examined for artefacts.

A unique site code (WB/WU/20) was allocated for all aspects of the project archive produced as a result of the on-
site works. All recording was undertaken using A.P.A.C. Ltd’s pro forma recording system. Sections and plans
were drawn at recognised scales on drafting film as necessary. Digital photographs were taken in high resolution
Jpeg or RAW format before conversion to TIFF format for archival storage.

All work was carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work act 1974 and the Management of Health
and Safety Regulations 1992.

Health and Safety considerations were of paramount importance in conducting all fieldwork. Safe working practises
overrode archaeological considerations at all times.

A risk assessment for the works was drawn up by A.P.A.C. Ltd and made available to all staff on site prior to the
commencement of the project.


All structures are denotated with brackets { }, deposits with curved brackets ( ) surfaces with angled brackets < >
and cut with square brackets [ ].

The watching brief comprised monitoring of approximately 192.89m³ of ground reduction within the Site (Figure 3)
for the foundation trenches.

The on-site watching brief was conducted over a period of a six days.

The installation of a soakaway situated that the south-eastern extent of the site was abandoned after the initial
excavation revealed impermeable clays unsuitable for a soakaway. All storm water was routed into existing
drainage runs.

The existing mains sewer line bisected the central area of the development on an approximate northeast to southwest
alignment. In areas where the foundation trenches crossed the sewer pipe, the ground was excavated by a further
0.25m in depth, 0.5m to each side of the exposed pipe. This was in order for blockwork and a lintel to bridge over
the pipe.

Superficial geology (102) and (110), which consisted of impermeable clays, was encountered at a depth of 0.42m
beneath present day ground level (9.85m aOD) in the south-eastern extreme of the Site and at a depth of 0.35m
(8.87m aOD) across the centre of the Site (Figure 4).

Immediately above the superficial geology was subsoil (101) which extended the length and breadth of the Site and
measured, on average, 0.27m in depth. The final dig depth for the foundations of the development were reached
within this deposit immediately southwest of the current Westville property.

The north-eastern boundary of the development (Plate 1, Figure 5) revealed a sequence of deposits consisting of
deliberate dumps of redeposited material. No cut was apparent therefore deposit (106) immediately overlay subsoil
(101) and consisted of a silty-clay material interpreted as a mixed subsoil immediately redeposited around a modern
salt-glaze pipe. Deposit (106) also contained two pieces of shaped limestone as well as a single sherd of pottery.

Immediately succeeding deposit (106) was a mixed dump of consolidation material (107) followed by a band of
redeposited natural clays (108). Deposit (108) was truncated by service trench [112] which consisted of vertical,
A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20

straight sides and a flat base and ran on a northeast to southwest alignment. Cut [112] contained a single mixed
redeposited fill (113) around a modern salt-glazed pipe (Plate 2). This in turn was followed by a further dump of
material (109) used as a bedding layer for a salt-glazed pipe running on a southeast to northwest alignment down the
garden. Modern topsoil (100) overlay the pipe and extended across the width and length of the development.

Immediately southeast of the current house structure, subsoil layer (101) was truncated by the foundation cut for the
current property [111] (Plate 3). Cut [111] contained a deliberate dump of consolidation and levelling material
(103) followed by the present Westville domestic structure {104}. To the immediate southwest of property {104}
was a small concrete patio surface <105> which abutted structure {104}.


The watching brief produced a limited range of finds and a complete finds index of all artefacts retrieved during the
excavation is listed in Appendix 2


A total of 17 ceramic fragments were recovered during the watching brief; nine sherds from deposit (100), eight
from deposit (103) and a single sherd from deposit (106).

Deposits (100) and (103) contained modern pottery dating from the 19th to the 20th centuries.

Deposit (106) contained a single sherd of Black Burnished Ware dating to the Roman period.


A total of 22 glass fragments were retrieved during the watching brief. Deposit (100) contained four glass
fragments/bottles and deposit (103) contained 18 glass bottles.

All bottles were dated to between the 19th and 20th centuries.


A single metal artefact was retrieved from deposit (103) and was dated to the late 19th to early 20th century.


A single animal bone fragment was recovered from deposit (100).


A total of two limestone pieces were recovered from deposit (106).

Finds Summary

The limited finds assemblage from Westville, Undy represents a predominantly modern date.

Of interest are the artefacts retrieved from deposit (106). The two limestone pieces are most probably construction
material although their primary purpose cannot be established.

The single Roman pottery sherd retrieved from the same deposit suggests a Roman presence within the vicinity.
The disturbed nature of deposit (106) and the presence of salt-glazed pipe confirm all artefacts within the deposit are
residual, however, it does confirm the presence of archaeological resources within the vicinity.

All finds were returned to the client.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20


No material suitable for environmental analysis was demonstrated to be present within the impacted areas.


The watching brief undertaken at Westville, Undy was unsuccessful in identifying any in situ archaeological
remains within the development area.

The south-western extent of the Site consists predominantly of a thick subsoil (101) which overlies natural clays

The eastern boundary of the property revealed a sequence of deliberate backfills following previous groundworks
associated with the construction of the current Westville property. The earliest disturbed backfill (106) contained
potential worked building material and Roman ceramics however, given the disturbed nature of the layer, these
artefacts may not be contemporary however, this do indicate the potential for in situ archaeological resources within
the vicinity.

The area immediately southeast of the current Westville property revealed the foundations of the property are
bedded into subsoil (101) with a dump of modern consolidation material (103) used as a levelling deposit before the
current structure was constructed.

The final dig depth for the development, at its north-western extent, was located within subsoil layer (101) which
resulted in all archaeological features at a deeper depth remaining preserved in situ.


The archive will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage,
MoRPHE V1.2 (2015) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed. The project archives will consist of all
original records, and all documentation that relates to the watching brief; copies of the WSI and any relevant
correspondence will be included.

The original archive for the watching brief will be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A copy of the data archive will be deposited with RCAHMW within keeping with their published guidelines:

A further copy of the digital archive will be deposited with GGAT HER in keeping with their published guidelines:

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief and with the
agreement of the landowner.

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales.


A.P.A.C. Ltd would like to thank the client for granting access to the site and to the on-site contractor for their
assistance throughout the excavation. Thanks also to Mr A. Phillips for finds processing and analysis.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Westville, Undy WB/WU/20


A.P.A.C. Ltd, 2019, Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching Brief: WB/WU/20 Westville,
Undyt, WSI:WB/WU/20, Project No: 498

British Geological Survey, 2020, Geology of Britain Viewer,

(accessed 28.07.2020)

Charted Institute for Archaeologists, 2014, Standard and Guidance for an Archaeological Watching Brief

Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974

Management of Health and Safety Regulations, 1992

Owen, H.W. and Morgan, R., 2007, Dictionary of the Place Names of Wales, Gomer, Llandysul


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the
project as described in this Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Business Park, Monmouth, NP25 3SR

Tel: 01600891584. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips .BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. MCIFA.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
A.P.A.C. Ltd :WB/WU/20
Westville, Undy

Fig 01: Location

Westville, Undy

Fig 02a: Location

Ordnance Survey Monmouthshire XXXV NW 1889 6”-mile

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 02b: Location

Ordnance Survey Monmouthshire XXXV 1918 6”-mile

A.P.A.C. Ltd :WB/WU/20

Westville, Undy




Section Line

Excavated Area

Existing Service

Existing Property

0 10m

Figure 3: Post Excavation Plan of Site A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WU/20

Westville, Undy

East Facing Section of Abandoned Soakaway








0 1m

Figure 4: Representative Section A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WU/20

Westville, Undy

Southwest Facing Section of Development Boundary




# # # # # # #
# #
# #
# #
# #

(107) # #
# #
# # #
# # # #
# # # #
# #



Southeast Facing Section of Development Property

(103) {104}

8.55m SW NE

Grass Stone ## Charcoal Flecks
Roots Brick

0 1m

Figure 5: Representative Sections A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WU/20

Westville, Undy


Southwest Facing Section of

Development Boundary.

0 10m

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WU/20

Westville, Undy


Southwest Facing Section of

Modern Service Trench [112].

0 10m

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WU/20

Westville, Undy


Southeast Facing Section of

Property Foundation Trench.

0 10m

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WU/20

Site: Westville, Undy

Site Code: WB/WU/20 Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd


100 Deposit Loose, dark brown silty-clay deposit with clear Y IMG_4108, IMG_4109,
edges, poorly sorted SR-SA 10-50mm coarse IMG_4110, IMG_4111,
components. Present day topsoil and turf layer of IMG_4112, IMG_4113,
the back garden of the property. IMG_4117, IMG_4119,
IMG_4122, IMG_4145,
IMG_4146, IMG_4147,
IMG_4171, IMG_4172,
IMG_4173, IMG_4178
101 Deposit Loose, mid-brown silty-clay with clear edges and N IMG_4108, IMG_4109,
common SA 10-150mm coarse components. IMG_4110, IMG_4111,
Moderate root bioturbation throughout. Present IMG_4112, IMG_4113,
day subsoil that extends across the site. IMG_4117, IMG_4119,
IMG_4122, IMG_4145,
IMG_4146, IMG_4147,
IMG_4171, IMG_4172,
IMG_4173, IMG_4178
102 Deposit Firm, light greenish-grey clay. Contained sharp N IMG_4113, IMG_4145,
edges with no visible bioturbation. Appears to IMG_4146, IMG_4147,
be natural clays suggesting superficial geology. IMG_4148, IMG_4149,
IMG_4150, IMG_4151,
IMG_4152, IMG_4153,
IMG_4152, IMG_4159,
IMG_4263, IMG_4265,
IMG_4270, IMG_4271,
IMG_4272, IMG_4273,
103 Deposit Loose, sharp edges, black silty-clay deposit with Y IMG_4114, IMG_4115,
common SR 10-15mm well sorted stone IMG_4255, IMG_4257
inclusions. A deliberate dump of waste
material/building refuse used as a consolidation
layer for the current house structure {104}
104 Structure The structure is the south-easternmost wall of the N IMG_4114, IMG_4115,
current house extension and consists of a modern IMG_4255, IMG_4257
brick and mortar construction. Approximately
0.1m above present day ground level, a render
has been applied to the wall.
105 Surface The surface is a modern concrete patio area laid N IMG_4114, IMG_4115,
abutting structure {104} to the northwest. IMG_4255, IMG_4257
106 Deposit Compact, mid-brown silty-clay with clear edges Y IMG_4117
and rare SR poorly sorted coarse components.
Deliberate backfill of mixed subsoil overlying a
salt-glazed waste pipe. Modern in date.
107 Deposit Firm, dark brown silty-clay with clear edges, Y (Not IMG_4117
common SR 10-20mm moderately sorted coarse Retained)
components. A mixed deliberate backfill of
material used to increase the ground level/act as
consolidation. Common charcoal fleck present.
108 Deposit Loose, white/grey silty-clay with clear edges and N IMG_4117
common SR 10-20mm coarse components.
Moderate root bioturbation. A dump of
redeposited superficial geological clays.
Unknown origin but suggest modern deeper
excavation within the vicinity.
109 Deposit Loose, dark brownish-grey silty-clay with clear Y (Not IMG_4117
edges, moderate root bioturbation and common Retained)
10-50mm SR moderately sorted coarse
components. A dump of material of unknown
origin and used as a bedding layer for a salt-
glazed pipe. Modern pottery sherds found but
too small to retain.
110 Deposit Firm, reddish-grey silty-clay with clear edges and N IMG_4113, IMG_4145,
common SR 10-250mm sandstone components, IMG_4146, IMG_4147,
poorly sorted. Superficial geology made up of IMG_4148, IMG_4149,
bands of clay and silts. Same as (102). IMG_4150, IMG_4151,
IMG_4152, IMG_4153,,
IMG_4159, IMG_4263,
IMG_4265, IMG_4270,
IMG_4271, IMG_4272,
IMG_4273, IMG_4278
111 Cut Foundation cut for structure {104}. Unknown IMG_4114, IMG_4115,
sides, base is flat. Contains a thin bedding layer IMG_4255, IMG_4257
(103) and structure {104}.
112 Cut A linear cut located in the centre of the N IMG_4245, IMG_4246
development area on a NE-SW alignment for a
modern waste pipe. Contains a single deliberate
Site: Westville, Undy

Site Code: WB/WU/20 Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd

backfill (113).
113 Deposit Loose, mid-brown, silty-clay with common SR N IMG_4245, IMG_4246
10-20 poorly sorted coarse components. Very
mixed deposit with distinctive dumps of material
over a salt-glazed pipe. Moderate root
bioturbation within the upper half of the deposit.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II Westville, Undy WB/WU/20

Find Area Context Description Period Date

1 100 1 sherd Creamware with gold band decoration 19th 30/06/20
1 sherd white china with blue decoration
2 sherds porcelain 19th/20th
1 shard brown glass
3 sherds white ware 20th
1 sherd with glazed tile
1 white glass base
1 white glass bottle
1 white glass meat paste bottle 1950’s
1 bone fragment
Find Area Context Description Period Date
2 (1 of 103 1 aqua green glass bottle 19th
2) 1 small octagonal shaped aqua green glass bottle
1 sherd willow pattern
1 sherd white china rim with blue decoration
1 sherd porcelain cup based with coloured willow pattern decoration
1 sherd porcelain with coloured decoration 19th/20th
1 decorative copper, finial
1 white glass bottle with ribbed corners
1 small white glass bottle
1 small white glass bottle with rusted cap
1 small whittle glass tub
1 almost complete commemorative lustre ware cup, branded with the text “for gardens,
promenade and beach – Barry Island”
3 white glass meat paste bottles 1950’s
2 sherds china plate rims
1 sherd earthenware
Find Area Context Description Period Date
2 (2 0f 103 1 brown glass bottle with rusted top 20th 30/06/20
2) 1 brown glass bottle with partially rusted top, top reads “Maclean’s Ltd, London, 20”
1 small brown glass Bovril bottle
1 white glass bottle, with embossed text reading, “Fennings Fever Curer – Half wine 1950’s
4 varying sized white glass jars
1 white glass meat paste bottle
Find Area Context Description Period Date
3 106 1 sherd Black Burnished ware rim R 30/06/20
Find Area Context Description Period Date
4 106 1 indeterminate limestone, possible early building material – approximate measurements, L Undiagnostic 30/06/20
– 39cm by W – 27cm(at widest) by H – 18cm.

1 indeterminate limestone, possible early building material – approximate measurements, L

– 32cm by W - 32cm by H - 10cm
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II FINDS WB/WU/20


Find Area Context Description Period Date

1 100 1 sherd Creamware with gold band decoration 19th 30/06/20
1 sherd white china with blue decoration
2 sherds porcelain 19th/20th
1 shard brown glass
3 sherds white ware 20th
1 sherd with glazed tile
1 white glass base
1 white glass bottle
1 white glass meat paste bottle 1950’s
1 bone fragment
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II FINDS WB/WU/20


Find Area Context Description Period Date

2 (1 of 103 1 aqua green glass bottle 19th 30/06/20
2) 1 small octagonal shaped aqua green glass bottle
1 sherd willow pattern
1 sherd white china rim with blue decoration
1 sherd porcelain cup based with coloured willow pattern decoration
1 sherd porcelain with coloured decoration 19th/20th
1 decorative copper, finial
1 white glass bottle with ribbed corners
1 small white glass bottle
1 small white glass bottle with rusted cap
1 small whittle glass tub
1 almost complete commemorative lustre ware cup, branded with the text “for gardens,
promenade and beach – Barry Island”
3 white glass meat paste bottles 1950’s
2 sherds china plate rims
1 sherd earthenware
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II FINDS WB/WU/20


Find Area Context Description Period Date

2 (2 0f 2) 103 1 brown glass bottle with rusted top 20th 30/06/20
1 brown glass bottle with partially rusted top, top reads “Maclean’s Ltd, London, 20”
1 small brown glass Bovril bottle
1 white glass bottle, with embossed text reading, “Fennings Fever Curer – Half wine glasses”. 1950’s
4 varying sized white glass jars
1 white glass meat paste bottle
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II FINDS WB/WU/20


Find Area Context Description Period Date

3 106 1 sherd Black Burnished ware rim R 30/06/20
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II FINDS WB/WU/20




Find Area Context Description Period Date

4 106 1 indeterminate limestone, possible early building material – approximate measurements, L – Undiagnostic 30/06/20
39cm by W – 27cm(at widest) by H – 18cm.

1 indeterminate limestone, possible early building material – approximate measurements, L –

32cm by W - 32cm by H - 10cm
Site Name: Westville, Undy Appendix III A.P.A.C. Ltd
PRN: E006401
Digital Photographic Record Project No:..498...................Project Code:.WB/WU/20.

View Date of Compiled

Photo No Area facing Description Phographer photograph by Date Plates
4108 SE Pre-Excavation Shot - Base of Garden Looking SE S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4109 NE Pre-Excavation Shot - Top of Garden in Soakaway Location S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4110 N Pre-Excavation Shot - Central Garden S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4111 NW Pre-Excavation Shot - Central Garden S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4112 NW Pre-Excavation Shot - Central Garden S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4113 SE NW Facing Section of Soakaway Excavation S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4114 NW SE Facing Section of NE Extent of Development - Close Up S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020 3
4115 NW SE Facing Section of NE Extent of Development - Wide Shot S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4117 NE SW Facing Section of Eastern Boundary of Development S.Reames 30/06/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020 1
4119 SE NW Facing Section of South-Eastern Extent of Development S.Reames 02/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4122 SW NE Facing Section of South-Western Extent of Devolopment S.Reames 02/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4124 NW Working Shot S.Reames 02/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4125 NW Working Shot S.Reames 02/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4245 NE SW Facing Section of Modern Service Trench S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4246 NE SW Facing Section of Modern Service Trench S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020 2
4247 SE Post-Excavation Shot of Southernmost Foundation Trench S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4248 SW Post-Excavation Shot of SE Foundation Trench S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4249 SW Post-Excavation Shot of SE Revetment Trench S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4250 NW Post-Excavation Shot of SW Revetment Wall S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4251 NE Working Shot S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4252 NE Working Shot S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4253 E Working Shot S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4254 NW Working Shot S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4255 NW SE Facing Section of North-Westernmost Area of Development S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4257 NW SE Facing Section of North-Westernmost Area of Development S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4258 NW Post-Excavation Shot of Revetment and Foundation Trench - NE area - Long Shot S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4259 NW Post-Excavation Shot of Revetment and Foundation Trench - NE area S.Reames 10/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4260 SW NE Facing Section of NW area of Development S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4261 SW NE Facing Section of NW area of Development - Close Up S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4263 NW Post-Excacation Shot of Foundation Trench S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4265 NE Post-Excavation Shot of Foundation Trench S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4266 SW Post-Excavation Shot of Foundation Trench S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4267 SE Post-Excavation Shot of Foundation Trench S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4268 NW Post-Excavation Shot of Foundation Trench S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
Site Name: Westville, Undy Appendix III A.P.A.C. Ltd
PRN: E006401
Digital Photographic Record Project No:..498...................Project Code:.WB/WU/20.

4270 NE Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020

4271 N Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4272 E Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4273 S Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4274 W Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4275 NW Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4276 NW Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4277 NW Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4278 SE Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4279 NW Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4280 W Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4281 N Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4282 NE Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
4283 SE Working Shot S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 28/07/2020
DSC01009 NW Post-Excavation Aerial Shot of Site S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 30/07/2020
DSC01010 NW Post-Excavation Aerial Shot of Site S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 30/07/2020
DSC01011 NW Post-Excavation Aerial Shot of Site S.Reames 13/07/2020 S.Reames 30/07/2020

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