Sahil Midha Project-Description PDF

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Project - Robotic Limbs

Dear 42 Team,
First of all, I wish to take the opportunity to thank you all for giving me a chance to
learn at 42. The piscine has helped me to improve myself in many ways and surely, I
will get to learn a lot further.
Secondly, I am happy to present my Project " Robotic Limbs " to 42 Wolfsburg and
wish to complete it under observation of 42 team during my learning in Wolfsburg.
• What is it?
• Why and how important and helpful is it to me and to others?
• Why am I so motivated for it?
• How can 42 support me with the project?
I am going to cover all briefly below.

Robotic limbs - what is it?

Robotic Limbs are made of two parts. Robotic and Limbs. Since Limb is more
important here, I wish to cover it first. The hands and legs of human body are called
limbs. Generally, these are gifts of mighty God and humans use them as per their
needs. But then some special people are born without them and need an artificial
limb to finish their day-to-day tasks. As we are progressing day by day with
technologies, robots are replacing traditional limbs and that is how we got the
name Robotic Limbs. The limbs can directly be linked to other muscles and can be
controlled through mind or through other parts using artificial intelligence.

Why and how important and helpful is it to me and to others?

Although special people are called with many names such as handicapped, disabled,
people in need etc. I prefer calling them differently abled people who could not
perform certain tasks without their body parts which involves physical fitness, but
they can certainly do things differently in their best possible way. I, myself, do not
have left arm since my birth and can understand the pain of not able to do all
things, which a normal person can perform. Nevertheless, I can definitely do things,
which often others cannot do. I can drive, I can use computers, I can ride a
motorcycle and do all other things but not all of special people can do many things
eventually. They often have to be dependent on others for their basic needs, such
as eating or walking to restrooms. So, I see its importance for others more than me.
Why am I so motivated for it?
Since I am born specially and can perform things differently, yet with some
difficulties sometimes. I am sure others could also be benefitted with Robotic limbs.
There are already some companies who produce such limbs and are helping others
but problem with them is either those limbs are not affordable to most of us or we
have to wait for years to get them. As I love challenges and want to clear these
obstacles also, I wish to make one Robotic Limb for myself without wasting my time
for waiting for those companies. Another motivation with me is that I can perform
all tests with these limbs on me, so we neither need anyone else for the tests nor
need hefty approvals from different authorities. In other words, life has given me
lemons and I am going to enjoy my lemonade.

How can 42 support me with the project?

As 42 School has been so helpful to students that the students can use labs on-site
and could also be granted the scholarships, I also wish to apply for this. Besides all
these, I need guidance, suggestions and mentoring from 42 staff. With the offered
scholarship I could turn my project in reality faster than without it. I wish to start
with the project immediately and can assure that within one year we would be able
to offer such limbs commercially too. Furthermore, I want to study Robotics
Engineering in Germany and combination of both of the courses can benefit me, 42
Wolfsburg, all the students of 42 and other special people all together. Hence, I
request you to consider my project and help me in turning dreams in reality with
your support. I would be thankful to you always.
Sahil Midha

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