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Creative Non Fiction

Quarter 1–Module 1
Theme as an Element of Creative Non Fiction

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Sharon L. Lising
Editor: Sharon L. Lising
Illustrator: Sharon Lising
Layout Artist: Froilan G. Isip

Management Team Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESO V, SDS

Leonardo C. Canlas EdD CESE, ASDS
Rowena T. Quiambao CESE, ASDS
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, CID Chief
Arceli S. Lopez PhD, SGOD Chief
June D. Cunanan EPS- English
Ruby M. Jimenez PhD, EPS-LRMDS

Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando,
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address:
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:
Welcome to the Creative Non-Fiction Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module 1
Theme as An Element of Creative Non-Fiction.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators

from public institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet
the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and

For the Learner:

Welcome to the Creative Non-Fiction Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Theme as an Element of Creative Non-Fiction

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish.
Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is capable and
empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace
and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

What I Need to Know

This module will assist you the learners to share their personal experiences and
thoughts about the theme as an element of creative nonfiction.

For the learner

Our world and context have changed tremendously over the past months brought
about by the pandemic, yet the grace, the virtue of compassion remains the same: Let us be
there for one another in our shared humanity, and together overcome evil with good and
build a world of love and compassion.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Determine the theme or central idea of a text.
2. Analyze in details the development including how theme emerges is shaped
and refined specifically over the course of the text.
What I Know

Directions: Choose the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer. Write your answer in your notebook

1. The theme of a story is its

A. Basic plot
B. Main character
C. Most memorable sentence or phrase
D. Universal message
2. You can always tell what the theme of a story is by
A. Examining the characters and plot
B. Putting the main ideas together in a single sentence
C. Reading carefully to find where the author directly states it
D. Researching where and when the author lived
3. Which of the following might be the theme of a story?
A. A brave young girl pretends to be a man and takes her father's place in the army.
B. I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too."
C. Overcoming fear
D. Some people are afraid of heights
4. Which of the following is a true statement?
A. Every story has a main idea, but not every story has a theme.
B. No two stories can have the same theme.
C. Stories from different cultures will never have the same theme.
D. Stories written in different cultures and times can have the same theme.
5. Which of the following would not be considered a theme?
A. A soldier coming home from World War I
B. Survival
C. The pain of love
D. The pressure of traditions

Theme as an Element of Creative Non Fiction
Determining the theme that is critical in deciphering an author's message in a particular
piece. In this lesson, we will examine the idea of the theme from examples in actual literary text.

Defining a Theme
The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.' In other words, what critical
belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem? This
belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is usually universal in nature. When a theme is
universal, it touches on the human experience, regardless of race or language. It is what the story
means. Often, a piece of writing will have more than one theme.
Think about some T.V. sitcoms you have seen that you have found trite and boring. Was
there a significant problem in the T.V. show that needed to be solved? Probably not. In much the
same way, if a piece of writing doesn't have deeper meaning than we can just see on the surface, it is
just as shallow as the T.V. sitcom. In order for writing to be meaningful and lasting, it needs to have a
What’s In

Read each statement below carefully. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the
statement is FALSE. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. A theme is a main idea in a narrative

2. A theme and a moral are two different ideas.

3. Love thy neighbor is an example of a theme.

4. Marriage, fate, and the passing of time are examples of themes.

5. A story has multiple of themes.

What’s New

MANUEL E. ARGUILLA (1911-1944) was an Ilocano who wrote in English. Most of his
stories depict life in Barrio Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union, where he was born in 1911. Similarly,
his stories also cover a broad range of subject matters and themes drawn from the experiences
of Filipinos living in the 1930s.
He was best known for his short story "How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife."
which received first price in the Commonwealth Literary Contest in 1940. The story “How My
Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife” was set during the 1930s in Nagrebcan, Bauang La Union.

The first theme of this story is that no matter what it takes to be with the one you love;
one will do anything to be with that person. Having a long and strong relationship with the person
you love is seldom nowadays. In the story, we can see that Maria one of the major characters in
the story will sacrifice anything just to be happy with Leon, her only love.
The second theme that is portrayed in the story is the saying that “Don’t judge the book
by its cover.” When Baldo first saw Maria, he was surprised to see that his brother Leon
accompanied a woman who is different from them because of her name, as well as lovely and
beautiful appearance. As a person living in a province, he has already the belief that people like
Maria doesn’t belong to them and is impossible to adapt their way of living in the province. But
despite of the test ordered by his father, Baldo somehow realized that Maria is also a friend and
should be treated like them knowing that she proved worthy of it.
Another value that is revealed within the story is living a life of contentment. Filipinos who
live in the province are very well known to be simple yet they are contented for what they have.
They are happy with small things and appreciate what they have and how they live life.
We can conclude that Anguilla’s short stories usually portray the socio-economic
problems in Philippine society and Filipinos ways of living in the barrio.
What is It

A short story, novella, or novel presents a narrative to its reader. Perhaps that narrative
involves mystery, terror, romance, comedy, or all of the above. These works of fiction may also
contain memorable characters, vivid world-building, literary devices like metaphor and
foreshadowing, and even some random quirkiness. But is that all that novels, novellas, and
short stories offer? In short, the answer is no. The best works of literary fiction are driven by an
overriding theme.
How to Develop a Theme for Your Story (Masterclass 2019)

Sometimes you’ll have a clear thematic core for your story before you begin the writing
process; other times the theme of the story will reveal itself to you after you’re well into your first
draft. If you’re struggling to recognize a theme for your story, consider the following tips:

1. Seek Universal Themes.

Ask yourself: What aspect of my plot recurs in the stories of people of all ages, races,
genders, and walks of life?

2. Choose a Theme That Sticks with Your Reader.

Consider what ideas you want your reader to keep thinking about long after they’ve
forgotten the specific plot of your book.

3. Start with Another Story Element.

While the theme of your story can elevate it above other books with similar narratives, few
authors start a good story with a theme. Typically, they begin with another story element—a
captivating premise, an amusing main character, a touching love story, or a real-life event—
and build from there. Some authors even embark upon a first draft without fully knowing
what their overall theme will be.

4. Create an Outline.
To ensure that a good theme is present throughout your own novel, make your theme part
of the outlining process.

5. Weave Your Theme Throughout the Narrative.

As you fill in the details of each act, make sure your main character encounters situations that
highlight the theme. If you’re balancing multiple story lines, see if you can make your theme
manifest in each of those narrative threads—ideally in a different way in each story line.

6. Include Multiple Themes.

Many books and stories aren’t rooted to a single theme. Some authors begin writing with a
central idea they wish to convey but, over the course of the writing process, uncover a
different theme that also resonates within the boundaries of their narrative.

7. Don’t Limit Yourself.

Take care to not limit your thinking to the way themes have been expressed in past novels,
novellas and short stories. While some would argue there are a limited number of themes in
fiction, every story is different. Even the most universal of themes can appear quite different
in the context of different stories.
Discussion of Activity 1

Let us now read the synopsis of the story “Morning in Nagrebcan” by Manuel E. Arguilla.

Morning in Nagrebcan
by Manuel E.Arguilla
It is a pleasant sunrise in Nagreban. The puppy is curled up to their mother's paws under the ladder’s
house. Baldo noticed a cute black-spotted puppy at the threshold while rubbing his sleep-heavy eyes with his
fists. He was wearing one of his father undershirts and descended the ladder leaning heavily on the single
bamboo pole that served as railing. Bending down, he reached between his legs for the black spotted puppy and
he started to relish the puppy. And when he returned to their house his mother Nana Elang asked him to get
three burning coals and brought them home on the rice straw. After a while his mother started to cook for their
meal. Baldo played with the puppies. He sat on the bridge and took them to his lap one by one. When Ambo his
younger brother had awakened, he saw his brother Baldo in the bridge so he came and played with the other
puppies, but he soon became tired of them. He wanted the black-spotted puppy, so he came closer to Baldo and
he begged his brother to hold the black -spotted puppy. Baldo didn't allow him to touch the puppy. Because of
this Ambo tried to snatch the puppy away that cause them to fight. The puppy howled shrilly and Ambo had to let
go of it. But Ambo kept hold of the tail and the dog fell on the ground .It turned around and snapped at the hand
holding its tail, its sharp teeth, sank to the fleshy edge of Ambos' palm. At the moment the window of the house
facing the street was pushed violently open and the boy's father Tang Ciako, poked out his head. He saw the
blood from the tooth marks on Ambo's hand. Ambo hid his bitten hand behind him. Tang Ciako approached, a
piece of firewood held firmly in one hand. His father throwing an angry look and cursed at Nana Elang for letting
her sons play with the dogs, He was a carpenter. Most often he drank great quantities of basi and came home at
night and beat his wife and children. And as expected he hurt again his family. If Nana Elang ventured to
remonstrate, he beat them harder and cursed her for an interfering whore. Tang Ciako roared at them to get
away from the dog. Baldo and Ambo moved back hastily like what their father says. The puppy attempted to
follow them, but Tang Ciako caught it with a sweeping blow of peace of firewood. The puppy died. Tang Ciako
took hold on Baldo’s arms ang jerked him his feet then began to beat him. Nana Elang came down. Ambo run to
her, and Tang Ciako pushed Baldo toward her. He faced the curious children and neighbors who had gathered
by the side of the road. He yelled at them to go away and told them that its none of their business if he killed his
children. After ward Baldo and Ambo searched among the tall corn for the body of the dead puppy. When they
found it, they buried it in one corner of the field. Baldo dug the grave sharp pointed stake while Ambo was
holding the dead puppy. The mist on the tabaco fields had completely dissolved.

Answer the following questions and write your answer on the space provided.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. The author makes use of the sun in the first and last. Discuss the significance of the opening
and closing the story with sunlight.
3. Explain the relationship of the father to his wife and children.
4. The story was written several decades ago. In what way does it strike a chord with the
contemporary reader? What social issues suggested in the story are “contemporary”?
What’s More

Independent Activity 1

Using Morning in Nagrebcan as your guide write the theme at the center and support your answer by
writing the evidences that support your answer.

Evidence 1
Evidence 3


Evidence 2 Evidence 4

Independent Assessment 1

Explain briefly. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How did the actions or thoughts of the characters help you determine the theme?
2. Why do you think the author chose to include them in this story?
3. What details or characters from the story helped you determine the theme?
4. Write a different scenario of what happened to the characters that would have changed the theme of
the story?
5. Was the theme of the story directly stated or was it implied? How do you know?

Independent Activity 2

Illustrate a book cover that clearly shows the theme of the story Morning in Nagrebcan by Manuel E. Arguilla

Independent Assessment 2

Read the personal story of an individual who is vulnerable to Covid-19 virus due to her underlying
condition but was able to manage a full recovery. Read her narration and analyze the theme of the story.

Narration 1

Khadija, 25 from Leeds, has lived with type 1 diabetes since she was a baby. Her pancreas no longer
produces insulin, so an external pump, attached to her stomach, administers it for her.

"I was really apprehensive when I heard I was in the high-risk category," she says. "I just thought, 'I
could get it and what would happen if I do?' I was frightened."
Khadija lives with her mum, a nurse who comes into contact with Covid-19 patients, and four weeks ago
she started to experience some of the virus symptoms.

She had "achy bones" and was "really short of breath" with chest pains and a temperature.

"I was panicking at first when I got the symptoms. I knew my immune system wasn't up to scratch.

"All over the news is the death rate, there wasn't anything about people recovering and surviving. The
way I saw it was as soon as you go into hospital with it, you're not going to be coming out alive."

Paramedics were sent to her house, but they decided Khadija didn't need to go to hospital. They
suggested she call 111 to arrange a test, but none were available.

"I tried to keep a positive outlook even though I was scared," she says.

A few weeks on and Khadija has made a good recovery.





Independent Activity 3

Although things have been challenging during lockdown the author describes how the family enjoy
spending precious time together and working on making some wonderful memories during this difficult time.
Read this story of mine and answer the questions in your notebook.

"Our family have been shielding at home now for the past 3 months. This has now become a new way
of life for us, with my daughter who is a student at the University of the Philippines in Baguio is now at home
doing an online class , my brother working at home, my old parents who are both old and sick, and myself a
teacher, also working at home .

Having extremely vulnerable parents during lockdown don’t come without its challenges though. My
father who was diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease should be brought to the hospital for monthly checkups
had been postponed due to closures of private clinics because doctors are busy to attend to Covid patients. And
my mom who is suffering from osteoarthritis experienced leg spasms that are most prevalent during the night,
without us knowing what the cause is and with no treatment. This is as well as having to manage their complex
conditions, in a less than ideal way, trying my best to keep their spirits alive.

There was one instance that my father experienced a terrible stomachache with severe diarrhea but
because I was so afraid to bring him to the hospital, I texted a friend of mine who is a doctor and consulted to
him online. Finally, after having an antibiotic that was given by the online doctor his diarrhea stopped and got
well. Almost all of their consultations and usual appointments have stopped. Thanks to our modern heroes, our
doctors continuing to work and support patients who are at home despite of their busy schedules every day. As
the eldest in the family I now stand as the frontline and trying my best to keep my parents well.

In our early days of shielding, getting groceries and essential items was the hardest thing. As the only
person in the family who knows how to drive, I was nominated to do the food shop, taking extra precautions to try
and limit the risks. I'm talking putting anti-bac on keys, glasses, washing clothes and straight in the shower the
second I stepped in the door! Thankfully I met someone near to my place who would go to the market and asks
her customers to order like fresh fish, meat and some vegetables to be delivered at home. This has been a
godsend, as means I have no need for any unnecessary exposure.
Both of my parents are quite old and rely on me for cooked meals and other cares. I have to take care
all of this responsibility. It has been hard, but I really need to do all of this because no one would do it for us
during this pandemic.

Lockdown isn't all bad though! I'm loving having my university student daughter home and having this
extra time with her. Just knowing that my brother is upstairs, even though he is working is a nice feeling too. And
we enjoy being able to have an extra bit of time with him on the days when he takes a lunch break.

Time is so precious for us all, but even more so when you have parents who are both old and with
underlying health conditions. We try to make the most of every single moment and make memories that we will
treasure always.

Lockdown hasn't changed that! We've had simple birthday celebrations, cooked, baked, and watched
news together...the list goes on! We will be taking away a lot of happy memories from lockdown despite the
difficult circumstances.

Yes, there are struggles, yes there are things a million times more difficult for our family now, but there
is always something good to find in each day and each situation. I miss my husband who is in abroad, family and
friends, but we still have each other. And in this crazy world we are in right now, that is something that we
continue to be ever thankful for. Being together is my favorite place to be."

1. What is the story all about?

2. What do you think is the message of the writer?

3. Why did you say so? Please cite evidences from the story.

What I Have Learned

Explain briefly:

1. What have you learned about Theme?

2. What new ideas about Theme have you learned after this lesson?

What I Can Do

Answer the following statements by placing a check mark (√) on the space before the
number that describes about theme and a cross (X) if it does not.
______________1. When determining a theme, the reader should first consider the
illustrations or pictures in the story.
______________2. A theme has only one word.
______________3. The best definition of theme is the message the author is sending to
his readers.
______________4. A well written them includes characters names and author’s name.
______________5. Theme is what the story teaches about.

Directions: Determine what the theme is for each story and explain your answer. Remember, a
theme is a lesson or message in the story. Write in complete sentences.

1. Nicole was hesitant to lend Lia her tea set. Though the tea set was not worth much money, it
had been in the family for a long time and was pretty much irreplaceable. But Lia was persistent and
since she was a dear friend, Nicole relented and agreed to lend her the tea set. As Nicole had feared,
Lia did not handle the tea set with the same care that Nicole would have and consequently Lia broke
or damaged several of the pieces. When Nicole asked for her tea set, Lia stalled, "Uh… I forgot it at
my cousin's house. I'll get it later this week. I'm so sorry." Lia figured that she could run out and
replace the missing pieces. When she got around to doing so, Lia was disappointed to find that no
stores carried the antique tea set. So Lia purchased a brand new tea set, much more expensive than
the old set. She then threw out the rest of Nicole's old tea set to hide the evidence of her
irresponsibility. When Lia presented Nicole with the new tea set, Nicole was extremely disappointed
and Lia did not understand why. "Look, Nicole, my cousin lost your tea set. I mean, he's still looking
for it but it's probably gone, but this tea set is much nicer." When Nicole did not accept the new tea
set, Lia shook her head in disgust and told herself, "Some people don't appreciate anything."

What is the theme of the story?


What happens in the story that leads you to believe this?


2. Justin was jealous when his cousin Cassie was named valedictorian of her class. "Some people are just
born smart," he told himself later as he watched TV on the couch. He had not been with Cassie all of those
times when she studied late into the night. Justin was also jealous when his cousin Victor was elected class
president. "Some people are just more popular than others," Justin told himself while playing video games on
the couch. He had not been with Victor while he tirelessly campaigned, listened sympathetically to the
problems of others, and treated everyone he knew with kindness and respect. When Justin's cousin Matthew
became the quarterback for the varsity squad, Justin was envious. "Some people are just more athletic than
others," he told himself as he played around on his computer. Justin had not been with Matthew while
Matthew trained relentlessly to develop his athletic abilities. "One day something lucky will happen to me
too," Justin told himself as he snacked on junk food.

What is the theme of the story?


What happens in the story that leads you to believe this?

Additional Activities

Think of a particular theme that you would like to share to your readers and write an essay about your
lockdown story.

Letter Rubric

4 3 2 1
Goal/Thesis Strongly and Clearly states a Personal o pinion is Personal o pinion
clearly states a person al o pinion. not clearly stated. is not easily
personal Some references Little or no understood. Has
opinion. Clearly to the issue. references to the no reference to
issue. the issue.
identifies the
Reasons and Support Three or more Three or more Two points made; Preparation is
excellent points points are made shows some weak; arguments
are made with with support, but preparation, but are weak or
the arguments are weak arguments. missing; and less
good support. It
somewhat weak in than three points
is evident the places. The writer are made.
writer put much doesn’t persuade
thought and completely.
research into
this assignment.
Conclusion Summarizes Summarizes Concluding Concluding
personal opinion personal opinion statement is a statement makes
in a strong in a concluding weak summary of no reference to
concluding statement. personal opinion. person al
statement. opinion.

Organization Sentences and Sentence and Sentence and Little or no

paragraphs are paragraph paragraph structure evidence of
complete, well structure are are inconsistent. sentence or
written, and generally correct. paragraph
varied. structure.

Word Choice/Tone Choice of words Adequate choice Choice of some Language and
that are clear, of words that are words that are clear ton e of letter is
descriptive, and clear and and descriptive. unclear and lacks
accurate. descriptive. Lacks consistent description.
Maintains Demonstrates a persuasive tone.
consistent persuasive tone in
persuasive tone parts of the letter.
throughout letter.

Mechanics and Grammar Contains few, if Contains several Contains many Contains many
any punctuation, errors in punctuation, punctuation,
spelling, or punctuation, spelling, and/or spelling, and/or
grammatical spelling, or grammatical errors grammatical
errors. grammar that do that interfere with error s that make
not interfere with meaning. the piece
meaning. illegible.
What I Know What's In Assessment
1. D 1. F 1. Honesty is the best
2. A 2. T
3. C 3. F
policy; treat
4. D 4. T other’s people
5. A 5. T property with
respect; money
isn’t everything.
Evidence: Lia damages
Nicole’s cherished
because she does
not treat them with
2. Good things
don’t just happen
to you unless you
make them
happen. Anything
worth achieving
requires a lot of
hard work.
Justin spends a lot
of time and energy
being jealous to
his cousin’s
achievements. He
does not realize
the hard work that
goes into earning
Answer Key
Additional Activity Independent Activity
Answers may vary Theme: Violence to women
and children
Tang Ciako beat his wife and
children and used cursed
words while hurting them.
Cruelty to animals
Threw the dog outside and
Moratilla, Noel Christian A. & Teodoro, John Iremil E. (2016). “Morning in Nagrebcan”. Creative Nonfiction: A
Textbook on Humanities and Social Sciences. Quezon City. The Phoenix Publishing House Inc. pp. 51-57. ISBN

Hopkins, Bryonny. BBCNEWS Coronavirus: 'I'm high risk but made a full recovery'(2020,May 31)
Retrieved from 2020,June

What is Theme in Literature? - Definition & Examples. (2014, October 29). Retrieved from

How to Develop a Theme For Your Story Retrieved from June 2020

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