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Chapter 13

End of the Coverage

When a company aims to increase sales volume in other areas that
cannot be conveniently reached out because of the distance, it
establishes either an agency or a branch. Both units can develop
market in areas away from the Home Office. However,
An Agency – is just a marketing arm of the HO to handle selling
activities or augment HO’s sales force.

A Branch – operates as a single business unit but subject to the

control by the HO as it indeed owned by the HO.

More distinctions on the following slide =➔

Branch and Agency Distinguished
Agency Characteristics Branch

does not maintain stocks of inventory, just Inventory Stock it maintains it own stock of inventory for sale which maybe
working samples provided by the HO that work purchase from outsiders though mostly from the HO
as advertising materials.

no, only takes orders and forward to HO. HO sells Sells directly to customers Yes, sells directly to customers
and delivers directly to customers

No, only the HO. HO extends credits, collects Offer on credits Yes, the branch approves credits with the directives of the
directly from customers. HO, collects from the customers.

non, only a working fund provided by the HO Separate Cash Account Yup, may have its own bank accounts and with PCF that
which is maintained under the Imprest System. is maintained under the Imprest System.
with separate acctg. Books and system similar to the systems
No separate acctg. books. HO does the recording Separate acct. Books of independent business except in a manner of accounting
for ownership equities, no Capital or SHE. Also, Branch's
Acctg system is patterned to the system of the HO.

No separate accounting or business entity, HO Business Entity with separate business personality though 100% owned
bears the responsibility of maintaining accts. by the HO.

HO records agency's generated transactions: Recording The usual manner, transactions are kept separate from
1. Separately from those of the HO the HO, Results of operations are reported to the HO
2. Not kept Separate from those of the HO at the end of the acctg. Period
Such fixed assets are still recorded in the books
of the Home Office. An acknowledgement
receipt or a memo entry is made only to account
for the transfer.
If the HO wishes to determine the net income of the agency
separately, it will maintain separate sales revenue and expense
accounts for the individual sales units. A supplementary record
of the cost of goods sold of each sales unit must also be kept.

The Shipments to agency account balance is subtracted from the

goods available for sale of the HO to arrive at the Goods
available for Sales of the HO Sales.

Illustration on the following page ==➔

Part 1

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