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Department of Materials Science and Engineering

University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka.

Tel : +94 11 2650465

: +94 11 2640440
: +94 11 2650301, Ext: 5100
Fax : +94 11 2650465
Website :

September 2019
Contents… Page No.

1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………….………............. 3
1.1 Welcome Message from the Head of the Department…………………………. 3
1.2 Vision of the Department……………………………………………………………….. 5
1.3 Mission Statement of the Department…………………………………………..….. 5
1.4 Why Study Materials Science and Engineering?…………………………………… 5
1.5 Career Opportunities……………………………………………………………........... 6
2 The Department………………………………………………………………………................. 6
2.1 History…………………………………………………………………………….……….... 6
2.2 Organization and Administration…………………………………………...………… 6
2.3 Location and Floor Plan………………………………………………......……………. 7
2.4 Contact information…………………………………………………………..………… 8
2.5 Staff…………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.5.1 Academic Staff……………………………………………………..….......... 9
2.5.2 Non Academic Staff………………………………………………………… 12
2.6 Equipment and Facilities……………………………………………………..………… 13
2.7 Students' Common Room…………………………………………………..………… 14
2.8 Working Hours and Access to Facilities................................................................. 14
3 Degree Programme and Administration……………………………………….…………….. 15
3.1 Structure of Degree Programme………………………………………….………….. 15
3.2 Students' Records……………………………………………………………….………. 16
3.3 Awards……………………………………………………………………………..………. 16
3.3.1 Convocation Awards……………………………………………….……….. 16
3.3.2 Award Ceremony Awards……………………………………….…………. 16
4 Curriculum and Modules…………………………………………………………..……………. 17
4.1 Curriculum……………………………………………………………………….…………. 17
4.2 Modules………………………………………………………………………….…........... 21
4.2.1 Semester 2…………………………………………………………………….. 21
4.2.2 Semester 3…………………………………………………………………….. 32
4.2.3 Semester 4……………………………………………………………............. 42
4.2.4 Semester 5……………………………………………………………............. 52
4.2.5 Training Semester……………………………………………………..……… 65
4.2.6 Semester 6……………………………………………………………............. 66
4.2.7 Semester 7…………………………………………………………................ 70
4.2.8 Semester 8…………………………………………………………………….. 84
4.3 Modules offered for other Fields of Specialization ………………………………… 98
4.4 Modules offered for Focus Area in Polymer Engineering………………………. 98
4.5 Modules offered for Minor in Entrepreneurship…………………………………... 98
4.6 Modules offered for Focus Area in Electronic Materials Engineering……….. 99
5 Other Useful Information…………………………………………………………..…………….. 100
5.1 Getting Help and Advice………………………………………………………............ 100
5.2 Materials Engineering Societies……………………………………………………….. 101
1. Introduction

1.1 Welcome Message from the Head of the Department

Welcome Message from the Head of the Department

I, as the Head of the Department, welcome you all to the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering of the University of Moratuwa, on behalf of the staff of the
Department of Materials Science and Engineering. As the new members of this family,
you will be given all the possible guidance and support to become a sought after,
globally recognized, materials scientists & engineers in the future.

Our vision is ‘Becoming a center of excellence in higher learning, research, industrial

consultancy and other relevant activities in Materials Science and Engineering’. We
achieve these objectives through our mission of providing you with the best
opportunity of learning the profession of Materials Science and Engineering, with
relevance to the current as well as the potential industrial demand. We maintain
close professional relationships with the industry and collaborate with them to provide
our undergraduates hands-on experience in engineering related problem solving. As
a result, our graduates have a secured job market well in excess of the graduate

The degree program of the department is unique in the Sri Lankan higher education
sector and has been accredited by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) who is
one of the signatories of the Washington Accord. The curriculum of the study program
is periodically revised according to the input from all the stake-holders and external
reviewers. The delivering of the study program is done by a set of highly qualified and
well-experienced academics in the department, in the university, as well as from the
industry, having a range of expertise to cover all aspects in Materials Science and
Engineering. The department houses a wide range of advanced instruments and
equipment for you to make use of, during your study program.

The department’s current annual intake is fifty. After being selected to this field, all
students are taught the basic core of materials science and engineering, starting
from structure of materials to their extraction, synthesis, development, processing,
design, selection and failure analysis. In addition, the core modules of engineering,
related to engineering design, mathematics, thermodynamics, mechanics and
industrial management are also taught as compulsory modules. At the end of the
sixth semester, you will be sent for industrial training which spans over a period of 24

From the fifth semester onwards, the students are given the option to study a
specialized focus area either in polymer engineering or in electronic materials
engineering. You also have the opportunity to earn a Minor in entrepreneurship. The
department has offered the focus area in polymer engineering for the past decade
and has thereby secured a sustained market for those graduates. The focus area in
Electronic Materials Engineering is being offered from the 2015 intake onwards. The
objective of offering this focus area is to exploit the trend of the developing electronic
device manufacturing industry in the region, which is gradually being established in
this country. This focus area is also expected to enhance the opportunities for those
who wish to pursue higher studies in the field.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 3

The department also offers two master’s degree programs by course and research
degrees of Master of Science, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy to the
graduate students.

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering has a history of over forty years
and has been the cradle of many a high-ranking engineering professionals and
reputed academics all over the world. I invite you too to embrace this opportunity
with dedication and diligence and join the list of our elite performers to enjoy a
generously rewarding career.

By the grace of the Almighty, I wish you all the success in your university studentship
and in your professional career.

Mr. V. Sivahar
Head / Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 4

1.2 Vision of the Department

Becoming a center of excellence in higher learning, research, industrial consultancy

and other relevant activities in Materials Science and Engineering.

1.3 Mission Statement of the Department

To be a center of excellence in Materials Science & Engineering by providing

 for undergraduates and postgraduates to acquire specialized knowledge on
the development and processing of engineering materials with attention to
economic and environmental aspects while studying design, management
and information technology
 to conduct high-quality research to cater for national development
 to provide consultancy services to the public and private sector in specific
and society in general

1.4 Why Study Materials Science and Engineering?

Engineering Materials hold the key to the Future of Engineering!

There is no irony in saying that a modern Airbus uses the same principles of flight as
the Wright Flyer invented in 1903. However the first Wright Flyer barely carried only the
pilot and flew about 250 m at a speed of 16 km/h while an Airbus today carries nearly
550 people at speeds over 900 km/h and has a range of about 15000 km and it flies
with infinitely more safety and comfort. Such performances would not have been
possible if not for the specially developed high performance polymer composites,
new high strength lightweight alloys and the state of the art electronics running on
electro ceramics and semiconductor materials.

The story of the motorcar is no different. Karl Benz's motor car invented in 1886 ran on
the same principle as a modern-day motorcar but it generated only 0.8 hp though a
960 cc engine while an engine of similar capacity now develops over 60hp. The
safety, comfort and speed of the modern-day car are almost incomparable with
those that featured in the 1886 Benz. Here again, high strength lightweight alloys,
polymers, composites, advanced ceramics and semiconductor materials had made
all the difference.

The story of engineering in the last fifty years has been directed by the materials
scientists and engineers around the world. Almost all recent technological advances
had been a result of a development in materials science and engineering. Anti-
staining coatings, flexible electronic displays, magnetic fluid speakers are some such

Materials Science and Engineering is a specialty in which the structure-property

relationship of materials is studied and modeled in order to gain a good
understanding about them. This knowledge is used to improve their performance and
to develop new customized materials. The realm of study in this specialty also includes
development of material processing methods and designing of materials processing

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 5

1.5 Career Opportunities

A career in materials science and engineering involves a very broad scope of work
ranging from managing and developing production processes to conducting
research and developing materials, including investigating component failures and
designing engineering items and processing tools. The opportunities to perform the
above may be found in diverse fields of engineering such as the ceramic, polymer
and metal manufacturing, or at institutions of research and development. As per the
past graduate records, nearly a half the graduates have found employment in
ceramic, metal or polymer-related industries and a significant portion of the
remainder are employed in the construction sector. A few are employed in research
institutions while a considerable number of graduates are employed overseas, most
of them having completed postgraduate studies. The department of materials
science and engineering has a 100% employability record of its graduates within a
year of passing out and depending on the individual skills; the starting salary of a
graduate is generally above the average.

2. The Department

2.1 History

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering is presently the only academic
body in Sri Lanka offering an undergraduate study programme in materials science
and engineering. It began as Department of Materials Science, a division of School of
Applied Science, which was established in April 1974 with the assistance of British
Government under a link-arrangement between the University of Moratuwa and
University of Leeds. In January 1981, the name of the department was changed to
Department of Materials Engineering as it was absorbed into the Faculty of
Engineering. The student intake was raised to ten from its initial figure of five. More
Mechanical Engineering subjects were introduced into the curriculum and the
students were given the option to select either the Materials Engineering course or the
Materials Engineering with Mechanical Engineering bias course. Later in 1984 and in
1992, the curriculum was revised so as to provide a more balanced course on the
three main categories of engineering materials; metals, ceramics and polymers. The
intake of students was further increased to twenty in 1992. The curriculum was again
revised in 2000 with the introduction of semester system of education in the university.
Simultaneously a minor specialization in polymer engineering was started and the
student intake was increased to its present figure of fifty. In June 2009 the name of the
department was changed to its present name viz Department of Materials Science
and Engineering.

2.2 Organization and Administration

Activities relating to organization and administration are handled by the Head of

Department with the assistance of staff members who have been assigned specific
responsibilities. The academic coordinators organize practical work, industrial visits,
projects, industrial training assessment, examination related records, etc. and attend
to matters of students. The activities of the laboratories are supervised by the lecturers
in charge of the respective laboratories and the technical officers are responsible for
smooth functioning of the activities of their laboratories.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 6

2.3 Location and Floor Plan
The Department is housed in the Applied Science building which consists of three
The departmental office and office of the Head of Department is located in the 1st
floor. Two staff rooms, Microscopy laboratory, EPM & Analytical laboratory, Polymer
laboratory, students’ computer laboratory, Seminar room and Final year Students’
room are also second floor while the ground floor is occupied by four staff rooms, the
Instructors room, Ceramic laboratory, Foundry laboratory, Heat – treatment laboratory
and Materials Processing laboratory.

The floor plan of the building is shown



Entrance Room
Materials Materials Room 3 Heat
Wash RA
Processing Testing

Room Room
Laboratory Laboratory Foundry Laboratory
Ground Floor

EPM & Analytical

Laboratory Seminar Room

Office Staff Polymer
Wash Staff HoD Year Computer
Lecture Laboratory Room 1 Laboratory
Room Room 2 Room

First Floor

AS 6
Wash Lecture
Room Room

Second Floor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 7

2.4 Contact Information

Department Office:
E-mail :
Phone : 011-2640440
Fax : 011-2650465
Extension : 011-2650301-(5100/5102)
Web Site : /

Head of the Department : Mr. V. Sivahar

Phone : 011-2650465, 011-2640441
Extension : 011-2650301-5101


Sivahar V. 011 - 2640441 5101

Adikary S. U. 5117

Liyanage N.M.V.K 5121

De Silva G.I.P. 5129

Weragoda V.S.C 5123

Samarasekara A.M.P.B. 5124

Attygalle D. 5127

Guluwita S. P. 5110

Amarasinghe D.A.S. 5128

Galhenage A. S. 5120

Udayakumara S. V. 5119

Sitinamaluwa H.S. 5118

Abeygunawardana A.A.G. A. 5111

Piyathilake S. A. K. V. M 5125

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 8

2.5 Staff
2.5.1 Academic Staff
Head of Department:

Mr. V. Sivahar BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa),

Teaching responsibilities:-
 Properties of Materials
 Materials Science
 Crystallography & Phase Transformations
 Communication Skills
 Composites
 Construction Materials


Prof. S.U. Adikary BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa),

CEng., MIE(SL)
Teaching responsibilities:-
 Ceramic Science & Technology
 Degradation of Materials
 Electro Ceramics
 Smart Materials and Devices
Senior Lecturers Grade I:

Dr. (Mrs.) N.M.V.K. Liyanage BSc.(Colombo),


Teaching responsibilities:-
 Polymer Science
 Polymer Technology
 Latex Science and Technology

Dr. G.I.P. De Silva BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa),

MPhil. (Moratuwa),
PhD. (Kochi,Japan),
C.Eng., MIE (SL)
Teaching responsibilities:-
 Engineering Materials
 Metal Forming and Machining
 Heat Treatments and Strengthening Mechanisms of Metals
 Ferrous and Non Ferrous Alloys
 Selection of Materials for Engineering Applications

Senior Lecturers Grade II

Mr. V.S.C. Weragoda BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa),

MPhil. (Moratuwa),
Teaching responsibilities:-
 Engineering Design
 Engineering Skill Development
 Mechanical Behavior of Materials
 Design and Fabrication of Polymer Products
 Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation
 Dies and Moulds for Polymer Processing

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 9

Senior Lecturers Grade II

Mr. A.M.P.B. Samarasekara BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa),

MPhil. (Moratuwa),
Teaching responsibilities:-
 Polymer Technology
 Degradation of Materials
 Polymer Engineering
 Cleaner Production
 Industrial Polymer Process Engineering
 Dies and Moulds For Polymer Processing

Dr. D. Attygalle BSc.(Colombo),

Teaching responsibilities:-
 Solid State Materials
 Electronic and Optical Device Engineering
 Optical and Electron Microscopy

Eng. S.P. Guluwita BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa),

CEng., MIE(SL)
Teaching responsibilities:-
 Joining of Materials
 Introduction to Metals & Alloys
 Metal Casting and Powder Metallurgy
 Extraction of Metals
 Ferrous and Non Ferrous Alloys

Dr. D.A.S. Amarasinghe BSc. (Kelaniya),

MPhil (CUNY, USA),
Teaching responsibilities:-
 Crystallography & Phase Transformations
 Characterization of Materials
 Magnetism & Magnetic Materials for Device Engineering
 Nano Materials

Dr. (Mrs.) A.S. Galhenage BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa),

PhD. (Kagawa, Japan)

Teaching responsibilities:-
 Ceramic Science & Technology
 Characterization of Materials
 Optical and Electron Microscopy
 Refractories and Kiln Technology
 Polymer Process Control and Instrumentation

Mr. S.V. Udayakumara BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa)

Teaching responsibilities:-
 Joining of Materials
 Polymer Technology
 Metal Casting and Powder Metallurgy
 Refractories and Kiln Technology
 Paint Technology

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 10

Senior Lecturers Grade II

Dr. (Mrs.) H.S. Sitinamaluwa BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa)

Teaching responsibilities:-
 Principles of Materials Science & Engineering
 Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Dr. A. A. G. A. Abeygunawardana B. Tech (Eng) (Hons) (OUSL)

PhD (Loughborough, UK)
MInstP ((IOP, UK)
Teaching responsibilities:-
 Polymer Process Control & Instrumentation


Ms. S. A. K. V. M. Piyathilake BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa)


Teaching responsibilities:-
 Introduction to Metals & Alloys
 Heat Treatments and Strengthening Mechanisms of Metals
 Selection of Materials Failure Analysis and Non Destructive

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 11

2.5.2 Non Academic Staff

Technical Officers

Mr. R.G. Karunathilake (Materials Testing Laboratory)

Mr. S.D. Karunarathna (Ceramics Laboratory, Foundry Laboratory &
Heat Treatment Laboratory)
Mr. D.F. Ranasinghe (Microscopy Laboratory & EPM Laboratory)

Mr. M.T.M.R. Jayaweera (Analytical Laboratory)

Mr. M.A.P.C. Gunawardana (Polymer Laboratory& Materials Processing Laboratory)

Management Assistants

Mrs. B.A.D.T.M.T. Punchihewa

Mr. W.A.J.T.M. Wanasinghe

Laboratory Attendants

Mr. G.D. Chandrakumara

Mr. R.R.P. Perera
Mr. H. Amal
Mr. G.D.S. Rajapaksha
Mrs. D.M. Jayawardana

Office Assistant

Mr. H.J.T.R. Peiris

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 12

2.6. Equipment and Facilities

The department has a wide range of equipment providing experimental facilities to

students and staff members to carry out practical work, research, development and
teaching. Currently available facilities and equipment are as follows:

Microstructure Examination
Optical microscopes with polarizing facility and hot stage, and Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM)

Mechanical Testing
Rockwell hardness tester, Vickers hardness tester, Micro hardness tester, Portable
hardness tester, Charpy and Izod Impact testing machines and Universal testing

Materials Analysis
Thermal analyzer, IR Spectrometer, Melt flow Indexer, Brookfield Viscometer, Disc
rheometer, Rubber abrasion tester, LCR machine, Fourier Transform infrared
spectrometer (FTIR), Spectrofluorometer, optical emmision Spectrometer

X-RD Machine
Bruker D8 Advanced Eco XRD machine with 1-dimensional detector for ultra-fast X-ray
diffraction measurements (more than 125 times faster than a conventional point
detector system).

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

SEM with up to 1,000,000x magnification (3 nm resolution) and extended pressure
range up to 3000 Pa. Secondary electron detector (SE), electron back scattered
detector (EBSD) for imaging and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) for
elemental analysis. Peltier cool stage with the range -30 ºC to 50 ºC. Gold/palladium
and carbon coaters for sample preparation.

Simultaneous TGA & DTA

The TA Instruments DSC SDT Q600 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) & Differential
Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) provides simultaneous measurement of weight change
(TGA) and true differential heat flow (DSC) on the same sample from ambient to

Fluorometer (PL Spetrometer)

The Horiba FluoroMax 4 spectrometer. Capable of measuring fluorescence of solids,
liquids, powders and thin films.

Polarized light microscope

The configuration of Axio Scope.A1 polarized light microscope is capable of a diverse
range of applications.

Non- Destructive Testing

Ultrasonic flaw detector, Eddy current testing machine, Dye penetrant testing kit

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 13

Foundry Sand Testing
Moisture content testing system, AFS clay content testing system, Mechanical sieve
shaker, AFS standard rammer, Ridsdale-Dietert AFS permeability meter, Ridsdale
Shatter Index tester, spring balance machine for compression strength, Universal sand
strength testing machine

Metal Working and Joining

Laboratory scale rolling mill, MIG/MAG welding machine, Electric Arc welding

Metals & Alloys Making

Lab scale induction furnace

Ceramic & Polymer Processing

Pilot plant (Ball mill, Blunger, Filter press, Pug mill), Andreason pipette apparatus, Gas
fired furnace, Laboratory scale ball mill, Isostatic press, Hydraulic press, Two Roll
Rubber Mixing Mill

Heat Treatment of Metals

Jominy end quench test apparatus, Electric furnaces, Electronic temperature data
recorder, Optical pyrometer, Laboratory scale induction furnace

Corrosion Testing
Salt spray chamber, galvanic corrosion testing system

Environmental Exposure Testing chamber

Programmable exposure to simulate to sunlight, rain and temperature

The department also offers the following services to the industrial community:
 Research and development of the polymer, metal and ceramic products
 Testing of raw material and products for quality assurance
 Failure analysis of engineering components
 Other technical assistance

2.7. Students’ Common Room

Two adjoining rooms on the first floor are allocated for full time use by the students.
One of these rooms which also houses the computer laboratory is for student of all
levels. The other room is reserved for final year students. Some of their lectures are
conducted in this room. On other occasions they can use this room for their study

2.8. Working Hours and Access to Facilities

Normal working hours are from 8.15 am to 6.15 pm on week days. Usually laboratory
facilities are available up to 7.45 pm. When necessary, Laboratory facilities are
provided on Saturdays as well. Students are allowed to handle laboratory equipment
only under the supervision of instructors or laboratory technical officers.
Computer laboratory can be used from 8.00am to 8.30pm on weekdays and

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 14

3. Degree Programme and Administration

3.1. Structure of Degree Programme

The degree programme consists of 8 teaching semesters and spreads over a period
of four academic years and a six-month industrial training period.
Year 1 offers the fundamentals of different engineering subjects and introduction to
Materials Science and Engineering.
Year 2 concentrates on the basics of materials science and engineering and allied
Year 3 enhances the knowledge on materials process technology and applications of
engineering materials.
Year 4 provides in-depth knowledge on selected domains of Materials Science and
Engineering with adequate knowledge on management and quality assurance.
The industrial training is mainly intended to give the students an opportunity to see
how their theoretical knowledge can be applied to practical situations.
The total number of credits* required to obtain the degree in Materials Science and
Engineering is 151 (138 GPA and 13 Non GPA)

The minimum credit requirement for each semester is shown in the following table.
Credit for GPA*** Non GPA Credits Total Credits
Semester 1 15.0 1.0 16.0
Semester 2 19.0 3.0 22.0
Semester 3 22.0 0.0 22.0
Semester 4 20.0 0.0 20.0
Semester 5 20.0 1.0 21.0
Training semester 00.0 6.0 06.0
Semester 6 7.0 1.0 08.0
Semester 7 18.0 0.0 18.0
Semester 8 17.0 1.0 18.0
Total for the Programme 138.0 13.0 151.0

*Credit is equivalent to one hour of lecture per week per semester or three hours of
Practical work/tutorials per week per semester
** Duration of a semester is generally of twenty two weeks, consisting of sixteen weeks
of teaching and six weeks for examinations and holidays
*** GPA stands for Grade Point Average

Examinations and Assessment Strategy

The performance of students in each module is evaluated by Continuous Assessment

(CA) and an End of Semester Written Examination (WE) or only by Continuous

Continuous Assessment:-

The continuous assessment marks will be based on laboratory classes, assignments

and the midterm examination; as would be indicated in the course information sheet
for the given module.
Candidates should obtain at least 35% from the continuous assessment to pass the

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 15

End of Semester Examination:-

For modules in which and of semester examination is conducted,

a minimum 35% should be obtained from the written component of the Examination
in order to obtain a Grade of D or above for a course module.

3.2. Student Records

Records relating to the students are maintained at various divisions of the University as
described below:

 Registration Information - Undergraduate Division of Dean's office

 Examination Results - Examination and Academic Division
 Welfare and Scholarship information - Students Welfare Division

3.3. Awards

3.3.1 Convocation Awards

The D Samson Rajapakse Gold Medal or the D Samson Rajapakse Memorial Award
will be awarded to the best Materials Science and Engineering graduand depending
on his/her performance at the B.Sc. Engineering Degree examinations.

An overall Grade Point Average of 3.8 or above qualifies the student for the Gold
Medal. If it is 3.7 or above but below 3.8, the student will be awarded the D Samson
Rajapakse Memorial Award. This scheme of awards is sponsored by the D Samson
Industries Ltd. in memory of their founder Late D Samson Rajapakse.

Dr. P. Y. Gunapala Memorial Award will be awarded to a Materials Science &

Engineering grandaunt who performs best in final year research project.

3.3.2. Award Ceremony Awards

Lanka Ceramic Limited award will be awarded to the Materials Science &
Engineering student who has obtained the highest Grade Point Average of 3.7 or
above at the B.Sc. Engineering Semester 5 exam

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 16

4 Curriculum and Modules

4.1 Curriculum

Full information on the curriculum is presented in the tables which follow:

Semester 1

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA
Semester 1
Mathematics C 3 1/1 3.0 20 80
CS 1032 C 2 3/1 3.0 20 80
ME 1032 Mechanics C 2 3/4 2.0 20 80
Properties of
MT 1022 C 2 3/4 2.0 20 80
CE 1022 Fluid Mechanics C 2 3/4 2.0 20 80

EE 1012 Electrical Engineering C 2 3/4 2.0 20 80

Language Skill
EL 1012 C - 3/1 1.0 20 80
Enhancement I
MN Engineering in
C 1 - 1.0 30 70
1012 Context 15.0 1.0
Total for Semester 1 15.0 1.0

Semester 2

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE
Semester 2
Crystallography &
MT 1030 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Phase Transformations
MT 1063 Polymer Science C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Fundamentals of
MT 1953 C 1.0 3/1 2.0 100 0
Engineering Design
Engineering Skill
MT 1963 C - 3/1 1.0 100 0
EN 1802 Basic Electronics C 2 3/4 2.0 30 70
Engineering Drawing
ME 1090 and Computer Aided C 2 3/1 3.0 100 0
CS 2812 Visual Programming C 1 3/1 2.0 60 40
Method of
MA 1023 C 3 1/1 3.0 30 70
Language Skill
EL 1022 C - 3/1 1.0 30 70
Enhancement II
Mechanics of
ME 1100 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 30 70
Materials I 17.0 3.0
DE 2XXX Humanities Elective-I E (C) 1.5 3/2 2.0 2.0 0.0
Entrepreneurship Skill
MN 1030
Development O 0.5 3/2 1.0 70 30
Total for Semester 2 19.0 3.0

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 17

CE Modules offered by Civil Engineering Department.
CS Modules offered by Computer Science & Engineering Department.
EE Modules offered by Electrical Engineering Department.
MA Modules offered by Mathematics Department.
ME Modules offered by Mechanical Engineering Department.
EL Modules offered by English Language Teaching Centre.
MT Modules offered by Materials Science & Engineering Department.
DE Modules offered by Dean Engineering.
EN Modules offered by Electronic & Telecommunications Engineering Department.
MN Modules offered by Management of Technology Department.
# denotes courses that are examinable but where the grade will not be counted towards GPA (Non GPA
C denotes compulsory modules.
E denotes elective modules.
O denotes optional modules.

Semester 3

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE
Semester 3
Ceramic Science &
MT 2170 C 3.5 3/2 4.0 40 60
MT 2052 Communication Skills C 1.5 3/2 2.0 100 0
Introduction to Metals &
MT 2160 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Principles of Materials
MT 2190 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Science & Engineering
MT 2153 Polymer Technology C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Basic Engineering
ME 1822 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 30 70
MA 2013 Differential Equations C 2 - 2.0 30 70
MA 2023 Calculus C 2 - 2.0 30 70
EE 2803 Applied Electricity C 1.5 3/2 2.0 30 70
EN 2852 Applied Electronics C 1.5 3/2 2.0 22.0 0.0 40 60

Entrepreneurship Skill
MN 1030 O 0.5 3/2 1.0 22.0 0.0 70 30

Total for Semester 3 22.0 0.0

Semester 4

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE
Semester 4
Degradation of
MT 2034 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Metal Forming and
MT 2074 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
MT 2180 Solid State Materials C 3.5 3/2 4.0 40 60
MA 2033 Linear Algebra C 2 - 2.0 30 70
MA 3013 Applied Statistics C 2 - 2.0 30 70
Mechanics of
ME 2832 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 30 70
Mechanical Behavior
MT 2210 C 2.5 3/2 3.0 30 70
of Materials
Fundamentals of
ME 2850 Machine Element C 2 3/1 3.0 40 60
Design 20.0 0.0
Entrepreneurial 1.5 3/2 2.0
MN 2010 O 50 50
Total for Semester 4 20.0 0.0

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 18

Semester 5

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE
Semester 5
Characterization of
MT 3053 C 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
MT 3094 Polymer Engineering C 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
MT 3902 Industrial Visits I C - - 1.0 100 0
ME 3812 Machine Design C 1 3/1 2.0 30 70
MA 3023 Numerical Methods C 2 - 2.0 30 70
Business Economics
MN 3042 and Financial C 3 - 3.0 30 70
Accounting 13.0 1.0
Latex Science and
MT 3083 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Metal Casting and
MT 3213 E 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Powder Metallurgy
MT 3243 Joining of Materials E 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Electronic and Optical
MT 3300 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Device Engineering
Control Systems and
ME 3012 E 3.5 3/2 4.0 30 70
Industrial Management
MN 3052 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 30 70
& Marketing
MT 3330 Construction Materials E 1.5 3/2 2.0 7.0 0.0 40 60
Multidisciplinary Design,
MN 3010 Innovation and Venture O 1.5 3/2 2.0 50 50
Total for Semester 5 20.0 1.0

Training Semester

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE
Training Semester
MT 3992 Industrial Training C - - 6.0 0.0 6.0 100 0
Total for Training Semester 6.0

Semester 6

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE
Semester 6
DE 2xx2 Humanities Elective-II E(C) 3.0 6/2 2.0

MT 4904 Industrial Visits-II C - - 1.0 5.0 1.0 100 0

Selection of Materials,
Failure Analysis
MT 4114 C 5.0 6/2 3.0 40 60
and Non Destructive

MT 3713 Extraction of Metals E 3.0 6/2 2.0 40 60

MT 3340 Paint Technology E 3.0 6/2 2.0 40 60

2.0 0.0
Total for Semester 6 7.0 1.0

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 19

Semester 7
Lectures Lab/ Credits Norm
Module (%)
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE

Semester 7
Total Quality
MT 4023 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Optical and Electron
MT 4033 C 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Comprehensive Design
MT 3200 C - - 4.0 100 0
Research Project
MT 4203 C - - 4.0 100 0
(Continuing) 12.0 0.0
Industrial Polymer
MT 4063 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Process Engineering
Design & Fabrication of
MT 4073 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Polymer Products
MT 4283 Nano Materials E 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
MT 4760 Electro Ceramics E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
MT 4743 Composites E 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Magnetism & Magnetic
MT 4400 Materials for Device E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Consumer & Industrial
MN 4132 E 2 - 2.0 30 70
MN 4022 Engineering Economics E 2 - 2.0 30 70
Human Resource
MN 4122 Management and E 2 - 2.0 30 70
Industrial Relations
MN 3020 E 2 3/1 3.0 50 50
Business Basics 6.0 0.0
Total for Semester 7 18.0 0.0

Semester 8

Lectures Lab/ Evaluation

Module Credits Norm
Module Name Category hrs/ Assignments (%)
week hrs/weeks GPA NGPA GPA NGPA CA WE
Semester 8
MT 4203 Research Project C - - 3.0 100 0
Heat treatment and
MT 4334 Strengthening C 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Mechanisms of Metals
MT 4120 Cleaner Production C 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
MN 4042 C 2 - 2.0 30 70
Management 11.0 1.0
MN 4900 Professional Ethics C 1 - - 1.0 30 70
Dies and Moulds for
MT 4083 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Polymer Processing
Polymer Process
MT 4093 Control and E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Refractories & Kiln
MT 4713 E 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
Smart Materials and
MT 4780 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
MN 4010 Business Plan
E 1.5 3/2 2.0 30 70
MA 4022 Operational Research E 3 - 3.0 30 70
Small Business
MN 4072 Management & E 2 - 2.0 30 70
Ferrous and Non
MT 4750 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Ferrous Alloys 6.0 0.0
Total for Semester 8 17.0 1.0
Total credits for the Programme 138 13

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 20

4.2 Modules

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering offers One (1) module in
semester 1, Four (4) modules at semester 2, Five (5) modules at semester 3, Four (4)
modules at semester 4, Eight (8) modules at semester 5, Four (4) module at semester 6,
Ten (10) modules at semester 7 and Eight (08) modules at semester 8. Description of
these modules at each semester is given below:

4.2.1 Semester 2


Module Title Crystallography & Phase Transformations


Hours/ Lectures 1.5 Pre-

Credits 2.0 -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2 requisites

Learning Objectives: -
 To provide knowledge on the fundamentals of materials science and engineering

Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Describe fundamental Crystallographic concepts.
 Summarize the purpose of phase diagrams.
 Construct & interpret phase-diagrams.
 Explain basic thermodynamics concepts.
Solve simple thermodynamic problems related to materials and processes.

Syllabus Outline: -
 Crystals and lattices : Definition of a crystal & Lattice points / Fractional
coordinates / Unit-cell calculations
 Symmetry : Symmetry operations and elements of symmetry / Point symmetry &
combinations of symmetry elements / Point groups and point-group nomenclature
/ Determination of point groups
 Crystal systems & geometry : Bravais lattices / Classifications of unit cells / Crystal
systems / Crystal planes and indices
 Phase behavior of solids: Phase diagrams & construction of phase diagrams /
Formation of alloys / Evolution of microstructure.
 Introduction to thermodynamics of materials : thermodynamic systems /
thermodynamic variables / Laws of thermodynamics (1st ,2nd & 3rd ) /
Thermodynamic variables & relations / Equilibrium in thermodynamic systems

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 21

Module MT 1063 Title POLYMER SCIENCE
Lectures 1.5 Pre-
2 Hours/ Week -
Credits Lab/Tutorials 3/2 requisites

Learning Objectives: -
To provide knowledge on fundamentals of polymer science, describe industrial
polymerization techniques and discuss properties of polymers

Learning Outcomes: -
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Name, classify and describe specific features of polymers
 Identify & illustrate various isomeric forms of polymers
 Discuss amorphous and crystalline arrangements of polymer chains and describe
factors contributing for crystallization of polymers
 Calculate different molecular weight averages of a given polymer
 Explain chemistry of different types of polymerization reactions and list
characteristics of each type of polymerization
 Apply Carothers’s equation in calculating characteristics of step growth
 Describe principal steps involved in chain growth polymerizations and explain
mechanisms of each step of free radical, ionic and coordination polymerizations
 Describe the consequences of chain transfer and auto acceleration and,
distinguish between inhibition and retardation
 Discuss the composition drift observable for copolymerization reactions
 Predict the composition and/or type of a copolymer produced using the reactivity
ratios of commoners
 Compare & contrast different polymerization techniques and discuss advantages
as well as disadvantages of most widely used polymerization techniques
 Describe thermal transitions, chemical properties & mechanical properties of

Syllabus Outline: -
 Nature and structure of polymers
 Chain structure
 Polymer morphology
 Polymer molecular weight
 Polymerization Reactions
 Industrial polymerization techniques
 Properties of polymers

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 22

MT 1963
Lectures - Pre-
Credits 1 Hours/ Week -
Lab/Tutorials 3/1 requisites

Learning Objectives: -
To acquire knowledge in engineering communications, machine tools and basi c software

Learning Outcomes
Student should be able to:

 communicate to engineering concepts

 Apply basic concepts used in Computer aided learning
 Acquire basic Skill in machine tool use

Outline Syllabus
Workshop Practice
 wood working
 Sheet metal forming
 Smithy forging
 Metal Welding
 Metal fitting practice

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 23

Module Title Fundamentals of Engineering Design
MT 1953

Hours/ Lectures 1.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/1

Learning Objectives: -
To acquire knowledge in basic principles of engineering design and product development.

Learning Outcomes
Student should be able to:
 Identify fundamental concepts of engineering design
 Apply principles of engineering design in a basic level
 Explain product development strategy as applicable to engineered commodities.
 Organize strategy for effective marketing of designed product

Syllabus Outline:-
 Design Principles
 Case Studies
 Design Project Assignment

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 24



EN 1802
Lectures 2.0
Credits 2 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/4

Syllabus Outline:-
 Historical aspects, practical electronic systems, electronic industry, practical aspects
of passive components, manufacturing electronic products, software tools.

 Introduction to semiconductors and their basic properties, modern electronic


 Operation and characteristics of junction diode, zener diode, varactor diode and
light emitting diode, rectification, clamping and limiting circuits, thyristors and
controlled rectification.

 Operation and characteristics of BJT, use as a switch and as an amplifier, biasing

schemes, amplifier configurations and parameters.

 Operation and characteristics of JFET, use as a switch and as an amplifier,

comparison with BJTs.

 The need for integration, operational amplifiers, inverting amplifier configuration of op

amp, monolithic audio IC amplifiers.

 Logic gates and Boolean algebra, minimization of logic expressions, combinational

logic circuits, introduction to sequential logic circuits, design of simple logic circuits.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 25

ME 1090

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/1

Syllabus Outline:-
 Throughout the course, the concepts in Engineering Drawing will be taught using
both manual draughting techniques as well as Computer-Aided Draughting.

 First angle projection, Third angle projection.

 Orthographic views of objects from given pictorial views, Third view from two
orthographic views, Sectional views, Orthographic views of an assembled object
Orthographic views of an assembly of a set of given components.

 Construction of Cycloids, Involutes, Helices.

 Graphical Estimation of True lengths, Inclinations, Traces Auxiliary Projection Methods

& True Shapes of Sections.

 Construction of Interpenetration curves of Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Pyramid etc.

 Construction of Developments of Prism, Cylinder, Cone, Pyramid and Developments

by the Method of triangulation.

 Drawing Isometric views with an isometric scale.

 Draw orthographic projections using a CAD package.

 Introduction to 3-dimensional modeling on a CAD package.
 Carry out Engineering Graphics on the CAD system.
 Introduction to parametric 3-dimensional modeling using Pro Engineer / Solid Works.
 Generate orthographic projections from the solid model.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 26

CS 2812
Lectures 1.0
Credits 2.0 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/1

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to Visual Programming Languages (VB.NET)
 Basics of Object Oriented Programming & Design
 Objects, Properties, Events & Methods
 Variables, Data Types & Control Structures
 Data Structures
 Exception Handling
 Graphical User Interface Design
 Database Programming
 Coding Standards
 Debugging and Testing

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 27

MA 1023

Hours/ Lectures 3.0

Credits 3 Pre-requisites MA 1013
Week Lab/Tutorials 1/1

Learning Objectives:-
To apply the knowledge gained on calculus and algebra using Numerical Analysis and
Differential Equations.
To develop the basic Multivariate Function and Calculus concepts.
To develop the basic concepts of Statistics.

Learning Outcomes:-
 Understand the basic concepts of Numerical Methods
 Able to solve Ordinary Differential Equations
 Acquire the concepts of Multivariate Function and Calculus
 Acquire the concepts of Distributions for Statistical Applications

Syllabus Outline:-
 Approximations by Taylor Series, Numerical Solution of System of Linear Equations: Non
Iterative Methods: Gauss Elimination, LU Factorization; Iterative Methods: Gauss-Seidel
and Jacobi Methods; Solution of Non-linear Equations: Bisection, Simple Iterative,
Newton- Rapson; Polynomial Approximation of Functions: Lagrange Polynomials,
Newton's Divided Differences, Least Square Polynomial and Functions, Finite
Differences, Interpolation and Extrapolation, Numerical Differentiation, Numerical
Integration: Trapezoidal, Simpson's Rules, Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential
Equations: Euler's Method, Taylor Series Method.

 Orthogonal Trajectories, Isoclines, First Order Ordinary Differential Equations; Variable

Separable, Homogeneous, Linear and Exact; Reducible Forms, Second Order
Ordinary Differential Equations, Reducible Forms.

 Multivariable Functions, Partial Differentiation, Chain Rule, Change of Variables and

Jacobians, Directional Derivatives, Maxima and Minima, Lagrange Multipliers, Taylor
Series Expansion, Double Integral, Triple Integral, Geodesics, Vector Functions,
Introduction to Vector Calculus.

 Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, Joint Distribution Functions, Introduction

of Common Distributions and their application: Binomial, Poisson, Normal and
Exponential. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion. Moments.
Skewness. Kurtosis. Association between random variables: Pearson Correlation
Coefficient, Rank Correlation Coefficient, Introduction of Bi-Varaite and Multivariate

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 28

ME 1100
Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to
 Explain the basic concepts and laws of Mechanics of Materials and their application
in the analysis and design of actual engineering structures and machine
 Analyze certain problems of particular Mechanical Engineering interest with
emphasis on their importance to safe design
 Recognize the relevance of these concepts in understanding the subject ME 2142
Machine Elements & Innovative Design

Syllabus Outline:-
 Types of engineering components, Different forms of loading and support conditions,
Types of joints.

 Static equilibrium, Internal forces, Direct stress, Shear stress, Uni-axial stress systems.

 Direct and shear strains, Deformations, Displacements, Boundary conditions, elastic

properties of materials, Hooke's Law, Poisson's Ratio, Thermal strain and deformation,
Saint-Venant's Principle, Statically indeterminate problems. Elastic strain energy, Thin-
walled spherical and cylindrical pressure vessels.

 Shear forces & bending moments in beams, Theory of simple bending, Bending stress
distribution, Combined loading.

 Torsional shear stress distribution in circular bars, Angle of twist, Torsional strain energy
applications: shaft coupling, propeller shafts.

 Transformation of stresses in 2D problems, Principal stresses, Mohr's circle of stress,

combined loading.

 Moment-curvature relation, Governing differential equation, Direct integration

solutions, Singularity functions.

 Euler critical loads for combinations of free, pinned and built-in end conditions,
limiting stress conditions.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 29

EL 1022
Lectures -
Credits 1 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to
 Be able to contribute to a group project through discussion and other related work
 Be able to make a short presentation on a subject related topic
 Be able to describe a simple process

Syllabus Outline:-
 Group projects
 Training in presentation skills
 Reinforcing writing skills

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 30

MN 1030
Lectures 0.5
Credits *1# Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-
At the end of this course students will be able to:
 Apply their business and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to education, career
and service pursuits
 Recognize the significance of personal responsibility and financial literacy in making
positive life decisions

Syllabus Outline:-
 Discuss leadership position, business idea, company name, vision and mission;
establish company values, company capitalization process
 Working as a company, students conduct officer elections and learn about each
department's specific responsibilities during the operation and liquidation phases
 Students use tools such as market surveys and cost-benefit analysis to determine
potential products for their target market and develop initial business plan
 Students host Board of Directors meeting to approve the company's Business Plan,
review implementation strategies and accept the company Charter, sell shares
 Materials needed for production are ordered and the company business plan is
 Learn about specific sales techniques during selling of their product/service
 Students hold department meetings to share best practices and propose changes
to current company operations
 Begin to finalize production, access excess inventory, and prepare for the Board of
Directors liquidation meeting
 Students explore steps and learn how to apply what they have learned as a
company to personal entrepreneurial pursuits
 Final Board of Directors liquidation meeting and approve the Annual Report

 2 credits will be distributed as follows

Semester 2 - 1
Semester 3 - 1

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 31

4.2.2 Semester 3



Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on the basic principles of materials science and

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this module, students should be able to:

 Identify the characteristics of metallic, covalent, ionic and van der Waal’s
 Identify and describe the different types of defects found in crystals
 Relate the mechanical properties of a material to the type of bonding and
defects present
 Calculate the diffusion profiles

Syllabus Outline:-
 Bonding : Basic types of inter-atomic bonds / Basic types of inter-molecular bonds
/ Ionic bonding
 Defects in Crystals : Point Defects / Line Defects / Planar Defects / Surface Defects
/ Bulk Defect
 Diffusion in Solids : Diffusion Basics / Diffusion Mechanisms
 Nucleation and Crystal growth : Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation
Introduction to mechanical behavior of materials : Elastic, Anelastic & Visco-
elastic behavior of materials / Plastic deformation, Work hardening & Annealing

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 32

Outline: Hours/ Lectures 1.5 Pre-
-Credits 2
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2 requisites

 B
Learning Objectives:-
n basic communication skills, critical reading, verbal communications and writing.
To improve
Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to;
 g
Read critically and analyze writing to locate the important aspects and the
pattern of organization
 :Develop reports that present and defend a clear, precise thesis using effective
evidence, a variety of sources, and appropriate documentation
 Speak with more confidence in front of superiors and peers in an organized
 Handle crisis situations through effective interpersonal interactions and team

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction
y to communication and communication skills
 Presentation skills
 Listening and Observation skills
 Effective reading
 s
Report writing
 Inter-personal skills



i Materials Science and Engineering
Department of 33
Lectures 3.5 Pre-
Credits 4 Hours/ Week -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2 requisites

Learning Objectives:-
To introduce the basic concepts of Ceramic Science

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to ;
 Recognize importance of powder properties, characterization, consolidation and
forming in ceramic fabrication
 Describe drying , sintering & densification and fabrication of ceramics
 Identify causes of defects in ceramic products
 Explain fabrication of clay-based traditional ceramics, glass and glass ceramics
Define bio ceramics and advanced structural ceramics

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to ceramics: Structure, properties and applications of traditional
ceramics, advanced ceramics, glass and cement
 Ceramic powder preparation: Mechanical methods- communitions, mechano-
chemical synthesis, Chemical methods-solid state reactions, liquid solutions, vapour
phase reactions
 Powder characterization: Particle size, particle size distribution, particle shape,
surface area
 Rheology and colloids: General introduction to colloids and rheology. Broken bond
theory, isomorphous substitution, double layer theory
 Powder consolidation and forming of ceramics: Powder mixing, types of mixtures,
powder consolidation methods, powder pressing techniques, Special ceramic
fabrication techniques
 Fabrication of clay based traditional ceramics: Plastic and non-plastic raw materials,
preparation of body mixtures, forming methods, casting, extrusion, fabrication of
selected ceramic products
 Drying and sintering: Shrinkage and swelling, sintering fundamentals, solid state
sintering, viscous sintering, grain growth and microstructural evolution, pressure
sintering (hot pressing), microwave sintering, reaction sintering, evaluation of
sintered ceramics, finishing operations
 Ceramic glazes and colour pigments
 Glass and glass ceramics
 Introduction to bio ceramics and advanced structural ceramics

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 34

MT 2153
Lectures 1.5 Pre-
Credits 2 Hours/ Week -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2 requisites

Learning Objectives:-
 To describe structure property relationship of polymeric materials
 To detail key parameters involved in rubber compound developments
 To describe polymer based product manufacturing technologies

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Identify a suitable polymeric material for a given application
 Describe the function of additives used in rubber compounding
 Develop polymer compounds to satisfy product service requirements
 Discuss processability of rubber compounds
 Describe polymer product manufacturing technologies and choose a suitable
manufacturing technique to turnout a given polymer product
Identify design features of polymer products

Syllabus outline
 General purpose rubbers, Special purpose rubbers, Thermoplastic resins
and Thermosetting resins.

 Compounding ingredients, Preparation and testing of rubber compounds, Shaping

techniques used in rubber products manufacture, Vulcanization

 Extrusion, Injection moulding, Compression moulding, Transfer moulding,

Blow moulding, Thermoforming, Film blowing, Rotational moulding, Calendering, Mixing

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 35

MT 2160
Lectures 1.5 Pre-
Credits 2 Hours/ Week -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2 requisites

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on structure, properties, production and application of steel
and cast iron.
Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Describe the basic principles underlying production of steel and cast iron
 Identify the different phases in the microstructure of plain carbon steels and cast
 Explain relationship between the microstructure and properties of plain carbon steel
and cast iron
 Apply the knowledge on microstructure and properties to select suitable plain
carbon steels and cast irons for different engineering applications
 Explain the basic heat treatments methods of steels and cast iron.
Identify the different types of nonferrous metals and alloys

Syllabus Outline:-
 Basic principles and selected processes of steel making
 Iron-Carbon equilibrium diagram, classification of plain carbon steels
 Microstructure, properties and uses of plain carbon steels
 Basic heat treatment processes of steel and cast iron
 Production and classification of cast iron
 Microstructure, properties and uses of cast iron
 Introduction to nonferrous metals and alloys

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 36



EE 2803

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites EE 1012
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-

After completing this module the student should be able to

 Calculate electric transformer or motor performance under variety of load
 Select a suitable electric motor for a given application
 Demonstrate basic knowledge in electricity utilisation in the areas of lighting,
heating and welding
 Understand wiring regulations applicable to households
 Carry out simple voltage drop calculations for cables
 Estimate monthly electricity bill for an installation and methods of minimizing the
cost of electricity

Syllabus Outline:-
 Single Phase transformers, EMF equation, equivalent circuit & phasor diagram,
losses & efficiency, voltage regulation, test on transformers, use of three phase
 Types of rotors and windings, induction motor action, torque speed characteristics,
losses and efficiency, starting and speed control, ratings and applications. Single
phase induction motors and their applications.
 Equivalent circuits, motor and generator operation, characteristics of series, shunt
and compound motors, starting and speed control, industrial applications.
 Universal motors: constructional and operational characteristics. Stepper motor
operation and types, applications.
 Introduction to solid state control of dc and ac motors, principles of four-quadrant
 Basic principles, characteristics of light, lamps and luminaires, average lumen
method of lighting calculations.
 Methods of heating: Joules, induction and dielectric. Industrial applications. Electric
welding: types, requirements, welding transformers.
 Wiring regulations, circuits and wiring symbols, selection and voltage drop
calculations of cables. Earthing.
 Cost of electric power: fixed, variable and maximum demand charges, tariffs.
Demand management: power factor correction.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 37

EN 2852

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Syllabus Outline:-
 Operation and characteristics, non-inverting and inverting configuration,
applications: inverter, comparator, voltage follower (buffer), adder, substrator,
integrator, Differentiator Oscillator.

 Performance characteristics of transducers: Dynamic range, sensitivity, resolution,

input/output impedance, useful frequency range, resistance transducers, opto-
conductive transducers, capacitive transducers, inductive transducers,
thermocouples, piezoelectric Transducers.

 A/D and D/A conversion, frequency ranges and bandwidth, signal reflection in
cables, noise and interference, noise reduction methods.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 38

MA 2013

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites MA 1023
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To understand Fourier approximation in various mathematical methods in physical system
To understand the modeling of physical system using partial differential equation.
To understand transform methods in solving differential equations.
To understand the use of power series methods in solving differential equation.

Learning Outcomes:-
 To approximate periodic function using Fourier series
 To solve various categories of Partial differential equations appears in physical
system modeling
 To apply Lap lace Transform and Fourier Transform method to solve differential
 To apply series solution method to differential equation with variable coefficient

Syllabus Outline:-
 Fourier coefficients, Dirichlet's condition, odd and even function, half range series.
Trigonometric approximation to discrete data.

 Classification of second-order partial differential equations. Solutions by separation

of variables. Fourier series application to boundary value problems.

 Laplace transforms of elementary functions and some basic theorems on Laplace

transform. Application of Laplace transforms to solution of differential equations
and system of differential equations, transfer functions, convolution theorem,
concepts of stability and controllabity.

 Non-periodic functions, Fourier transform properties of Fourier transform and


 Solution in series, Special function (e.g. Bessel, Legendre) - singular points, Existence
and uniqueness of the solution (elementary discussions without proof.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 39

Module Title CALCULUS
MA 2023

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites MA 1013 / 1023
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To understand the concepts of application of parametric curves in space. To understand
the concept of coordinate transformation.
To understand the vector field and integration on curves and its application.
To understand the use of complex variable applied in mathematical methods used in
modeling physical system.
To understand the calculus such as integration, differentiation applied to complex variable.

Learning Outcomes:-
 To do vector differentiation and integration and to find vector and scalar
quantities such as Div, Grad, Curl
 To understand the meaning of Div, Grad, Curl and its applications
 To apply three important theorems , Divergence, Strokes and Green, in various
 To apply Cauchy's integral formula
 To perform contour integration techniques
 To apply conformal mapping in physical system modeling

Syllabus Outline:-
 Vector differentiation and differential operators, space curves and line integral,
surface and surface integrals. Divergence theorem, Stroke's theorem, Greens
theorem in plane. Some basic applications.

 Analytical function and Cauchy-Reimann equation, Cauchy's integral formula and

applications. Taylor and Laurent's series, contour integration. Introduction to
conformal mapping.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 40

ME 1822

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites MA 1013/1023
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to.
 State the First Law of Thermodynamics and define heat, work, thermal efficiency
and the difference between various forms of energy
 Explain the concept of thermodynamic process and describe the different types of
 Recognize relationship between thermodynamics and other areas of study

Syllabus Outline:-

 Historical development, Thermodynamics Concepts and Terminology, Units and


 Work and Power, Heat Transfer, Energy Transport by Mass Transport.

 Introduction to ideal gases and substances, Rationale behind the definitions of

ideal gases and substances.

 Open System, Closed System, Enthalpy, Steady state steady flow processes,
Transient processes.

 Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Entropy, Second Law Applications, Efficiency

of real processes.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 41

4.2.3 Semester 4


Module Title Degradation Of Materials

MT 2034

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on degradation mechanisms, forms of corrosion and design
corrosion prevention methods..

Learning Outcomes
 Define Degradation mechanisms of metals, ceramics and polymers
 Design protection systems against different forms of corrosion
 Design polymer components for controlled degradation.

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to degradation
Degradation principles, electrochemical aspects, Polarization, environmental effects,
metallurgical aspects.
 Corrosion
Definition of corrosion, Cost of corrosion, Corrosion damage, Corrosion rate expressions
 Forms of Corrosion
General Corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, intergranular
corrosion, selective leaching, erosion corrosion, stress corrosion, hydrogen damage.
 Corrosion testing and Evaluation.
 Degradation of ceramics
Acid brick, stone ware and porcelain, structural clay, glass, concrete
 Degradation of polymers
Thermal, mechanical, photo, bio and chemical degradation. Degradation due to
radiation and hydrolysis.
 Design corrosion protection methods based on material selection, alteration of
environment design, cathodic and anodic protection, coatings.
 Oxidation of Metals
Oxidation principles, Types of oxidation, kinetics of oxidation

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 42

Module Title Metal Forming and Machining
MT 2074

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on basic theory and practical application of metal forming
and machining Processes
 To improve the design aspects on minimizing the defects occurred in metal forming
and machining processes

Learning Outcomes
 Describe the mechanical and metallurgical aspects of metal forming processes.
 Explain the basic principles of metal forming processes.
 Discuss the application of metal forming processes for manufacturing of various
engineering components
 Apply the knowledge on mechanical and metallurgical aspects to prevent the
defects occurring during the metal forming.
 Explain the basic principles of machining processes and discuss the application of
machining processes for manufacturing of various engineering components
 Design metal forming machines, dies & tool, punches and engineering
components to minimize the defects during metal forming and machining

Syllabus Outline:-

 Classification of metal forming processes, Tool-Work piece Interaction,

Homogeneous deformation, Inhomogeneous deformation, Friction,Tresca's
criterion, Von Mise’s criterion, Strain hardening, Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain
 Introduction to machining, Classification of machining processes, tool-work piece
interaction, Traditional processes, Non-traditional processes
 Forging, Rolling, Extrusion, Drawing and sheet metal working processes.
 Incomplete forging penetration, Surface cracking, Cracking at the flash, Cold Shut,
Cracking due to surface (secondary) tensile stresses
 Ideal orthogonal cutting, Realistic orthogonal cutting, single and multi-point machining,
special machining
 processes, machinability, machinable materials, material selection for the tools, tool
 Design calculations for metal forming machines, design tools, dies and punches for
metal bulk forming and sheet forming processes using computer software.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 43

Module Title Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
MT 2210

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5
Learning Objectives:-
 To introduce the students to the mechanics of materials method of problem
formulation and solution procedures for solving solids mechanics problems
to comprehend basics of engineering design concepts.

Learning Outcomes
 Explain the theoretical strengths of materials and their deviations from
actual strengths based on structure
 Identify main factors that influence the fracture stress and failure mode of
 Identify the key aspects in theories of material fracture sufficiently to
recognize their applications and limitations in designing of engineering
 Design components for failure avoidance and selection of safety factors
based on fracture mechanics.
 Discuss mechanism of fatigue failure and identify causes that lead to
fatigue failure.
 Apply Goodman - Gerber diagram, Basic estimation of fatigue life, Minor's
law of Cumulative fatigue for designing against fatigue failure.
 Describe mechanisms of creep and predict creep-life of components
under steady-state conditions for design applications.
 Describe fracture mechanisms of polymers and ceramics and identify their
main distinguishing factors

Syllabus Outline:-
 Theoretical tensile and shear strengths of ideal materials slip in ductile materials, ductile-
brittle transition temperature. Linear-elastic fracture mechanics,
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics

 Sources of micro and macro cracks, stress concentration approach, Griffith's energy
balance approach,stress intensity factor approach and fracture toughness, statistical
approach to brittle fracture - Weibull analysis, mean strength, effect of volume and
loading systems, compliance method, selection of working stresses.

 Overall yielding, cup and cone type failure

 Mechanism, factors influencing fatigue failures , Goodman - Gerber diagram ,

estimation of fatigue life, Minor's law of Cumulative fatigue, design against fatigue.

 Mechanism, design against creep.

Specific fracture mechanisms for polymers and ceramics

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 44

Module Title Polymer Engineering
MT 3094

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5
Learning Objectives:-
 To impart knowledge on fundamentals of polymer engineering and learn
the practical implications of theoretical facts to design polymer products,
processing techniques and tools.

Learning Outcomes
 Describe the principles of rubber elasticity and explain Mooney-Rivlin theory for
rubber-like materials for design calculations.
 Choose appropriate viscoelastic models to design and analyze simple polymer
engineering problems.
 Identify and categories rheological behaviors of different polymer melts and
analyze and design their flow characteristics in geometrical channels
 Discuss the significance of morphological manifestations of polymers in
understanding the fundamental physical and chemical properties of polymers
 Identify the physical characteristics of polymers by stress-stain behavior and relate
them to the structure of the polymers and use this information in design of polymer

Syllabus Outline:-

 Chain conformations in polymers, the statistical theory of rubber elasticity, entropy,

internal energy, effect of temperature, theory of Mooney and Rivlin.

 Visco-elastic models, Stress-strain-time relationship, Superposition, retardation and

relaxation time spectrums, WLF equation, Dynamic

 behaviours of polymers, Frequency-temperature equivalence problems.

 Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Time dependent fluids, Time independent fluids,
Flow curves, Isothermal channels flow, Boundary effect, Equipments used to obtain flow

 Polymer crystallography, Lamella, Sperulites effect of crystallinity, Orientation induced

crystallization, Chain orientation, Properties of oriented polymers, Frozen stress, Stress

 Short-term tensile strength, Brittle failure, Ductile failure, Basic concept of fracture

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 45


Lectures 3.5
Credits 4 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
To introduce students to the basics and fundamental concepts of properties of solid state

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Describe the importance of Quantum Mechanics in understanding material
 Formulate quantized wave functions and energy levels of one-electron and multi-
electron systems
 Explain the wave motion in periodic structures leading to an understanding of the
temperature dependence of specific heat, as well as being able to calculate the
phonon dispersion relation for a chain of atoms
 Describe how electron wave functions and energies are changed by the presence
of the periodic crystal potential
 Explain how the electrical properties of metals, insulators and semiconductors are
related to their electronic structure
 Demonstrate the functionality of the p/n junction under electrical and optical
 Classify dielectric materials based on polarization mechanism and structure
 Explain the mechanism of magnetization of matter and classify magnetic materials
Apply the knowledge to advanced topics in materials science such as electronic
materials and magnetic devices

Syllabus Outline:-
 Engineering Quantum Mechanics
 Wave Diffraction and Reciprocal Lattice
 Phonons: Crystal Vibrations and Thermal Properties
 Free Electron Fermi Gas
 Energy Bands
 Semiconductor Crystals
 Fermi Surfaces and Metals
 Plasmons, Polaritons, and Polarons
 Optical processes and excitons
 Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics
 Magnetic Properties of Materials

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 46



MA 2033
Lectures 2.0 Pre-
Credits 2 Hours/ MA 1023
Week Lab/Tutorials - requisites

Learning Objectives:-
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the concept of a vector space and its
algebraic properties and the manipulative techniques necessary to use matrices and
determinants in solving applied problems. This course in linear algebra serves as a bridge
from the typical intuitive treatment of calculus to more rigorous courses. Computer projects
using the software Mathematical are designed to reinforce concepts of matrix multiplication,
inverse eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Learning Outcomes:-
Reduce a matrix using Gauss-Jordan reduction
 Solve a system of n equations and m variables
 Find the inverse of a matrix
 Understand the dimension of a vector space, rank of a matrix and basis for a
vector space
 Understand the concept of linear independence, linear transformation and
 Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and diagonalize quadratic forms

Syllabus Outline:-
Vectors spaces, subspaces, linear combinations, spanning sets, linear independence, and
bases. Column space and row space and null space of a matrix and application. Linear
transformation. Eigen values, eigen vectors and related topics. Diagonalisation of matrices.
Quadratic forms. Applications. Numerical Linear Algebra.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 47

MA 3013

Lectures 2.0
Credits 2 Hours/ Pre-requisites MA 1023
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To provide students with skills necessary to analyze data.
To draw meaningful conclusions from the analysis in both written and oral form.
To provide an understanding of the statistical techniques those are used.
To ensure that students are familiar with a use of a statistical package.

Learning Outcomes:-
 Identify the role of probability and statistics in their discipline area
 Perform a range of statistical procedures related to the manipulation and
interpretation of data
 Distinguish between types of statistical tests that may be used to analyze data
 Demonstrate basic knowledge of assessing the appropriateness of statistical
 Demonstrate practical expertise associated with the use of statistical package in
performing basic statistical procedure
Syllabus Outline:-
 Expectation, mean and variance of Bernoulli, Geometric, Binomial, Poisson, Uniform,
Exponential and Normal Distributions.

 Sampling distributions, central limit theorem, confidence intervals for mean and
variance. Hypothesis tests for mean. Difference between means, proportions and
variance. Goodness- of-fit tests and contingency table. Regression, correlation,
least square estimation and hypothesis tests in simple linear regression. Introduction
to Quality Control, O.C Curve. Control charts, attribute type sampling schemes.
Variable type sampling schemes.

 Use of MINITAB for statistical testing and regression analysis.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 48

ME 2832

Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Hours/ Pre-requisites ME 1032
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to
 Describe the important principles in Mechanics of Machines
 Analyze and solve simple but realistic problems in Engineering Mechanics
 Explain the relevance of the principles of Mechanics of Machines in the Design of
Machine Elements

Syllabus Outline:-

 (Velocity Diagrams), Acceleration diagrams, Linkages involving sliding connections,

Kinetics of plane mechanisms.

 Geometry of spur gearing, External and internal gearing, Epicyclic gear trains,
Speed Torque relationships.

 Static and dynamic balancing of shaft-rotor systems.

 Response of viscous damped systems to harmonic excitation, Response of viscous

damped systems to ground vibration, dynamic magnification, transmissibility.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 49

ME 2850

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/1
Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to
 Design basic machine elements considering design criteria such as strength, rigidity,
reliability, fatigue life, etc.
 Demonstrate the ability to develop innovative solutions for basic design problems
 Communicate design information through production drawings, calculation
reports, etc.

Syllabus Outline:-

 Basic Design Considerations, Design Methodology, Traditional and Innovative

Design, Design Standards, Designing for static and dynamic loading.

 Analyze the flow of forces through simple machine elements and compute stresses
in critically loaded sections. Analysis of common causes of failure of machine

 Design of riveted, threaded, welded and press-fitted joints, Design of keys and
splines, bearings, couplings, Design of shafts and axles, gear drives, belt drives,
Springs, Cams and Flywheels.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 50

MN 2010

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-

At the end of this course students will be able to:

 Create a personal inventory of strengths and weaknesses
 Create a vision for what a student wants to achieve
 Develop a mindset to embrace and understand failure rather than fear it
 Develop skills in terms of problem solving and decision making

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to entrepreneurial leadership

 Leadership skills, abilities and qualities
 Leader as a team builder
 Leader as a motivator
 Leader as an effective communicator and negotiator
 How leaders play a critical role in shaping an organization's culture
 Ethical behavior of a leader
 Entrepreneur Presentation (by Entrepreneurs with good leadership skills)
 Case Studies and Presentations

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 51

2.4 Semester 5




Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 Provide awareness of a range of common characterization methods for the
determination of the structure and composition of solids.

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Describe experimental methods and identify when they should be applied to
probe specific materials characteristics
 Design experiments, based on this knowledge
 Identify the limitations of a specific characterization method
 Understand how different characterization methods complement each other

Syllabus Outline:-
 Powder X-ray Diffraction : Diffraction by small crystals / Structure factor for
Bragg reflections / Effect of temperature variation on the intensity / Diffract
meter recording of powder patterns / indexing of powder patterns / phase
identification & lattice parameter determination / use of space groups in
structure determination
 Vibration spectroscopy: Absorption process / Molecular Stretching & Bending
/ IR spectrometers / Correlation charts & analysis of spectrum / Background
spectrum & Baseline correction.
 Quantitative aspect of spectro-chemical measurements : Absorption
method / Beer’s law / Relaxation process
 Atomic absorption & emission spectrometry : Instrumentation / Interference in
AA spectroscopy / Calibration curves and detection limits
 Thermal analysis: Principles of Differential Scanning Calorimetry / Principles of
Thermo Gravimetric Analysis., capillary viscometers, Rotational viscometers,

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 52

MT 3902

Hours/ Lectures -
Credits 1# Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To provide exposure to application of technology and management

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should have a sound understanding of;
 Define management structures of the industries visited
 Asses history of the industry
 Identify raw materials used
 Describe processing and fabrication techniques

Syllabus Outline:-
 At least two industrial visits will be covered
 Individual Field Visit Reports should be submitted before next Field Visit
 All Industrial visits are compulsory

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 53


Hours/ Lectures 1.5 Pre-

Credits 2 -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2 requisites

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide theoretical and practical knowledge on metal casting and
Powder metallurgy

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Understand and explain the casting process, various casting processes and
casting defects
 Understand the solidification theory of metals and heat treatment of castings
 Understand and explain powder metallurgy process
 Understand metal powder production techniques and powder
compaction techniques

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction
 Sand Moulding Techniques
 Casting processes
 Solidification theory
 Melting and type of furnace
 Casting design and material selection.
 Casting defects
 Introduction to powder metallurgy.
 Production and properties of metal powders.
 Compaction, sintering, mechanical properties.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 54

MT 3243
Hours/ Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on application of material science and engineering
concepts to joining of materials as well as on joining processes used in
manufacturing of engineering products.

Learning Outcomes:-
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Identify, classify and describe appropriate methods for joining materials and
potential sources of defects
 Select suitable joining methods in the context of manufacturing and system

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to Joining of Materials
 Mechanical ,Materials science and design aspects of joining
 Soldering and Brazing
 Fusion Welding Processes
 Solid State Welding Processes
 Welding Defects , Weld Inspection and Testing
 Joining of Polymers
 Joining of Dissimilar Materials

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 55

MT 3083

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites MT 2152
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on fundamentals of Latex science
 To describe latex compound formulations
 To detail latex based product manufacturing technologies

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Describe the composition and constitution of natural rubber latex
 Discuss the stabilisation and destabilisation mechanisms of natural rubber
 Compare and contrast the latex concentration techniques
 Describe the tests involved in latex characterisation
 Explain the functions of latex compounding ingredients and prevulcanisation
 Discuss different technologies involved in different types of latex based
products manufacture
 Design suitable latex formulations for different service requirements
 Identify special features of synthetic latices

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to natural rubber latex

 Concentration and characterization of natural rubber latex
 Latex compounding ingredients
 Preparation of dispersions and emulsions
 Prevulcanisation of latex compounds
 Manufacture of latex based products
 Synthetic latices

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 56


Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 Explores the relationships which exist between the performance of electrical
and optical devices and the microstructural characteristics of the materials
from which they are constructed.
 Through a device-motivated approach which emphasizes emerging
technologies, device applications of physical phenomena are considered,
including electrical conductivity and doping, transistors, photodetectors and
photovoltaics, luminescence, light emitting diodes, lasers, optical phenomena
and photonics.

Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Analyze the behavior of carriers (electrons and holes) in semiconductors in
terms of drift, diffusion and recombination/generation
 Describe the operation of a p-n junction and apply this understanding to more
complex situations (bipolar junction transistor, junction field effect transistor,
solar cell, light emitting diode, laser diode, etc.)
 Understand the behavior of light in solids and how this can be incorporated
into photonic devices, waveguides, optical fibers etc.
 Demonstrate ability to select materials for device applications based on the
desired optical or electrical performance of the device
 Demonstrate ability to research the literature and to summarize important
findings in writing

Syllabus Outline:-

 Properties of Semiconductors
 p-n junction
 Metal-Semiconductor contacts
 Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) capacitors
 Bipolar Transistors
 Tunnel Devices
 Thyristors and power devices
 LEDs and Lasers
 Photodetectors and Solar cells
 Sensors
 Organic Electronics, Liquid Crystal Displays and Optical Fibers

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 57

Module Title Construction Materials
MT 3330

Hours/ Lectures
Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials

Learning Objectives:-
 To introduce fundamentals of construction materials

Learning Outcomes
 Devise procedures for the extraction of primary metals, both ferrous and
non-ferrous of desired purity
 Describe manufacturing process, properties, selection and testing of
construction materials.
 Demonstrate testing of construction materials
 Appraise quality control techniques used in the manufacturing process of
construction materials

Syllabus Outline:-
 Cement
Portland cement and its manufacture, Hydration and its development ,
Properties of Portland cement, Types of cement
 Concrete
Properties of concrete, Reinforcement and pre-stressed concrete
 Analytical methods related to cement and concrete
 Timber
Introduction classification of timber, Properties of wood, Preservation of
timber, plywood, Engineering application and design (timber, etc), Failure
mechanism, calculation procedure, defects in timber
 Roofing materials
 Steel and other metals
 Composites
 New building materials
 Bituminous
Testing of Bituminous binder and its uses in road work, Bituminous emulsions
 Asphalt
Composition of Asphalts, Properties and applications of Asphalts

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 58



MA 3023

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites MA 1023
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To introduce numerical Optimization Algorithm which can be easily implemented in
To introduce various numerical algorithm to solve Ordinary and Partial differential equation.
Introduce the various numerical algorithms to calculate eigenvalues of matrix.
To choose the best method among the alternatives based on errors and convergence
To introduce the Finite Element Methods applied in Engineering.
Introduce MATLAB to implement all published algorithm studied in this course

Learning Outcomes:-
 To apply simple search and simple gradient methods in optimizing multivariable
 To apply Taylor series to derive various implicit and explicit algorithm in solving ODE
 To compare different algorithm in terms of implementation in computers, and
 To apply different numerical scheme to find solution of different types of PDE
 To apply FEM in solving simple problems

Syllabus Outline:-
Numerical optimization problems (direct search and simple gradient methods) Solution of set
of non-linear equations. Matrix eigenvalue determination including direct, inverse iteration
and shift of origin, special methods for dealing with band type and sparse matrices. Simple
error analysis, convergence properties. Simple finite difference technique for initial-value
and boundary-value problems in ordinary and partial differential equations and systems.
Phase plane and isoclinal curves. Taylor series, Runge-Kutta process. Explicit and implicit
procedures, simple ideas on errors and stability. Introduction to method of characteristics.
Finite Element Methods.

Practical Work: Use of published algorithms and packages for solving numerical problems.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 59

ME 3812

Hours/ Lectures 1.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites ME 1090 / 2850
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/1

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this course module, the students should be able to
 Innovatively think and look at a machine or a design with an inquiring mind, and
convert an idea or a concept to a practical design
 Carryout a design task with confidence
 Communicate design information through technical reports, engineering drawings,
oral communication, etc.
 Work as a team to manage a design project

Syllabus Outline:-

 Design methodology
 Design optimization
 Conceptual design: concept generation techniques, concept selection
 Selection of materials
 Detailed design calculation: Load and stress analysis, electric motors and selection
 Production drawings
 Project: Design of a simple machine or equipment

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 60

ME 3012

Hours/ ectures 3.5

Credits 4 Pre-requisites EN 2852 / EE 2802
Week Lab/Tutori 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to
 Identify the sensors and transducers commonly used and describe the basic
principle of operation
 Select the required signal conditioning for a particular application and explain the
basic principles of operation
 Describe the use of instrumentation and data loggers
 Model basic physical systems related to electro-mechanical systems, fluid systems
 Explain the basic principles and compare the differences and similarities among
motors and actuators
 Explain the behavioral patterns of open loop and closed loop control systems
 Find the system stability in a closed looped control system
 Describe the behavior of the system response from a Root Locus Diagram,
Frequency response analysis from Bode plot, polar plot
 Programme a programmable logic controller for a given logic function, time
intervals and counting purposes and download and upload the PLC programme.
 Recognize the basics of PID controller for closed loop systems

Syllabus Outline:-
 Sensors, Transducers, Signal conditionings, Measurement systems, Data loggers and
 characteristics of pneumatic, electrical and hydraulic actuators and valves,
characteristics of electro-mechanical, electro-pneumatic and electro-hydraulic
 Mathematical modeling related to mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and
pneumatic systems, electro-mechanical systems and combined systems. Laplace
transforms, Simplify the system using block diagram algebra
 Definitions, Open loop and Closed loop systems, Open loop and closed loop
transfer functions
 Dynamic response of systems, Time domain analysis of first order and second order
control systems. Routh's Stability criterion, Root locus techniques
 Frequency responses, Bode plot, Polar plot, Relative stability with definition of Gain
margin and Phase margin.
 Basic use of PLC, Ladder logic, Timers and counters
 Two step control, P, PD, PI and PID controllers

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 61

Module Title

Hours/ Lectures 3.0

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-

To provide the students with knowledge and understanding of basic micro and macro-
economic principles and tools of economic analysis.
To provide conceptual and regulatory framework of financial & cost accounting so as to use
them in decision-making in an operational context.

Learning Outcomes:-

Understanding the basic micro and macro-economic concepts. Appreciation of the links
between economy and technology.
Understanding of basic concepts in financial, cost and management accounting, acquiring
basic knowledge on application of these accounting concepts to modern business and
basic knowledge on interpretation of main accounting statements

Syllabus Outline:-

 Economics and the economy; Elementary theory of Economics; Tools of economic

analysis; Demand, supply and the market; Theory of the firm; Different types of
firms; Motivation of firms; Theory of supply; Costs and production; Introduction to
macroeconomics and national income accounting.

 Basic accounting concepts; Trial balance; Profit & loss account, balance sheet;
Cash flow statements; Interpretation of accounts; Cost concepts and terminology;
Analysis and interpretation of cost; Allocation of overheads; Marginal costing, CPV
analysis; Standard costing; Stock control.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 62

MN 3052

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
To provide the students with an adequate knowledge of the theoretical and empirical
framework of organizational management required to perform efficiently as
engineer/manager in the modern organization.
To provide fundamentals of technology management in order to help them appreciate the
link between technology and economy.
To provide fundamentals of human resource management and to expose them to the
specific sections of the legal system those relevant to practicing engineers.
To provide the students with knowledge of basic marketing concepts & applications.

Learning Outcomes:-
 Appreciation of the basic concepts and theories of organizational management.
 Knowledge on application of these theories for modern organizations.
 Understanding the fundamentals of technology management.
 Understanding the fundamentals of human resource management and legal issues
related to modern industrial relations.
 Knowledge of basic marketing concepts / theories and their applications .

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to management & systems theory; Organizational theory; stakeholder
analysis, organizational vision, mission & objectives. Types of organizations;
organizational strategy, structures of modern organization and the concept of
learning organization; Different roles of manager; manager & leader.
Organizational culture & control; concepts of authority, power, responsibility & their
applications and management of conflict. Management of change; importance
of change management and conflict management. Modern management
techniques; management styles: Japanese vs. Western Systems.

 Technology and economic development; Key concepts of technology

management and its relation to business management; Technology and
competitive advantage; Evaluating technology;

 Introduction to human resource management, Employee selection, performance

evaluation, rewards, Human resource development, Compensation and grievance
handling, Labour - Management Relations in Sri Lanka and Business Ethics

 Marketing: overview; Marketing environment, marketing research and product life

cycles; Buyer behavior: consumer and organizational; 4Ps of marketing including
promotion and communication issues;

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 63

Module Title Multidisciplinary Design, Innovation and Venture Creation
MN 3010

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this course module, the students should be able to
 Analyze a user need critically considering societal, environmental and economic
 Design and develop innovative products, processes and complex systems with a
multidisciplinary perspective
 Use state of the art digital technologies together with conventional technologies for
rapid product, process and systems design and development
 Develop a product, process, system to meet a client based multidisciplinary design

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to Creativity and Innovation

 Role of Design under societal, environmental and economic trends
 User Needs Assessment for user centered design
 Multidisciplinary Design and creative problem solving
 Product Analysis and Innovative Product Development
 Analysis of Processes and Innovative Process Development
 Complex Systems and Complex System Development
 Conventional Technologies for transformation of ideas to new products
 State of the Art technologies for rapid transformation of ideas to new products
 Social Entrepreneurship and innovations
 Sustainability, Green technologies, Cleaner production and Green products
 Technological ventures based on design led innovation (Global, Local)
 Commercialization strategies for new technologies

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 64

4.2.5 Training Semester


MT 3992

Hours/ Lectures -
Credits 6# Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To provide exposure to application of technology and management.

Learning Outcomes:-
 Understand the fundamentals of materials science and technology behind
industrial processes.
 Determine the ability to ensure suitability and enhancement of industrial
 Identify good Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) practices and HSE
management Systems.
 Describe various managerial practices within the organization

Syllabus Outline:-

Students will undergo 24 weeks of industrial training in one or more of organization of the
following categories,

 Material processing companies

 Metal, Polymer and Ceramics Manufacturing Industries
 Research and Development Industries
 Industries in Materials Engineering Allied Fields

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 65

4.2.6 Semester 6


Module Selection of Materials, Failure Analysis

MT 4114 Title
Code and Non-Destructive Testing

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5
Learning Objectives:-
 To familiarize students with selection of suitable materials, methodical and scientific
analysis of failures of engineering components and non-destructive testing
procedures for materials.

Learning Outcomes
 Identify different selection criteria for the selection of suitable materials for
engineering components and contrast the properties of materials to be used in
engineering application
 Apply the correct procedures for the selection of suitable materials for engineering
 Use selection procedure to design engineering products
 Identify, analyse and investigate material related failures
 Evaluate failure modes and identify root cause(s) of failure
 Design to avoid failures
 Choose the appropriate NDT technique with respect to the material and potential
 Develop NDT procedures in accordance with the relevant standards
 Apply the relevant NDT procedures in a laboratory and on the field

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to selection of materials, methodology for selection of materials, criteria
for selection of materials based on material properties and application. Basic and
secondary properties of materials, behaviour of materials under deferent service
 Introduction to failure analysis, correct approach to failure investigation, introductory
case studies. Analysis of stress structure, effect of stress concentration, temperature
and chemical influence on stress factor
 Introduction to design; conceptual, embodiment and detailed design. Material
selection in design of a new product, design to improve an existing product and
improved design of a failed product during service.
 Distortion failures, single load failures, fatigue failures, wear induced failures, corrosion
induced failures, elevated temperature (creep) induced failures, micro mechanisms
of fracture, effect of residual stress, brittle fracture, ductile fracture
 Methodical, critical and scientific analysis to find the root cause(s) of the failure.
 Design with the consideration of possible failure mechanisms, strength of materials
approaches and fracture mechanics approaches.
 Case studies in failure analysis
 Introduction to nondestructive testing (NDT), Applications, Advantages
 Visual Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing,
Radiographic Testing, Ultrasonic Testing
 Specific applications; NDT of welds and castings, Comparison of basic NDT

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 66

Module Title Paint Technology
MT 3340

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on essentials of paint formulations and to provide knowledge
on technologies involved in paint manufacture.

Learning Outcomes
 Express the properties of raw materials that are used in paint manufacture.
 Select suitable raw materials for different type of paint applications.
 Design new paints formulae to meet new requirements
 Test and evaluate the paint properties

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to organic coatings.
 Raw materials used in paint industry and their properties
- Organic and inorganic Pigments
- Film formers & film forming mechanisms
- Solvents
- Additives
 Paint Formulations
 Properties of paints
 Paint testing methods

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 67

Module Title Industrial Visits - II

Hours/ Lectures -
Credits 1 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide exposure to application of technology and management

Learning Outcomes
 Identify the raw materials used and critically evaluate the material flow and
logistic arrangement
 Describe the correlation between the theories learnt and industrial practice
 Describe processing and fabrication techniques
 Identify management strategies of the industries visited

Syllabus Outline:-
 Final Viva - 50 %
 Industrial Visit Reports - 50 %

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 68

MT 3713

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on primary production of ferrous and non-ferrous

Learning Outcomes
 Devise procedures for the extraction of primary metals, both ferrous and
non-ferrous of desired purity.

Syllabus Outline:-
 The sources of metals
 Ore preparation:
 Pretreatment Processes
 Pyrometallurgy:
 Hydrometallurgy:
 Electrometallurgy:
 Extraction procedures for ferrous and non-ferrous metals

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 69




MT 4023

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 To familiarize the students with the principles and methods associated with total quality

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to,
 Point out the importance of TQM, audits, systems, and standards.
 Study design and implement quality programmes in the industry for the maximum buyer

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to quality: Definition of quality, Importance of quality aspects in

engineering, understanding the relationship between quality and productivity.
 Quality in production and service systems: Statistical process control, control charts,
measuring systems, quality circles, Quality control in materials engineering.
 Quality management systems: Total quality management, planning for quality assurance,
Organizing and controlling for quality, economics of quality.
 Quality improvement and problem solving
 Human resource management for quality improvement

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 70

MT 4033
Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
To provide knowledge on fundamentals of optical and electron microscope with emphasis on how to
set up microscopes for critical microscopic observations and microanalysis.

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Understand the role of major components and accessories of the optical and electron
microscope systems
 describe microscopy related materials characterization methods
 Design experiments, based on this knowledge
 Understand how different microscopy methods complement each other

Syllabus Outline:-

 Fundamentals of optical microscopy

 Resolution and contrast in microscopy
 Contrast enhancement techniques in optical microscopy
 Polarizing microcopy
 Fundamentals of Electron microscopy
 Interaction of electron beam with matter
 Electron optics
 SEM and TEM
 EDAX and WDAX analysis

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 71

MT 4063
Lectures 2.5
Credits 3 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/1

Learning Objectives:-
 The objective of this module is to provide fundamentals of polymer process engineering and
provide sufficient basic knowledge for the design of polymer processing equipment.

Learning Outcomes:-
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Identify the appropriate methods for rubber processing according to product and
compound requirements.
 Explain the principle operations and choose appropriate process parameters in industrial
rubber processing equipment.
 Select appropriate auxiliary equipment in industrial rubber processing
 Describe the theory, applications and analyze extrusion, injection moulding, blow moulding,
film blowing, thermoforming rotational moulding and compression moulding processes.
 Select appropriate process parameters in industrial plastic processing equipment
 Develop an interest in industrial polymer process engineering.

Syllabus Outline:-

 Rubber Process Engineering

Introduction to rubber processing
Primary & secondary equipment & operations in rubber processing
Auxiliary equipment in rubber processing.
 Plastics Process Engineering,
Theory, analysis and applications of extrusion process,
Blow- moulding and film blowing process operations,
Injection moulding process operation and optimisation, Thermoforming process overview
and part application, Overview of compression
moulding, rotational moulding and calendaring operations

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 72

MT 4073
Lectures 2.5
Credits 3 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 The objective of this module is to provide knowledge in design principles of polymer
products, to satisfy performance and manufacturing requirements.

Learning Outcomes:-
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Identify the product requirement and design criteria to design plastic and rubber items.
 Explain the design concepts and engineering considerations in designing plastic and rubber
 Apply fundamental knowledge to design extruded and moulded items of rubber and plastic
to given specifications.
 Identify design, material and process related problems in plastic and rubber items and find
appropriate solutions.
 Choose appropriate materials and ingredients (compound formulation) to satisfy specific
design requirements.
 develop an interest in design and fabrication of polymer products.

Syllabus Outline:-

 Basics of design
Identify the requirements of the products, Design for maximum stress and strain
 Design concept and engineering consideration
Design concepts for selected articles, part failure, Time-dependent deformational behaviour
Manipulation of the creep curves
 Design of plastics and rubber products (Moulded and extruded)
Product design examples. Static and dynamic seals, design of tyres, conveyor belts,
hoses, blow moulded product, blowing film design, plastic hollow shape designs,
industrial and structural part design,
 Design Troubleshooting
Design related, material related and process related.
 Mix Design
Material properties and selection, Design of compound formulations for Various applications

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 73

MT 4743
Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2
Learning Objectives:-
To introduce the basic concepts of composite materials.
Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to;
 Discuss the advantages of composites over monolithic materials
 Explain the stress-strain behavior of composites
 Describe the failure criteria of composites
 Design composites for engineering applications
 Identify the suitable manufacturing routes for composites to be used in different

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction – Advantages and application of composite materials, reinforcements and

matrices, Elastic constants for anisotropic and isotropic materials
 Mechanics of materials approach, elasticity approach to determine materials properties,
Stress- strain relations
 Failure criteria for composites
 Basic design concepts of sandwich construction-Materials used for sandwich construction-
Failure modes of sandwich panels
 Various Open and closed mould processes. Manufacture of fibers; types of resins and
properties and applications

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 74

MT 4283
Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of nanomaterials and
nanostructures, the fundamental principles guiding the unique properties of nanomaterials,
the synthesis as well as techniques for the characterization of nanomaterials and

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Express the properties of nonomaterials used in industry.
 Identify appropriate synthesis methodologies.
 Analyze properties of nanomaterials.
 Relate basic properties of materials to the structure.

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction
 Thermodynamics of interfaces
 Nano-porous Materials
 Self-assemblies
 Low dimensional nanomaterials

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 75

Lectures 2.5
Credits 3 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on synthesis, fabrication and applications of electro ceramic

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge on ,
 Discuss Functional properties of electroceramics, their fabrications and applications
 Study Optical, piezoelectric, magnetic, and dielectric ceramics and their production and
 Appraise recent trends in electroceramics applications.

Syllabus Outline:-
 Piezoelectric Ceramics and devices
 Ferroelectric Ceramics
 Positive and negative Temperature Coefficient Resistors
 Ceramic Super conductors
 Dielectric Ceramics and devices
 Magnetic Ceramics
 Fuel Cells and High Energy Batteries
 Electronic Ceramic devices.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 76

Module Title Research Project
MT 4203

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5
Learning Objectives:-
 To familiarize students with the steps involved in developing a research
project and to provide practical experience in carrying out research
projects, analysing data, and writing up and presenting findings in meetings

Learning Outcomes
 Utilize research skills to solve engineering problems
 Develop experience with experimental techniques in Materials Science &
 Conduct a critically focused literature review
 Use a range of appropriate data collection methods
 Analyze data according to accepted models of analysis, showing awareness of
alternative models of analysis and theoretical frameworks
 Practice scientific writing and participate in the peer review process
 Express the relevance and significance of the outcomes/ conclusions of the
research project
 Ability to comprehend and follow laboratory safety procedures and follow good
laboratory practices

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to basics of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and laboratory safety
 Identification of the Research Needs
- Significance of the project
- Viability of the project
 Literature Survey
This is carried out in order to,
- Evaluate current literature relevant to the topic
- Demonstrate the quality of the own research
- Provide additional information or background material
- Place the project into the context of established work in the field.
 Finalizing the preliminary research and submission of progress reports
The student shall submit a report on his/her findings on the preliminary
investigation (literature survey) and should devise a plan to carry out the
research further.
Student then, on the approval of the supervisor, shall proceed with the
experimental part of the research.
It is necessary for the student to hold weekly meetings with the supervisor.

 Research project report and the final appraisal

The student should submit a draft report on the finding on or before the stipulated
Student shall present findings before a panel consisting of staff members.
Student research ability, communication skills and presentation skills will be

Credit distribution is as follows

Semester 7 - 3
Semester 8 - 4

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 77

Module Title Comprehensive Design Project
MT 3200

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 4 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-
 To familiarize students with comprehensive application of concepts of
engineering design in the scenario of product design, manufacturing and
quality assurance.

Learning Outcomes
 Describe the fundamental components or steps in the engineering design
 Develop effective team approaches for engineering solutions
 Efficiently use literature resources to prepare a preliminary engineering
design proposal
 Apply correct theoretical concepts in designing of components.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethics,
professionalism, globalization, safety, and environmentally conscious
design and manufacturing in a professional engineering career
 Apply appropriate and accepted planning strategies to openended
design projects and maintain accurate project records and project
 Demonstrate grasp of the need for materials testing in design and
product quality assurance.

Syllabus Outline:-

Students will work in groups of 03-04 individuals to carry out a design

projection manufacturing of an engineered product based on given

 Requirement Analysis (Society / Industry )

- Types of requirements
- Eliciting requirements
- Analyzing requirements
- Recording requirements
 Design of products
- Physical (Mechanical, Thermal, Optical) analysis
- Formulation of specifications (material, microstructure, physical and
mechanical properties)
- Presentation of Design proposal
 Design and selection of manufacturing process
- Raw material selection
- Selection of processing method
- Selection of machines and tools,
- Design of customized machines/tools (dies, moulds, etc)
 Design of quality assurance procedures
- Testing requirements as per product standard
- Selection of testing instruments
- Design of testing schedule.
 Presentation of design
- Report
- Oral presentation
- Machine drawings

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 78

Module Magnetism and Magnetic Materials for Device
Code MT 4400 Engineering

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide basic knowledge on the applications of magnetic materials in the devices

Learning Outcomes
 Define magneto static laws, variables, and units relevant to magnetic materials
 Explain the quantum origins of magnetism in atoms and solids
 Apply the physics of magnetism to calculate magnetic fields and magnetization in
magnetic objects and magnetic circuits
 Describe and compare the phenomenology and physical basis of different classes
of magnetic materials
 Describe and compare the operating principles of different types of magnetic

Syllabus Outline:-
 Fundamental laws of magneto statics, Magnetic vector potentials, Energy, force and
torques in magnetic systems, Electromagnetic induction

 Introduction to diamagnetism, Classical model of diamagnetism, Introduction to

paramagnetism, Quantum theory of paramagnetism, Crystal field splitting, Quenching
of angular momentum, Introduction to ferromagnetism, Mean field theory,
Ferromagnetic domains, Introduction to ferrimagnetism, Curie temperature and
susceptibility of ferrimagnetism, Introduction to anti-ferromagnetism, Neel’s
temperature and susceptibility

 Magnetic data storage, Magnetism in sensing, Magneto resistance and hall

effect in materials, The Lorentz force and measurement geometry

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 79



MN 4022

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Syllabus Outline:-

 Time value of money, equivalence and cash flow diagrams

 Time value equivalence, single payment and annuity factors and numerical
examples. Cash flows and compounding

 Assumptions, net present value, annual worth, equivalent annual cost with/without
salvage value, equivalent annual worth of fixed asset lives and perpetual lives,
internal rate of return (IRR) and minimum acceptable rate of return and IRR
irregularities, numerical examples

 Classification, mutually exclusive alternatives, incremental analysis and preferred

method for decision making

 Financial feasibility, market price analysis, cost of capital and weighted average,
economy feasibility, shadow pricing, benefit cost (B/C) analysis, irregularities of B/C
analysis and preferred method for decision making

 What if?, sensitivity graph and interpretation of the analysis, discounted decision
trees and application of decision trees

 Risk identification, risk analysis and risk response

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 80

MN 4122

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To provide the students with essential conceptual understanding and practices of human
resource management and industrial relations that in needed in modern organizations

Learning Outcomes:-
Acquire and develop capabilities in human resource management concepts and

Syllabus Outline:-

 Role of the human resource function and practitioner

 Organization, jobs and roles
 Employee resourcing
 Performance management
 Human resource development
 Rewarding people

 Labour Management relations in Sri Lanka

 Industrial dispute
 Trade unions
 EPF, ETF and Gratuity acts
 Work place health, safety and welfare
 Business ethics

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 81

MN 4132

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To provide the students with knowledge of basic marketing concepts and applications.

Learning Outcomes:-
Knowledge of basic marketing concepts / theories and their applications

Syllabus Outline:-

 Marketing : Overview
 Marketing environment
 Consumer markets and consumer buying behavior
 Business markets and business buying behavior
 4Ps of marketing including promotion and communication issues
 Product life cycle Market segmentation Competitive marketing strategies
 Marketing intelligence and marketing research

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 82

MN 3020

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/1

Learning Outcomes:-
At the successful completion of the subject, the students will be able to:
 Demonstrate understanding of fundamentals ideas of financial management for
entrepreneurs, concepts such as cash flow, financial statements, financial ratios,
time value for money, capital budgeting and net present value
 Go through the process of securing entrepreneur's intellectual property, including
patents, trademarks, copy rights and trade secrets
 Analyze an industry and identify opportunities for new products/services along with
marketing tactics and strategies
 Identify human resource needs for an organization and acquire and maintain
required people

Syllabus Outline:-
 Overview of Corporate Finance: Introduction to corporate finance; financial
statements/taxes/cash flow
 Financial statements and long-term financial planning: Working with financial
statements and real world applications; Long-term financial planning and growth
 Valuation of cash flows: Time value for money; Net present value
 Risk management; Risk identification, risk analysis and risk response
 Patents, trade secrets and copy rights: Introduction to business law; Patents and
procedure for obtaining patents; Trade secrets, copy rights and trade marks
 Marketing: Introduction to marketing; Consumer behavior; Business and
organizational consumers; Production development and management; Pricing
objectives and policies; Business ethics; Advertising and sales promotion; Integrated
marketing communications
 Managing Human Resources; Introduction to Human Resource Management;
Manpower planning; Job Analysis and designing; Recruiting and selecting
appropriate human capital; Staffing and training people; Reward management;
Grievance handling; Transfers promotions and retirements
 Managing Operations; Designing new products and processes, Demand
forecasting, Planning for production facilities, Production planning, Managing
inventories, Managing productivity and quality

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 83

4.2.8 SEMESTER 08


MT 4780

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 To introduce fundamentals and applications of smart materials and structures.

Learning Outcomes:-
At the completion of this module, students should have knowledge on,
 Recognize basics of smart materials & systems
 Illustrate different types of smart materials and their applications
 Appraise current trends & future prospects of smart materials
 Design and fabrication of smart devices

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction: Basic structure and properties of advanced materials, general application

areas of smart materials and structures.
 Intelligent materials and systems: Their functions and fundamentals of intelligent materials.
 Smart materials in engineering applications: Actuator materials, actuator technologies,
sensor materials, sensing technology and micro sensors, Hybrid smart materials, smart skins.
 Electro and Magneto rheological fluids: The electro and magneto-rheological phenomenon,
Magneto-rheological fluids, Electrorheological fluids, applications.
 Piezoelectric materials: Piezoelectrics as sensors and actuators, Piezoelectric ceramics,
polymers and single crystals, applications and future prospects.
 Shape memory materials: Background, shape memory effect, super elasticity, shape
memory alloys, shape memory polymers, applications and future prospects.
 Smart structures and devices.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 84

MT 4083

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 The objective of this module is to provide a knowledge on construction features and
materials for design and manufacturing of polymer processing tools and their accessories

Learning Outcomes:-
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Identify the product requirement and design criteria to design moulds and dies for plastic and
rubber items.
 Select appropriate materials, apply suitable hardening and surface treatments, choose
correct Forming and Machining Techniques and Designing of heating and cooling and
systems for moulds and dies for polymer products.
 Explain the design concepts and engineering considerations in designing of compression and
transfer moulds according to industrial requirements.
 Design blow moulds, injection moulds and extrusion dies for polymer manufacturing industry
according to product specifications.
 Identify the causes of defects in moulded and extruded products and select appropriate
corrective measures.
 Develop an interest in designing Dies and Moulds for Polymer Processing.
Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to processing tools

General Mould and Die design Criteria, Selection of Mould and Die Materials, Hardening
and surface treatment methods, Forming and Machining Techniques, Designing of heating
and cooling and systems.
 Compression and Transfer mould Design
Types, Principles. Design of pot and plunger systems, Determination of possible number
of cavities, design of mould cavities, Design of loading chamber and feed system. Design of
moulds for rubber items.
 Blow Mould Design
Mould Cooling Systems, Mould Venting, Pinch off,
Parison Diameter Calibration,
Wall thickness control, Blow Ratio Control,
Design Considerations for Shrinkage, Neck, Shoulder, Threads and Bottom Section Design
 Extrusion Die Design
Characteristics of polymer melt.
Die Geometry and Die head Pressure,
Die Land Design,
Extruder Die Swell,
Classification of Dies- Dies for solid rod extrusion, Dies for hollow profiles, Blown film dies,
Flat film dies Wire and cable coating dies, Spiral mandrel die, Fish tail die and Adjustable
core die.
 Injection mould design
Cavity design, Layout of cavities in multi impression moulds feed system Design of Runners
and Gates, Ejection systems, Cooling Systems, Venting system, other aspects

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 85

MT 4093

Hours/ Lectures 2.5

Credits 3 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2
Learning Objectives:-
 The objective of this module is to provide the basic knowledge on control systems,
components and instrumental techniques to understand the advantages and constraints
associated with practical applications of the control techniques for polymer processing.
Learning Outcomes:-
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Describe the principles of basic control systems for industrial applications
 Distinguish different types of control techniques, by their functional characteristics.
 Construct schematic models of control systems to depict basic industrial polymer processing
 Recognise and apply appropriate control elements to model functionally correct process
control applications.
 Describe automation and industrial control systems used in industries.
 Identify symptoms of ill-designed control systems and apply basic remedial measures.
 Interpret instrument readings in a correct engineering perspective.
 Appraise relative merits and demerits of employing different types of control systems for
different polymer processing methods.
 develop an interest in process control for polymer engineering

Syllabus Outline:-
 Mathematical Models of a System, Differential Equation of a Physical System, Linear
Approximation of a Physical System, Laplace Transform, Transfer Function of a Linear System
 Fundamentals of Control, Open Loop, Closed Loop, Feedback-Control System and Analysis of
First Order Linear Control System.
 Time Response of Second Order Systems
 Transient Analysis and Steady State Error of Second Order Systems.
 Introduction to Automation in Manufacturing Industry.
 Industrial Control Systems (A to D conversion)
 Numerical Control and Computer Numerical Control Systems.
 Hydraulic Systems.
 Pneumatic Systems.
 Program Logic Controllers.
 Sensors and Actuators
 Introduction to Robotics Technology
 Control of the Main Processes in Polymer Industries
Controls in Mixing, Controls in Calendaring, Control of Extrusion Units, Control in Injection

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 86

MT 4713
Hours/ Lectures 1.5
Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2
Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on types and properties of refractories and their industrial applications

Learning Outcomes:-
 At the completion of this module, students should have a thorough knowledge on ,
 Name the raw materials used in refractory industry and the manufacturing process
 Describe properties and applications of refractories
 Demonstrate usage of monolithic refractories
 Label types of kilns used in industries
 Point out Time-temperature curves and different types of burners used in kilns

Syllabus Outline:-

 Types of refractories: Silica, Alumina Silicate, Magnasite, Magnasite Chrome, Carbon,

 Properties of refractories: Volumetric changes, Conductivity, Refractoriness, Refractoriness
under load, Spalling resistance, slag resistance.
 Industrial application and selection of refractories: Refractories used in cement, iron, steel,
glass, ceramics industry
 Ternary phase diagrams: Theory of ternary diagrams, cooling and heating paths,
Identification and estimation of components
 Firing characteristics of Ceramics: Determination of maturing temperatures. Reaction
occurring on firing. Determination of reactions, Time Temp distribution curve, Optimization of
Time Temp distribution curve.
 Kilns used in ceramics: Different types of designs. Draft movement, Temperature and Pressure
 Combustion technology in Ceramic manufacturing: Theoretical and practical requirement
for efficient combustion. (3 Ts in combustion) Preparation of liquid fuel for combustion, high
pressure atomization, Low-pressure atomization, centrifugal atomization, Oil burner designs -
Gun type, rotary type, and pot type.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 87

Lectures 2.5
Credits 3 Hours/ Week Pre-requisites -
Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Objectives:-
 Student should be able to assess, relationship between microstructure properties and
application of ferrous and non ferrous metal alloys.

Learning Outcomes:-
After completing this module, the students should be able to;
 Identify the microstructures of different metals and alloys
 Compare the properties of metals and alloys
 Evaluate product requirements affect the selection of metals and alloys
 Apply the knowledge about metals and alloys to select best metal/alloy for a given

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to alloy Steels & cast irons
 Effects of alloying elements on steel and cast iron
 Classification, microstructure, properties and uses of alloy steels
 Classification, microstructure, properties and uses of different alloy cast i
 Relationship between microstructure and properties of different non ferrous metals and their
 Applications

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 88

Module Title Research Project
MT 4203

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 4 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-
 To familiarize students with the steps involved in developing a research project and to
provide practical experience in carrying out research projects, analyzing data, and writing
up and presenting findings in meetings

Learning Outcomes
 Utilize research skills to solve engineering problems
 Develop experience with experimental techniques in Materials Science & Engineering
 Conduct a critically focused literature review
 Use a range of appropriate data collection methods
 Analyze data according to accepted models of analysis, showing awareness of
alternative models of analysis and theoretical frameworks
 Practice scientific writing and participate in the peer review process
 Express the relevance and significance of the outcomes/ conclusions of the research
 Ability to comprehend and follow laboratory safety procedures and follow good
laboratory practices

Syllabus Outline:-
 Introduction to basics of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and laboratory safety
 Identification of the Research Needs
- Significance of the project
- Viability of the project
 Literature Survey
This is carried out in order to,
- Evaluate current literature relevant to the topic
- Demonstrate the quality of the own research
- Provide additional information or background material
- Place the project into the context of established work in the field.
 Finalizing the preliminary research and submission of progress reports
The student shall submit a report on his/her findings on the preliminary investigation
(literature survey) and should devise a plan to carry out the research further.
Student then, on the approval of the supervisor, shall proceed with the experimental
part of the research.
It is necessary for the student to hold weekly meetings with the supervisor.

 Research project report and the final appraisal

The student should submit a draft report on the finding on or before the stipulated date.
Student shall present findings before a panel consisting of staff members.
Student research ability, communication skills and presentation skills will be evaluated.

Credit distribution is as follows

Semester 7 - 3
Semester 8 - 4

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 89

Module MT 4120 Title Cleaner Production

Lectures 2.5
Credits 3 Hours/ Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-

 To provide knowledge of theory and application of the cleaner production concept to

minimize the waste generation and environmental pollution during industrial production

Learning Outcomes
 Identify causes for resource depletion and environmental pollution during industrial
 Outline historical timeline and sustainability approaches that lead to current cleaner
production (CP) concept
 Explain cleaner production concept, principles, methodology and initial tasks for
cleaner production
 Analyze processes using CP assessment methodology, construct process flow diagrams,
Quantify resource flows, material balance and data collection in CP assessments
 Identify causes for waste generation, Costing of wastes and apply CP options in CP
 Recognize the importance of life cycle analysis for sustainable manufacturing
 Compare characteristics of industrial waste and consumer waste, waste segregation
and separation methods used in industrial processes
 Identify and apply Eco- design principles and practice for sustainable manufacturing
 State examples of CP applied industrial processes
 Recognize importance of applying green supply chain management for industrial
manufacturing processes.
 Explain international standards and certification related to environment performance in
manufacturing technologies to produce environmentally friendly products
 Identify causes for climate change mitigation at industrial level
 Explain green chemistry and green engineering principles and their applications
 Identify smart chemicals management practices for industries
 Explain sustainable consumption and Production – tools and Strategies and sustainable
Development Goals and programmes
 Describe circular economy – concept and application techniques
 Recognize importance of applying Eco-innovation for business sustainability
 State examples for water conservation technologies for industries
 Recognize importance of constructing energy efficient buildings

Continue to Page 89

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 90

Syllabus Outline:-
 Quantification of resource flows, material balanceand data collection in CP assessments
 Waste cause analysis and option generation in Cp assessmentusing techniques such as
Ishikawa diagram, brain storming etc.,
 Costing of wastes and identifying CP potential
 Feasibility analysis of CP options and option prioritization (weighted sum matrix analysis)
 Life cycle analysis and CP/defining system boundaries
(scope & goal setting, inventory analysis, impact analysis)
 Characteristics of industrial waste and comparison with consumer waste, waste segregation
and separation methods used in industrial processes
 Eco- design principles and practice
 Some examples of applying cleaner production in industries
 Application of environmentally sustainable technologies in resource/waste management for
closing the loop
 Green supply chain management
 International standards and certification related to environment and energy performance –
 Climate change mitigation at industrial level – Greenhouse gas quantification and carbon
 Green Chemistry and Green Engineering Principles and their applications
 Smart Chemicals Management practices for industries
 Sustainable Consumption and Production – tools and Strategies
 Sustainable Development Goals and programmes for achieve them
 Circular economy – concept and application techniques
 Eco-innovation for business sustainability
 Industrial Ecology and Eco-industrial parks
 Water footprint and water conservation technologies for industries
 Energy efficient buildings and construction

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 91

Module Title Heat Treatment and Strengthening Mechanisms of Metals
Code MT4334

Lectures 2.5
Credits 3 Hours/ Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 1.5

Learning Objectives:-
 To provide knowledge on the different heat treatment processes and their effects on the
mechanical properties of metals.
 To relate crystal structure of metals with deformation behaviour and inherent mechanical
 To understand interrelationship between stress, temperature and principal modes of
 To relate microstructures of metals with different strengthening mechanisms
 To improve the design aspects on optimizing the mechanical properties selecting some
appropriate heat treatments for engineering components.

Learning Outcomes
 Define basics of heat treatment processes and their uses
 Describe the TTT and CCT diagrams and explain how to use them to explain
microstructures and properties after heat treatments
 Design profiles of mechanical properties for engineering components considering its
functional requirements.
 Identify the effects of heat treatment processes on the mechanical properties of
different metals and alloys
 Propose alternative designs to avoid failures considering property requirements, type of
materials and heat treatment processes.
 Define basics of strengthening mechanisms applied for metals.
 Describe the way of changing the microstructures and mechanical properties of metals
with different strengthening mechanisms
 Select appropriate strengthening mechanism for metals and alloys, considering their

Syllabus Outline:-
 Annealing ( Full Annealing, Process Annealing , Spheroidal Annealing , Isothermal
Annealing ), Normalizing, Hardening /Quenching, Tempering
 Kinetics of phase transformation, Limitations of Fe-C diagram, Importance of TTT diagrams,
Describing TTT diagrams
 Case hardening, other surface hardening techniques, environmental conditions: pressure,
corrosion etc.
 Hardenability, Comparison of different phases and conditions
 Surface hardening techniques , Heat treatments, strengthening mechanisms, Different
geometrical shapes related with stress concentration, vibrations etc., environmental
 Grain size and grain boundary Strengthening, Strain or Work Hardening, Solid Solution
Hardening, Precipitation Hardening, Quench Hardening, Dispersion Hardening
 Hall-Petch equation, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth, solution treatment, age
hardening profiles, solid solutions, creep
 Metal sheets, aircraft structures, automobile components, metals used for bridge and
building constructions, tool steel

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 92



MA 4022
Hours/ Lectures 3.0
Credits 3 Pre-requisites
Week Lab/Tutorials -
Learning Objectives:-
Use quantitative methods, techniques and tools in solving problems in the real world.
Acquire the Skills to improve the effectiveness of the system as whole with emphasis on
allocation of scare resources.
Acquire skills of Modeling in various decision problems.
Use various methods of solution applied in different OR Models.
Use OR models as Decision Support System (DSS) Tools in different areas.
Apply appropriate OR Techniques, which could be used in developing computer oriented
DSS. Integrate OR models with information technology to developed effective DSS.

Syllabus Outline:-
Modeling with linear programming, geometrical solution to problems with two decision
variables, the simplex method including the two phase method of a solution of problems
with mixed constraints. Duality. Transpiration and Assignment problems. Theory of zero sum,
two person matrix games.

Revised simplex algorithm. Dual Simplex algorithm, sensitivity analysis and parametric
programming. Integer programming, Gomory's cutting plane, branch and bound, the
knapsack problem. .Dynamic programming, the inventory model. Non-linear optimization.
Introduction to network algorithm including minimum connector problems: Shortest and
longest path algorithms and critical path analysis.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 93

MN 4042

Hours/ Lectures 2.0

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Objectives:-
To help develop the student's intellectual capacity to understand the role of contemporary
engineer in knowledge driven economy. This is achieved through the introduction of
concepts and principles of management of technology and their applications in an
interactive learning environment.

Learning Outcomes:-
 Understanding of basic concepts and theories of management of technology
Appreciation of these MOT concepts and theories.
 Application of some of these MOT concepts and theories to modern organizations
and economy.

Syllabus Outline:-

 Concepts of Technology Management

 Strategic Management of Technology

Technology-strategy relationship
Elements of technology strategy and formulation of a technology strategy ntegration of
technology strategy and business strategy for competitive success Technology, the
environment and sustainable development

Human dimension of technology and concepts of the entrepreneur and entrepreneur

Organizational cultures and structures for promotion of creativity and innovation
The learning organization
The imperative of knowledge management

Motivations for acquiring technology through technology transfer

Elements of technology transfer process
Success and failure factors in technology transfer

The concepts of invention and innovation

Definition and classifications of research and development
New product development
Challenges in commercializing research results

Concepts of the national innovation system (NIS) and science and technology infrastructure
Comparison of NISs of developed, developing and first and second tier NIC countries
State involvement and growth of science and technology parks in developed and
developing countries

Practical : 4 industry case studies, 2 plant/lab visit

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 94

MN 4072
Hours/ Lectures 2.0
Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -
Learning Objectives:-
To provide the students with an adequate knowledge of small business management &
entrepreneurship required for those who are willing to start their own small business venture.

Learning Outcomes:-
 Theoretical and empirical framework of small business management. Knowledge
on application of these concepts & theories for own business
 Obtain skills to be a successful entrepreneur

Syllabus Outline:-

 Small Business Management

 Characteristics of small businesses
 Role of small business;
 Reasons for failure of small businesses & barriers in establishing and managing small
 Business Environment and Industrial Supporting System in Sri Lanka

 Identification of market opportunities

 Developing a business plan
 Managing small business operations
 Marketing in small businesses

 Entrepreneurship
 Definition
 Relevant economic, psychological and sociological theories of entrepreneurship
 Characteristics and functions of the entrepreneur

 Entrepreneurship Development

Practical: 6 industrial case studies, guest lectures and assignment

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 95

MN 4010

Hours/ Lectures 1.5

Credits 2 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials 3/2

Learning Outcomes:-
At the successful completion of the subject, the students will be able to:

 Exploit business opportunities

 Prepare a marketing plan
 Prepare a production plan
 Prepare a human resource plan
 Prepare a finance plan
 Write and present a business plan attractively

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to the Business Plan

 Marketing Planning
 Production Planning
 Planning for HR
Planning for Finance
 Writing a Business Plans
 Presenting a Business Plan for donors and other related institutions

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 96

Module Title

Hours/ Lectures 1.0

Credits 1.0 Pre-requisites -
Week Lab/Tutorials -

Learning Outcomes:-

After completing this nodule, the students should be able to :

 Describe professional ethics and relevant theories
 Identify the code of ethics and relevant theories
 Analyze ethical issues and propose solutions.

Syllabus Outline:-

 Introduction to professional ethics and its importance

 Code of ethics by The Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (including duties,
responsibilities, rights and privileges of an engineer.)
 Ethical theories
 Individual ethical decision making – moral philosophies and values
 Organizational ethical decision making – role of ethical culture and leadership
 Social responsibility of the organization
 Respect for other professions
 Workplace ethical issues and possible solutions (Such as Civil disobedience and
whistle blowing, Privacy, safety and fairness concerns, bullying and harassment at
workplace, and Intellectual property and legal issues)
 Case studies – Emerging ethical issues in the field of engineering

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 97

4.3 Modules offered for other Fields of Specialization
Lab/ Evaluation
Module Lectures Credits Norm
Module Name Category Assignments (%)
Code hrs/ week
Semester 2
MT 1813 Engineering Materials 1.5 3/2 2.0 40 60
MT 2803 Materials Science 2 3/2 2.5 40 60

4.4 Modules offered for Focus Area in Polymer Engineering

Lab/ Evaluation
Module Lectures Credits Norm
Module Name Category Assignments (%)
Code hrs/ week
Semester 5
Latex Science and
MT 3083 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Semester 7
Industrial Polymer
MT 4063 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Process Engineering
Design & Fabrication
MT 4073 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
of Polymer Products
Research Project
MT 4203 - 4.0 100 0
(Polymer Related)
Semester 8
Dies and Moulds for
MT 4083 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Polymer Processing
Polymer Process
MT 4093 Control & 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Research Project
MT 4203 - 3.0 100 0
(Polymer Related)

A maximum of fifteen students will be allowed to enroll for this focus area. If more
students request for the same, the students who have the best academic
performance in related modules in semesters 2 and 3 will be given preference.
Students are required to enroll for the focus area in the beginning of semester 5. To
qualify in this focus area, a minimum of 12 credits needs to be earned from the above
list, in addition to the research project. The research project needs to be Polymer

4.5 Modules offered for Minor in Entrepreneurship

Lab/ Evaluation
Module Lectures Credits Norm
Module Name Category Assignments (%)
Code hrs/ week
Semester 2
Entrepreneurship Skill
MN 1030 O 1 6/2 2.0
Semester 4
MN 2010 O 1.5 3/2 2.0
Semester 5
MN 3010 Design, Innovation O 1.5 3/2 2.0
and Venture Creation
Semester 7
MN 3020 O 2 3/1 3.0
Business Basics
Semester 8
Business Plan
MN 4010 O 1.5 3/2 2.0

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 98

4.6 Modules offered for Focus Area in Electronic Materials Engineering
The requirements for focus area in Electronic Materials Engineering are given below.

Lab/ Evaluation
Module Lectures Credits Norm
Module Name Category Assignments (%)
Code hrs/ week
Semester 5
Electronic & Optical
MT 3300 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Device Engineering
Semester 7
MT 4760 Electro Ceramics E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Magnetism & Magnetic
MT 4400 Materials for Device E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Research Project
MT 4203 (Electronic Materials - 3.0 100 0
/Device Related)
Semester 8
Smart Materials &
MT 4780 E 2.5 3/2 3.0 40 60
Research Project
MT 4203 (Electronic Materials - 3.0 100 0
/Device Related)

A maximum of ten students will be allowed to enroll for this focus area. If more
students request for the same, the students who have the best academic
performance in related modules in semesters 2 and 3 will be given preference.
Students are required to enroll for the focus area in the beginning of semester 5. To
qualify in this focus area, a minimum of 12 credits needs to be earned from the above
list, in addition to the research project. The research project needs to be Electronic
Materials /Device related.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 99

5. Other useful information

5.1 Getting help and advice

The following Semester Coordinators will guide the students in each semester.

Semesters Coordinators

Semester 1 and 2 Eng. S.P. Guluwita

Semester 3 and 4 Mr. A.M.P.B. Samarasekara

Semester 5 and 6 Dr. D. Attygalle

Semester 7 and 8 Dr. D.A.S. Amarasinghe

Practical Work Coordinators

Dr. D. Attygalle /
Semester 1
Ms. S.A.K.V.M.Piyathilake
Semester 2 Eng. S. P. Guluwita /
Dr. A.A.G.A. Abeygunawardena
Semester 3 Mr. S. V. Udayakumara
Semester 4 Mr. S. V. Udayakumara
Semester 4 Mechanical Mr.A.M.P.B. Samarasekara
Semester 5 Dr. (Mrs.) A.S. Galhenage
Semester 6 Dr. G.I.P.De Silva
Semester 7 Mr. A. M. P. B. Samarasekara
Semester 8 Dr.D.Attygalle

 Research Project Coordinator – Dr. A.A.G.A. Abeygunawardena

 Industrial Training & Industrial Visit Coordinator – Dr. D. Attygalle

Academic Coordinators will ensure that the students will select the module so as to
fulfill their credits requirements. Students should obtain their consent prior to adding or
dropping modules after registration, voluntary leave of absence from the course and
change of academic load.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 100

5.2 Materials Engineering Societies

Society of Materials Engineering Students

This society was first formed in 1995 and has been operating within the department.
All undergraduate and postgraduate students of Materials Science and Engineering
become members of the society. The society organizes social events to collect funds
to the society and aim to establish a scholarship scheme to help the students with
financial hardships of the department. It also helps the students to improve their
extracurricular activities which are a vital component of university life, leadership
abilities and communication skills

Institute of Materials Engineers

The formation of this society was initiated in 2003 by the undergraduate students and
the academic staff members of the department with the blessing of some industrialists
and academics. At the time the name of the society was Society of Materials
Engineers. Then it was registered as company limited by guarantee in 2009 under the
present name. The main purpose for forming this society was to provide a forum for
the Materials Engineers in Sri Lanka to get together and work to promote and
popularize the field of Materials Science and Engineering in Sri Lanka. The society
offers three categories of memberships namely honorary member, member and
student member and a considerable number of Material engineering graduates who
are working in various capacities, industrialists and students have already become
members of the society. They organize their Annual General Meeting every year.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering 101

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