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AllOlive's Monk v12.

Monk in the Underdark by RalphHorsley

Your dungeonmaster might allow only the basic (🥚)
Her fists a blur as they deflect an incoming hail of
arrows, a half-elf springs over a barricade and
technique options listed first, unless your character
throws herself into the massed ranks of archers on
"unlocks" other options in play, such as by finding a
the other side. She whirls through them, a cyclone
teacher. In this case, you would only need pages 2-4 and
of deadly fists, kicks, elbows, and knees, until at 6-8.
last she stands alone. Alternately, they might agree to allow all the options
The hangman leads the accused towards the shown here, allowing a Monk player to choose from all the
defensive, strike, and monastic techniques listed, including
"elaborated" (🦉) options on pages 9-10
gallows as guards point their spears at the angry
crowd of peasants. But somehow, none of the
guards notices a tattooed figure moving in their You might agree to use one of the quick-start sets of
midst. Suddenly, this figure makes an impossible techniques by level on pages 13-14.
leap, plants a disabling knee to the executioner's This document also has new spells, magic items, and
groin, and begins to escape with the accused. NPCs (pages 11-12 and 15-18).
The Dread Archmage laughs arrogantly at the You might even pick and choose, allowing some of the
halfling before her, summoning a cage of force to changes to the Monk class, but not others. For instance,
restrain this tiny enemy. But the halfling dodges Defensive Techniques could be a stand-alone replacement
out of the way before the magic solidifies, closing for the Deflect Missiles and Slow Fall features of the base
the distance in a flash and pummeling the Monk.
Archmage with a series of quick blows that disrupt
each spell before she finishes casting it. Table Of Contents
Class Table 2
Class Features 3
New Mechanics/Rules; Monastic Tradition changes 5
Using this document 40 Basic (🥚) Technique Options:
This is a rework of the Monk class for 5th edition Dungeons Defensive Techniques (🥚) 6
and Dragons. It is designed to make the class more balanced, Strike Techniques (🥚) 6
fun, and flexible. This rework is stronger where the base Monastic Techniques (🥚) 7
Monk is too weak, slightly improving survivability at lower 15 Elaborated (🦉) Technique Options:
levels and damage at higher levels to keep up with other Defensive Techniques (🦉) 9
martial classes. It's also weaker where the base Monk is too Strike Techniques (🦉) 9
strong, making the class less reliant on repetitive, save-or- Monastic Techniques (🦉) 10
suck Stunning Strikes. And finally, it takes a class that Alphabetical Index of Techniques 10
already seems built for players who love tactical choices in New Spells , Magic Items 11
combat, and makes the class even more flexible, tactical, and Quick-start builds:
fun. Throughout, I've taken care to preserve balance, so that Role-based 13
your Monk character should be a welcome and useful Subclass-based 14
addition to your party, without grabbing more than their Monk NPCs: Statblocks with mix & match abilities 15
share of the spotlight and the glory. Rules FAQ 19
There are various ways a player might use this document: Legal (& moral) notice, Acknowledgements, changelog 20
Cover art credit: A monk I guess? by PuddingPack INTRO
Flexibility and breadth
Monks have studied to be able to harness an energy known
as ki that flows through all living bodies. Ki mastery can
make a Monk's own body into a fearsome force in combat
without needing weapons or armor. But it can also be useful
outside battle, expanding their senses, stealth, or mobility.
Monks follow many different traditions. One of them might
learn techniques honed by an oppressed people who learned
to wield their very chains against the overlords who enslaved
them; while another might have studied in a mountaintop
monestary, taught by veterans of a horrible conflict who had
turned to asceticism.
But whether they're an aesthete noble who insists on
artistry in all things or a self-taught street brawler, a Monk
pushes their body beyond its normal limits. With so many
options to choose from, a Monk is most effective when they
have the wits to choose the right tool for each job. This path
of training and discipline is not for everyone, but its rewards
Angela Hill/Sagat, can be great.
by @JupsTheArtist

Allolive's Monk (With Alternate Features)

Prof. Martial Ki Unarmored Techniques
Level Bonus Arts Points Movement D / S / M Features
1st +2 1d4 — — –/–/– Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, (Iron Body?)
2nd +2 1d4 2 +10 ft. 1/–/– Ki, Unarmored Movement, Defensive Technique 1
3rd +2 1d4 3 +10 ft. 1/–/– Monastic Tradition
4th +2 1d4 4 +10 ft. 2/–/– Sapphire Soul, Ability Score Improvement, Defensive Technique 2
5th +3 1d6 5 +10 ft. 2/2/– Extra Attack, Strike Techniques 1 & 2
6th +3 1d6 6 +15 ft. 2 / 2 / 1 Monastic Tradition Feature, Ki-charged Blows,
Monastic Technique 1
7th +3 1d6 7 +15 ft. 3 / 3 / 1 Defensive Technique 3, Strike Technique 3
(Option: Evasive Reaction + Evasive Strike = Evasion)
8th +3 1d6 8 +15 ft. 3 / 3 / 1 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d6 9 +15 ft. 3 / 3 / 2 Monastic Technique 2
10th +4 1d6 10 +20 ft. 3 / 4 / 2 (Ki-charged Blows: +1), Strike Technique 4
11th +4 1d8 11 +20 ft. 4 / 4 / 2 Monastic Tradition Feature, Defensive Technique 4
12th +4 1d8 12 +20 ft. 4 / 4 / 2 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 1d8 13 +20 ft. 4 / 4 / 3 Monastic Technique 3
14th +5 1d8 14 +25 ft. 4 / 5 / 3 (Diamond Soul), Strike Technique 5
15th +5 1d8 15 +25 ft. 4 / 5 / 4 (Ki-charged Blows: +2), Monastic Technique 4
16th +5 1d8 16 +25 ft. 4 / 5 / 4 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 1d10 17 +30 ft. 4 / 5 / 4 Monastic Tradition Feature
18th +6 1d10 18 +30 ft. 4 / 5 / 5 Monastic Technique 5
19th +6 1d10 19 +30 ft. 4 / 5 / 5 (Ki-charged Blows: +3), Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 1d10 20 +35 ft. 4/5/5+1 Martial Arts Mastery

Features in italics involve a choice when you gain this level. D/S/M refers to Defensive Techniques, Strike Techniques, and
Monastic Techniques, respectively.
Class Features When you attack or spend ki with your action, you can
make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Hit Points                                      Certain monasteries use specialized
Hit Dice: 1d8 per martial artist level                                              forms of the monk weapons. For
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution                                                 example, you might use a club
modifier                                                 that is two lengths of wood
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your                                                 connected by a short chain (a
Constitution modifier per Monk level after 1st                                                       nunchaku) or a sickle with a
Proficiencies (Added skill options)                                                                            shorter, straighter
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics,                                                                         blade (a kama).
Athletics, History, Insight, Medicine,                                                                      Whatever name you
Perception, Religion, and Stealth                                                                   use for a monk weapon,
Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords                                                                you can use the game
Tools: Choose one set of artisan’s tools                                                             statistics provided in the
or one instrument                                                          Weapons section.
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Armor: None                                Ki (Improved)
Starting Equipment                                                    Changes in bold
(a) a shortsword or                                                    Starting at 2nd level, your
(b) any simple weapon                                                    training allows you to harness
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or                                                 the mystic energy of ki. Your
(b) an explorer’s pack                                              access to this energy is represented
10 darts                                           by a number of ki points, as shown in
                                      the Ki Points column of the Monk table.
Iron Body (Optional) You can spend these points to fuel various ki features. You
start knowing four basic ki techniques: Energy Reserves,
Optional first-level Monk feature (for strength-based Monks) Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind.
Your martial arts training is focused on When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until you finish
the tangible, not the spiritual; and though a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your
you are no stranger to finesse, brute force is expended ki back into yourself.
your weapon of choice. This has the following effects: Some of your ki features require your target to make a
 •  You must use Strength for the attack and damage rolls of saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. Unless you have
      unarmed strikes and martial artist weapons. Iron Body, the saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
 •  While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
      shield, your AC equals 10 + your Strength modifier +
      your Dexterity modifier. Energy Reserves (New)
 •  Your Ki save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your As a bonus action, you can spend one Monk hit die to regain
      Dexterity modifier. ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum, 2). You
 •  Energy Reserves uses Constitution modifier (not Wis). also gain twice that amount of temporary hit points. You can
not do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Unarmored Defense (Improved)
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and Flurry of Blows
not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity When you use the Martial Arts bonus action attack, you can
modifier + your Wisdom modifier. Also, you can use any spend 1 ki point to make one extra unarmed strike (2 total).
feature which protects you or your allies despite lacking Patient Defense
the right armor or shield. (For instance: Shield Master)
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge
Martial Arts (Improved) action.
At 1st level, your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of Step of the Wind
combat styles that use unarmed strikes and monk weapons, As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to take both the
which are shortswords and any simple melee weapons that Disengage and Dash actions. Until the start of your next
don’t have the two-handed or heavy property. turn, your jump distance is doubled, and you get
While you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons advantage on any Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield:
You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack Unarmored Movement (Unchanged)
and damage rolls of unarmed strikes and monk weapons. Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet while
You can roll d4 in place of normal damage for an unarmed you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. This bonus
strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you gain increases when you reach certain levels (see table above).
Monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column above.

Class Features
Defensive Techniques / Reactions You can never use more than one strike technique on the
same attack, or combine a strike technique with a subclass
A master of martial arts must learn how to focus their ability that adds effects to an unarmed attack, such as Way of
reflexes on defense. Learn one Defensive Technique the Open Hand's Open Hand Technique or Quivering Palm.
(Reaction) each at 2nd, 4th, 7th (optional—see Evasion), and You can not attempt the same strike technique against
11th levels. When you gain a level, you can trade one the same target more than once per turn.
defensive technique for another one you could learn. If you use a strike technique as part of a critical hit, the first
saving throw against that technique has disadvantage.
Monastic Tradition (Changed)
When you reach 3rd level, you choose a monastic tradition. Ki-charged Blows (Improved!)
Your tradition grants you features at 3rd level and again at Starting at 6th level, your combination of physical and ki
6th, 11th, and 17th levels. See (brief) changes to specific discipline gives your attacks new force. Your unarmed
subclasses on p. 10. attacks are magical, ignoring resistance/immunity to
nonmagical damage.
Sapphire / Diamond Soul {Changed) Your unarmed and monk weapon attacks score a critical
Your mastery of ki increases your resistance. At 4th level, you hit on a roll of 19-20.
have a Sapphire Soul: you can add half your proficiency Starting at 10th level as a Monk, your unarmed and monk
bonus, rounded down, to any saving throw you make that weapon attacks get +1 to attack and damage; starting at
doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus. At 14th level, 15th level as a Monk, +2; and starting at 19th level, +3.
this improves to Diamond Soul: you gain proficiency in all Monastic Techniques (New)
saving throws.
Your discipline of ki attunement has many benefits. Learn
Extra Attack (Unchanged) one Monastic Technique at each of the following Monk levels:
6th, 9th, 13th, 15th, and 18th.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Martial Arts Mastery (New)
Strike Techniques (New) At 20th level, you can use basic ki abilities — Flurry of Blows,
Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind — without spending ki.
At 5th level, you learn two strike techniques of your choice Also, when you finish a short rest, you can choose a strike,
from the lists later in this document. Learn one additional monastic, or defensive technique that can be learned before
strike at 7th (optional—see Evasion), 10th level, and 14th 8th level. You learn it until you finish a short or long rest.
level. When you gain a level as a Monk, you can replace a
strike technique with another you could learn.

Dance With Me, by SesameFruit

Class features; New Mechanics/Rules
Die Dice levels Die Dice levels Die Dice levels
New Mechanics/Rules 1d4 1 1d8 3 1d12 5(+)
Monastic Tradition Changes 1d6 2 1d10 4
Way of the Kensei
You can use Sharpen the Blade on magic weapons. When you Ki Initiate (Feat)
do, use the higher of the two bonuses for attacks, and the Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+, Wisdom 11+
sum of both bonuses for damage. You can use strike
techniques with melee monk weapons. "Way of the Brush" Add 2 to your maximum ki points.
gives proficiency in your choice of artisan's tools. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you
can use your martial arts die for the damage. If you don't
Way of the Sun Soul already have a martial arts die size, it is 1d4.
At 3rd level, you learn the Martial Arcanist technique.🥚 You You learn one defensive, strike, or monastic technique.
You must still meet all prerequisites, If don't already have

also learn the Weave-Infused Strike technique, with Sacred
Flame as the cantrip. Whenever you use any strike technique, a ki save DC, it is 9 + your Proficiency Bonus.
you can choose to replace the damage type with radiant.
Radiant Sun Bolt counts as a thrown Monk weapon (for Ki- Technique Options:
charged blows and Swift Salvo Strike). If you spend any ki on
your Searing Sunburst, it does half damage on a failed save. Here are the basic (🥚) technique options. If you want more
variety and don't mind a bit more complexity, see also the
"elaborated" (🦉) technique options starting on page 9.
Way of the Four Elements
When you finish a long rest, you can learn 2 cantrips from the
following list: conrol flame, create bonfire, fire bolt, frostbite,
gust, magic stone, mold earth, produce flame, ray of frost,
Defensive Techniques (Reactions) ( 🥚)
shape water, or thorn whip (reflavored as water whip, with
slashing damage). Use Wisdom as your spellcasting ability.
When you do so, you forget any cantrips you learned from
this feature before. Starting at 11th level, you instead learn 3
of these cantrips; starting at 17th level, 4 in total. Whenever
you use any strike technique, you can replace one damage
type with that of one cantrip you know.
You do not learn Elemental Attunement, but instead learn
one elemental discipline each at levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16,
17, and 19. The list of elemental disciplines available also
includes certain techniques: Breath Control; ; Flow of the
Wind; Leaping Strike; Light Step; Martial Arcanist (no
prerequisite, can change any of the elemental cantrips above
from saving throw to attack roll when using Elemental
Strike); Slow Fall; Step of the Clouds; Wind at their Backs;
and Wisp's Dodge. Ryonosuke-the-Ronin, by yoritomodaishogun
Optional house rules Deflect Missiles
When you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, you can use
These house rules can smooth play for this class (see FAQ). your reaction to deflect or catch it. When you do so, the
damage you take from the attack is reduced by a roll of your
 •  If you learn Extra Attack twice, you get an extra feature Martial Arts die + your Dexterity modifier + your Monk level.
      the 2nd time. That is: Barbarians get +1 Rage Damage; If you reduced the damage to 0, you can choose one:
      Fighters/Paladins/Rangers get a fighting style; and  •  Spend 1 ki to catch the missile in a free hand and
      Monks get a Strike Technique or Monastic Technique.      immediately make a ranged attack with it (range 20/60
 •  You can roll attacks together, then assume those rolls      feet), using it proficiently as a martial artist weapon.
      happened in the order you choose. For instance, if you  •  Without spending ki, get +3 to your AC against further
      roll two attacks and at least one of them hits, and you      ranged attacks until your next turn starts.
      use that hit for a strike technique that would give the In addition, when you see an object drop within your
      other attack advantage, you can reroll the d20 once for unarmed melee range, you can catch it as a reaction.
      the other attack and take the more favorable result.
 •  Never roll more than one die to add to a d20 roll. If you Slow Fall
      would, use the table below to convert them to "dice levels" You can use your reaction when you take falling damage to
      and then back into a single die. Example: Instead of reduce it by an amount equal to five times your Monk level.
      1d20+5+1d8 Bardic Inspiration+1d6 Ki Parry, you'd roll
      1d20+5+1d12, becasue d8+d6=3+2 levels=5 levels=d12

Technique Options: 🥚
Tumbling Dodge
When a creature you can see hits you with a melee attack,
you can try to dodge as a reaction. Roll your martial arts die.
If you roll 4 or higher, you can use half your unarmored
movement bonus (rounded down). This movement doesn't
provoke opportunity attacks. If you move out of the attack's Tiger Pirate, by
range, it misses. Rainbow-Foxy
7th level
Ki Parry
Prerequisite: 7th level Monk
As a reaction, when you or a creature you can see within
your melee range makes a saving throw against an effect or
spell, you can spend 2 ki points. Roll your martial arts die and
add it to the result. You can do this after seeing the number
rolled, but must do so before you know if it succeeded.
Evasive reaction Exposing Strike
Prerequisite: 7th level Monk You lay open enemies' ki. When you make a critical hit, target
Your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of is Dazed until the end of your next turn. After damage
certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath. When resolves, you can spend 1 ki point. If so, the next saving throw
you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a the target makes while still Dazed gets disadvantage.
Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use Gentle Strikes
your reaction to take no damage on success, and only half  •  When shoving or grappling, you can use Acrobatics
damage if you fail.      (Dexterity) for your ability check.
If you know Evasive Strike, Evasive Reaction becomes  •  You ignore size restrictions when Shoving.
Evasion; that is, it is always in effect without using a reaction.  •  When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can
11th level      take a Shove action on them as a reaction.
Ki Reflection  •  You can replace an attack of opportunity with an attempt
Prerequisite: 11th level Monk; Ki Parry and Deflect Missiles      to Shove or Grapple.
You can use Ki Parry against a spell attack, thus increasing Knockout Strike
the AC against that attack by one roll of your martial arts die. You knock your opponents out cold. After you hit with an
When a spell which targets you misses any attack rolls and unarmed attack, you can spend 1 ki point. Roll your martial
you succeed any saving throws (including due to Ki Parry), arts die twice; double that if the hit was critical; and add your
you can spend ki points equal to the spell level to change the level. If their remaining hit points are less than the total, they
spell's target to a creature you can see within the spell's range fall unconscious for up to 10 minutes, or until they take
of you. You can't spend more than half your Monk level in ki damage or a creature uses an action to wake them.
points in this way. If target is a construct, undead, or immune to being
Wisp's Dodge Stunned, this strike fails, and you know they were immune.
Prerequisite: 11th level Monk, Tumbling Dodge and Slow Fall Swift Salvo Strike
Whenever you move using Tumbling Dodge, increase the You are first into battle, sowing sharp suffering. After rolling
distance by 10 feet. When you are within the area of a newly- initiative, you can immediately spend 2 ki points; roll your
appearing spell or effect, you can use Tumbling Dodge as a Martial Arts die and add it to your initiative score. Your
reaction. If you leave the area, you avoid the effect. thrown Martial Arts weapons have +1 to hit any creature with
an initiative score lower than yours. Whenever you could
Strike Techniques make an unarmed attack, you can instead draw and/or throw
Disarming Strike a Martial Artist weapon.
When you hit with an unarmed attack, you can spend 1 ki.
Target makes a Strength saving throw. If it fails, it drops Targeted Strike
one item of your choice that it's holding. (If you have Deflect You use precision strikes to get specific results. When you hit
Missiles and a free hand, you can catch the item.) with an unarmed attack, you can spend 1 ki and choose a
specific part to aim at. Target makes a Constitution saving
Evasive Strike throw, or, if they are grappled by you, a Strength saving
If are benefitting from a Dodge you took on your last turn, throw. If they fail, choose one:
and a creature misses you with a melee attack, then as a  •  Ears: They are deafened.
reaction you can make one attack with advantage against that  •  Eyes: Up to 2 of their eyes are blinded and disabled.
creature. You then lose the benefits of having used Dodge.  •  Stomach: They retch. They regurgitate anything they've
If you know it, the Evasive Reaction technique does not       swallowed in the last minute, and are "poisoned".
require using your reaction (so it's like a Rogue's Evasion).  •  Voice: They can't speak, use verbal components, roar, etc.

Technique Options: 🥚
The effects last for up to one minute. The target can make a Armor of Serenity
Constitution saving throw to end the effect at the end of each You can spend 2 ki points to cast Sanctuary. If you target
of its turns. This save has advantage unless they are grappled yourself, you can spend 1 more ki when casting it to change
or you have hit them since the end of their last turn. any saving throws from Wisdom to Charisma.
Whirling Strike Aspect of Clay
You can spin yourself into a cloud of fists and feet. Instead of You can spend 3 ki points to gain the effects of Alter Self.
making an unarmed attack, spend 1 ki point. Any creature This uses your concentration, but does not count as a spell.
within your unarmed melee range must make a Dexterity For the duration, you count as a shapechanger.
saving throw. If they fail, they take bludgeoning damage
equal to one roll of your martial arts die, and then, if their Meridian Sight
remaining hit points are less than 5 times your proficiency Your study of ki flows lets you see arcane energy too. As an
bonus, they are knocked Prone and become Dazed. This action, you can spend 1 ki point to cast detect magic. Once
Dazed condition lasts 1 minute or until they regain hit points. while this lasts, you gain advantage on a Wisdom
10th level (Perception) check.
Dispelling/Counterspelling Strike Monastic Expertise
Prerequisite: 10th level Monk; Ki Parry defensive technique Your training is nearly perfect. Gain expertise (2x proficiency
Your fists and kicks tear through the weave itself. When bonus) in one skill available to a level 1 Monk that you are
you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can spend 3 ki proficient in. You also get proficiency in one new skill, or in
to cast Dispel Magic on them. If you do this as part of a one language and one set of artisans tools.
reaction to a spell being cast, cast Counterspell instead. In
either case, use Wisdom as your spellcasting modifier. Restoring Mantra
Note: To use Counterspelling Strike, you must have a You can gain the effects of Catnap on yourself and 2 others.
readied attack, Mage Slayer, Trained Reflexes, or similar. Targets stay conscious but the spell ends if they move, take an
action, or stop repeating a verbal mantra. Once you use this
Elemental Strike technique, you can not do so again until you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: 10th level Monk
You combine magic with your attacks. You learn one Tranquility of Mind
cantrip from the Sorcerer or Druid spell lists, with your You have practiced mental calm. If you are frightened or
choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom as your spellcasting charmed, you lose that condition after taking any action.
ability. Once per turn, you can replace one unarmed attack by You have resistance to psychic damage, as long as you're
casting a cantrip you know which requires a single attack roll. not incapacitated or unusually upset. (Use player's judgment.)
If this hits, you can spend ki to havi it work as normal. If
you don't spend this ki, it does damage as if you were a 1st Wind at their Backs
level spell-caster. This ki cost is 1/2/3 ki points at You can extend your gift for agile movement to others. When
5th/11th/17th level, plus 1 ki point if there's a material you spend ki to use Step of the Wind, you can touch up to two
component that costs at least 1 sp. willing creatures this turn. Each can each immediately use
their reaction to take the Dash action, and gets +10 feet
Reliable Strikes movement speed and advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Prerequisite: 10th level Monk checks until the end of their next turn.
Once per turn, when you miss an attack, you can spend 1 ki
to reroll it. If this hits, any strike technique you use on it costs Flow of the Wind
1 ki point less. Whenever you spend ki to use Step of the Wind, you end any
Grappled or Restrained condition you have.
Tornado Strike Then, until the end of your next turn:
Prerequisite: 10th level Monk, Slow Fall defensive technique  •  You ignore difficult terrain.
You can streak through battle in a whirlwind of blows. On  •  When you use any reaction that doesn't use movmemnt,
your turn after you use Step of the Wind, you can spend 5 ki       you can also move by up to half your movement speed,
as an action to get the effects of Steel Wind Strike.
      before or after the reaction.
 •  You can use Step of the Wind without spending ki.
Monastic Techniques (
9th Level
Ascetic Habits
You have disciplined your body with habitual fasts and vigils. Light Step
You require only half as much food and drink as normal, and Prerequisite: 9th level Monk, Slow Fall defensive technique
have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion due to You can move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on
lack of food, drink, or sleep. As a bonus action you can spend your turn without falling during your move. When you use
2 ki points to ignore the effects of exhaustion levels less than Step of the Wind, you leave no tracks and are lightly obscured
your proficiency bonus until your next long rest ends. from blindsight and tremorsense until the end of the turn.
You learn one additional defensive technique. This doesn't
count against your number of techniques known.

Technique Options: 🥚
Pure and Timeless Body
Prerequisite: 9th level Monk
Your mastery of your ki makes you immune to disease and
poison. Also, your ki sustains you so that you suffer none of
the frailty of old age, though you can still die of old age. You A Moment
can't be aged magically, and you no longer need food or water. of Calm, by
When you successfully make a Constitution saving throw @AhrunaArt
against an effect, you take no damage from that effect.
Secret Learning
Prerequisite: 9th level Monk
Gain a feat that would normally grant you +1 to an ability
that you have 13 or higher in. You do not get the +1 bonus. If
your DM approves and it relates to your existing abilities or
character, you can instead get "half" the benefits of any feat.
Alternately, if you took a feat rather than an ASI at the most
recent opportunity, increase one of your ability scores by +1.
The DM is encouraged to give a teacher / training montage.
Tongue of the Stars
Prerequisite: 9th level Monk
You have learned to touch the ki of simpler beings, allowing 18th Level
mutual understanding. You can gain the effects of speak with
animals at will; this is not a spell. As an action, you can spend Empty Body
3 ki points to cast speak with plants. Prerequisite: 18th level Monk
You can use your action to spend 4 ki points to become
13th Level invisible for 1 minute. During that time, you have resistance
Trained Reflexes to all non-force damage. Also, you can spend 8 ki points to
Prerequisites: 13th level Monk cast the astral projection spell, without needing material
Once per turn, you can spend 1 ki point to use your components, and without taking any others with you.
reaction even if you've used it already. When doing so, you
can react to a creature in your melee range that you can see Hail of Blows
casting a spell or attacking someone besides you, by making Prerequisite: 18th level Monk
an unarmed or Monk weapon attack on that creature. Attack 1 more time (3 total) when you use Flurry of Blows.
(As always, you can not react twice to the same event.) Focused Prescience
Step of the Clouds Prerequisites: 18th level Monk
Prerequisites: 13th level Monk; Slow Fall defensive tech. You can spend 1 minute meditating and 10 ki points to gain
When you use Step of the Wind, you gain a fly speed equal a limited ability to see into the immediate future. For one
to your walking speed until the end of the turn. If you end hour, you gain the benefits of the spell Foresight. For the
your turn without support, you fall. same duration, you cannot rest.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon Perfected Arts
Prerequisite: 13th level Monk Prerequisite: 18th level Monk
You learn to touch the ki of other minds. You understand all Your Martial Arts die is 1d12. Also, gain expertise (2 times
spoken languages. Any creature that can understand a proficiency bonus) with 2 sets of tools you're proficient in, or
language can understand what you say. one set of artisan's tools you're not proficient in.
15th Level
Combat Mastery
Prerequisite: 15th level Monk.
You learn one extra defensive technique and one extra
strike technique. You still must meet all prerequisites.
Pure Mindfulness
Prerequisites: 15th level Monk; Owl's Senses or Meridian
You can spend 5 ki points to gain 60 feet of truesight for
ten minutes. Once you use this technique, you can't do so
again until you finish a long rest.

Monastic Techniques: 🥚
Technique Options: 🦉
Below are the "elaborated" (🦉) options for defensive, strike,
Leaping Strike (or Sling Stone Strike)
You fell your enemies with flying kicks. You can make an
unarmed attack by leaping from 20 ft away, using 15 ft of
and monastic techniques. Your dungeonmaster may rule that movement, to end 5 ft from the target. This scores a critical
these are only available when "unlocked" through role-play. hit on a roll of 18-20. If you hit a target no more than 1 size
Defensive Techniques (Reactions) ( 🦉) larger than you, you can spend 1 ki to try to shove them. Use
your to-hit roll instead of Athletics (Strength) for this Shove.
When you leap, you can let an ally within 5 ft, who's at least
Protective Reaction 1 size bigger than you, use a reaction to help throw you. This
Prerequisite: 4th level Monk gives you advantage, adds their strength modifier to damage,
You can spend 1 ki to use any defensive technique you and lets you shove targets one size larger than the ally.
know, except Iron Flesh, to benefit a willing ally within your
melee range. At DM's discretion, this may include moving 7th level
yourself or your ally, such as interposing yourself and/or Provoking Strike
shoving them. For instance, if you know Tumbling Dodge, Prerequisite: 7th level Monk, Charisma at least 11
when the ally is hit in melee, you could spend 1 ki to roll to Your blows capture and command attention.
see if you can pull/push them out of the way to avoid the hit. When you touch a creature or hit it with an unarmed
attack, you can spend 1 ki point. Target must make a
Iron Flesh Charisma saving throw. It automatically succeeds if it is
Prerequisite: 4th level Monk immune to being Charmed. If it fails, then until its next turn
You can prepare for one damege type of your choice. As a ends, target's attacks on any creature but you have
reaction to taking damage of a different type, you can switch disadvantage, but its attacks on you ignore disadvantage.
your prepared type to this new damage type. You will remain If the target fails by more than 5, you can concentrate for
prepared for this new type until you switch again. up to 10 minutes on transfixing its attention through its ki. As
As a reaction to taking damage of the type you're currently long you concentrate and stay visible to it within 30 feet, all
prepared for, you can spend 1 ki point to gain resistance to creatures except you are considered hidden from it. They are
that damage and that damage type, until your next turn starts. no longer hidden if they touch it, damage it, or speak to it.
Example: You're prepared for cold damage when a green
dragon uses poison breath on you. As a reaction, you switch 14th level
your prepared type to poison. You don't resist now, but in later Dumbfounding Strike
rounds, you can react again to resist poison damage.
Prerequisites: 14th level Monk, Intelligence at least 11
Your blows can shat⁠ter intellect and personality. When you
Strike Techniques ( hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can spend 8 ki
Intimidating Strike points to cast Feeblemind on them, except that the effects last
Your fists are a force to be feared—or even, appeased. When for just 1 hour. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so
again until you finish a short or long rest.
you hit with an unarmed attack, you can spend 1 ki point.
Target makes a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it is
Frightened of you for up to 1 minute. It makes a Wisdom Monastic Techniques (
saving throw to end this effect at the end of each of its turns. Breath Control
If you use this technique, it fails the saving throw, and it Your meditative breathing practice has honed your control:
was already Frightened, you can cause it to be Charmed for  •  As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to gain the effects
up to an hour instead. While this lasts, it does not see you as       of feign death on yourself.
a friend, but as a threat to be appeased. It will obey reason-  •  You can hold your breath for an extra minute (10 rounds)
able orders or requests that it understands, and won't try to       per level. Doing so, you count as not needing to breathe.
flee if you or your allies are watching it and within 30 ft. If you  •  You can focus your breathing as a bonus action. When
or your allies do anything to harm it or others it sincerely       you do, your next attack this turn has advantage and does
cares about, the charmed condition ends and is replaced by       double damage to objects or structures.
the frightened condition for up to 1 minute as above.
Hidden Ki
Ki blocking Strike You can spend 3 ki points to cast Nondetection without
You impede opponent's actions by disrupting their ki. material components. If you target yourself, the effect extends
If you make a critical hit with an unarmed strike or monk to any other creatures while you are touching them. You can
weapon, you can spend 1 ki point. The creature gains 1 level spend 2 ki points to cast Blend Into Crowd (described below).
of exhaustion (using OneDnD rules).
As long as a creature has exhaustion from this source, you Owl's Senses
gain +1 to attack them for each level of exhaustion they have. Your senses are strigine (owl-like). You can ignore
Every second hit you make against them in a given turn gives disadvantage on perception checks and environmental
them 1 more level of exhaustion. If you end your turn without penalties to your passive perception.
having hit them with an attack, all exhaustion from this
source ends.

Technique Options: 🦉
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to focus further. Index of All 55 Techniques
Until the end of your next turn, you can attack at long range
without disadvantage. In addition, the next time you make a Armor of Serenity Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
Perception (Wisdom), add 1 roll of your martial arts die, Ascetic Habits Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
unless you have ended a short or long rest before then. Aspect of Clay Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
Breath Control Monastic,(L6)🦉: page   9
Touch of Insight Combat Mastery * Monastic,L15🥚: page   8
You can feel how deception alters the flow of ki. You †† Deflect Missiles Defensive,(L2)🥚: page   5
immediately save with advantage against illusion effects if Disarming Strike Strike,(L5)🥚: page   6
you touch them or the spellcaster concentrating on them. Dispelling/Counterspelling Strike Strike,L10🥚: page   7
If you are touching a creature, its Charisma (Deception) ‡ Dumbfounding Strike Strike,L14🦉: page   9
checks against you are made with disadvantage. Empty Body Monastic,L18🥚: page   8
Evasive Reaction Derensive,L7🥚: page   6
9th Level Evasive Strike Strike,(L5)🥚: page   6
Exposing Strike Strike,L7🥚: page   6
Strike,L10🥚: page   7
Guided Meditation
Prerequisites: 9th level Monk Elemental Strike
You can lead a meditation which sharpens a chosen skill. Flow of the Wind Monastic,(L5)🥚: page   7
As part of a short rest, you can spend 10 minutes meditating Focused Prescience Monastic,L18🥚: page   8
on a skill you're proficient in, or a saving throw for which your Gentle Strikes Strike,(L5)🥚: page   6
combined modifier is at least +4. Up to three creatures you Guided Meditation Monastic,L9🦉: page 10
choose who can hear and understand you can also Hail of Blows Monastic,L18🥚: page   8
participate. Hidden Ki Monastic,(L6)🦉: page 10
After the rest ends, spend 4 ki points. Each participant, Intimidating Strike Strike,(L5)🦉: page   9
including you, gets temporary hit points equal to your Iron Flesh Defensive,L4🦉: page   9
proficiency bonus. They can give up these temporary hp to ‡ Juggler's Hands * Monastic,L9🦉: page 10
gain proficiency or (if they were already proficient) +2 on one †† Ki Parry Defensive,(L7)🥚: page   6
roll of the skill or saving throw you chose. ‡‡ Ki Reflection Defensive,L11🥚: page   6
Ki-Blocking Strike Strike,(L5)🦉: page   9
Knockout Strike Strike,(L5)🥚: page   6
Strike,(L5)🦉: page   9
Juggler's Hands
Prerequisites: 9th level Monk, Deflect Missiles Leaping Strike
You can draw thrown weapons as part of attacking with Light Step * Monastic,L9🥚: page   8
them, and you become proficient in Performance. Martial Arcanist Monastic,L9🦉: page 10
You learn one extra defensive technique, which doesn't † Meridian Sight Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
count against your number of defensive techniques known. Monastic Expertise Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
† Owl's Senses Monastic,(L6)🦉: page 10
Martial Arcanist Perfected Arts Monastic,L18🥚: page   8
Prerequisites: 9th level Monk ‡ Provoking Strike Strike,L7🦉: page   9
You have trained to blend spellcasting with your attacks: Pure and Timeless Body Monastic,L9🥚: page   8
‡ Pure Mindfulness Monastic,L15🥚: page   8
If you have spent any ki since the start of your last turn, Protective Reaction Defensive,L4🦉: page   9
you can reduce the ki cost to cast a spell by 1. Reliable Strikes Strike,L10🥚: page   7
You are proficient with concentration saving throws. Restoring Mantra Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
Learn the Elemental Strike technique, but do not learn a Secret Learning Monastic,L9🥚: page   8
new cantrip unless you don't know any already. †††† Slow Fall Defensive,(L2)🥚: page   6
‡ Step of the Clouds Monastic,L13🥚: page   8
Swift Salvo Strike Strike,(L5)🥚: page   7
Targeted Strike Strike,(L5)🦉: page   9
Tongue of the Stars Monastic,L9🥚: page   8
Tongue of the Sun and Moon Monastic,L13🥚: page   8
‡ Tornado Strike Strike,L10🥚: page   7
Touch of Insight Monastic,(L6)🦉: page   9
Tranquility of Mind Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
Trained Reflexes Monastic,L13🥚: page   7
† Tumbling Dodge Defensive,(L2)🥚: page   6
Whirling Strike Strike,(L5)🥚: page   7
Wind at their Backs Monastic,(L6)🥚: page   7
‡ Wisp's Dodge Defensive,L11🥚: page   6
* Can also give Defensive and/or Strike techniques.
†: Is a prerequisite for other technique(s).
‡: Has other technique(s) or ability minimums as a

Technique Options: 🦉
Manual of Martial Arts
New Spell Wondrous item, various rarities
Blend Into Crowd This book or scroll (or tapestry, mosaic, etc.) offers
2nd-level abjuration instructions on one or more martial arts techniques.
Casting Time: 1 action If a Monk spends 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer
Range: Self       Components: S studying the contents and practicing its guidelines, they
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour permanently learn the given technique(s). The manual then
Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer loses its magic, but regains it in 10 years.
Whenever you are within 30 feet of 3 or more humanoids,
you can add an additional 1d20 to Dexterity (Stealth) rolls.
Additionally, you get advantage on the first d20 of Dexterity
(Stealth) rolls if you are within 30 feet of 8 or more non-
hostile humanoids. For these benefits to apply, you do not
hide behind anything as usual, but instead act similarly to the
others around you.
Anyone attempting to count the group, to notice your
differences from the others, or to look at you specifically,
must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) roll against
your Dexterity (Stealth) roll to notice you.
This spell ends immediately if, while within sight of any
creature, you begin to make an attack, use verbal or somatic Waterbending Scroll,by moptop4000
components for a spell, or speak or act in a hostile or
conspicuous manner. At DM's discretion, moving to hide may
also end the spell, if others are looking in your direction and A non-Monk may be able to gain the same benefits, if they can
you fail a roll of Charisma (Deception) to make the movement pass a Dexterity or Wisdom check (DM's discretion) with a
seem inconspicuous. DC equal to 13 plus half the maximum level prerequisite of
the technique(s). In any case, this takes a total of 96 hours of
Magic Items study time over 12 days or fewer.
If you ever study another manual of martial arts, you lose
Belt of Martial Arts any techniques you learned from the first one.
Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement by Monk) The rarity of such a manual is one level rarer than a
While attuned to such a belt, you know one or more corresponding belt of martial arts would be.
additional Martial Arts techniques. The rarity (and in some
cases, the color) of the item depends on the technique or Adamantine Knuckles
techniques available. A belt which grants more than one Wondrous item, rare (allows attunement by a Monk)
technique will still generally only grant one technique with While wearing this item, if not attuned, your unarmed
the maximum level prerequisite shown. strikes add +1 to their damage, and their critical range is
Number/type expanded by one. For instance, an ordinary character would
 of techniques  Rarity score a critical on an unarmed attack roll of 19 or 20; a 5th-
1 defensive Common (Can be attuned by Rangers,
level Monk would score one on an 18, 19, or 20. If you use
Rogues, Fighters, or Barbarians, if they Strength to attack, you do double damage to objects or
are not wearing medium or heavy structures.
armor) If you are attuned to this item, then the damage bonus for
1 Strike Uncommon
unarmed strikes becomes 1d6, and you automatically know
(w/ no prereq)
the Knockout Strike technique. When you use a Knockout
Strike, roll your martial arts die one extra time. If you already
1 Monastic Uncommon (also increases your ki know Knockout Strike, you learn Exposing Strike as well.
(w/ no prereq) point maximum by 1)
1 Strike or Rare (also increases your ki point Boots of Breezestep
monastic; prereq maximum by 1)
<L12 Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
When you wear these split-toed boots, and are not wearing
1 strike, 1
monastic; prereq
Very Rare (also increases your ki point
maximum by 1)
medium or heavy armor, you can dash, disengage, or dodge
<L15 as a bonus action. If you are not a Monk, then once you have
used this ability, you can not do so again until you finish a
3, any kind, prereq Very Rare (also increases your ki point short or long rest.
<L15 maximum by 2, 1 minor beneficial If you are a Monk, then when you wear these boots, you
property [DMG p219]) know the Flow of the Wind and Leaping Strike techniques.
3, any kind, any Legendary (also increases your ki point
prereq maximum by 4, 1 minor and 1 major
beneficial property)
Technique Index, New Spell, Magic Items
Claw Tattoo Dominating Whip
Wondrous item, various rarities (requires attunement) Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)
Once applied, this tattoo on both forearms and the back of This black leather bullwhip is considered a Monk weapon.
both hands can be attuned and unattuned as normal, without Attacks and damage rolls using it gain a +2 bonus. This
removal. item has up to 7 charges. It regains 1d6+1 charges at sunset.
When attuned, it gives a bonus to the damage of unarmed When you hit with it, you can expend 1 charge to gain the
strikes. Also, when the wearer misses an unarmed attack, effect of a Provoking or Intimidating Strike. In both cases, the
they can spend 1 ki to add the same bonus, possibly turning duration of any effects is tripled.\
the attack into a hit. Characters without ki can use this ability
once per day. Leather Bullwhip,
The bonus varies by rarity: +1 for Uncommon, +2 for Rare by jonzou
(includes 1 minor beneficial property), and +3 for Very Rare
(also has 1 minor beneficial property and properties of Staff When wielded by
of Striking or another very rare weapon that does not require a Monk, this weapon
attunement). gains additional properties:
This tattoo must be applied by an artist (usually an NPC)  •  The wielder is able to use
who knows how to create its arcane power. Even such an      the Provoking Strike and Intimidating Strike techniques.
artist can only create a limited number of tattoos, and may      If they already know either of these techniques, they can
require expensive ingredients (DM's discretion, as      choose other strike techniques they could learn, gaining
appropriate for its rarity).      the ability to use these techniques until attunement ends.
Note: the fact that this is cumulative is balanced by the fact  •  When they hit with this weapon, the wielder can use the
it requires attunement, leaving it at a similar rarity as a      weapon for a strike technique. This costs 1 ki point, plus
comparable magic weapon.      the technique's normal ki cost.
 •  The wielder can spend 3 ki to add one charge to this
Umbrella Movement Quarterstaff      weapon, as a free action.
Weapon, rare (requires attunement) Curse (DMs option): Some, but not all, examples of this
These weapons, with exceptional defensive properties, item were used in an ancient conflict against a holy order,
were created and used by the people of an independent city and that order's patron deity was able to impose a powerful
resisting takeover by a tyrannical empire. curse on the ones which were used in this manner. If such an
If wielding and attuned this quarterstaff, you can open it item is used to help enslave any creature (that is, to force it to
into a parasol at one end. When open, it can not be used as a perform work useful to others against its will), the curse is
weapon, but your fall speed is 60 feet; you take no fall activated for 7 years. While this curse is activated, anyone
damage; and you and those you choose within 5 feet of you attuned to this weapon will not voluntarily unattune from it.
have 3/4 cover against radiant, poison, or acid damage from While under this curse:
ranged attacks, spells, or effects. It can be opened as an  •  They find healing magic to be painful; whenever they
action or as a reaction to falling or being targeted by an      magically recover hit points, they must succeed on a DC
attack, spell, or effect. It can be closed as a bonus action.      18 Constitution saving throw, or be stunned until the end
If you attune to this item as a Monk, it gains a +1 bonus to      of their next turn.
attack and damage, and you get understanding of the Selfless  •  They are vulnerable to radiant damage, but they find
Reaction and Protector techniques. If you already knew the      suffering this damage pleasurable.
Protector technique, Patient Defense has no ki cost for you.
Wondrous item (arms), very rare (requires attunement by a
creature with at least 13 Wisdom)
While wearing these bracers, if you are wearing no armor
and using no shield, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, or +3 vs spell
attacks. You learn the Ki Parry defensive technique, and your
maximum ki points increase by 1. If you are not a Monk, this
ki point refreshes on a short or long rest, and your martial
arts die for Ki Parry is 1d4. If you already know Ki Parry and
Deflect Missiles, you learn Ki Reflection.

Magic Items
The table below shows good techniques for four "themed"
"Quick-start" builds builds, to give some idea of what is possible:
You can make a Monk quickly by following these suggestions. Traditional Monk reproduces the 5e Monk as much as
First, make Dexterity your highest ability score, followed by possible. Techniques that are not similar are in
Wisdom. Second, choose the hermit background. parentheses. As you can see, this version still has abilities
If you want to quickly make a Monk to start at a higher the base monk doesn't, but these are almost all either
level, choose your Monastic Tradition. You can then choose strike techniques (ie, trading Stunning Strike's power for
your techniques either based on that tradition (using the table flexibility) or parts of the base class (ie, Energy Reserves,
on the next page), or based on one of the four "roles" (using Ki-charged Blows, and Martial Arts Mastery).
the table just below). If you choose the Iron Body role, or if Support: Focused on options that help your allies.
you want to use the Iron Body optional feature, you should Iron Body: A Strength-based Monk.
focus your ability scores on Strength and Dexterity rather Mage's Bane: Optimized for shutting down enemy
than Dexterity and Wisdom. spellcasters. For this build, it's also worth remembering
the Mage Slayer feat — particularly useful in combination
with Dispelling/Counterspelling strike.

Tech Traditional Monk Support Iron Body Mage's Bane
1 — — Iron Body —
2:D Deflect Missiles Tumbling Dodge Tumbling Dodge Tumbling Dodge
3 — — — —
4*:D Slow Fall Deflect Missiles Iron Flesh Deflect Missiles
5:S (Knockout Strike? Knockout Strike Knockout Strike Ki-Blocking Strike
Targeted Strike?) Ki-Blocking Strike Gentle Strikes Targeted Strike
6:M Tranquility of Mind [L7] Timely Guidance Breath Control Meridian Sight
7:D Evasive Reaction AND Protective Reaction Iron Flesh AND Ki Parry AND
Evasive Strike AND Exposing Strike Targeted Strike Exposing Strike
8* — — — (Mage Slayer feat?)
9:M Light Step AND Wind at their Backs Secret Learning Tranquility of Mind
Pure and Timeless Body [L10/15] (Crusher feat)
10:S (Exposing Strike?) Provoking Strike Reliable Strikes Dispelling Strike
11:D (Protective Reaction?) Ki Parry Confounding Dodge Ki Reflection
12* — — — —
13:M Tongue of the Sun & Moon Guided Meditation OR Monastic Expertise Trained Reflexes,
Restoring Mantra Armor of Serenity
OR Hidden Ki
14:S (Knockout Strike?) Dispelling Strike Intimidating Strike Dumbfounding Strike
15:M Combat Matery: Combat Mastery Combat Mastery Pure Mindfulness
Ki Parry [L14] AND (Reliable Strikes?)
16* — — — —
17 — — — —
18:M Empty Body Restoring Mantra Relentless Onslaught Focused Prescience
19* — — — —
20 — — — —

*: Levels with an Ability Score Improvement.

               The Cobra and the Mongoose,

           by Donlavon1

Quick-start builds (theme-based)

Suggested Technique Progression for each official Monastic Tradition
Way Mercy Shadow Astral Self Cobalt Soul Drunken Master
1 — — (NOT Iron Body.) — (Iron Body?)
2:D Deflect Missiles Deflect Missiles Deflect Missiles Tumbling Dodge Tumbling Dodge
3 — — — — —
4:D Tumbling Dodge Tumbling Dodge Iron Flesh Deflect Missiles Slow Fall
5:S Intimidating Strike Swift Salvo Strike Gentle Strikes Targeted Strike Whirling Strike
Ki-Blocking Strike Disarming Strike Whirling Strike Disarming Strike Leaping Strike
6:M Touch of Insight Aspect of Clay Monastic Expertise Touch of Insight Timely Guidance
OR Armor of Serenity OR Hidden Ki OR Meridian Sight OR Juggler's Hands* OR Armor of Serenity
7:D Ki Parry Evasive Reaction Ki Parry AND Protective Reaction Evasive Reaction
AND Exposing Strike AND Knockout Strk Intimidating Strikes AND Provoking Strike AND Provoking Strike
8 — — — — —
9:M Tranquility o Mind OR Secret Learning OR Tranquility of Mind OR Monastic Expertise OR Light Step* OR
Guided Meditation Restoring Mantra Guided Meditation Tongue of the Stars Flow of the Wind
10:S Knockout Strike Targeted Strike Dispelling Strike Evasive Strike Reliable Strikes
11:D Ki Reflection Ki Parry Iron Flesh Evasive Reaction (Evasion) Wisp's Dodge
12 — — — — —
13:M Pure & Timeless Body Martial Arcanist Wind at their Backs Tongue of the Sun & Moon Step of the Clouds
14:S Dumbfounding Strike Reliable Strikes Dumbfounding Strike Dumbfounding Strike Tornado Strike
15:M Combat Mastery* Owl's Senses Pure Mindfulness Pure Mindfulness Combat Mastery*
16-7 — — — — —
18:M Focused Prescience Empty Body Empty Body Focused Prescience Hail of Blows

Way Four Elements Kensei Long Death Open Hand Sun Soul
1 — (Iron Body?) — (Iron Body?) —
2:D Tumbling Dodge Tumbling Dodge Tumbling Dodge Tumbling Dodge Deflect Missiles
3 — — — — (Martial Arcanist, W-I S)
4:D Slow Fall Slow Fall Deflect Missiles Deflect Missiles Slow Fall
5:S Elemental Strike Targeted Strike Exposing Strike Leaping Strike Targeted Strike
Exposing Strike Disarming Strike Ki-Blocking Strike Gentle Strikes Swift Salvo Strike
6:M Meridian Sight OR Breath Control Breath Control Owl's Senses OR Timely Guidance OR
Restoring Mantra OR Owl's Senses OR Ascetic Habits Monastic Expertise Restoring Mantra
7:D Evasive Reaction Ki Parry AND Evasive Reaction Slow Fall AND Ki Parry AND
AND Evasive Strike Whirling Strike AND Evasive Strike Disarming Strike Ki-Blocking Strike
8 — — — — —
9:M One of above (L6) OR Trained Reflexes Tongue of the Stars Breath Control OR Light Step* OR
Wind at their Backs OR Secret Learning OR Flow of the Wind Secret Learning Meridian Sight
10:S Tornado Strike Reliable Strikes Knockout Strike Tornado Strike Provoking Strike
11:D Ki Parry Wisp's Dodge Protective Reaction Ki Parry Ki Reflection
12 — — — — —
13:M Step of the Clouds Tranquility of Mind Pure & Timeless Body Guided Meditation Tongue of the Sun & Moon
14:S Whirling Strike Exposing Strike Dumbfounding Strike Exposing Strike Dispelling Strike
15:M Flow of the Wind Combat Mastery* Secret Learning Combat Mastery* Step of the Clouds
16-17 — — — — —
18:M Hail of Blows Perfected Arts Perfected Arts Hail of Blows Focused Prescience

* Also gives an extra Defensive and/or Strike technique(s).

Bloodfire Enforcers, by Yefim Kligerman

Monk NPC Statblocks

Below, you can find basic stat blocks for three different levels
of NPC Monk; an Initiate (CR3, corresponding to a PC Monk
at about 6th level); a Disciple (CR7, corresponding to a PC
Monk at about 12th level); and a Master (CR17,
corresponding to a PC Monk at about 19th level, but with
legendary actions).
In all 3 cases, in order to complete the statblocks, you must
select specific techniques and attack types from the lists that
follow the statblocks. For instance, to build a Monk Initiate,
select one NPC Strike Technique and two NPC Basic
Defensive Techniques; or, to build a Master Monk, select one Monk Disciple
Master Strike, three Passive Techniques, and one Master Medium Humanoid
All saving throws from effects are made against the monk's Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
ki save DC, noted in the stat block along with their Martial Hit Points 90(12d8 + 36)
Arts die size (just below their challenge rating). Speed 50ft.

Monk Initiate
Medium Humanoid
16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 39(6d8 + 12)
Speed 40ft.

Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +8 Skills Athletics +7,

Acrobatics +8, Perception +8, Stealth +8
Senses passive Perception 18
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Languages Common and one language of its choice
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) Damage Immunities Falling
Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
Martial Arts: die size 1d8, Ki Save DC 16, mastery 1
Evasion: When the monk makes a Dexterity save
against an effect that deals damage, they take no
Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +6 damage on success and half on failure.
Skills Athletics +5, Acrobatics +6, Perception +6 Ki-blocking blows: The monk scores a critical hit
Senses passive Perception 15 on an 19 or 20. When it does, target gains 2 levels
Languages Common and one language of its choice of exhaustion (OneDnD rules) until the start of
Challenge 3 (700 XP) monk's next turn.
Martial Arts: die size 1d6, Ki Save DC 13 Techniques: Choose one Strike Technique, two
Techniques: Choose one Strike Technique and Passive Techniques, and three Basic Reactions
two Basic Reactions from the lists below. from the lists below.

Actions Actions
Strike Technique (recharge 5-6) Monk initiate makes Strike Technique (recharge 4-6) Monk initiate makes
4 martial arts strikes against the same target, and 5 martial arts strikes against the same target, and
applies the effects of its chosen Strike Technique. applies the effects of its chosen Strike Technique.
Multiattack Monk initiate makes 3 attacks, either Multiattack Monk makes 4 attacks, either martial
martial arts or ranged. arts or ranged.
Dodging attack Monk initiate makes 2 martial Dodging attack Monk makes 3 martial arts
arts strikes and takes the Dodge, Dash, or strikes, takes the Disengage action, and takes the
Disengage action. Dodge or Dash action.
Martial Arts Strike +6 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit 7 Martial Arts Strike +9 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit
(1d6 + 3) damage. 11 (1d8 + 6) damage.
Ranged Strike +5 to hit, range 30ft., one target. Ranged Strike +7 to hit, 30ft., one target. Hit 9
Hit 6 (1d6 + 2) damage (1d8 + 4) damage.

Reactions: 2 basic (below) Reactions: 3 basic (below)

NPC statblocks
Ki-blocking blows: The monk scores a critical hit on
Master Monk an 18, 19, or 20. When it does, target gains 2
levels of exhaustion (OneDnD rules) until the start
Medium Humanoid of monk's next turn.
Techniques: Choose one Master Strike, three
Armor Class 22 (Natural Armor, Bracers of Defense)
Passive Techniques, and one Master Reaction from
Hit Points 150(20d8 + 60)
the lists below. The master monk also has access
Speed 60ft.
to all basic strike techniques and all basic reactions.
Legendary Resistance: (3/day) Upon failing a
saving throw, the monk can choose to succeed.
This uses up their next legendary action.
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0)
Master Strike (recharge 4-6) The monk uses its
chosen Master Strike
Strike Technique Monk makes 5 martial arts
attacks & applies any strike technique below. They
Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +11, Con +9, Int +6, Wis cannot use the same technique twice in a row.
+11, Cha +6 Martial Arts attack +14 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit
Skills Athletics +9, Acrobatics +11, Stealth +11, 14 (1d10 + 8) damage.
Perception +11 (Passive Perception 21) Ranged attack +14 to hit, 60ft., one target. Hit
Languages Common and one language of its choice 11 (1d10 + 5) damage.
Damage Immunities: Falling, Poison
Damage Resistances: One elemental damage type: Reactions: All basic, 1 Master
fire, cold, lightning, thunder, radiant (sun),
necrotic, slashing (water), or bludgeoning (earth) Legendary Actions (2/turn)
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Challenge 17 (15000 XP) Perfect Breath: Monk recovers the use of their
reaction & makes 1 unarmed strike with advantage.
Martial Arts: die 1d12, Ki Save DC 19, mastery 2 Step of the Patient Wind: Monk takes the Dash
Evasion: When the monk makes a Dexterity action and the Dodge action. They cannot use this
saving throw against an effect that deals damage, as their first legendary action since their turn.
they take no damage on success and half on failure. Tranquility of Mind (2 actions): Monk gains 40
temporary hit points and removes one condition
affecting them. This works even if incapacitated.

Deflecting Palm,
by Eric Deschamps

NPC statblocks
Monk NPC techniques Elemental Strike: At the end of the turn, the monk does
Passive Abilities extra elemental damage to each target equal to the square of
Elemental Shield: When the monk takes the Dodge action, the number of times that target was hit. Additionally, any
they gets a shield which does their Wisdom modifier in target that was hit at least 3 times suffers the effects of
elemental damage (see types above) to any creature that hits Improved Elemental Control, above, with no saving throw.
it with a melee attack. It gets an additional benefit as follows, See Improved Elemental Control for available damage types.
until the end of its next turn: fire/cold:resistance to fire, cold,
and lightning damage; lightning/thunder: fly speed 60ft; Ki-blocking Strike: If the monk hits a target at least 3 times,
slashing:10 temporary hit points per mastery; bludgeoning: target is gains 3 levels of exhaustion (OneDnD rules) until the
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. start of monk's next turn. If the monk hits a target at least 4
times, target gains 5 levels of exhaustion (OneDnD rules)
Improved Elemental Control: (requires Elemental Step until the end of monk's next turn.
and/or Elemental Shield) When the monk deals elemental
shield damage, the target makes a Constitution saving throw Knockout Strike: If a creature was hit 1/2/3/4/5 times and
against their ki save DC. On a failure, the target gets a ends this turn with fewer than 9/16/25/36/49 hit points (the
condition depending on the damage type. Fire:ignited; number of hits, plus two, all squared), it gets both the
cold:restrained; lightning/radiant:blinded; thunder:dazed & Unconscious and Dazed conditions for up to 10 minutes. It
deafened; necrotic:poisoned; slashing/bludgeoning:prone or ceases to be unconscious if it takes any damage or an ally
pushed back 20 feet. Conditions with an intrinsic duration uses an action to shake it awake.
last until the end of the target's next turn.
Targeted Strike: The monk can aim at a specific body part
Ki-charged Strikes: The monk's attacks are magical & with a series of blows. If the monk hits a target at least 3
ignore damage resistance. times, target makes a Constitution saving throw, with -2 for
each time they were hit after the third. The effects of failure
Open Hand: Whenever the monk hits a creature with an depend on what part was targeted:
unarmed strike, they may apply one of the following effects:  •  Eyes: Target is blinded.
reduce speed by 10ft, push by 10ft in the direction of the  •  Voice: Target cannot breathe, speak, or cast spells with
Monk's choice, or can't take reactions. Any target suffering all       verbal components. It attacks with disadvantage.
3 of these in a turn makes a Dexterity saving throw against These effects each last for up to a minute or until target
becoming grappled or prone (monk's choice). regains 5 or more hit points. Target makes a Constitution
saving throw to end this condition/effect at the end of each of
Psionic Form: When the monk takes the Dash action, they its turns and when it uses an action to do so.
can move through creatures and solid objects. Any creature
whose space they move through takes the monk's Wisdom Master Strikes
modifier in force damage and loses its reaction. If they end Death touch: Monk makes 5 martial arts attacks. The first
their turn in an occupied space, they take 10 force damage target it hits makes a Constitution saving throw against their
and shift to the nearest unoccupied space. ki save DC, taking 12d10 extra necrotic damage on a failed
save or half as much on a success.
Reaper: When the monk reduces a meaningful enemy to 0
hit points, target immediately dies, & the monk gains Elemental Frenzy: Monk makes 6 martial arts attacks and
20×mastery temporary hit points. uses the Elemental Strike ability above. The additional
effects apply to any target they hit at least 2 times.
Shadow Arts: When the monk takes the Dodge action, they
become invisible until they deal damage. When the monk Ki Burst: Monk casts Destructive Wave.
takes the Dash action, they can teleport up to 60 feet, and
their next attack has advantage. Also, the monk cannot be Mercy: Monk can cast Raise Dead once/day as an action on a
targeted or affected by divination spells. These abilities don't target who has only died once, and Healing Word 20
work in bright light. times/day with a range of touch.
NPC Strike Techniques Quivering Palm: Monk makes 5 martial arts attacks. If they
For all of the below, critical hits count as 2 hits. hit a target at least 3 times, they can concentrate on
establishing vibrations in the target. If they are still
Dispelling Strike: If the monk hits a target at least 3 times, concentrating at the start of their next turn, target drops to 0
the monk casts Dispel Magic on the target, at 3rd level, using hit points and the effect ends. Lesser or Greater Restoration,
Wisdom. or 50 points of healing, end the vibrations.
If the monk hits a target at least 4 times, they can instead
force the target to lose attunement with a magic item of the Tornado Strike / Frenzy of Blows: Monk casts Steel Wind
target's choice, or force the target to return to their original Strike.
form and not change it until the end of target's next turn.
Also, the monk can use a Counterspelling Strike (master
reaction) any time before its next turn starts.
NPC statblocks
NPC Defensive Techniques In any case, weapon attacks do not change damage
Any of these techniques takes the monk's reaction to use. amount. Whether unarmed, weapon-based, or elemental, a
monk's damage for martial arts or ranged attacks uses its
Basic martial arts die. Note, however, that a monk cannot use
master strikes or strike techniques with ranged attacks.
Deflect Missile: When the monk is attacked with a ranged
weapon, they can add +5 AC against this attack. If the attack Thanks SonixverseLabs for inspiring these.
misses, they can cause it to target a creature of their choice
within 60 feet of them instead.
Elemental Retribution: When the monk is damaged by a
creature within 30 feet that they can see, they can cast
Hellish Rebuke. The base damage is two rolls of their martial
arts die in their chosen elemental damage type, not 2d10 fire.
Ki Parry: When the monk makes a saving throw, it can use
its reaction to add one martial arts die (same as damage die)
to the total.
Tumbling Dodge: When the monk is hit with a melee
weapon attack, they can roll one martial arts die (same as
damage die). On a 4 or higher, they can move 5 feet without
provoking attacks of opportunity. If they move out of range of
the attack, it misses.
Ki Reflection: (Recharge 6) When the monk is targeted by a
spell, they can roll one martial arts die (same as damage die)
and subtract 2. If this is equal to or higher than the level of
the spell, they can change the target of the spell to a creature
of their choice within 40 feet.
Counterspelling Strike: When a creature within 15 feet of
the monk attempts to cast a spell, the monk can move to
within 5 feet and make an unarmed strike. If this hits, the
Monk casts Counterspell at 3rd level using Wisdom.
Wisp's Dodge: When the monk is within the area of effect of
a spell being cast, they can they can roll one martial arts die
(same as damage die). On a 4 or higher, they can move 20 feet
without provoking attacks of opportunity. If they move out of
the area of effect, the spell does not affect them. When
choosing where to move, they are aware of being in the area
of effect, but do not know its exact boundaries.
Attack Types:
Each monk can have their own style or styles of attacks. All
monks have access to unarmed strikes (bludgeoning
damage). Most have other weapons available for melee and
ranged attacks, and use a mixture of unarmed and armed
attacks whenever they make multiple martial arts attacks.
For instance, melee weapons might include quarterstaff
(bludgeoning), spear (piercing), or shortsword (slashing). They
might even use elemental attacks, such as water (slashing).
Ranged weapons might include daggers (piercing),
longbow (piercing), shuriken (slashing). Again, some monk
might use element-based attacks such as fire (fire) or earth

NPC Monk Abilities Diana the Acrobat,

18 by robs0n
Can Meridian Sight's advantage watch?
FAQ: Rules Yes. If Detect Magic is still active when you first make a
How does Tumbling Dodge work? perception roll, advantage can apply, even if the spell ends
Difficult terrain can stop it: If you are below level 10 (less while the roll is still active.
than 20 feet unarmed movement bonus), difficult terrain can
prevent any movement, because Tumbling Dodge says "use ... Does Aspect of Clay's +1 stack w/Ki-
movement", not "move X feet". Similarly, if you are wearing Charged Blows's +1/+2/+3?
heavy armor, grappled, otherwise have your movement speed It's up to the DM, but I'd say no. Aspect of Clay is not
reduced to 0, you do not have an unarmed movement bonus primarily intended for combat, and +4 would start to break
to use, so Tumbling Dodge automatically fails. bounded accuracy.
How does Iron Flesh work? Why the optional house rules?
When you initially get the technique, you choose a damage Replacing double extra attack is good anyway but especially
type. You can change that choice as a reaction whenever you fun with techniques. Simultaneous attack rolls is much
take damage. You are not resistant to that damage type, but quicker and only very rarely does it change outcomes.
you are ready to become resistant to that damage type later. Combining bonus dice helps because having multiple bonus
dice (eg, bless + ki parry) breaks bounded accuracy.
How does Ki Reflection work?
Say your AC is 19 and the enemy rolls 21 to hit on a spell FAQ: Game design
attack. You use Ki Parry, rolling 3, so your AC increases to 22
for this attack. The attack misses, so you can spend 3 more ki What's the point of a Monk?
(5 total) to redirect the spell. Monk is an unarmored, mobile martial class that's fun to play
because you can make tactical choices between various cool
Can I pull my punches? moves. It should fulfill the fantasy of martial arts movies, but
Yes. That is, if you want to use ki block and/or a strike minimize the hokey orientalism.
technique without much damage, you can make an unarmed The PHB version lacks survivability (unless you forego
attack that does just 1 point of damage. damage, overusing Patient Defense); is a bit starved for ki;
lacks damage at higher levels; and is a strange combination
Any notes on Gentle or Leaping Strike? of fun tactical choices in combat but little agency out of
Note: A shove can either move the target or force it prone. combat or during character building/advancement. Also,
Leaping Strike example: You use Leaping Strike, and Stunning Strike is too boring (save or suck).
your ally uses a reaction to help throw you. You roll a dirty 20,
which hits; damage will include both your attack bonus How does the number of features for this
(Dex?) and your ally's strength bonus. On hitting, you spend 1 class compare to vanilla Monk?
ki to shove. If the target rolls below your to-hit roll of 20 on At level 19, this class has 4 basic + 4 defensive + 5 strike + 5
their athletics or acrobatics, you succeed in shoving them. monastic = 18 techniques (14 freely chosen). A vanilla Monk
has 3 basic (flurry, patient, step) + 3 defensive (deflect, slow,
How does Knockout Strike compare to evasion) + 1 strike (stun) + and 6 "monastic" (stillness,
Sleep (or Disintegrate at L11)? wallrunning, purity, tongue, timeless, empty) = 13 railroaded
With Sleep, the average total is higher at lower levels or if "techniques".
upcast; you can target multiple creatures, and do so at range. But that's not as much of a raw power boost as it might
However, the action economy cost is higher; you don't also seem, because they're competing for the same resources (ki,
do attack damage; there's no chance to crit; and duration is bonus actions, reactions, and/or unarmed hits). It's also
worse. At L5, a knockout turn that hits 3 of 4 times does substantially less than the number of spell/cantrip/invocation
3d6+12+2d6+5=34 (44) average (critical) "damage" for 2 ki choices for any full spellcasting class. Base DPR (w/o tech'qs,
points. At L11, 3d8+18+ 2d8+11=52 (65). Comparable in raw subclass, feats) is comparable to Rogue (w/1 advantage/turn).
numbers to appropriate-level upcast Sleep.
What are the cheesiest combos/builds?
Can Elemental Strike work with saving As munchkinry goes, these are closer to fun theorycrafting
throw cantrips (eg, Mind Sliver)? than top-tier power builds:
As written, only Four Elements Monks can use Elemental 1: Elemental strike, Booming Blade, Secret Knowledge:
Strike with saving-throw cantrips. However, if the DM Crusher feat. "Downcast" BB 1/turn for free, and push
approves and it fits with the character, it would not break opponents; they take damage if they move back into melee.
game balance to allow, eg, Sapping Sting, using an attack roll. (But not if they're Huge or have reach.) Mercy monk.
2: Crit-fishing ki-blocker with Leaping Strike, Elvish
Can you use Whirling Strike...? Accuracy, and/or Exposing Strike. Maybe multiclass to Rogue an attack of opportunity? Yes. The triggering creature is after 5th level for sneak damage. Requires a small PC or a
among those that must make a save, and if it falls prone it party member who can become Large — eg, Moon Druid or
does so within 5 feet. Rune Knight.

Isn't this class (still) kinda orientalist/ v9.3 Iron Body, Energy Reserves, Improved Ki Abilities.
exoticizing? 2nd "Extra Attack"->Optional house rules section. Owl's
It's hard to get away from that issue, though I've done my Senses. Snatching->Targeted Stk. Leaping Stk.
best. Ultimately, it's up to the players and the DM what they v9.2: Deflect Missiles. +Leaping Stk. Exposing Stk. Slow
do with this. Please have fun and take care of each other. Fall, Light Step, Juggler's Hands, Protector, Combat Mastery.
Related: “May I Play A Character From Another Race?”. Wind at Backs. Blend Into Crowd. +Spellbracers.
v9.1: Improved FoB. Slow Fall. Targeted, Counterspelling
Stk. +Light Step. Flow et Wind. Juggler's Hands, Protector.
Legal notice v9.0: +"How to Use". Reordered doc, added technique
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, and index. Redid levels for features (smoother). "Defensive
all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their Reaction"->"Defensive Technique". -Confounding Dodge, -
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in Adamantine Soul, -Perfected Reflexes, -Unerring Strike, -Step
the USA and other countries. This work contains material of the Air, -Vigil's Virtue, -Ki Residue. +Wind at their Backs.
that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Extra Attack->Press Attack, Intimidating Stk, Snatching Stk,
Such material is used with permission under the Community Tornado Stk, Monastic Expertise.
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. v8.0: +Combined Bonus Dice. -Focused Breathing.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by +Tradition Stk. Improved Flurry. Exposing Stk, +Knock-out
AllOlive and published under the Community Content Stk, Intimidating Stk, Swift Salvo Stk, Dispelling Stk, +Node-
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. Blocking, +Weave-Infused Stk, +Dumb-founding Stk, +Armor
of Serenity, Owl's Senses, Martial Arcanist, -Extra Training,
Moral notice
Extra Attack tque. prereqs.
Go ahead and borrow, copy, use anything here (except the art) v7.0: rework prereqs. Iron Flesh, Ki Reflection,
in your own homebrew. I've spent a lot of time working on +Confounding Dodge, Adamantine Soul, Swift Salvo Stk,
this, getting the balance right both for individual techniques +Targeted Stk, Tornado Stk, +NPCs, +Suggested Builds
and for the class as a whole. The more people can benefit v6.2: Reorder. Ki Block. Reword Iron Flesh, Ki Reflection.
from that, the better. In particular, I'd love it if WotC Aspect of Clay. Flicking->Swift Salvo Stk
borrowed Defensive Techniques for 5.5E. v6.1: Focused Breathing. Iron Flesh, Wisp's Dodge.
v6.0: Energy Reserves->Focused Breathing. Patient
Defense. Wisp's Dodge, Ki Reflection, Perfect Breath, Gentle
Acknowledgements Strikes +prereq, Breath Control, Juggler's Hands, Timely
Guidance, Guided Meditation, +Tradition Technique
Thanks to the excellent artists: PuddingPack, @AhrunaArt, v5.3: +Monastic Expertise, +Hindering Strike, +Combo
SesameFruit, @JupsTheArtist, YamaOrce, Donlavon1, Strike, -Tripping Strike. Tumbling Dodge, Gentle Stk,
yoritomodaishogun, 0BO, robs0n, Eric Deschamps, Yefim Provoking (<-Picaro) Stk, Meridian Sight, Step of the Air,
Kligerman. Some ideas here inspired by DrewTheDruid. Timely Guidance, Guided Meditation, Vigil's Virtue.
Thanks especially to SamuraiHealer, Spellcastermaster, v5.2: Gentle Stk. Tripping Strike. Pure Mindfulness. Clarify
archDeaconstructor, marcos2492, DedicatedPedestrian, Focused Breathing. Restoring Mantra. Tranq. of Mind.
Suspenderz, ThatOneThingOnce, DiscipleofTzeentch, v5.1: +Juggler's Hands. Snatching Stk, Step of the Air.
Lord_Longface, DaggerLogic22, dnfeijo, Chaosmancer7, etc. v5.0: Twitchy->Reactive Readiness. +Tripping Stk. L11
on r/UnearthedArcana for their comments/suggestions. Patient Defense. Timely Guidance. v5.0.1: proofreading
v4.2: -Unparalleled speed. Iron Flesh; Aspect of Clay.
Changelog v4.1: Improved Basic Ki Techniques (SotW), Ki Initiate,
v12.0: -Dazed. Deflect Missiles +3AC. Ki reflection. Exposing Slow Fall, Ki Reflection, Unparalleled Speed. Strikes:
Stk. Whirling Stk. Ki-blocking Stk. +Reliable Stks. +Snatching, +Flicking, +Gentle; -Draining, -Grabbing.
v11.2: Patient Defense, Sapphire Soul, Ki-charged Blows, v4.0: FINAL VERSION! (ps: LOL) Iron Body, Iron Flesh,
Kensei, Ki Parry, Armor of Serenity, Intimidating Stk, Ki- Aspect of Clay, Tornado Strike, Hidden Ki, Ki Residue. +Ki
Blocking Stk, Tornado Stk, Evasive Stk, Finishing Strike, Reflection, +Improved Tumbling D, +Timely Guidance, +Flow
Iron Body, Protective Reation, Exposing Strike of the Wind, +Martial Arcanist, +Twitchy, +spells, +items.
v11.0 (7/9/22): Strike Techniques (5 total). Ki-charged v3.0-3.1: Meridian Sight. Iron Body. Slow Fall. Deflect Miss.
blows. -Evasion -> +Evasive Reaction,+Evasive Strike - v2.2: Table at start. One choice per level. Ki Block. Defense
Finishing Moves. -Selfless Reaction-> +Protective Reaction. Mastery. v2.1: Strike techniques on crit: disadvantage.
+Disarming Strike. +Ki-blocking Strike. +Finishing Strike. - v2.0: +Iron Flesh, +Grabbing Strike, +Nature Meditation,
Protector. Knockout strike. Martial Arcanist. Subclasses. +Secret Learning. L6 defensive technique.
v10.1 (6/22/22): Ki Strikes. L7. Finishing Moves. Stk
prereqs. -Backhand. Subclasses. +Whirling Stk. Elemental
Stk. Tornado Stk. Swift Salvo Stk. -Relentless Onslaught.
v10.0: Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Energy Reserves,
Step of the Wind. +Ki Block. -Tradition Strike. -Ki-empowered
Strikes. -Improved Basic Ki Abilities. +Backhand. Dazed.
Press->Relentless Onslaught. Targeted Stk... Owl's Senss. -
Bonding Stk. -Ki-blocking Stk. -Timely Gdance. NPCs.

End matter

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