chủ đề TA

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Topic 1: Write about your fitness and eating habits. Suggestions: 1.

Topic sentence (this sentence

should summarize the main idea of the paragraph). 2. Supporting ideas: Fitness: • What kind(s)
of sport/ physical activity do you do? • Where do you do it? • How often do you do it? • How
long do you do for each time? • How do you feel after that?... Eating habits: • What foods do you
usually eat? • What foods are healthy? • What foods do you avoid? • What do you think about
fast-food?... 3. Concluding sentence (informs readers that the article is coming to a close. It
provides a summary of the main points.)

Topic 2 Do you think you have a good shape? 2. What kind of physical activity do you do to
stay in shape? Where? How long for each time you run/ swim…? 3. Where do you run/ play
tennis/ swim…? 4. What do you eat to stay in shape? 5. What do you usually eat/ sometimes eat?
6. What kind of food do you avoid? 7. Why should we avoid fast-food? 8. What are unhealthy
eating habits? 9. What is the importance of staying in shape? 10. How many hours do you sleep a
day? What time do you go to sleep?

Topic 3 Where did you go? Who did you go with? 2. How did you go there? How long did you
stay there? Where did you stay? 3. How was (were) the weather/ the food/ the people? 4. What
did you do there? 5. What did you love most about your vacation? 6. Did you have a good time?
Did you have any bad experiences? 7. Is there anything you don’t like about your vacation? 8.
What is it famous for? How did you know that place? 9. What can you do there? 10. What do
you love most about this place?

Topic 4 What do you usually wear to go to school/ the cinema/ the wedding party/ the funeral…?
2. What do you never wear? 3. How do you feel when you wear formal or informal clothes? 4.
Where do you usually buy your clothes? 5. Who buy your clothes for you? 6. How often do you
buy your clothes? How do you buy your clothes? Online or at conventional shops? 7. What
should we wear to school/ the cinema/ the wedding party/ the funeral…? 8. What shouldn’t we
wear to school/ the cinema/ the wedding party/ the funeral…? 9. Do you have to wear school
uniform? 10. How do you feel when you wear school uniform?

Topic 5 How do you go to school/ to work/ to hang out with your friends? How long does it
take? How often do you take the bus/ ride your bike/ drive your car…? Do you have any
problems with them? 2. What do you love most about the bus/ car/ bike/ motorbike? How much
is the monthly bus ticket? 3. What are the advantages/ disadvantages of the bus/ car/ bike/…? 4.
What is the best means of transportation to go from Hanoi/ your hometown to Ho Chi Minh
City? 5. Where are you going to travel for your next vacation? With whom? 6. How long are you
going to stay there? By which means of transportation? 7. Why do you choose that destination?
8. What do you love most about it? 9. What is that place famous for? 10. What are you going to
do there?

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