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NPM :2010010701
As a result of the climate crisis, America was hit by 22 major disasters and lost US$95 billion in
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Writer Host Jalaluddin Shofihara | Editor Mikhael Gewati – A report from the United
States (US) federal government said that Uncle Sam's country recorded the highest record for
disasters and damage caused by the climate crisis in 2020. These disasters, such as forest fires in the
western US, hurricanes in the US east, and heatwaves across the country. The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that there were 22 major disasters in 2020 in the US.
This number is six more disasters than the previous record for disasters in the US. Launching The
Guardian, Friday (1/8/2021), the US government reported that as a result of the disaster 262 people
died and caused losses of 95 billion US dollars. The climate crisis happened, because in 2020 the US
was facing extreme weather, both on the west and east coasts. A record 10.3 hectares of land in the
western US burned in 2020.

In California, a wildfire was recorded as one of the largest in history, destroying thousands of homes
and turning the sky orange. Meanwhile, on the east coast and the Gulf of Mexico, 12 tropical storms
caused landslides during the year. Weather forecasters also named this tropical storm with the
Greek alphabet. Seven of the hurricanes cost more than $1 billion in losses, including Hurricanes
Laura and Sally, which hit the US in August and September 2020. The state of Louisiana alone was hit
by three hurricanes and two tropical storms. In addition, drought and a major heat wave hit the
western US last year. This situation caused three major disasters caused by tornadoes and derechos
(wind storms).

The event was prompted by a fast-moving thunderstorm that cut power, damaged homes and
flattened crops in the midwestern US. NOAA reports that 2020 will be the fifth hottest year around
the US. In fact, all five have occurred since 2012. This was followed by national and global warming.
As hurricanes and wildfires hit the US, scientists found, the strength of the storms grew stronger as
the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans rose. Meanwhile, the burned area also makes the
soil and vegetation dry. Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann said the record number of
catastrophes exacerbated by climate change last year showed that the impacts of climate change
were not kidding. Read also: Climate Change Threatens More Damage to World Heritage Sites “We
are seeing it happening right now. May 2021 be the year we act. The US and the rest of the world
need to prevent the climate crisis from getting worse," said Mann.

This article has been published on with the title "Due to the Climate Crisis, America Is
Hit by 22 Major Disasters and Losses 95 Billion US Dollars in 2020", Click to read: 01/14/090916970/consequences-of-climate-crisis-

Author : Host Jalaluddin Shofihara

Editor : Mikhael Gewati

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