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Sign post 1


Signpost 1: Our first point is relationship and marriage won’t necessarily make us happier.

Reason 1: We still consider marriage and relationships the ‘proper moders’ of living.

Support 1a: When we’re young, society expects us to find someone to marry, start a family, and
ideally live happily ever after. But what if you’re single? If you we ascrible to the idea that a
fully-fledged life in includes being in a long-term relationship or marriage, then people who
don’t meet that criterion have essentially failed.

Support 2a: Kislev summarizes a selection of studies that indicate the following:

People who get married tend to be a bit happier in the year of the wedding, but eventually, their
happiness returns to where it was prior. There's always a decline in happiness in married couples
at all marital durations. And, there's no evidence that children affect life satisfaction. So,
according to several recent studies, marriage does not affect long-term happiness.


Signpost 1: Our first is marriage it will make you happy.

Reason 1: Marriage boosted financial satisfaction and health. But being married conferred a
happiness advantage over and above its power to improve the pocketbook and the health chart.

Support 1a: Ross Eshleman of 17 developed nations found that "married persons have a
significantly higher level of happiness than persons who are not married," even after controlling
for gender, age, education, children, church attendance, financial satisfaction, and self-reported
health. Further, "the strength of the association between being married and being happy is
remarkably consistent across nations."

Support 2a: Cohabitation, by contrast, did not increase financial satisfaction or perceived health,
and the boost to happiness from having a live-in lover was only about a quarter of that of being


Sign post 2: Our second point is health.

Reason 2: Married people may take fewer risks, eat better, and maintain healthier lifestyles, on
average, compared with single people. And they tend to keep regular doctors’ appointments and
follow doctors’ recommendations more often than single people.
Support 2a: One study have found married people have lower levels of cortisol, the stress
hormone, than their single counterparts, and were 10%-15% less likely to die early.

Support 2b:In addition, we know that too much unmanaged stress is bad for our health.
Researchers believe that married couples work better together as a team to handle stress.

For example, they may share the tasks of running a household, earning money, and raising

With two people, you have two times as many resources. On the other hand, a single parent has
to handle these demands on his or her own.

Here is how marriage helps reduce stress:

•There is more money in a married household.

People pool their incomes and are able to build up more resources over their lifetime. Financial
stability has been shown to improve people’s health.

•There is a larger social network. Married people bring together two groups of friends and
families, creating a larger support network to rely upon. This could mean lower rates of


Sign post 2: Secondly, being single means financial and social independence.

Reason 2: Because being single controls cash by oneself, and cost of single life is less expensive
than married life

Support 2a: He or she doesn't need to worry about saving for family or for children's education
fund, hence money would not be an issue.

Support 2b: There's also a financial advantage to being single. According to, "21% of
single people had credit card debt, [compared to] 27% of married couples without children and
36% of married couples with children."


Signpost 3: Singleness is the right choice, it gives your life greater freedom and more time to
achieve the goal they want.
Reason: Living with yourself makes your independent from others. In other words, you don’t
follow other people’s lives more than your own. Furthermore, you’re with yourself than you are
with anyone else.

Support 3a: in VN, the proportion of celibates is also trending rapidly, increasing from 6.23
percent in 2004 to 10.1 percent in 2019, according to General Statistics office.

Support 3b: For example, Single people tend to be less debt – ridden, because when they marry
they have to spend on their family.


When married, husband and wife can share household chores, so that their married life gets

Reason: In era 4.0, home word is not just for women, but for husbands to share it with their
wives, in other for wives to feel that they are not left alone in the family, which further enhances
marital commitment, reducing external pressures.

Support: Sharing housework becomes more intimate, as everyone can feel the other caring for
each other. Family work will be done faster and spend more time together.

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