Suggested Topic For Neet PG of All 19 Subjects..

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Suggested topic FOR NEET PG

of all 19 subjects
Compiled by
Dr Rajat Jain
Special thanks to Dr aroma and faculties
•Cranial nerve nuclei & nerves •Diaphragm (openings &
•Dural sinuses development)
•Deep cervical fascia •Peritoneum
•TMJ •Perineum
•Brainstem & syndromes • Liver, kidney, ureter, supports of
•Pathways (auditory, visual, MLF uterus
etc) • Peripheral nerve & injuries
•Floor of ventricles •EMBRYOLOGY-general,
•Cerebellar cortex & peduncles pharyngeal arches, neural crest
•Areas in brain (image based) derivatives, cardiovascular &
•White matter of cerebrum (v. imp) urogenital
•Coronary circulation •Histology-lining epitheliums,
•Bronchopulmonary segments lymphoid system & GIT

1. General Anatomy
Skeletal muscle , Hybrid/composite Muscles ,
Pharyngeal apparatus , Development of tongue , Notochord , Development of kidney and
Genital ducts , Gonadal development , Development of pancreas
Umbilical cord , Ventral wall defect , Germ layer derivatives , Fate of Embryonic
structures , Fetal circulation
3. Histology Types of epithelium, Structure of kidney , Histology of Thymus , Types of cartilage ,
Distribution of collagen , Tongue, Cerebellum, Lymphatics , Retina
4. NEUROANATOMY Brain sections , Glial cells in CNS , Brodmann areas , Layers of cerebellum , CN and
peripheral Nerves , Post circulation strokes , Dermatomes , Thalamic connections
PNS of head and neck, Skull foramina , Freys syndrome , Laryngeal Muscles & nerves ,
5. Head and Neck Lymphatic drainage of larynx , EAC , Danger space of Neck , Thyroid gland ,

Muscles of mastication , Layers of scalp

Ascending tracts in spinal tract , Iliolumbar Ligament , Vertebral morphology , Arterial
6. Back of spinal cord
supply of spinal cord
Brachial plexus branches,Muscles of forearm,Intrinsic Muscles of hand,Upper limb Nerves
7. Upper limb
& their injuries,Axillary Artery
8. Lower Limb Arches of foot,Knee Menisci,Muscles of leg,
Arterial Supply of heart, Suprapleural Membrane,Diaphragm openings,Thoracic
9. Thorax
Duct,Hilum of hung,
Calots,External oblique Muscles and aponeurosis,Rectus Sheath,Greater
10. Abdomen
omentum,Lymphatic Drainage of Stomach,Branches of abdominal aorta,Epiploic foramen,
11. Pelvis
Uterine support, Anal canal,Perineal body
•Nerve muscle physiology-muscle •Reflexes-bainbridge, baroreceptor,
spindle, ref period, receptors-types, herring breur, bezold jarish,
recruitment, EC coupling cushing, vasomotor centre
•EEG-normal sleep, disease •Exercise physiology, stewart-
patterns, sleep stages Hamilton law, Bernauli'slaw
•Kluver Bucy syndrome, Role of •Oxy dissociation curve, Msfp, BP
hippocampus-Ltp, Ptp, Ltd, measurement, JVP, Rbtypes, Fick's
memory, habituation law
•Patch clamp, pain control areas,
self stimulation, dominant Vs non Respiratory physiology
dominant hemisphere, Gating •J reflex, regulation of resp-
•Ascending & desending fibres with Apneustic/pre Botzcomplex,
functions central/ peripheral chemoreceptors
•ANS-receptors & special supply
CVS Others
•Poiselle's equations numerical, •Plasma memb, lipid raft
volume of distribution numerical •GIT-secretions-cells
•PV curve, cardiac cycle and •GFR-calculation, counter current
corresponding ECG, JVP, PV mechanism

1. Body fluids
Body fluid composition ,Potassium homeostasis,

2. Cell membrane
Transport across nuclear membrane, RMP , !"# $%&'(&)*+ , Gibbs Donnan Eqm
3. Nerve muscle Cardiac Myocyte action potential, Myofibrils, Muscle Contraction , Slow and fast twitch Muscle fibres ,
physiology Post synaptic potential
4. CVS
Blood groups , Heart sounds , JVP tracing , Stress response
5. Respiratory Changes in respiratory system z aging , Lung volumes and capacities , Peripheral & Central
physiology chemoreceptors , Ventilation perfusion Ratio ,,2 − -. /)00%1)*&)%( 1234' , Chloride shift , DLCO
Golgi tendon organ,Types of nerve fibres,Abnormal posturing,Sleep stages,Nissl body, Hair cells,Key
6. CNS
CNS neurotransmitters
7. Renal Tubular functions of Nephron, Vasopressors in receptors , Aldosterone & Renin , JGA , Renal
Physiology autoregulation , Renal transport maximum ,GFR
Iron absorption, Glucose entry into cells , Enteric nervous system, Ghrelin , Migrating motor complex
8. GTI physiology
, Basic electrical Rhythm
9. Endocrine Types of hormonal receptors , Somatomedin , Calcitonin , Insulin structure , Thyroid hormone effects ,
physiology ACTH , Adrenal insufficiency
10. Reproductive
Physiology Testosterone, Menstrual cycle , Prolactin promotes lactation , Sexual response cycle
Must know topics:
v Molecular Biology
v IEM: Amino acid metabolism, spingolipidoses, mucopolysaccharidoses,
glycogenoses, monosachharidemetabolism
v Techniques

High Yield topics:

v Location, rate limiting enzymes of all pathways
v Glycolysis and the different energetics
v Mitochondrial DNA: Properties and diseases
v Lesch Nyhan Syndrome & hyperuricemia, with causes
v Nucleotide chemistry, sources of atoms in rings
v tRNA
v Vit B1,B2 & B3
v cofactors,coenzymes list, metabolic syndromes, storage disorders
v Aminoacids-chemistry, metabolism & disorders (urea cycle-v.v. imp)
v Structure of proteins, seperatorytech of proteins (AIIMS & PGImainly)
v Collagen structure, synthesis & disorder. Protein folding &degradation (PGI & AIIMS)
v Immunoglobins
v Mechanism of enzyme action (Michealisconstant), enzyme inb.,isoenzymes, enzymes as
markers of organelle & membranes
v Carbohydrates-MPS, glucose transporters, metabolism
v Lipids-sphengolipidoses& metabolism
v Fuels of different organs in fed and fasting
v Lipoproteins & dyslipoproteineias
v Genetics
v Vitamins-deficiency states with functions
v Porphyriaswith hemesynthesis with Hb structure
v Metabolism of Alcohol
v Enzyme inhibition, types and their Line weaver Burk plot or doublereciprocal plot

TOPIC Sub Topics

Urea cycle , Structure of Amino acids, Absorption of UV Light , Maple syrup urine disease , Nitrogen
Amino acids
balance , Hartnup Disease , Selenocysteine , Catecholamine , Energy source of muscle contraction
Protein synthesis in liver , Chaperones , Collagen , Method used for studying Proteins Structure ,
Physiological buffer , Titration curve of amino acids ,
Types of enzymes, Michalis Menten kinetics, Ribozymes,Constitutive enzymes, Enzyme deficiency
Regulation of metabolism,Types of glucose transporter,Glycolysis,Kreb
cycle,Gluconeogenesis,Galactosemia,Cori cycle,Fates of pyruvate, Malate shuttle
Hyperlipoproteinemia,Fatty acid oxidation,Oxidation of very long chain fatty acids,Refsum
Lipids disease,Ketone bodies,Acetyl co A carboxylase,Lipid transport,Reverse cholesterol transport,
Apolipoproteins,LCAT Deficiency,Abetalipoproteinemia.
Nucleotide synthesis,Str. Of DNA,Human mitochondrial DNA,Telomerase,Diseases due to defects in
Nucleic acids
DNA repair mechanisms,Recombinant DNA,Post transcriptional modifications,Lac operon ,PCR
Vitamins Vit A,Vit B3,Vit B12, Metalloenzyme
Heme Heme biosynthesis,Porphyrias,Corporphyrins,Van den bergh rxn,Dietary fibres
Most important topics CLINICAL TRIALS
1. Anti diabetic BLOCKERS
6. Gonadal hormonal drugs CANCER
7. Drugs for breast cancer and ALL
8. Anti platelets and anti coagulants Less important topics
9. First and zero order kinetics
10. Indications of antibiotics ParasympatholyticsErgot derivatives
11. Anti anginal drugs Diuretics
12. Drugs for psychiatric disorder Anti arrythmic Neurodegenerative disorders
Pharmacokinetics Classification of antibiotics
Anti protozoal
Important topics Anterior and posterior pituitary
DRC hormonal drugs
Side effects of anti cancer drugsImmunomodulators

Bioavailability and absorption concept , Volume of Distribution , First and zero order kinetics , Dose
General response curve ,
Pharmacology Management of anaphylaxis , Teratogenecity and category X , Clinical trials , Drug schedules ,
Antidotes for drug toxicity
Adrenaline dilution and uses , Atropine uses , Effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline , isoprenaline,
ANS dopamine and Dobutamine on heart and vessels. , Pharmacotherapy of OP poisoning ,
pharmacotherapy of overactive bladder, glaucoma , Beta blockers
Drugs for motion sickness, Prostaglandin preparations and uses , Aspirin pharmacology ,
Paracetamol toxicity and antidote ,
Pharmacotherapy of Gout, migraine and Rheumatoid arthritis(please remember newer drugs with
mechanism of action)
CVS Antiarrhythmic drugs, Amiodarone , Arrythmias and their drugs of choice , IHD , Thiazide diuretics
Mechanism of action of nitrates in angina and newer drugs for angina , Digoxin Pharmacology ,
Drugs for chronic CHF and new drugs used in CHF , Pharmacotherapy of Htn on comorbid
Endocrinology conditions,
Drugs in hypertensive emergency and in pregnancy , Antiarrythmics- classification and DOC for
arrythmias, Amiodarone pharmacology
Opioid, smoking and alcohol deaddiction, Antiepileptic drugs: old drugs like Valproate, Phenytoin,
Carbamazepine- full pharmacology ,
Antiepileptic drugs: Lamotrigine, Topiramate, drugs affecting GABA , Newer drugs for Parkinson’s,
CNS Pharmacology
ALS and multiple sclerosis ,
SSRI , Extra pyramidal symptoms and management, Naloxone and drugs used in opioid induced
Insulin preparations, Metformin, DDPIV inhibitors, SGLT 2 inhibitors , Bromocriptine and Octreotide uses ,
Endocrine Bisphosphonates , Drugs used in Cushing’s disease ,
pharmacology Pharmacotherapy of BPH, ED & androgen receptor antagonists , Drugs used in Cushing’s disease , Emergency
Mechanism of action of all antimicrobials groups , Treatment of choice for all infections , Treatment of MRSA,
Antimicrobials: Anti Psuedomonas, CAP, STDs, malaria ,
bacterial drugs Antimicrobials safe in renal failure and hepatic failure , Guidelines for TB, Leprosy and HIV treatment
, Pharmacology of First line anti TB drugs and Bedaquilline, delamanid ,Antimicrobials safe in pregnancy
Salbutamol and inhaled corticosteroids , Pharmacotherapy of pulmonary hypertension
GIT pharmacology PPIs and H pylori eradication , CINV and motion sickness treatment ,
Drugs affecting blood
MOA of anticoagulants, monitoring and antidotes ,
and blood formation
Anticancer drugs MOA and Major ADRs of anticancer drugs , Drugs for breast cancer
Tacrolimus, cyclosporine, sirolimus and Interleukin and TNF alpA antagonist
Kidney, liver, git, breast, pap •Systemic pathology
smears onco hemat, rbc disorders, 1. CVS
immunity, inflammn, genetics, 2. CNS
neoplasia.. emphasis on images... 3. RS
stains and fixatives 4. ENDO
General path + Hemat(must know) 5. GIT
1. Cell injuries 6. KIDNEY
2. Inflammation 7. MUSCULOSKELETAL
3. Neoplasia (Sx+ Patho + Med-
4. Genetics integrated study)
5. Immunology
6. Rheumat
7. Anaemias
8. Leukemias& lymphomas
9. Coagulation &

Cell injury Necrosis, Apoptosis mechanism , Lipofuscin , Hayflick limit , Autophagy
Cellular events, Inflammatory mediators and their effects , Healing of an injury , Free
Inflammation and repair
radicals, contents of neutrophil granules ,
Modes of inheritance examples, Consanguinity, pedigree analysis , RX of mitochondrial
Genetics and genetic disorders
Anaplasia, IHC for cancers,Protooncogenes, p53, RB gene,Tumor markers,Cell cycle check
Hypersensitivity Rxns,APC & MHC,TH cells & NK cells , Types of grafts rejection & GVHD ,
Immunity of immune disorders
Red blood cell disorders PNH & G6PD Deficiency, Sickle cell anemia & Thalassemia , IDA
Disorders of WBCS, Lymph Node, Hodgkins lymphoma,Lymphoma- Biopsy, mutations, CD markers , Leukemia, WHO class,
spleen, thymus chloroma
Bleeding and coagulation
disorders Coagulation cascade,PT/APTT/TEG, Vit K dependent factors , ITP, TTP, HUS
Blood Vessels Atherosclerosis,Vasculitis-GTA vs Takayasu, HSP, ANCA mediated
Rheumatic carditis, Infective endocarditis & types of vegetations , Post MI reperfusion
The heart
injury histo,Cardiomyopathies-HOCM
The lung Pneumoconiosis, Kartagener’s syndrome,Emphysema, Asthma, Lung carcinoma
Whipple’s disease , GIST , Barrett’s oesophagus, Achalasia cardia , Hirschsprung disease,
IBD-Histo, Dx of celiac disease with HLA , Gastrointestinal polyposis syndromes
Liver, gall bladder and the
pancreas Cirrhosis, Chronic hepatitis histo,HCC
Kidney and lower urinary tract Glomerulonephritis- all types with morpho,RCC types table , Pyelonephritis , Casts
CNS Brain tumors - GBM, MB, Schwannoma , NF1 & 2
Bones, joints and soft tissue
tumors Histo of Pagets, GCT
Important stains Types of stains
Endo Thyroid carcinoma , Pheochromocytoma , Prognostic factors for neuroblastoma
Transfusion Blood products , TRALI , TACO , Massive BT
•Sterilization in detail
•Bacteriology: Staph, Strep, Neisseria, Clostridia, Enterobacteriaceae
•Virology: General characteristics and classification. Herpes and Retrovirusin detail
•Mycology: Classification and Visual identification, Dermatophytosis,Special
characteristics of Systemic Fungi
•Parasitology : Protozoa, Nematodes , Infections in immunosuppressedpeople

1. GENERAL Capsule, Spore germination, Acid fast staining,Culture media,Important media

MICROBIOLOGY in microbiology.
2. Bacterial
genetics and
resistance Gene transfer in bacteria,AST,MRSA.
Antibody,Antibody isotypes,Complement deficiency and Neisseria
3. Immunity
infection,Job’s syndrome type IgE syndrome,Superantigens.
Effects of pH on bacterial growth,Streptococci,Catalase and coagulase
test,Pneumococcus,Enterococcal,Listeria monocytogenes,E.coli,Shigella,
4. Proteus,N.gonorrhea,N.meningitidis,C.diphtherias,Yersinia pestis,Ricketssial
BACTERIOLOGY diseases,Food poisoning,Important bacterial
toxins,HACEK,Chlamydia,Mycoplasma,Mycobacterium,Doc for
Structure of virus,General prop of diff families of viruses,Classification of
viruses,Oncogenic viruses,EBV associated malignancies,Inclusion
bodies,Cultivation of viruses,
5. Virology
chickenpox,rubella,Influence viruses,hepatitis viruses,coxsackie viruses,HSV,
CMV,Rabies virus,Japanese encephalitis,Yellow fever,HIV,Zika
viruses,Rotavirus,RSV,Bioterrorism agents.
Culture of fungi,Cryptococcus neoformans,Aspergillus,Histoplasma,Hair
6. Mycology
perforation test,Sporothrix schenckii,Tinea capitis,Malassezia furfur.
E. histolytica,Mx ex of stool,Lifecycle of a parasite,Localization of parasite In
human body,P. westermani,Echinococcus/dog tapeworm,Trichiuris
7. Parasitology trichura,Solex and booklets,Toxoplasma gondii,
Coccidian parasites,Malaria,Babesiosis,Leishmaniasis,Larva migrans.
sterilization and disinfectants,procedure of sterilization (c) some imp
8. Sterilization
material,chlorination,determining efficiency of disinfector,biomolecule waste
and disinfectants
9. Clinical
microbiology SIT,Nocardia,PCP,Mycetoma,HAI,
1) IPC for injury, sexual offences, criminal abortion, negligence, consent,sexual harassment.
2) Acts- MTP, Transplantation of human organ act, Mental health act,PCPNDT act
3) Injuries (most imp)
4) civil & criminal negligence.
5) various Indices for identification.
6) sexual offences
7) Organo phosphate, alcohol, heavy metal, dhatura poisoning and substance abuse..
8) Trace evidences- blood and semen.
9) Infant autopsy. •Infanticide chapter-test for live births
10)index for race and sex, algor Mortis, post-mortem staining, rigid mortis,brain death, firearm injuries,
neck injuries in compression of neck, lividity, eye changes, adipocere, mummification, maceration
11) new rape laws, crpc ipc sections12Firearm injuries
13) Drowning, hanging, blast injuries
14) Time of fusion of bones table, age determination
15) Snake bite
16) Blood & semen tests
17) Autopsy techniques

Identification Determination of bone age,Dactylography,Tattoo marks
2. Thanatology Livor mortis,Rigor mortis,Adipocere formation and mumification,Putrefaction
Cartridge,Varieties of bullets,Features of firearm injuries at various range,Types of injuries,Pugilistic
3. Injuries attitude,Blast injuries,Battered baby syndrome,Previously asked facts
4. Feticide and
infanticide Test used in infanticide,Evidence,Test for identification of blood stains,Test to detected semen
Chronic lead poisoning,Mercury poisoning,Acid poisoning,Snake bite,chelating agents,gastric lavage,viscera
5. Toxicology preservation for chemical analysis
6. Medical imp. Sections related to consent,imp. Sections of IPC,imp. Sections of IPC related to EVIDENCE,medical
Jurisprudence negligence,hymen
interpretation of rinnes,webers tests. •Visual anatomy of lateral nasal
Impedance audiometry, typography wall and its openings
•Last 20 pages of Dhingra( Quick •Epistaxis
revision part) •Throat and Oral cavity
•Ear anatomy and physiology in • Larynx anatomy
detail •Ca larynx
•CSOM •Vocal cord paralysis
•Menieres,Glomus tumour, •Tonsillitis
Acoustic neuroma • Zenkers diverticulum
•Facial Paralysis in detail •Sleep apnoea
•Sinusitis acute and chronic •Salivary gland tumours
•Atrophic rhinitis

Ear embryology, Anatomy of middle ear,Referred otalgia,Brainstem evoked response audiometry or
ABR,Tuning fork tests,Tympanometry,Fitzgerald-hallpite test
1. Ear
Malignant otitis externa,Serous otitis media(SOM),Tubercular otitis media,Facial nerve branches,Facial
nerve,Meniere’s disease,Otosclerosis,Acoustic neuroma,Epleys manoeuvre,Previously asked fact
2. Nose and
para nasal Atrophic rhinitis,X rays of PNS, Lateral nasal wall,Blood supply of nasal septum, Mucor mycosis,Previously
sinuses asked fact
Division of Pharynx,Adenoids,Parapharyngeal Space,Quinsy,Branchial Abnormalities,Branchial
3. Pharynx
Fistula,Previously Asked Facts
Laryngotracheal bronchitis,Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis,Carcinoma Larynx, Voice Rehabilitation
4. Larynx
After Laryngectomy,Juvenile Papillomatosis
5. Surgical
Procedures in
ENT Meatoplasty,Tracheostomy, Indication of Tracheostomy, Mastoidectomy,Thyroplasty
Lens Lacrimal
•Cataract •Epiphora, DacryocystitisTreatment
•Ectopialentis Retina
•Diabetic Retinopathy
•Congenital Anomalies of Cornea •ARMD
•Cornea Degeneration
•Retinitis Pigmentosa
Conjunctiva •BEST, StargardtDisease
•Conjunctivitis •Coats Disease
•Trachoma •Retinoscopy
•Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis •Ophthalmoscope
• PhlyctenularConjunctivitis •ROP
•Secondary Glaucoma •Criteria, Definitions and Types ofRefractive Error
•Surgeries and Drugs •Surgeries
•Contact Lens
•Blunt Trauma Neuro -Ophthalmology
•Orbit Fracture •Pathway
•Chalcosis •Reflex
•Orbit Tumors •Papillitis
Eye Lid •Papilledema
•Blepharitis, Chalazion •Toxic Amblyopia
•Stye, Tumor, Entropion •Squint
•Surgeries, Ptosis Community Ophthalmology
(Measurementand •NBCP
Causes) •Xerophthalmiavision 2020

1. Basics Eyelids,Sympathetic ophthalmitis,Cavernous sinus thrombosis,Thyroid eye disease,EOM,3 nerve policy.
2. Refractory errors Myopia,Presbyopia,Astigmatism,Snellen’s chart,Techniques of tonometry.
3. Strabismus Paralytic squint,Esotropia,Maddox rod test,Cover uncover test.
Neurophthalmology Lesions of optic pathway,Types of pupils,3rd nerve palsy,Optic neuritis.
Types of cataract,Post operative complications after Cataract six,Six in Cataract,Congenital
5. Cataract Cataract,Ectopia lentis,Loss of vision.
Exuductive retinal detachment,Layers of retina,Hypertensive retinopathy,Retinopathy of
6. Retina prematurity,Previously asked fact
7. Corena and vernal keratoconjuctiva,Acanthoameba karatitis,fungal keratitis,Pterygium,Scleromalacia
conjunctiva performns,Previously asked fact
new vaccines such as rotavirus,pcv etc, new programs such as
nhm, nssk,changes in rntcp, Statistics, screening test problems

•Updates + national health programmes
•Environment & health –recent data from Park's (v.v.imp)
•Health planning & management (esphealth care in India)
•Vivek Jain Annexures
•Biomed waste Mx
•Mother & child (preventive obs, paeds& Geriatrics)
•Small diary for all imp recent data (to be frequently revised)
Health,Epidemiology,Epidemiological Studies,Ecological Study,Others,Screenings of
Disease,Communicable Diseases,NCD
1. Concept of Health & Disease
National Health Programs, Policies and Legislation in India,Basics,Measurement of
2. Demography, Family Planning & Nutrition of Health,Basics,Social Sciences & Health,ENT. & Health,ESI
Contra Option Act,BMW,Disaster Mx,Diseases Common in post Disaster phase
3. Health Education & Health Education V/s Propaganda,Health care in India, Health Planning and Mx,Health
Communication Mx,Cost benefit Analysis
Disease Notifiable to WHO,SDG,Biostatistics,P value,Regression Coefficient,Vaccines &
4. International Health Vaccination,Others,Meningococcal Vaccine
•CVS + Rheumat,, hypertension new guidleines
•CNS + Endo.. diabetes is must
•Hematwith patho
• Infections covered in (PSM & Micro)
•Special attention to emergency medicine & critical care medicine
(forprotocol oenextbest step in Mx)
•Fluids and electrolyte balance
If time permits-Harrison's table

CHF,Types of pulses,Murmurs,ECG,Mitral Stenosis,IMD,DCM,Infective Endocarditis,Pericarditis,Permanent Cardiac
1.Cardiology Pacemaker,Previously Asked Facts
2. Rheumatology Characteristic Joint involvement in Hands in Various arthritis,Govt,Autoimmune Disease,Scleroderma,Bisphosphonates,
Systemic Manifestations in CKD & Uremia,Glomerular Diseases,Vasculitis,Inherited Cystic Kidney Diseases,Diagnostic
3.Nephrology Modalities for Renal Artery Stenosis,Urinary Cost,UTI Terminologies,Inherited Channelopathies,Diabetic Insipidus
Multiple Sclerosis,Aphasia,Upper & lower Motor Neuron Paralysis,Frontal lobe lesions,Brain stem
Syndromes,Hypertensive Intracerebral Haemorrhage,Diffuse Axonal Injury,Alzheimer’s Disease,Movement
Disorders,Seizures,Wernicke’s Encephalopathy,Spinal Cord Syndromes,Romberg Test,Neurocutaneous
4.Neurology Syndromes,Myasthenia Gravis,Miscellaneous Topics

Lung Cancer,HAI,Crackles,PFTs,Chronic Bronchitis,Cord Exacerbation,Asthma,Bronchiectasis,Allergic

5.Pulmonology Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA),ARDS,Complication of TB,Mx of Pulmonary edema
Disease HIV,Infections in Transplant Recipients
7.Gastroenterology Celiac Disease,Esophagitis,PUD,Upper GI Bleeding,H. Pylori,IDB,Vit. K
Pheochromocytoma,Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH),BMI,Metabolic Syndrome,Cystinuria,Carcinoid
8.Endocrinology Syndrome,Myxoedema Coma,GTT,Px of Hyperkalaemia
Medical Pneumoperitoneum,Mx of Acute pancreatitis
Tumor and trauma must Paediatric
surgical conditions
Types and classification of Wounds,Thyroid malignancy,Renal stones,Testicular
malignancy, peptic ulcer disease, colorectal cancer
•GI : Liver and Gall bladder,Pancreas,Intestinalobstruction,Herniaeponyms
•GU : Renal calculi, Congenital renal anomalies, Wilms tumour, Bladder Ca,BPH and
•Ca Prostate, Penile Ca, Testicular torsion and tumours.General
•Burns in detail
•Head and neck lesions including salivary glands
•Trauma and shock
•Skin grafts
Instrument identification, Colour coding of foleys, IV cannulas etc.

1.Breast Fibroadenoma,Van Nugs Prognostic Index for DCIS,Breast Carcinoma Staging,Px of Breast Cancer
Thyroid & Parathyroid,Retrosternal Goitre,Medullary Carcinoma of Thyroid,Mx of Papillary
2.Thyroid & Carcinoma,Hashimoto Thyroiditis,Thyroglossal Cyst,Parathyroid Sx: Auto transplantation,Miami
Parathyroid Criteria
Ca Esophagus,Diverticulitis,Ca Anal Canal,Small Intestine Reaction,Paralytic
Ileus,Intussusception,EsophagealDiverticula,Intussusception,Oesophageal diverticula,Zenkers
diverticulum,Achalasia cardia,Achalasia classification,PUD,Mx of swallowed batteries,Corrosive
injury of oesophagus,Oesophageal perforation,GIST,Gall stone,CBD stores,Acute
3.GI Surgery pancreatitis,Gastrinoma,Fistula-in-ano
Renal cell carcinoma,Urethral injury,MCU with bulbar structure,RX of renal and ureteric
4.Urology stone,Ureteric colic,Undescended testis,Hydrocele
Primary survey in trauma,FAST,Thoracoscope,Chest trauma,Neurotrauma,GCS,Stages of
5.Trauma hypovolemic shock,Damage control survey
6.Vascular Intermittent Claudication,Aorto-ilac obstruction,DVT,Lymphedema,Well’s criteria,Mx of
surgery abdominal aortic aneurysm,Grafts in vascular
7.Burns Depth of burns,Mx of burns,Previously asked facts
Miscellaneous,Neck swellings,Malignant melanoma,Frostbite,Types of neck dissection,Asepsis
score,Classification of surgical wounds,Bariatric surgery,Transplantation terminology,Liver
8.Miscellaneous Transplantation,King’s college criteria,CT scoring,Previously asked fact
instruments Sutures,Surgical knots
• physiological changes in pregnancy
•Cancer staging with treatment
•Endometriosis •Menstrual physiology with abnormalities specially
p. amenorrhea
•Molar pregnancy, ectopic, abortions
•Down's syndrome
•C. sec, Ventouse, Forceps
•GDM, liver disease, heart disease in pregnancy
•Twin pregnancy, Rh incompatibility
•PIH, Antepartum & postpartum haemorrhage
•Stages of labor, partogram
•Mxof neglected shoulder
•Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology
•USG in pregnancy


1.ANATOMY OF FEMALE GENTIAL TRACT Embryology wolffian duct derivative

2.Pelvis and fetal skull Diameter and details

Semen analysis,Method of detecting ovulation,Fertilization & Capacitation,Basic

3.Basics of reproduction steps of IVF,Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
4.Reproductive physiology and hormone AMH,Effects of estrogen
5.Placenta and amniotic fluid Placenta,Oligohydramnios
Renal changes in pregnancy,CVS, CO, RR ,physiological resp changes during
6.Maternal adaptation to pregnancy pregnancy
7.PCOD, hirsutism and galactorrhoea PCOD
8.Congenital malformations Mullerian anomalies

9.Dx of pregnancy and ANC Sign & Symptoms of pregnancy,Normal labour,Sexuality & Intersexuality
10.Infections of Genital Tract STI in Men & women,Genital TB

11.Puerperium & Its Abnormalities Neurologic injury during child birth,Dural Sinus Thrombosis
12.Abortion and MTP Causes of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion,Medical Method for first Trimester TP
Barrier Contraceptives,Tubal Ligation,Mirena,Post Coital Contraception,Oral
13.Contraception Contraceptive Pills
14.Pregnancy complications Ectopic Pregnancy,Rupture of uterus

Cryptomenorrhea & Imperforate hymen,Predictor of menopause,Menorrhagia in

15.Disorders of menstruation perimenopausal age group,Endometrial polyp & Endometriosis
16. Gynecological Oncology Ovarian Tumours,Endometrial Cancer, GTN,Vaginal & Cervical Cancer
17. PPH, Uterine Inversion , and Shock PPH & Sheehan syndrome
18. gynaelogical Dx and Operative Sx Prolapse,Perineal Tears,Adenomyosis & Endometriosis

Prevention of parent to child Transmission of HIV,Acute Fatty liver of

19.Medical Disorders in Pregnancy Pregnancy,HTN & Diabetes during pregnancy
20.Preterm Labour, PROM & post Date
Pregnancy Cervical Incompetence,Glucocorticoid Therapy
21.Malpresentations & High Risk
Pregnancies Mx of Twin Pregnancies,Breech types
22.Operative Obstetrics, Pharmaco
therapeutics D&C,Differences B/w Forceps & Vacuum

23.Electric FHR Monitoring Fetal HR Deceleration,Biophysical Profile,Partograph

General Pediatrics Respiratory Disorders
Resuscitation of New •Asthma Hematology
Born, Neonatology, •Pneumonia •ALL
Breast Feeding, SAM •PAP (Pulmonary Alveolar •AML
(Including Parametersto Proteinosis) • IDA
know Malnutrition •Cystic fibrosis •Megaloblastic
Severity), Growth and •Bronchiolitis •Sickle
Developmental •Croup •Thalassemia
Milestones, ADHD, •Chilhood pneumonia
Pica, Nocturnal Tumor
Enuresis, Autism, •Wilms Tumor
Neonatal Jaundice, HIE, CNS Disorders •Neuroblastoma
HMD, TTNB, •Meningitis
RDS,Necrotizing •Cerebral palsy
Enterocolitis, National •Hydrocephalus Metabolic Disorders
Immunization Schedule •Epilepsy •Hyper and
(latest) newvaccines •Anencephaly Hypothyroidism
Congenital Heart • Craniosynostosis •Congenital Adrenal
Disorders •Pediatric brain tumors Hyperplasia (Most
•VSD, ASD, TOF •Neural tube defects Important)
•TGA, TAPVR, •Diabetes
EisenmengerComplex •Lysosomal Storage
•EbsteinAnomaly Genetic Disorders Disorders
•RHD(latest criteria) •Pedigree Chart •Urea Cycle Defect
Gastro Intestinal Renal Disorders •Von GierkeDisease
Disorders •Nephrotic Syndrome •Canavan, Alexander
•Diarrhea(Treatment) •VUR •Krabbe Appearance on
•CHPS •Congenital cystic MRI
• Intussusception disorders of kidney
•Hirschsprung •AGN and Nephrotic Infectious Diseases
Disease syndrome •HIV
•Reye Syndrome •Tuberculosis
•Cholestasis •Measles, Mumps
Fetal circulation,Fate of foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus,Hemodynamics of ASD, VSD &
1.Pediatric Cardiology PDA,Tetralogy of Fallot
2.Kawasaki disease
3.Growth and
development Fontanelles,Developmental milestones,Short stature,Delayed dentition & Hutchinson teeth
4.Neonatology RDS,Primitive CNS reflexes,Neonatal jaundice,Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis,APGAR score
5.Nutrition Breast feeding,Micronutrient deficiencies,Kwashiorkor,SAM

6.Dehydration Assessment of dehydration in a pt with diarrhoea

Mode of inheritance of common genetic disorders,Down syndrome & William syndrome,Genome
7.Genetics imprinting,Fragile x syndrome,Cystic fibrosis
8.Immunization NIS
Measles,Pneumonia,Nephrotic & Nephritic syndrome,Croup,Congenital rubella
9.Others disorders syndrome,Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
basic Interpretation of chest x ray, ct scan images
Basics of radiography, USG, CT, MRI, nuclear scans & PET ScanRadiation

units and side effects

Contrast agents

Anatomical structures on radiological images in cross sections


Named radiological signs

list of radiosensitizers, radioactive substances used, their half lives,

Radiological images of various disorders and signs predominantl;y given inHarrison,

Davidson, bailey maheshwari and any other standard undergraduate books.

1. Basics • USG mickey mouse sign
Radiation hazards,Modalities using non-Ionizing radiator,Modalities using ionizing radiation
Barium studies for GIT,MRI sequences,CT image
3.General radiology
CVS radiology,TAPVC,Coarctation of aorta,Miliary nodules,Tree in bud appearance,CHF X ray,PE
4.Systemic radiology
Anatomy,Chronic pancreatitis imaging,Imp. Radiological appearances in abdominal imaging,HSG
5.Abdominal pregnancy
NCCT Head in infarct −ix of choice,Subarachnoid haemorrhage NCCT,Craniopharyngioma
6.Neuroradiology ct,Vein of Galen Malformation,Orbital blow out#
Dose depth curve,Types of Radiotherapy,Radiotherapy principles,Iodine radio isotopes
Cardiac autography,Half life of some important radioisotopes,Sterotactic
8.Nuclear medicine radiosurgery,Previously asked facts
•Anaesthesia basic concepts & laws
•General Anaesthesia
• IV anaesthesia
• Inhalation agents
•Skeletal muscle relaxants
• Local anaesthesia
•CPR guidelines, circuits & equipments& airway instruments
•Anesthetic-s/c, disorders, mishaps
•images of instruments,
•inhaled n injectable anaesthetics,
•muscle relaxants

2.Pin Index System
4.Mallampati Score
5.Muscle Relaxants
7.IV Anaesthetics
9.Inhalational Anaesthetics
10.Nitrous oxide (Dinitrogen Monoxide/!2"
11.Dibucaine Number
12.Spinal Anaesthesia
13.BiSpectral Index
15.Pin Index System
17.Mallampati Score
•Interpretation of case n coming to a diagnosis
•Schizophrenia and depression in detail
•Dementia ( from medicine )
•cyclothymia, dysthymia
•Cluster personality disorders
•Pharmacotherapy in psych
•ECT and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


1.Normal pressure hydrocephalus

2.Mental health care act
5.Tactile Hallucinations
10.Alcohol withdrawal symptoms
12.Personality disorders
15.Autistic disorder
list of splints, tractions, terminology of Bone Tumors
various fractures, interpretation ofcommon •Osteomyelitis
fractures on x-ray •Potts Spine
Fracture (Types and Management) –Upper Limb Other Important Topics
•Shoulder Dislocation •Rickets Scurvy
•Fracture Humerus (All Types) •Hemophilia
•Monteggia •Osteoarthritis
•Galeazzi •RA
•Colles •Osteoporosis
•Smith •Osteopetrosis
•Barton •Paget Disease
•Boxer PediatricsOrthopedics
•Scaphoid • LCPD
Fracture (Types and Management) –Lower Limb •CTEV
•Hip Dislocation •DDH
•Pelvis Fracture •Coxa Varaand Valga
•Neck of Femur and Inter-TrochantericFracture •Epiphyseal Injuries
•Shaft Femur
•Tibia Fracture Amputation
•Splints and Cast
Spinal Injuries •Osteochondritis
•Spinal Injuries Mechanism •Avascular Necrosis
•Disc Prolapse (Signs Seen at VariousLevels)


1.Imaging in orthopaedics periosteal response,radiological angles, Bauman, Cobb, Kites angles

chronic osteomyelitis,Pott’s spine,TB of knee,Septic arthritis,Attitude of
2.Infections hips in peds cases

3.Orthopaedics oncology Simple bone cyst,Osteosarcoma,GCT & ABC

Nerve injury with #,Impingements syndrome,Dislocation of the

shoulder,Supracondylar #of the humerus,Montezzia and galeazzi,Wrist
4.Common orthopaedics dislocation,Trendelenburg test,Ligament injuries of knee joint,Colles
injuries #,Fat embolism syndrome
Salter-harris classification for epiphyseal injuries,DDH,Perthes disease/
5.Pediatric orthopaedics coxa vara,CTEV
De quervains tenosynovitis,Osteoporosis,Splint & tractions,Articular v/s
6.Miscellaneous non articular pain,Hand in joint disorders,Scoliosis,Spondylolisthesis
Most Important Topics • Ichthyosis
• Vitiligo
• Atopic /contact Dermatitis
• Psoriasis
• Lichen Planus • Gonorrhea
• Pityriasis Rosae • Epidermolysis Bullosa
• Pityriasis Versicolor • Pityriasis Alba
• Pemphigus • Dermatitis Herpetiformis
• Bullous Pemphigoid
• SJS Syndrome
• Darier Disease
• Hailey Hailey Disease
• Leprosy • Erythema Multiforme
Less Important Topics and
• Cutaneous TB
• Syphilis • Neurofibromatosis
• STD • Erythema Nodosum
• Molluscum Contagiosum • Tuberous Sclerosis
• Urticaria pigmentosa • Drug Induced Eruptions
• Tinea capitis • Angioneurotic
• Anogenital warts Edema/urticaria
• Acne • Scabies
• Alopecia areata • Malignant melanoma
Important Topics • Impetigo
• Herpes Zoster
• Layers of Skin
• Cells of Skin Least Important Topics
• Type of Glands present in Skin
• Lichen Nitidus
• Nail
• Acanthosis Nigricans
• Hair
• Connective Tissue Disorders
• Hyper-Pigmentation
like SLE, Sarcoidosis
• Hypo pigmentary disorders
• Wood Lamp Examination • Actinitic Keratosis
• Seborrheic keratosis
1. Layers of Epidermis
3.Nerve Injury
4.Lupus Vulgaris
7.Vesico-Bullous Disorders
8.Papulo-squamous Disorders
9.Alopecia Areata
10.Acanthosis Nigricans
11.Prev. Asked Facts
12.Koebners Phenomenon
13.Viral Warts
17.Behcets Diseas

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