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Islam is a complete code of life which guide us not about the basic believes only
but about the every field of life. From political knowledge to scientific work, from
social issues to economic problems, Islam provides us guidance in every field of
life. In social topics, Islam gives most importance to the Family System.


In Islam, Family system is usually associated with family and households which is
usually formed by Husband, wife and their Children. Islam has given us the
guiding principles regarding family systems. By obeying these principles, members
of the Family can make their lives exemplary.


Islam gives much importance to family system. A person lives in a family from
right from his birth to his death. Family is also the beginning of civilization. So, we
can say that family is the basic unit of a society. Family and society affect one
another. A balanced family makes a balanced society. The reason behind it is that a
good family system provides the best training to new born of any family and when
a person will learn the lesson of warm-heartedness, patience, forgiveness and
equality during his young age, he or she will definitely play his or her role in
construction of a good society. Holy Quran describes the importance of family
system in these words:

“He is the One Who created you from a single soul, then from it made its spouse
so he may find comfort in her.”

1. NIKKAH: Strength of a society depends on the strength of Family system

in that society. And Nikkah is the base for the relationship between a male
and a female i.e. it is the beginning of a strong family.
2. IHSAN: Holy Quran gives the name “Ihsan” to the mutual relationship
between husband and wife. Ihsan mean to save yourself by developing a

castle. As, after marriage husband and wife protect one another and they are
the companion of one another through thick and thin that’s why Allah
Almighty has given the name of Ihsan to their relationship.
According to Holy Quran, the relationship between husband and wife is the
cause of comfort for both of them. Holy Quran calls this relation one of the
bookmarks of Allah Almighty. In Quran Allah Almighty says:
“And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves
that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and
compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.”

4. SURVIVAL OF MANKIND: Survival and growth of mankind is

the main purpose of family system in Islam. And Nikkah is the
best possible way for it. Holy Quran describes this purpose in the
following words:

“O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from

it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women.”
5. EDUCATION OF CHILDREN: For teaching of children, family
system is very important. Children require their parents for their education.
Moral, spiritual and physical education of children is the responsibility of
the parents. It is the responsibility of the head of the family to tell every
member of the family about the teaching and rules of Islam. Allah Almighty
says in Quran:
“O believers! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel
is people and stones.”


Husband, wife and children are the members of a family in Islam. Islam has
assigned the responsibilities to all of them for a successful family system.
These duties are simultaneously rights for the other members of the family.
Responsibilities of each of the family member are given below:
Husband has the following responsibilities in Islamic family System:
 Responsibility of Food & Shelter: In Islam, it is the duty of the
husband to provide the food and shelter to his wife and children. Being
the head of family, it is very important for him to fulfil the basic
necessities of other family members. Holy Quran describes this
responsibility in these words:
“Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by
Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially.”
 Protection of family members: Being the head of family, husband
is responsible for the protection of his family members.
 Good Treatment: Being the head of family, it is the responsibility of
husband to treat the family members nicely. If they are wrong at any
point, tell them nicely.
 Moral Education: It is the responsibility of the Husband to morally
educate the family members. Tell the members of family about the
teachings and principles of Islam.
Wife has assigned the following responsibilities in Islam:
 Education of Children: Wife is responsible for moral teaching of
children. It is the responsibility of wife to tell the children, what to do and
what not to do. So, it is the responsibility of wife to build the character of
 Respect of Husband: It is the responsibility of wife to give respect to
the husband as he is the head of the family. Holy Quran describes this
responsibility in following words:
“Righteous women are devoutly obedient”
 Protection of Wealth and Respect: Wife has the responsibility to
protect the wealth and respect of his husband in his absence and don’t do
the deeds which are against the teaching of Islam.
 Secret Keeping: It is the responsibility of wife tom keep the secrets of
his husband and his family and don’t tell others about the secrets of his
Children have the following responsibilities in Islam:
 Respect of Parents: In Islam, children has the responsibility to
respect their parents. Children are not allowed to misbehave with their
parents. It is the responsibility of children to listen to their parents. Allah
Almighty says in Quran:
“For your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And
honour your parents. If one or both of them reach old age in your care,
never say to them ˹even˺ ‘ugh,’ nor yell at them. Rather, address them
 Serving the Parents: It is the responsibility of children to serve the
parents and take care of them in their old ages, as they are those
personalities who provide you all of these services in your childhood.

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