1ST Question

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My first question of the interview was about the favourite moment of childhood life.

response to that question my grandfather told me about his childhood. He told me that
in earlier days of his childhood, he became orphan. Being the eldest in the family, all the
responsibilities fell on his Shoulders. In Class 8 th, he got a scholarship and spent it to
get ration for house. It was his best childhood memory as it saved his family from
hunger. In answer of my 1st question, my grandmother revealed her childhood
memories. Her favourite childhood memory was the creation of Pakistan. She was only
6 years old when Muslim league passed the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore & Quaid and
His supporters Burnt mid night oil to fulfil the dream of Pakistan in Just 7 Years. My
father responded to my question by telling the story of his trip to England. It was his first
international journey. During his stay in London, he made many unforgettable
memories. This journey was the favourite childhood memory of my father. My mother
also told me her favourite childhood memory. She told me that in her childhood, she
used to play a lot with her school friends in the afternoon. All of friends used to gather in
the park and they used to play lots of games. Those were the most enjoyable and
carefree days of her life.

Second question of interview was about the professional life. In response to this
question, my grandfather told me about his story of success. He told me that there were
so many responsibilities on him during his younger age. He studied and Worked side by
side due to early death of his father. After 10 th Grade, he went to Karachi & Joined Pak
Railway. He cleared number of Professional Exams and finally his hard work paid back
and he was promoted as Accounting Officer. In answer to this question, my
grandmother told me about her life. He told that in those days, education of girls was not
very common. So, she usually spent her time in cooking, sewing and other household
chores. My father also told me about his professional life. As he completed his FSc, he
applied for Army and it was the most significant change in his life. He started living a
new life. He experienced a lot of new things and learnt new skills. The training period
was probably the best time of his life. Despite of the office workload and pressures in
life, he never gave up and that's what makes him happy by remembering those
memories in his retirement life. My mother also revealed her inspirational story. She told
me that since childhood, her dream was to become a doctor and serve humanity &
nation. It remained her goal in life till she achieved it. She studied hard & successfully
became a doctor & achieved her goal. She managed office work as well as house work
and never gave up on her objectives.

3rd question of interview from the participants was about their outlook on life. My
grandfather answered this question in very good manner. He described that in his view,
life is unpredictable, it tests you even when you are not expecting. But the lesson he
had learned is that in a way, hardships reveal that who is your true companion and who
is fake. Grandmother’s response for this question was also a deep one. She told me
that life is a test but in every difficulty, you must put all your faith in Almighty Allah. The
lesson he had learned is that even if the entire universe is against us but we have true
faith in Allah, no one can defeat us. While answering this question, my father revealed
his outlook on life. He told me that the most important lesson that he had learnt in his
life is that we should never give up. In addition to this, he told me that the successful
people are those who are most humble and honest. My mother answered this question
in very good way. She said that life itself is a test for humans, sometimes we work hard
but don’t become successful as it's a matter of luck too. According to her, hard work and
initiative is must and leave the rest to God.

4th Question of the interview was about the changes observed during life by the
participants and the causes of these changes. In response to this question, my
grandfather described his observations throughout the years. He told me that with the
passage of time people have become more fake, this is due to selfishness of People.
My grandmother’s response was also similar. She also described the fakeness of the
world now a days. According to her, materialistic approach has taken control of the
world. My father told me about the changes he observed during his life. He said to me
that at the time of his childhood, there were less gadgets and technology, people were
more social and more active. As technology advanced, instead of bringing people
closer, it increased differences and due to many reasons, many moral values have
started disappearing in the newer generations. While answering this question, my
mother told me about the advancements in the field of medical science with the
passage of time. She also highlighted the materialistic approach of new generation.

Last Question of the interview was that if the participants could change one thing about
life what would it be? In response to this question, my grandfather said that he want to
finish the fakeness of this world, so that no one can deceive other, and no one can
break others trust and no one can get hurt. As a result, happiness will prevail in the
society. My grandmother’s answer was almost same as that of my grandfather. She
said that if she was given power, she would have added emotions, feelings in the hearts
of others, made their hearts soft so that they start living for others. My father and mother
said that if such opportunity will be given to them, they will learn from their past
experiences in life.

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