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permission from the publishers.
• Module 1 1- 20
• Module 2 21- 35
• Module 3 36- 53
• Module 4 54- 72
• Module 5 73- 86
• Module 6 87-106
• Module 7 107-125
• Module 8 126-140
• Module 9 141-153
• Module 10 154-171
• Module 11 172-194
• Module 12 195-215
Module 1

Students will be able to:
• Ask for repetition.
• Repeat information.
• Verify and ask for clarification.
• Interview and respond to interviews.


Talking About Habits And Their Results
Read the following information.

1.My parents always told me…

• If you read a lot, you learn a lot.

• If you speak well, people listen to you.
• If you speak two languages, you can communicate with more people.

We use Present Factual Conditional to talk about

habits, things that are always true and never change.


• If you eat too much, you gain weight.

• If you don’t wash your hands, you get sick more often.

• Fill in the blanks with the following verbs.

spend live play care get have

· If you with fire, you burned.

· If you more money than you earn, you

economical problems.

· If you about your health, you longer.

A conditional sentence has two clauses: an “if clause” (If I eat too much), and a result clause (I get a
We form the present factual conditional with the verb in present tense in both clauses

Talking About Scientific Facts
Match the following clauses to make present factual conditionals.

1 If you put oil and water together, it boils.

2 If you heat water to 100º C, it goes bad.

3 If you don’t refrigerate milk, the oil stays on top.

4 If you heat ice, it is ripe and ready to eat.

5 If the banana is yellow, it melts.

Order Of Clauses In Conditionals

Look at the following chart.

The if clause is usually first. The if clause can be second. You can use when or whenever
It is important the use of a comma When it is second, there is no in place of if.
between the two clauses. comma between the two clauses.

Example: Example: Example:

When(ever) you study hard, you

get good grades.
If you study hard, you get good You get good grades if you
grades. study hard.
You get good grades when(ever)
you study hard.

Use the words given to make present factual conditional sentences.

Chocolate / I / , / headache / eat / . / get / I / if / a _________________________

Apartment / my / . / anxious / I / I / whenever / , / feel / clean _________________________

Gray / mix / white / you / when / . / get / black / you / and / , _________________________

Nervous / have / test / I / . / if / a / feel / I _________________________

When / . / tired / a / take / I / feel / nap / I _________________________

Soup / gets / cold / you / . / better / eat / your / , / if / chicken _________________________

Home Remedies
Read and listen to the following information.
Cd. Room Listening M1_001

It is very common to visit the doctor when you don’t feel well. But there are
some people who prefer natural or home remedies. For example, when you
have a cold, chicken soup may help you feel better. If you aren’t sleeping
well, you can drink chamomile tea or warm milk. When you have a headache
or migraine, make a lavender compress, or if you have a stomachache or you
feel nauseous, try ginger tea.

We can use modals and imperatives in the result clause.

Now match the examples with the correct picture.


1 If you get a burn you may use aloe gel.

2 If you drink cinnamon tea, you might lower your blood sugar
and cholesterol.

3 If you consume rosemary, you can avoid carcinogens and

stop tumors.

4 If you want to combat stress, increase the use of basil in your


55 If you want to lower cancer risk, consume garlic.

Reading E-Mail Messages

Read the following e-mail.

We use the Future Factual Conditional to talk

about possible actions and situations in the future.

• If I don’t pass my exams, I won’t be able to go to
• I’ll live in a big house if I make a lot of money.

Complete the following conditionals.

You’ll be late for work if you ___________________get up now.

If I have time, I _________________________call you later.

Talking About Superstitions
Complete the following superstitions using the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis.

If you ________
1 under a ladder, You ________ seven years of bad luck
You _________bad luck. If you _________a mirror.
(walk, have) (have , break)

If a person _______ a four-leaf If a woma _______ the bride’s bouquet

clover, he/she_______very lucky. at a wedding, she _________the next
(find, be) person to get married.
(have , break)

You ______ something bad from

happening if you______on wood.
(prevent, knock)

Understanding Superstitions Around The World

Look at the following chart.
Cd. Room Listening M1_002

Listen to some superstitions. Decide if the following statements are true or false.

• All countries have different superstitions.

• Friday is not a lucky day for American people.

• “13” is the worst number for Spanish speaking countries.

• Asian countries consider number 4 as an unlucky number.

• Black cats are considered lucky in countries like Japan and China.

• Walking under a ladder is an old superstition.

• If a bird defecates on a person, it will bring good luck.

Identifying Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the blanks with the correct particle.

Narrating a story in the past

When I think back on my high school years in Bogota, I always

remember my Italian teacher. She was very strict, she was from
Bucaramanga. When she came into the classroom, we all had
to stand up and say “Buongiorno signorina”, and we couldn’t sit
down until she gave us permission, the very typical in Colombia.
First, and as a routine, we had an activity in which we practiced
vocabulary from the previous class. Then, she took out some
cards with new vocabulary in order to practice pronunciation
and spelling, but we were not allowed to look up the words in BUCARAMANGA HIGH SCHOOL
the dictionary. Right after that, she always handed out some
copies of activities to “fill in the blanks” so we could practice the
new words. During this activity we could work in small groups.
I used to get together to work with the same classmates. I used
to think those classes were boring. I hated them. Now I have to
thank my teacher because I can speak some Italian. I work in
an international hotel chain in Cartagena.

Fill in the blanks with the correct particle.

up away down out down off on up out back

• My car broke ___________ in Soacha, so I had to take a

taxi. (Stop functioning)
• I hope my husband comes ___________ soon, it is not save in
the Amazon jungle at nights. (Return)
• II don’t know how to cook. That’s why we usually eat
___________ (Eat in a restaurant)
• My dad grew ___________ in Velez, Santander.
(Become an adult)
• My kids find ___________ lots of information about
Colombian history on the internet. (Discover)
• Please pick___________ your James Rodriguez shirt. Don’t
leave it on the floor. (Lift or take from a particular place)

• I’m tired and I’m trying to sleep. Please turn ___________ the reggaeton. (Lower the volume of radio, TV, etc.)

• My mom always turns ___________ the radio early in the morning. (Start a machine, engine or electrical device)

• I’ll turn___________ the TV as soon as my favorite program, El Desafio, ends. (Eat in a restaurant)

• My dad grew ___________ in Velez, Santander. (Stop a machine, engine or electrical device)

• My best friend’s dad passed ___________ yesterday in the hospital in Barranquilla. (Die)

Understanding Phrasal Verbs In Context.
Read the following sentences. Match the phrasal verbs with the correct meaning.

A Soccer players always warm up before a match. Continue.

B Where can I plug in my cellphone? The battery is off. Request.

C Nobody answered the phone. I’ll call back later. Get ready.

D I love English pronunciation. I’ll keep on practicing. Submi.

E I get along with my brothers and sisters. We love each Connect to an electric circuit.
other very much.

F You look very nervous. You need to calm down. Relate well.

G I never ask for high-fat dishes when I go to a restaurant. End a romance.

H I don’t have any cash on me. I need to take some Return a phone call.
money out of the bank.

I I’m very sad. My girlfriend and I had an argument Extract.

yesterday and she broke up with me.

J I wasn’t happy at work. That’s why I gave up. Become quiet or cal.

K I have to hand in some important documents to my boss Quit, abandon.

Learning To Learn
Read the study tip below
Cd. Room Listening M1_003

Learning phrasal verbs is not an easy task, yet it is not an impossible

one. One way to help yourself learn them is to classify them into
literal and idiomatic. Literal phrasal verbs are easier to understand
if you know the meaning of the particles, such as wake up, sit
down, and fall down. Idiomatic phrasal verbs are a little bit more
difficult to understand just by looking at their parts (look forward
to, get along with, etc.), so learning them in a sentence will help you
remember their meaning. Be careful, remember there can be more
than one meaning to a phrasal verb. Try to learn one meaning at
a time.

Understanding Phrasal Verbs In Context
Read the following text. Check the True sentences.

It is common among mothers to complain about how messy their children are. It may often seem
like the most difficult job in the world to keep them on the track. In order to alleviate some of the
problems frustrated parents have with kids, and help children cope better with their everyday
tasks and routines, it is very important for parents and kids to get together and set up clear rules
at home. Involve them in this process. Ask them to help you hang up clothes to dry or take out the
trash in order to encourage them to have good habits. Children like these usually have bedrooms
that look like something has blown up; you can see toys, pencils, sheets of paper, or clothes
everywhere. At the beginning, sit down together to create a checklist, organize their drawers, and
establish a routine that makes children get used to doing the same every day. For example, go into
their bedrooms in the morning and wake them up nicely. After they have gotten up, ask them to
make their beds. When they come back from school, give them gentle reminders about the clothes
and shoes they take off, homework they have to do, etc.

Finally, let them know you have noticed their improvement and always reward them for a job well

Establishing rules at home is not useful. _____________________

Support and encouragement on your child’s effort are necessary. _____________________

Children feel secure if they know things will happen the same
every day.
Don’t reward them every time they do something well. _____________________


Self Check
Rewrite the following facts using factual real conditionals and the correct
form of the verbs provided.


Facts Verbs Factual real conditional

The Aurora Australis and the
See If you want to see the Aurora Australies and the
Aurora Borealis can only be seen
Go Aurora Borealies, you have to go to the poles.
in the poles.

Plants don’t grow without sunlight. _____________________________________

A person with color blindness can’t Have

perceive color differences. Perceive

When air resistance is not

present, two objects that drop Drop
simultaneously from the same Fall
height fall with the same speed.
When you consume more calories
than the ones you burn, _____________________________________
you gain weight.

Iron rusts when it gets wet. _____________________________________

Choose the result that best completes each situation


• If you save enough money for a long time,

You don’t need to work.

You will have enough money to buy a house.

You will buy many things.

• You will be able to see an aurora • You’ll get a broken leg

if you are in one of the poles. if you have fever,

if you wait for a long time. if you don’t exercise

If it rains. if you fall from a high place

• If Diana gets high grades in the • If a tornado hits a place,

proficiency test,
it will be cold.
she will be able to get an scholarship.
there will be great damages
she will be very intelligent.
people won’t be happy
she will read faster.

Complete the following sentences by selecting the correct option:

1. • If this drought continues, the cattle from the near farms will die / dies

• Ethan and Anika eat / eats a lot of fast food.

• We talk / will talk to the teacher if we see him tomorrow.

• You can reduce cancer risk if you are / will be more physically active.

• Your weight on the moon will be / is 1/6 of your weight on Earth.

• If you add lemon juice to milk, it will curdle / curdles in some minutes.

• If you save the 10% of your income, you will have / have money for

Read the following sentences and decide which type of conditional

sentence is used:

1. • If the temperature of water drops to 0°C, it becomes ice.

Present factual conditional (it describes a situation that is always true)
Future factual conditional (it talks about a possible situation in the future)
Future factual conditional (it talks about a possible situation in the future)

• If you speak English and Spanish, you will have more chances to get a good job.

Present factual conditional (it describes about a situation that is always true)
Present factual conditional (it predicts what can happen based on real facts)
Future factual conditional (it talks about a possible situation in the future)

• If you spend prolonged periods of time on the snow, unprotected, you get hypothermia.
Future factual conditional (it predicts something that can happen in the future)

Present factual conditional (it describes a situation that is always true)

Future factual conditional (it describes an event that occurs in the future)

• If you train hard and every day, you will get stronger and fitter.

Future factual conditional (it predicts something that can happen in the future)

Present factual conditional (it describes a situation that is always true)

Present factual conditional (it talks about something that exists)

• If you drink sea water, the sodium concentration in your body changes dramatically and causes you
dehydration, muscles cramps and dry mouth and eyes.

Future factual conditional (it predicts something that can happen in the future)
resent factual conditional (it describes a situation that is always true)
Present factual conditional (it talks about something that exists)

• In Colombia they say that if you go swimming during the Easter week, you will become a fish.
Future factual conditional (it predicts something that could happen)
Future factual conditional (it talks about a possible situation in the future)
Present factual conditional (it describes about a situation that is always true)

Answer the following questions using the phrasal verbs from the box in
their correct form
There are two extra phrasal verbs.

1. Break down Eat out Turn off Earm up

Turn on Calm down Pick up

Where are Frank and Sarah? _________________________

What do you have to do to get the TV showing something? _________________________

What do you have to do before starting any physical activity? _________________________

Why aren’t Steve and Michelle together anymore? _________________________

What do you have to do with the stove once you finish cooking? _________________________

Why should you consume more basil in your diet? _________________________

Complete the following sentences using the phrasal verbs from the box
There are two extra phrasal verbs.

1. call back try on give up slow down

find out get along with pass out

A. I don’t have anything in common with my cousin. I don’t __________________ her.

B. Quitting smoking is so hard. I want to ___________________ .
C. She tried to contact me this morning but she couldn’t so she left a message on my phone. She said
she will __________________ me_________________.
D. Robin Williams was a great actor. Unfortunately, he ____________________ in 2014.
E. When she_____________________ the truth, she will be devastated.


Conditionals:present Factual

You can begin with either the “if clause” or the “result clause”. • You can use when or whenever instead of if especially for
Use a comma only when the “if clause” comes first: recurrent events, habits and general truths.
• Modals can be used in the result clause.
If she goes to the doctor, she doesn’t take home remedies.
We will have a picnic at the park if the weather is good • Use the imperative in the result clause to give instructions
tomorrow. and commands.

• We use the present factual conditionals to talk about things When I visit my mother, she always makes my favorite
that always happen, or things that happen in the same way dessert.
every time. Whenever I suggest something, he says it’s a bad idea.
Use the simple present tense in both clauses: If you have any difficulties with the class, you should talk
to the teacher.
If I eat too much, I get an upset stomach. If you want to travel to London, go in the summer.

Conditionals: Future Factual

In threats, going to is stronger than will.

• We use the future factual conditionals to talk about future possibilities or

predictions. Use the simple present tense in the “if clause” to express the real
or possible condition, even when the situations refers to the future. Use the
• You can also use a modal in the “result
future with will or going to in the result clause:

If we win the soccer match, the coach will be very proud. If you want to go to the party, you
If Lopez wins the elections, he will guarantee free education for everyone. must buy a ticket.
I’m going to go shopping today if we get paid.
If Joe calls tonight, I’ll tell him about our plans.

• The future factual conditional can also be used to UNSCRAMBLE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES :
smoke, you you affect can your If lungs.
Warning: If you drink alcohol, you’ll damage your liver.
Advantage/disadvantage: If you buy a bigger house,
you’ll have more room for the kids. But if you buy a take if you you to your the game. favorite I will
smaller house you won’t have to invest as much on restaurant winz
Advice: If you talk with your father about it, you’ll be sick You if eat you that will get!
able to overcome those difficulties.
Promise: I will buy you a new laptop if you promise to
donate your old one tocharity.
Threat: If you do it, I’ll call the police. / If you do it, I’m
going to call the police.

Prhasal Verbs

• A phrasal verb is the combination of a verb and a particle, whose meaning

is different from the combined meanings of the original words.

My car broke down. Can you give me a ride?

Look up the word in the dictionary.
The meeting was called off.
Please take off your shoes before you enter the temple.

• Some phrasal verbs can be separated.

Could you please turn the lights on?

Could you please turn on the lights?

• The following are some common phrasal verbs:

Ask for Eat out Warm up Get along with

Take out Get up Take off Pick up
Check in Hang up Call back Turn off
Give up Keep on Find out Hand in
Go out Break up Throw away Slow down
Grow up Set up Calm down Look forward to
Pass away Turn on Turn down Wake up
Plug in Come in Go back Sit down
Stand up Fill in Try on Come back
Get together Sign up Break down Blow up


My Colombia
Health and lifestyle colombia
Pre-reading activity.

1. Classify the following habits between healthy and unhealthy.

HEALTHY 1. Consume Vegetables. 6. Put on sunscreen.

2. Smoke cigarettes. 7. Sleep only two hours every day.
3. Floss every day. 8. Drink more than 10 units of alcohol every week.
4. Exercise. 9. Sit for a long time on the sofa.
5. Eat junk food. 10. Drink 8 glasses of water every day.

Health and lifestyle colombia


1. Read the following text.


My name is Dr. Suárez; I am a medical doctor and psychologist. I will be writing

a column in Health and Lifestyle Colombia. Let me start by looking at some of our
daily routines and eating habits around Colombia and there consequences.
Morning run?
Some people start there day by going for a run or going to the gym. This is a
wonderful way to start your day; the result is an increase in energy throughout the
day and in the long term better overall health.
What’s for Breakfast?
A typical breakfast on the Caribbean coast consists of coffee with milk, Cassava,
yam and meat. If you eat this every day and work in a sedentary job you will
become over weight, however if you work in a labor intensive job this breakfast
with some fruits would be perfect.
A typical Bogotano breakfast like tamal is also go for a day of hard labor but not
very good for someone in an office environment. This will make you over weight
and result in high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary disease.

Transmilenio or bicycle?
Which is better taking transmilenio or riding a bicycle to work? In most cities like
Bogota, Cali, Medellin and even small towns like Chia have bike paths. If you
travel to work via cycle the results will be evident in a few weeks. You will be
stronger, slimmer and have more energy. On the bus you get stressed and do
not get to burn as much energy, this results in an increased risk to many lifestyle

Health and lifestyle colombia

Post-reading activity.

1. Choose the best answer for each question.

• Dr. Suarez is a…

A psychiatrist.

Medical doctor and psychologist.

A journalist.

• She is writing a column about:

Food in Colombia.

Bike paths in Colombia.

Health and Lifestyle in Colombia.

• She will be based on…

Looking at some of our daily routines and eating habits around Colombia and there consequences.

Asking people on the street about their healthy and unhealthy habits.

Searching on the Internet about health problems in this century.

• What would be the result if a person decides to run every morning?

The result would be an increase of the possibilities of gaining more weight.

The result would be an increase in energy throughout the day and in the long term better overall health.

The result would be a broken bone.

• What’s would be a healthy breakfast?

Coffee with milk, Cassava, yam and meat.

A balanced breakfast with some fruits .

A typical Bogotano breakfast like tamal.

• If you are in an office environment and you have a heavy breakfast you are at risk of:

Being overweight and result in high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary disease.

Stay happy and full all day.

Being sick with stomachache and headache, but if you have a pill everything would be fine again.

Health and lifestyle colombia


1. Look at the following picture and choose the healthiest meals you can have for breakfast, lunch and
dinner according to the kind of job you have.


Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
There’s one extra word.

1. run be break crosses

play flies leave attract

A. If a black cat __________________ your path, you’ll have bad luck.

B. Something bad will probably happen if a black butterfly ___________________ into your house.
C. If you keep beans, lentils and other grains in your wallet, it’ll __________________ money.
D. Kids think that the Tooth Fairy will ____________________ some money if they put a tooth under their
E. You won’t have good luck for seven years if you_____________________ a mirror.
F. If a woman catches a bride’s flower bouquet, she’ll__________________ the next one to get married.
G. You’ll travel a lot if you___________________ all around your block with a suitcase on New Year’s Eve.

Read the sentences

Choose the correct phrasal verb.

1. • That blue dress over there would look great on you. Why don’t you try it on /
hang it up

•I went out / took out the other night and forgot to bring my phone.

That’s why I couldn’t pick it up / blow it up when you called me.

• My kids are really looking forward / getting along Christmas Day.

• To apply for a Frequent Customer Membership Card you have to plug in /

fill in a form online.

• Break down / Slow down ! It’s raining and the road is slippery. You could cause
an accident.

• Jane was born in the UK, but she grew up / woke up in Mexico.

Match the sentence halves to make common superstitions:

A. A rabbit’s foot Evil spirits and vampires.

B. Cross your fingers Inside a house.

C. Do not open an umbrella You’ll be rich.

D. Say God bless you Will bring you luck.

E. Garlic protects from When someone sneezes.

F. If a bird poops on you, Warm heart.

G. Cold hands, When you make a wish.


1. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to the questions.

I have always asked myself what it means to be autonomous. Autonomy is

about making your own choices and accepting the consequences of your acts.
In order to reach autonomy, you need to keep in mind a series of requirements.
The first one is choice: if I have different alternatives, I can show my autonomy
by choosing the alternative that suits my needs more directly. The second one
is prioritization: if I have choices, some of those choices can be both feasible
and convenient. In those cases, it is essential to be able to prioritize, that is, to
decide what I really need vs. what I really want. The last element of autonomy
is liability: If I have the right to choose, each right comes with an obligation
on my part. In the end, I know that the outcomes will be my responsibility, and
only mine. With these three elements in mind, you have to ask yourself how
autonomous you really are.

• The best title for this passage is: • The best synonym of liability is:

Autonomous learning Punishment.

Elements of autonomy Responsibility

When I was autonomous Your rights.

• The author defines autonomy as: • The purpose of this text is:

a series of requirements. only to inform

making choices and accepting outcomes. to inform and ask for reflection

to convince people.
Prioritizing your needs..

• Which is NOT a requirement for autonomy, according to the text?

Choice and priorities

Responsibility for your acts.


Listen to the following communicative situations and choose the correct answer:
Cd. Room Listening M1_004 / 08


A. Boy a new mobile. D. She is not sure.

Turn the volume down. She is sick.

Turn it off and then on. She is totally convinced.

B. It is good to try. E. The man is right.

The man will get water. The man is wrong.

It is dangerous to try. The man is corrected.

C. Water boiling temperature varies.

Water boils at 1000 everywhere.

Water boils at 90 degrees.


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