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Why Do Taiwanese Consumers Purchase Korean Beauty

Massoud Moslehpour Gabriella Christianti Pei-Kuan Lin*
Department of Business Department of Business Department of Business
Administration, Asia University, Administration, Asia University, Administration, Asia University,
Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan

Hania Aminah** Momodou Barry

Department of Business Department of Business
Administration, Asia University, Administration, Asia University,
Taiwan Taiwan, momod-*Corresponding
Author; ** Presenting Author

This research aims to explore and examine factors influencing Tai- Most people strive to be more attractive, confident and famous
wan consumers on repurchase intention of Korean beauty products. in their professional and social life. Everyone is more concerned
A causal study design is used in this research to establish a cause- about appearances, and there is a belief that a way to have better
and-effect relationship between each construct. Questionnaires appearances is by using beauty products [1]. According to the
were distributed to beauty product consumers in Taiwan. A total of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the US, beauty products
241 usable questionnaires are used for this study. Moreover, SEM are described as products that are intended to be rubbed, poured,
was applied for data analysis and testing the model. There is a sprinkled, sprayed or applied to the human body for purification,
cause-and-effect relationship between product design, promotion, beautification, beauty promotion or alteration of better appearance
product price, brand name and repurchase intention. Product price and attractiveness [2].
and brand name significantly influence customer repurchase inten- "Korean Wave" culture is a trending culture in Taiwan and in-
tion. This research suggests practical directions for companies to cludes K-drama, series, K-pop music, movies, fashion, and even
consider and address product design, promotion, product price, and beauty products, especially in young professional groups of people
brand name to achieve customer retention and customer repurchase who are the dominant population in Taiwan [3]. The cosmetics and
intention. beauty products industry itself is very lucrative, fast-paced, creative
in Taiwan’s marketplace. Korean beauty products are easy to find
CCS CONCEPTS anywhere in the department store and the night markets, a popular
• Social and professional; • User characteristics; • Cultural Taiwanese lifestyle [4]. Korean beauty products have been trending
characteristics; • Gender; • Women; in Taiwan, triggered by a huge number of K-pop or K-drama fans
who have repurchase intention on Korean beauty products.
According to the International Trade Administration (ITA), US
KEYWORDS Department of Commerce, South Korea’s beauty products are the
Korean Beauty Product, Repurchase Intention, Taiwan world’s 9th largest cosmetics market. South Korea’s beauty prod-
ucts represent approximately 2.8% of the global market. In 2018,
ACM Reference Format:
Massoud Moslehpour, Gabriella Christianti, Pei-Kuan Lin*, Hania Aminah**,
the market was estimated to be $9.3 billion. From the previous
and Momodou Barry. 2021. Why Do Taiwanese Consumers Purchase Korean year, local production and exports increased by nearly 14.7% and
Beauty Product?. In 2021 7th International Conference on E-Business and 26.5%, respectively. The beauty products market has seen an annual
Applications (ICEBA 2021), February 24, 2021, Sejong, Singapore. ACM, New growth of 5.4% from 2014 to 2018 [5]. According to Statistics Korea,
York, NY, USA, 7 pages. cosmetics online shopping transactions grew 25% year-on-year to
$10.5 billion in 2019 [6]. In March 2020, South Korea introduced the
world’s first individual customized skin condition and preference
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed system [6]. Based on the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR),
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation beauty products, especially skincare segmentation, the K-beauty
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the products market size was valued at $9.3 billion in 2018 and is pro-
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission jected to reach $21.8 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 11.3%
and/or a fee. Request permissions from from 2019 to 2026. Asia-Pacific is one of the prominent regions in
ICEBA 2021, February 24, 2021, Sejong, Singapore the market that solely accounted for approximately 70% of the total
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8973-0/21/02. . . $15.00 K-beauty products market share in 2018. Korean beauty products’

ICEBA 2021, February 24, 2021, Sejong, Singapore Massoud Moslehpour et al.

popularity benefits from K-Pop and K-drama’s popularity, which minds to differentiate products besides other brands [16]. The pro-
comes globally in society. Expanding its business, South Korea motion aims to make 16 people aware and attract them to buy the
would not stop experimenting with new ingredients or application product, and increase sales [16]. That is, promotion is very impor-
methods in beauty products through better research and develop- tant to the company’s marketing strategy [15]. Promotion can be
ment and innovations and technology appliance. Hence, innovation varied and unique. Promotion can be using magnetic advertise-
and technology play an important role in the competitive global ments, such as using a popular actor or actress as the model in the
market that always rises within a period [7]. Not only because of the advertisements or giving a lot of free samples to the potential cus-
Korean wave influence, but Korean beauty products also become tomer. By giving the free samples, they can try it before they decide
popular. The organization has dedicated itself to manufacturing to buy. Besides, the promotion also can be providing a discount
high-quality products without the use of toxic ingredients [7, 8]. It to the product. Another easiest way to do promotion is by having
has been a further concern for buyers of Korean beauty products in attractive window displays. It will attract consumers to come to
Taiwan because Taiwanese have a green culture for their lifestyle. our store [16].
Furthermore, the Korean beauty product industry is still grown
and boomed in Taiwan. Understanding which Korean beauty prod- 2.4 Product Price
ucts’ characteristics affect repurchase intention becomes essential.
Product price is what amount a customer is willing to pay in return
This research will explore the correlation among brand name, prod-
for the product [17]. Goods and services must be priced to achieve
uct price, product design, promotion, and repurchase intention profitability for the business, satisfy consumers, and respond to
regarding this phenomenon. Thus, this study contributes to bet- various competition constraints [17]. Among other key factors in
ter knowledge and evaluation for market sellers on consumers’ trade relationships, price is one of the methods advertisers may use
repurchase intentions of Korean beauty products in a more com- to confront the market, either by directly attracting and retaining
prehensive research model. consumers or competing against rivals and playing a key role in
affecting customer repurchase intention.
2.1 Korean Beauty Product 2.5 Brand Name
Beauty product has been existed for more than 6000 years ago The brand name is associated with the brand image [18]. The brand
[9, 10]. Nearly to the end of the First World War, when King Ed- name is a term, complex symbol, or design or the combination of
ward enthroned, women tried to appear as young as possible. They these that represent the seller’s identity [1, 16]. Brand image is
used various types of beauty products to achieve it [11]. Today, described as perceptions or consumers’ minds toward the brand
beauty products can help with hiding pores, smoothing complex- [18]. They related to each other, and both make viewpoints to the
ions, extending eyelashes, and many other features [12]. Korean consumers’ minds. The brand name is important and should be
beauty product industry has rapid explosive growth of 1500 percent. unique, memorable, attractive, and show the product’s identity [1].
In 2004, Korea exported its beauty products to 87 countries, but in Brand name or brand image plays an essential role in consumer
2014 Korean beauty products transferred 10 to 129 countries [13]. evaluation of a product. It is one of the most affecting factors to the
Because of Korean wave culture’s popularity, Korean beauty prod- perception of a product’s quality. When consumers face a brand
ucts have also been admitted to have an affordable price, various name with a positive or negative image in their mind, by referring
innovations, flawless results, and easy to get both in online and to the brand name, they relate positive or negative attitudes towards
offline facilities [14]. the quality of the product [18].

2.2 Product Design 2.6 Repurchase Intention

Design is an illustration look, which involves line, shape, and par- Repurchase intention is defined as the customer’s decision to engage
ticular, affecting consumer awareness toward a brand. Most of the in future activities with the supplier [19]. Repurchase intention
consumers who are fashion aware are also brand conscious. That is one of the major factors which makes a long-term profit for
is why brands make good looking or unique or elegant package to the company [20]. Consumers’ repurchase can help maintain the
magnetize those kinds of consumers [15]. Besides, product design continuity of sales. Repurchase intention is one of the important
should meet the customer expectation performance requirement factors in the company’s revenue. Therefore, this study will be
[16]. Design or packaging is effective in marketing products since examined about the factors which affect the repurchase intention.
most consumers are influenced by appearance and looks [17]. This
visual communication that is easiest to reach is by the design or 2.7 The interrelationships among Product
the packaging of the product and other aspects such as taste, tex- Design, Promotion, Product Price, Brand
ture, and smell. Thus, the product is very important in repurchase Name and Repurchase Intention
Product design is an important part that cannot be separated from
this century’s business [21]. If the design is already compatible
2.3 Promotion with the customer’s heart and the quality is good, plus the price
Promotion is a kind of communication technique, including activi- is fair, it would be potentially important to buy it again. There
ties used by the companies to create awareness among consumers’ is a significant positive influence on product design on product

Why Do Taiwanese Consumers Purchase Korean Beauty Product? ICEBA 2021, February 24, 2021, Sejong, Singapore

price [3, 21]. Product design has proven to be very substantial in relationship among develops. The framework of this research is
attaining product price of branding in the market place. Therefore, presented in Figure 1 below:
it is supposed that:
H1. Product Design significantly influences Product Price 3.2 Measurement and Scale
Promotions are necessary to educate customers about the avail- The items measurement are adopted from prior studies with modi-
ability of a product, raise public awareness of a brand’s marketing fication as needed. This section uses a 5-point Likert Scale, ranging
activities, promote brand feedback, and increase consumer loyalty from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Four (4) items are used to
[22, 30]. When promotion demonstrates significant expenditures, measure PD [3, 16]. Five (5) items are used to measure PR [3, 16].
there is a debate on its role to leverage the brand representing the Four (4) items are used to measure PP [17]. Four (4) items are
first touchpoint between a brand and its consumers, making its used to measure BN [1, 16]. Five (5) items are used to measure RI
selection a vital component of its marketing strategy [23]. Promo- [10, 19].
tions are valuable indications for cognitive product tests and buying
decisions based on the brand name [31]. Considering the pivotal
role of promotion and brand name, this research tries to explore
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
more the role of promotion, particularly on the brand name as one Respondents are from Taiwanese using Korean beauty products by
of the particular relationships in the research framework: using an online questionnaire. A total of 214 valid questionnaires
H2. Promotion significantly influences Product Price were collected. Analyzing the data collection for this study follows
Brand Name is linked and related to product design because the several statistical procedures using SPSS and AMOS to inspect each
customer can recognize the brand just by looking at the product construct’s validity and reliability and SEM (Structural Equation
design [21]. A well-known brand name synonymous with great Modelling) to verify the model’s fitness and test it.
product design provides competitive advantages in increasing the
interest, focus and positive appraisal of a product by customers and 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION
promotes frequent purchases [24]. Product design has proven to be 4.1 Construct Validity
very substantial in attaining product design of brand image in the
We identified the latent factors from measurement items through
market place. Therefore, it is supposed that:
EFA with principal component analysis and Varimax rotation. Also,
H3. Brand Name significantly influences Product Design
we conducted Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), and Barlett’s Test of
Consumer preference for a product is greatly influenced by the
Sphericity was conducted to check the validity and feasibility con-
brand name [19, 25]. The well-known brand name could increase
struct of the data collection. Eight items from the questionnaire
its premium prices considerably in comparison to the unbranded
(PD1, PR1, PR3, PP1, BN1, BN2, RI3 and RI4) showed lower factor
product. Branded products give higher perceived quality. In this
loading than 0.50. These eight items were deleted to achieve better
study, we examine the influence of brand name compared to other
overall data set value. The KMO showed a good result = 0.85 with
product attributes’ influences. Previous studies claim that brand
p-value = 0.00 and total variance extracted = 73.26%.
name has a significant positive influence on product price [26].
As evidenced by the CFA analysis results, the minimum criteria,
Therefore, it is supposed that:
according to the general statistical criteria, are reached. From the
H4. Brand Name significantly influences Product PriceCustomers’
results of the analysis conducted, the proposed model has a good
product price is often defined as a difference between the advan-
level of fit: X2 / df = 2.56, p-value = 0.00, Goodness of Fit Index
tages that customers can receive and the prices they will pay to
(GFI) = 0.91, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.95, Tucker-Lewis Index
buy those services or goods that customers will consider before
(TLI) = 0.93, and RMSEA = 0.08. Discriminant validity, convergent
they decide to repurchase the product [27,29] . Previous studies
validity, and composite reliability measures and the overall CFA
claimed that product price significantly influence on repurchase
model are good. The results are presented in Table 1
intention [34, 35]. This study examines the role of the product price
The results of the tests of discriminant validity, convergent va-
in repurchase intention. Therefore, it is supposed that:
lidity, and composite reliability with the value criteria for√ each
H5. Product Price significantly influences Repurchase Intention
Previous studies have found that brand name positively affects parameter as follows: CR> 0.7, AVE > 0.5, MSV < AVE, and AV E >
repurchase intention [18, 28]. Knowing and having familiarity with Max Correlation. The results indicate that all instruments’ validity
a specific brand affects consumers’ confidence toward that brand. and reliability and the overall CFA model are above the minimum
It, therefore, indirectly influence consumers’ intention to repeat required values.
the purchase of the same brand. Hence, it is supposed that:
H6. Brand Name significantly influences Repurchase Intention 4.2 Path Analysis Result
The results of the model fit indices of the proposed model in this
3 METHOD study are X2 / df = 2.86, p-value = 0.00, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)
= 0.90, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.85, Comparative
3.1 Research Design and Variables Fit Index (CFI) = 0.93, and Root Mean Square Error of Approxima-
In this research, the independent variables are product design (PD), tion (RMSEA) = 0.08. Each Goodness-of-Fit index value exceeds
promotion (PR), product price (PP) and brand name (BN) that in- the minimum criteria of acceptable values. The results of structural
fluence repurchase intention (RI). Moreover, a causal research con- equation modeling are presented in Fig.2 below. Based on the re-
figuration was received in this study to discover a cause-effect sults presented in Fig. 2 and Table 2, PD is proven to positively

ICEBA 2021, February 24, 2021, Sejong, Singapore Massoud Moslehpour et al.

Figure 1: Research framework

Table 1: Reliability, discriminant validity, convergent validity, and composite reliability (n=241)

Number Cronbach’s CR AVE MSV Max r PD. PR PP BN RI

of Items Alpha (α)
PD 3 0.86 0.857
0.667 0.521 0.722 0.817
PR 3 0.80 0.809
0.586 0.308 0.555 0.555 0.766
PP 3 0.92 0.922
0.797 0.521 0.722 0.722 0.386 0.893
BN 2 0.72 0.727
0.574 0.238 0.487 0.488 0.397 0.487 0.757
RI 3 0.85 0.860
0.677 0.326 0.571 0.503 0.236 0.571 0.452 0.823
√ √
Note: CR > 0.7; AVE > 0.5; MSV < AVE; AV E > Max r; AV E is boldface diagonal

Table 2: Result of hypothesis testing

Hypothesis Path β SE P-value Result

H1 PD→PP 0.63*** 0.10 0.000 Supported
H2 PR→BN 0.48*** 0.09 0.000 Supported
H3 BN→PD 0.57*** 0.09 0.000 Supported
H4 BN→PP 0.17* 0.09 0.037 Supported
H5 PP→RI 0.45*** 0.09 0.000 Supported
H6 BN→RI 0.25** 0.11 0.004 Supported
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, NS= Not Significant

affect PP with the value of β = 0.63*** (H1). PR affects BN (H2), influences the value of β = 0.25**. Moreover, the results of the
proven by the value of β = 0.48***, with p-value = 0.000. BN also analysis show that there are cause and effect relationships between
proved to affect PD (H3), as evidenced by the value of β = 0.57***, variables.
with p-value = 0.000. BN to PP (H4) shows the influence relation-
ship with the value of β = 0.17*, with p-value = 0.037. In addition, 4.3 Discussion
PP to RI (H5) shows the influence relationship with the value of The results reported in this study show that product design pos-
β = 0.45***, with p-value 0.000. BN’s path to RI (H6) positively itively affects consumer product price (β = 0.63***) supporting

Why Do Taiwanese Consumers Purchase Korean Beauty Product? ICEBA 2021, February 24, 2021, Sejong, Singapore

Figure 2: Result of structural modeling testing

previous research [3, 21]. So, it can be concluded that product de- The well-known brand name could increase considerably amount
sign has a great impact on the product price. As beauty products the price consumer want to pay than the unbranded product. There-
have appropriate, unique, stylish, fashionable, and comfortable de- fore, Korean beauty companies need to consider the brand name to
signs, they significantly affect the product price. By this finding, set the products’ product price.
the product manufacturer needs to pay attention to the aesthetic Product price significantly affects consumer repurchase inten-
product design. This is because product price depends on this term. tion [21, 27, 34] as justified in this research. This study shows that
The results indicate that promotion significantly influences it has positive significance between product price and repurchase
brand name (β =0.48***), supported by previous studies [31, 32]. We intention (β =0.45***). The product price is often defined as a dif-
conclude that marketing activities through promotion implemented ference between the advantages that customers can receive and
by an organization may influence the brand name of products. In the prices they will pay to buy those services or goods that cus-
other words, organizations may develop more effective promotional tomers will consider before they decide to repurchase the product.
strategies in marketing Korean beauty products to increase and Therefore, product price plays an important key role in consumer
reinforce consumers’ recognition of the brand name of products. behavior of repurchase intention.
With the great promotion, it will be easier for the organization to This study’s outcomes showed that brand name significantly
maintain strong connections between their beauty products and influences repurchase intention with the value of β =0.25**, which is
consumers. also in line with previous studies [18, 28]. It indicates that the brand
Brand name significantly affects product design with β =0.57*** name is also an essential variable for the consumer to repurchase
supported by former research [21, 24]. This indicates that the com- the same product in the beauty product industry. While the brand
pany’s brand name will be more positive if it offers a more attractive name is prestigious and highly reputable, aligned with the high
design. The main goal of companies doing product design is to have quality, people tend to buy the same product again. Beauty product
a good brand image [24]. The brand name is very important be- companies should consider the brand name as one of the important
cause it will become the concept of good product design. Therefore, points.
beauty products’ companies need to build a brand name through
In line with previous researchers [19, 25, 33], this study shows
This study suggested that marketers value the influences of product
that brand name significantly influences product price (β =0.17*).
design, promotion, product price, and brand name on intriguing
Brand names are an important key to building relationships be-
consumers’ repurchase intention. All of those characteristics are
tween customers and the company, especially product price [33].
important to engage with consumers to repurchase the products.

ICEBA 2021, February 24, 2021, Sejong, Singapore Massoud Moslehpour et al.

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