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Game Design Document

For Branden Wangen’s Personal Project

Game Overview
This passion project aims to create a hybrid between a MOBA (multiplayer online battle
arena) and an MMO(massively multiplayer online) for gameplay mechanics and
progression. I intend to create a successfully entertaining game using the following from
each genre of game:
● MOBA fast paced leveling system
● MOBA resource gathering methods
● MOBA objectives and goals
● MMO style combat to have multiple diverse skills to rank up.
● MMO inspired staggering mechanic to have each hit feel impactful.

Game Description

Game Elements
This game focuses on delving into the waters of combining two very unique game
genres into a single, fluid, and fun new way to play. This game will attempt to recreate
the magic of what MOBAS bring to the table with much more impactful player skills,
abilities, and playstyles. There are two games this project will take heavy inspiration
from and attempt to make a new game in between both worlds of their gameplay.
League Of Legends, and Mabinogi. The goal by taking inspiration from both of these
games is to make a MOBA like map and objectives but with a heavily unique combat
mechanic and players personal touch to each of their characters.

This game aims to have a single playable character that you can make a unique and
personalized through ranking up specific skills and customization on appearance, The
characters will by the end of it with each playthrough have a feeling of almost entirely
new playstyles with a vast selection of abilities to put in combination with one another.

Game Mechanics/Gameplay

The game will be a hybrid between a MOBA in terms of objectives, matches, items, and
maps and an MMO’s unique combat style, having staggering, unique abilities to choose
from, and unique characters for all.

● Create Player Movement
● Create Basic Attacks
● Create Stagger Mechanic
● Create Unique Abilities (preferably 4 for each skill tab)
● Create AI “minions” to get resources
● Create Objectives (Ex: Fortifications, Boss monsters, Main Objective)
● Create AI enemies to fight you with randomized skill sets.
● Create player customization with preset clothing options.

User Interface/Game Controls

This game intends to use simple UI like a MOBA but have controls similar to that of an
MMO (but lacking the overwhelming abilities). The game will have the following controls:

Movement/Target Entity - Left Click (/WSAD?)

Camera Rotate - Right Click drag
Camera Zoom - Mouse wheel scrolling
Skill usage - 1,2,3,4 on keyboard

● Create UI to display skills, and their cooldown timers.
● Create UI to display player Health/Mana.
● Create a Camera that follows the player and can rotate/zoom.
● Create UI to display player stats.
● Create UI that allows skills to be swapped out between matches. (maximum of 4
skills at one time, have skills limited to specific spots (example: skill key “3” has
mobility options only and skill key “2” has heavy attacks only.)
● Create a shop with a UI to allow players to purchase items which affect stats, and
specific skill key bonuses.

Level/environment design
● Create a MOBA style map for basic testing
● Create an official playtest map to make a non-sandbox world to play in.


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