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Shilpa Patel MBBS FRCA

Nicholas Hirsch FRCA FRCP FFICM Matrix reference 2A04,
2C01, 2F01, 2F03, 3F00

Key points The differential diagnosis of coma is wide, and formation. Content, and therefore awareness of
accurate and rapid diagnosis of the cause is es- self and environment and thus conscious behav-
Consciousness is an active
sential for optimal management. This article iour, is dependent on the integrity of both cere-
process requiring intact
cerebral hemispheres and a outlines the physiological and pathological basis bral hemispheres and their subcortical con-
functioning ascending of coma and details a structured approach to in- nections. Any lesion which interferes with full
reticular activating system vestigation and treatment. cognitive function diminishes the content of con-
(ARAS). Consciousness is defined as a state of aware- sciousness and renders the patient less than fully
Coma is a state of ness of self and the environment, which allows conscious.3
unarousable responsiveness to external stimulation and inner It therefore follows that coma is due to either
unresponsiveness, and it is need.1 – 3 In contrast, coma is defined as ‘unarou- structural or metabolic damage of the brainstem
due to bilateral hemispheric sable unresponsiveness’ or ‘the absence of any ARAS or bilateral cerebral cortical damage. In
damage, brainstem psychologically understandable response to ex- general, unilateral hemispheric damage (e.g.
dysfunction that disrupts the ternal stimulus or inner need’.4 Between full after a cerebrovascular accident) does not alter
ARAS, or both. consciousness and coma, there exists a spectrum consciousness.
The investigation of coma of altered consciousness and although terms
requires careful and such as ‘obtundation’ and ‘delirium’ refer to
structured general medical specific intermediate states, considerable overlap Neuropharmacology
and neurological exists (Table 1). of consciousness
examination; the findings It is important to recognize that conditions The acetylcholine and monoamine oxidase
dictate subsequent such as the Locked-in syndrome and Guillain– systems are thought to mediate arousal, cogni-
Barré syndrome may mimic coma in that the tion, stupor, and coma.3 Cholinergic drugs such
The prognosis of coma is patient may be unable to move or communicate, as atropine, which cross the blood brain barrier,
variable, ranging from full but their conscious level is not impaired produce behavioural arousal and electroencepha-
recovery to minimally (Table 2). lographic (EEG) activation in coma. The central
responsive or vegetative
states. Prognostic features monoamine oxidase system, involving serotonin
include the aetiology, Anatomical basis of and norepinephrine neurotransmission, is also an
duration, and depth of coma. consciousness and coma important component of the brainstem reticular
activating system.
Consciousness depends on two fundamental
components: arousal (alertness) and content.
The latter consists of those higher cognitive Classification of coma
Shilpa Patel MBBS FRCA functions that allow awareness of self and the en-
Coma may be caused by a large number of
Anaesthetic Specialty Trainee 7 vironment, and expression related to sensation,
The National Hospital for Neurology and neurological or general medical diseases, and a
emotion, memory, and thought. Arousal requires
Neurosurgery simple scheme is helpful in determining the aeti-
Queen Square a functioning reticular formation, a physiologic-
ology. The most effective of these is to identify
London WC1N 3BG al structure that extends from the caudal medulla
UK the following features on initial examination of
to the rostral midbrain.3 Fibres from the reticular
the patient:
Nicholas Hirsch FRCA FRCP FFICM formation ascend to the thalamus and project to
Consultant Neuroanaesthetist various non-specific thalamic nuclei. From these (i) the presence of lateralizing signs;
The National Hospital for Neurology and nuclei, there is a diffuse distribution of connec- (ii) the presence of meningism;
Queen Square tions to all parts of the cerebral cortex.1 The re- (iii) the pattern of brainstem reflexes.
London WC1N 3BG ticular system and its interconnections are
Having determined which of the features are
known as the ascending reticular activating
Tel: þ44 0203 448 4711 present, one can classify comatose patients into
Fax: þ44 0203 448 4734 system (ARAS; Fig. 1).
one of the following four groups:
E-mail: The cerebral cortex receives impulses from
(for correspondence) the ARAS and modulates the incoming informa- (i) Coma with intact brainstem function, no
tion via corticofugal projections to the reticular meningism, and no lateralizing signs.
doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkt061 Advance Access publication 19 November, 2013
220 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 14 Number 5 2014
& The Author [2013]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

Table 1 Definitions of the spectrum of states of altered consciousness (ii) Coma with intact brainstem function and lateralizing signs.
Clouding of consciousness: a state of reduced wakefulness or awareness, characterized (iii) Coma with meningism (with or without intact brainstem func-
by impaired attention and memory. The patient is easily distracted and sometimes tion and lateralizing signs).
hyperexcitable, startled by stimuli2,3,5 (iv) Coma with signs of focal brainstem dysfunction.
Acute confusional state: impairment of consciousness in which stimuli are
intermittently misinterpreted. Patients are drowsy, disorientated in time and
occasionally place and person, and have poor short-term memory5 Assigning the patient to one of these groups allows better definition
Delirium: acutely developing impairment of consciousness, attention, disordered
thinking—fear, disorientation, visual hallucinations, delusions, and misperception of
of the possible diagnosis (Table 3–6).
sensory stimuli. This can be interspersed with lucid intervals. It is commonly because Despite the myriad causes of coma, in most cases, there is an
of metabolic, toxic, or endocrine derangements and is very common in hospitalized obvious medical cause. In patients admitted to an Emergency
patients. It follows a fluctuating course and rarely lasts for more than a week
Obtundation: mental blunting with apathy and inactivity. The patient is drowsy with
Department in coma of longer than 6 h duration, 40% will be caused
reduced alertness, has a decreased interest in the environment, and responds slowly to by drug ingestion with or without alcohol, 25% because of
stimulation2,3 hypoxic–ischaemic injury secondary to cardiac arrest, 20% because
Stupor: a condition similar to deep sleep or unresponsiveness, where the patient can be
aroused by episodes of repeated, vigorous stimuli. As the stimulation decreases, the
of a cerebrovascular accident, and the remainder because of other
patient lapses back into a state of decreased responsiveness. Even when aroused, medical causes.5,6
communication is by monosyllabic sounds and simple behaviour5

Table 3 Classification of coma. Coma with intact brainstem function, no meningism,

and no lateralizing signs

Table 2 Disorders mimicking coma Alcohol

Drugs and toxins: sedatives, anaesthetic agents, opioids, amphetamines, barbiturates,
Guillain –Barré syndrome: an acute peripheral neuropathy, which follows an acute salicylates, organophosphorus poisoning, carbon monoxide, methanol, lead, cyanide,
infective episode such as an upper respiratory tract infection or gastroenteritis. The thallium
classical presentation is an ascending distal and proximal weakness accompanied by Seizure: convulsive and non-convulsive status epilepticus, post-ictal states
sensory disturbance. Patients can experience rapidly declining forced vital capacity, Hypoxic: ischaemic encephalopathy
bulbar dysfunction, and autonomic instability6 Endocrine: hypo and hyperthyroidism, Addison’s disease, hypopituitarism, diabetic
Locked-in syndrome: these patients are awake and conscious with preserved cognition, ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
but have no means of producing limb, speech, or facial movements because of loss of Metabolic: hypo and hyperglycaemia, sepsis, electrolyte disturbance—hypo and
motor function. It is characterized by aphonia, quadriplegia, and vertical or lateral hypernatraemia, hypercalcaemia, hepatic failure, encephalopathy, renal failure
eye movements or blinking of the upper eyelid. Patients are still able to breathe, but Respiratory: hypoxaemia, hypercarbia
they have limited ability to express themselves. It is associated with acute injury to Temperature disturbances: hypothermia, hyperthermia, malignant hyperpyrexia
the ventral pons which occurs in basilar artery occlusion, just below the level of the Psychiatric: catatonia, non-epileptic seizures, malingering
third nerve nuclei, disrupting corticospinal, corticobulbar, and corticopontine tracts. Other: porphyria, Reye’s syndrome, mitochondrial disease, inborn errors of
Rostral lesions produce a total locked-in syndrome in which eye movements are lost, metabolism. NMDA-receptor antibody encephalitis
prohibiting all communication—common causes of this are pontine infarcts,
haemorrhage, and trauma. Functional recovery is possible, and these patients require
an aggressive rehabilitation programme as early as possible
Botulism: a clinical syndrome caused by neurotoxins produced by the anaerobic Table 4 Classification of coma. Coma with intact brainstem function, no meningism,
Gram-positive organism Clostridium botulinum. Clinical features include nausea, and no lateralizing signs
vomiting, and abdominal pain with autonomic dysfunction followed by a descending
flaccid paralysis. Bulbar and respiratory failure may occur rapidly, often requiring Vascular: infarction (ischaemic, thromboembolic, or hypoperfusion), haemorrhage
intubation and mechanical ventilation7 (epidural, subdural, subarachnoid, and intracerebral), vasculitis, venous thrombosis,
hypertensive encephalopathy, eclampsia, endocarditis
Traumatic brain injury
Infection: brain abscess, subdural empyema, Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease, malaria, HIV
disease, endocarditis
Cerebral neoplasm

Table 5 Classification of coma. Coma with meningism (with or without intact

brainstem function and lateralizing signs)

Infection: meningitis, encephalitis, malaria, HIV disease

Vascular: subarachnoid haemorrhage
Coma with signs of focal brainstem dysfunction
Herniation syndromes
Intrinsic brainstem dysfunction
Vascular: vertebrobasilar occlusion, dissection, haemorrhage, arteriovenous
Mass lesions: posterior fossa tumours, abscesses, tuberculosis
Traumatic brain injury
Advanced metabolic/toxic encephalopathy
Others: central pontine myelinolysis, multiple sclerosis, brainstem encephalitis,
Fig 1 Ascending reticular formation pathways.

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 14 Number 5 2014 221

Table 6 Classification of coma. Coma with signs of focal brainstem Table 8 Medical examination
Breath: alcohol, ketones, hepatic, or renal fetor
Herniation syndromes Mucous membranes: cyanosis, anaemia, jaundice, carbon monoxide poisoning
Intrinsic brainstem dysfunction Skin: meningococcal rash, purpura/petechiae of coagulopathy, Battle’s sign or raccoon
Vascular: vertebrobasilar occlusion, dissection, haemorrhage, arteriovenous eyes of basal skull fracture, splinter haemorrhages of infective endocarditis, needle
malformation track marks of i.v. drug use, spider naevi of alcoholism, hyperpigmentation of
Mass lesions: posterior fossa tumours, abscesses, tuberculosis. Addison’s disease, or Kaposi sarcoma
Traumatic brain injury Temperature: hypo- or hyperthermia because of environmental, metabolic, endocrine or
Advanced metabolic/ toxic encephalopathy drugs, toxins, sepsis, malignant hyperpyrexia, neurogenic because of subarachnoid
Others: central pontine myelinolysis, multiple sclerosis, brainstem encephalitis, haemorrhage or hypothalamic lesions
leukoencephalopathy Cardiovascular system: dysrhythmias (bradycardia and hypertension may be a sign of
impending cerebral herniation), hypertension (subarachnoid haemorrhage,
hypertensive encephalopathy, increased intracranial pressure) and valvular disease
suggestive of endocarditis
Table 7 Immediate management and assessment of the comatose patient Fundoscopy: retinopathy (diabetes and hypertension), subhyaloid haemorrhage
(subarachnoid haemorrhage), papilloedema indicating raised intracranial pressure or
Resuscitation and emergency treatment including specific treatment (e.g. naloxone, hypercarbia
flumazenil) Meningism: meningitis or encephalitis
General medical history and examination
Assess level of consciousness
Glasgow Coma Score
FOUR score such as naloxone or flumazenil. If infection is suspected, blood cul-
Assess brainstem reflexes and activity tures should be taken and i.v. antibacterial or antiviral agents com-
Pupillary and eye movements
Corneal reflexes
Bulbar function
Respiratory patterns
Motor function General medical history and examination
Limb movements
Posturing (e.g. decerebrate/decorticate) After resuscitation, a full collateral history should be taken regarding
Muscle tone
Tendon reflexes and plantar responses length and history of current illnesses, including history of cerebral
neoplasm, sepsis, trauma, potential precipitating factors such as
illicit drug and alcohol use, psychiatric history, and possibility of
overdose of any medication. Drug history, family history, and past
Immediate management and assessment
medical history of epilepsy, endocrine disorders such as diabetes
of the patient with impaired consciousness
and thyroid dysfunction or metabolic disorders, or unusual behav-
This is outlined in Table 7. iour before illness indicating meningitis, encephalitis, or brain
abscess should be ascertained. In the case of cardiac arrest, history
of events leading up to the event, bystander cardiopulmonary resus-
Resuscitation and immediate management citation, and estimated downtime should be established if possible.
A detailed medical examination follows, looking especially for
Although early diagnosis of the underlying cause of coma is essen-
clinical signs pointing to a cause of the coma (Table 8).
tial, it is vital to perform rapid and effective resuscitation to prevent
secondary cerebral damage. Tracheal intubation should be carried
out if the level of consciousness is low [Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Assess level of consciousness
,8], oxygenation is inadequate, or airway protection is poor. If
trauma is suspected, the cervical spine should be immobilized The level of consciousness should be carefully assessed using the
during intubation. After intubation, arterial oxygen and carbon GCS, which has proved to be a valuable and reproducible scale.
dioxide tensions should be kept within normal levels. Arterial blood However, full assessment cannot be carried out when the patient is
pressure should be maintained at appropriate levels to ensure normal intubated and for this reason, the FOUR (Full Outline of
cerebral perfusion pressure using i.v. fluids and vasopressors/ino- Responsiveness) score, which replaces the verbal scoring of the
tropes as necessary. GCS with observation of brainstem reflexes, is becoming more com-
During resuscitation, estimation of serum electrolytes and monly used (Table 9).
glucose, full blood count, and liver and thyroid function should be
performed. Urine should be sent for toxicology screening. If hypo-
Assess brainstem reflexes and activity
glycaemia is present, 25 ml of 50% glucose should be given imme-
diately together with thiamine if alcoholism is suspected. The latter Careful assessment of pupillary, corneal, oculovestibular, cough,
will prevent the precipitation of Wernicke’s encephalopathy. and gag reflexes, together with resting eye position, spontaneous eye
If drug overdose is suspected, the appropriate management movements, and respiratory patterns, provides detailed information
should be carried out, including administration of specific antidotes about the function of the various component areas of the brainstem.

222 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 14 Number 5 2014

Table 9 The FOUR score Table 10 Spectrum of states of recovery

Eye response 4 Eyelids open, tracking, or blinking to command Minimally aware/conscious state: a state of severely altered consciousness where
3 Eyelids open but not tracking patients demonstrate wakefulness and cyclic arousal, and intermittently demonstrate
2 Eyelids closed but open to a loud voice evidence of self or the environment. This must be reproducible by evidence of
1 Eyelids remain closed with pain following simple commands, gestural, or verbal yes/no responses or intelligible
Motor response 4 Thumbs-up, fist, or peace sign verbalization or purposeful behaviour. Such patients are, therefore, by definition, not
3 Localizing to pain in a coma, and may eventually recover some ability to communicate reliably or use
2 Flexion response to pain objects functionally6
1 No response to pain or myoclonic status Vegetative state: patients are awake (preserved arousal) but unaware of themselves or
Brainstem reflexes 4 Pupil and corneal reflexes present the environment, and thus, show a lack of cognitive function. Patients open their eyes
3 One pupil wide and fixed spontaneously to verbal stimuli, but there is no evidence of visual pursuit, and do not
2 Pupil or corneal reflexes absent move in a meaningful or purposeful manner. There are no reproducible purposeful or
1 Absent pupil, corneal, and cough reflex behavioural responses to visual, tactile, auditory, or noxious stimuli. Cardiovascular
Respiration 4 Not intubated, regular breathing pattern regulatory function, breathing patterns, and nerves are usually intact. The sleep –
3 Not intubation, Cheyne – Stokes respiration wake cycle, hypothalamic, and brainstem autonomic responses are all intact. There is
2 Not intubated, irregular breathing pattern bladder and bowel incontinence, but cranial nerve, spinal, and primitive reflexes are
1 Breaths above ventilator rate intact. The vegetative state is because of widespread diffuse lesions on the grey and
0 Breaths at ventilator rate or apnoea white matter, resulting in damage to bilateral cerebral hemispheres with sparing of
the brainstem5
Persistent vegetative state: vegetative state persisting over 1 month after the initial
cerebral insult. It does not imply irreversibility
Similarly, body postures, limb movement and tone, and tendon
reflexes will allow further localization of pathology.
often with multiple co-morbidities faring worse. Myoclonic status
Subsequent management epilepticus after resuscitation carries a very poor prognosis.
Secondary insults, such as increased intracranial pressure and
After the pathway set out in Table 7, it should now be possible to
low cerebral perfusion pressure, are associated with an increase in
assign the patient to one of the groups detailed in Tables 3–6, and
severe disability and higher mortality. In non-traumatic coma,
this will direct the most appropriate investigations and subsequent
absent brainstem reflexes and motor responses at 24 h indicate a
treatment. However, the majority of patients in coma will require
poor prognosis, but the combination of GCS at 48 h, presence or
urgent computerized tomography (CT), which will detect most
absence of somatosensory evoked potentials, and EEG findings
lesions associated with acute-onset coma. Magnetic resonance
permits a more reliable prediction of outcome.3,6
imaging is superior in detecting early ischaemic stroke and cerebral
venous sinus thrombosis, but is difficult to perform in medically un-
stable patients. If central nervous system infection is suspected, a Declaration of interest
lumbar puncture ( preceded by CT scanning) is the investigation of None declared.
choice. EEG examination is indicated if the coma is thought to be
the result of epilepsy.
1. Young GB. Coma. Ann NY Acad Sci 2009; 1157: 32– 47
2. Howard R, Hirsch N, Kitchen N, Kullman D, Walker M. Disorders of con-
Most of the patients who survive the initial insult recover from coma sciousness, intensive care neurology and sleep. In: Clarke C, Howard R,
Rossor M, Shorvon S, eds. Neurology, a Queen Square Text Book. Oxford:
within 2–4 weeks,3 although the extent of the recovery is variable,
Wiley-Blackwell, 2009; 723– 53
ranging from full recovery to a minimally conscious or vegetative
3. Posner JB, Saper CB, Schiff N, Plum F. Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor
state (Table 10). The extent of recovery is multifactorial and deter- and Coma. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007
mined by the aetiology, depth of coma at presentation, duration of 4. Medical Research Council; Brain Injuries Committee. A Glossary of
coma, and other factors. The prognosis of coma is largely determined Psychological Terms Commonly Used in Cases of Head Injury. MRC War
by its underlying aetiology. Toxic/metabolic causes carry a better Memorandum No. 4. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1941
prognosis than coma of structural origin. The prognosis of traumatic 5. Howard RS, Hirsch NP. Coma, vegetative state and locked in syndrome. In:
coma is better than that of non-traumatic coma. Coma caused by Miller DH, Raps E, eds. Critical Care Neurology. Boston: Butterworth
Heinemann, 1999; 91–120
structural cerebral disease carries the worst prognosis with only 7% of
6. Hirsch N, Howard R. Assessment and management of coma. In: Matta BF,
patients achieving moderate or good recovery.3,6 The depth of coma
Menon DK, Smith M, eds. Core Topics in Neuroanaesthesia and Neurointensive
at presentation also affects prognosis; those who have a higher GCS at Care. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011; 488–97
presentation, maintain normal brainstem reflexes throughout resusci- 7. Stevens RD, Bhardwaj A. Approach to the comatose patient. Crit Care Med
tation, and who have early recovery of speech have the best outcome. 2006; 34: 31– 41
Survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation is strongly correlated
with the duration of coma. There is also a correlation between age at
cardiac arrest and outcome—the younger doing better and the older, Please see multiple choice questions 17–20.

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 14 Number 5 2014 223

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