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Orientation for the

“Global Talent Development Program”

of Asahi Soft Drink(ASD)

April 9th, 2022


1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS?

2. What kind of company Asahi Soft Drink(ASD) is?
3. What‘s the objective of the ASD’s global talent development program?
4. What we would like to ask you to do in the program
A) Project Work ~Creating a marketing plan of ASD’s brand in Vietnam~
B) Supporting interviews with the Vietnamese consumers
C) Joining team discussions with Japanese participants
D) Attending the final presentation
E) Evaluation of your team members
5. Who are the participants?

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1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS?

Please feel free to contact me via or

Yuki Tadokoro (Taddy)

MBA, Waseda Business School, Japan
Bachelor in Political Science, Keio University, Japan
• Started career in P&G Japan and then spending more than10 years
in Human Resource Development consulting field
• Working as a Global Talent Development consultant at GLOBIS

My relationship with Vietnam

I visited Ho Chi Min City and Ving Ha Long in 2008.
My parents used to host a Vietnamese student in 90’s.
Thus, I’m delighted to have a chance to work with
people in Vietnam in my projects at work!

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1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS? ~History of GLOBIS~

Established as a startup in 1992,

GLOBIS has grown to be Japan’s Leading Business School.

1,126 students
enrolled at GLOBIS in 2021

7,000+ students
enrolled since 2006

3,400 Corporate Clients


1,600 annually
* Includes face-to-face/online training, assessments, school dispatch
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1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS?
~Our path # of newly enrolled students (JP MBA program)~

GLOBIS has now more than 40% share of the MBA school market in Japan with its
campus in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, Sendai, Mito, Yokohama and Online program.

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1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS? ~Our Mission~

Our mission is to pave the way for change and innovation

by connecting three core pillars: People, Capital, and Knowledge.

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All rights reserved.
1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS? ~Business Overview~

Japanese and English MBA programs available as degree/Online programs.
Non-degree program for business professionals. Over 100,000 students have enrolled.
Developing future Non-degree program for next-generation leaders
business leaders ◼ GLOBIS DIGITAL PLATFORM
GLOBIS Manabihodai (Flat-rate video learning service)
Corporate Training/ Online Training / Assessment (Japanese)


Providing venture Since our establishment in 1996, we have invested approximately 66 billion yen in
funding with hands-on funds in 150 companies.


We have released over 100 publications in total, with almost 3 million copies sold.
management expertise
We offer educational content for leaders through our website.

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© GLOBIS All rights
All rights reserved.
1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS? ~Corporate Education~

We offer corporate education services to mainly major corporations in

Japan such as Honda, Toyota and Aeon etc.

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1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS?

2. What kind of company Asahi Soft Drink(ASD) is?
3. What‘s the objective of the ASD’s global talent development program?
4. What we would like to ask you to do in the program
A) Project Work ~Creating a marketing plan of ASD’s brand in Vietnam~
B) Supporting interviews with the Vietnamese consumers
C) Joining team discussions with Japanese participants
D) Attending the final presentation
E) Evaluation of your team members
5. Who are the participants?

-9- © GLOBIS All rights reserved.

What’s “Asahi Group” like?

➢ 2 trillion-yen(360 trillion-dong) size of company in terms of revenue

➢ No.1 beer manufacturing company in Japan
➢ They produce and sell alcohol drinks, soft drinks, foods, infant foods etc.

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About “Asahi Soft Drink”(ASD)
➢ A subsidiary of Asahi Group Holdings which only produces and sells soft drinks
➢ No.3 Soft Drinks Manufacturing company in Japan after Coca-Cola and Suntory
➢ Holds 3,300 employees
➢ Earns about 54-trillion dong revenue/5.4-billion dong operating income per year
➢ Has famous brands such as Mitsuya, Calpico, Wilkinson, Jyu-Roku Tea, Wonda
➢ They also sell “Monster” and “Welch’s” which come from the U.S. in Japan as a

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Current overseas sites of ASD

Calpis Beverage USA
-Import & Sales only-

-Manufacturing, Import & Sales-

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1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS?

2. What kind of company Asahi Soft Drink(ASD) is?
3. What‘s the objective of the ASD’s global talent development program?
4. What we would like to ask you to do in the program
A) Project Work ~Creating a marketing plan of ASD’s brand in Vietnam~
B) Supporting interviews with the Vietnamese consumers
C) Joining team discussions with Japanese participants
D) Attending the final presentation
E) Evaluation of your team members
5. Who are the participants?

-13- © GLOBIS All rights reserved.

What’s their issue? And what’s the objective?

➢ More than 99% of their business come from its domestic(Japanese) market
although its parent company are gaining its 40% of revenue throughout its
overseas market.
➢ In addition, food & beverage business rely on the population of region &
countries they operate but the population in Japan has been started decreasing.

➢ Need to enhance the weight of ASD’s overseas business in order to align the
strategy of its parent company!

➢ In order to implement its business globalization, ASD need to increase the

number of global talents who can or will lead the business outside of Japan.

➢ Thus, ASD has decided to start a new talent development program called
“Global Talent Development Program” from 2022 to accelerate their
globalization .

1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS?

2. What kind of company Asahi Soft Drink(ASD) is?
3. What‘s the objective of the ASD’s global talent development program?
4. What we would like to ask you to do in the program
A) Project Work ~Creating a marketing plan of ASD’s brand in Vietnam~
B) Supporting interviews with the Vietnamese consumers
C) Joining team discussions with Japanese participants
D) Attending the final presentation
E) Evaluation of your team members
5. Who are the participants?

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A) Project Work

“Create a marketing plan for Brand X in Vietnam with your buddies

based on the insights gained from your fieldwork"

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B) Interviewing Vietnamese Consumers

• ASD participants will break up into 8 teams of 2 people.

• Each team will conduct 3 online interviews (45min each) with consumers in
Vietnam via Zoom in the afternoon of Apr 27th .
• The grand design of interview will be prepared by ASD participants, and they will
lead the interviews but please help them out in cases interpretation is needed.

-17- © GLOBIS All rights reserved.

C) Joining team discussions with Japanese participants

As ASD participants will work on their preparation of their marketing plan, they may
ask you to give them feedback on their work and join several online meetings for
team discussions. Please kindly respond to those requests in order to polish the
quality of their marketing plan as much as possible.

Apr 27th & 28th June 15th

May~ Early June
Interviewing Final Presentation
Preparation by each
Deciding the target (About 20 min per
customer team including Q&A)

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D) Attending the final presentation

• In the afternoon of June 15th, the ASD participants will gather at their head quarter
in Tokyo and will present their marketing plan in English to their senior
management team. (The presentations will likely begin at 11am in Vietnamese time
and finish at 3pm. )
• As a team member who contributed to create a marketing plan of ASD’s brands in
Vietnam, please kindly attend the final presentation session via Zoom and provide
your comment and feedback to the presenter. We firstly ask ASD’s senior
management team to give presenter a comment then we would like to ask you to
give us thoughts on the plan if there is any time left.

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E) Evaluation of your team members

• The HR division of ASD is willing to hear your impression of the ASD participants you will be
working together as one of the sources to evaluate the performance of talents in
international business settings.
• Once the final presentation is finished, please let GLOBIS know whether your two team
members were showing expected behaviors throughout the project work. In addition, please
provide your qualitative comment for each participant in regard to its strength and points of
improvement if they will be working as an expat outside of Japan.

Does the survey respondent explain the purpose and significance (why)of doing each task?
Does the survey respondent indicate the goals the team wants to achieve (by when, what)?
①Showing Initiative Is the survey respondent making decisions on their own?
Proactively leading discussions and driving the project forward Is the survey respondent doing what he/she set out to do?
Is the survey respondent assertive and not afraid to speak up?
Is the survey respondent working on the project with a sense of ownership and not blaming others?
Does the survey respondent making a plan to achieve the team's goals and share it with other members?
Does the survey respondent formulate specific arrangements to achieve the goal by the deadline?
Do you want to work with the survey ②Members Engagement Does the survey respondent define the roles and responsibilities of each member?
respondent? Involvement and utilization of local partners Does the survey respondent provide appropriate feedback to members on the tasks they have worked on?
Does the survey repondent listen to and accept the opinions of other members?
Does the survey respondent show appreciation for the members' efforts?
Is the survey respondent respectful of cultural differences?
Is the message of survery respondent always clear?

③Cross Cultural Communication Does the survey respondent return to the purpose of the discussion when he/she speak?
Ability to communicate smoothly with people from other cultures Does the survey respondent have a clear understanding of what the other person is saying?
Does the survey respondent explaining his/her conclusions first?
Is the survey respondent clear on his/her stance of Yes or No?

-20- © GLOBIS All rights reserved.


1. Who am I? Who is GLOBIS?

2. What kind of company Asahi Soft Drink(ASD) is?
3. What‘s the objective of the ASD’s global talent development program?
4. What we would like to ask you to do in the program
A) Project Work ~Creating a marketing plan of ASD’s brand in Vietnam~
B) Supporting interviews with the Vietnamese consumers
C) Joining team discussions with Japanese participants
D) Attending the final presentation
E) Evaluation of your team members
5. Who are the participants?

-21- © GLOBIS All rights reserved.

Participants Charcteristics

• # of participants: 16 people

• Nationality: All Japanese

• Age: Early 20’s to Early 40’s

• Gender: 13 Male and 3 Female

• English fluency: Various but not so high in average

Some people are around 5.0~6.0 on IELTS but some have less than 4.0

• Positions: Various, from new hire to the marketing group leader

• Profession: Mostly sales, some work on marketing and PR, product

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