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Plan of investigation

My groups topic is poverty however the topic I choose is generational poverty ,I choose this topic
because it is a common problem in todays society and it is becoming a cycle. I would like to know how to
stop genarational poverty and because it is very interesting to learn about and I want to learn more
about it. Doing this SBA will benefit me as a student because it will widen my vocabulary and help with
my researching and reasoning skills. This will also help me to analyze things better And also help to
improve my comprehension skills. For my SBA I will collect the necessary information from chrome and
from Youtube vidoes .

The first piece I used was a picture. It tells us about how generational poverty isn’t a choice
because you are born in it. I learned that children usually dropout of school to support their
family and don’t get to finish their education. I learned
The second piece I used was an article. I learned that because the parents are poor the children
automatically become poor, also that it is like genetics passed down and tend to be stucked until
someone breaks it and it is education that can break it.
The final piece is a YouTube video it is similar to the article. It opened my eyes more about the
topic telling us that parents decisions impact on their children. it harder for parents to take care of
more than two children when they are the cycle continues.

Reflection 2

Generational poverty
Generational poverty goes on and on, passed down like genetics
The sad thing about it is that your born in it so it ain’t your fault.
Like a thief in the night it steals your joy of really enjoying life to the fullest.
Your stomach cries for food and you can’t afford to buy any.
The biggest hero that can save you from generational poverty is education.
Even with poverty education is the key, you can get Scholarships.
So you don’t have to spend any money to continue your studies.
Buy again generational poverty can take that away.

Sometimes the older sibling have to look for a work to support there family.
.Generational poverty is really a sad thing. Sometimes they can’t work and shook
Because it brings a lot of stress, and they may not get to study much
You have a strong mentality that.Coming from a poor family doesn’t mean you have to be
poor for the rest of your life. Be the shining star and over power generational poverty
You can learn a skill so you can get a job.
We need to stop poverty from stealing our lives.
We need to take action and take it now.
Say to poverty,We will win the war!

Daviella Williams
Demarni Williams
Mashonda Spencer

Our Written Report

We suggested these pieces because poverty is spreading all over the world, people are struggling
to provide stuff for their families. We decided that it would be easier to get more and faster
information from videos, pictures and poems, that’s how we decided on the pieces. The different
aspects/subtopics the group did was generation poverty, urban poverty & relative poverty.
We choose these pieces because it gets out information faster and clearer. It gives life lessons; it
teaches us more about our topic. The information was very helpful, we learned . Some people are
living in terrible conditions; the government don’t seem to be trying to do anything about it. The
intention of each piece is to provide us with valuable information about our topics.
We are doing ok as a group, even though we have our differences we still come together and get
our work done. The poem about poverty from Nicki faith expresses that certain people are living
in constant poverty. Mothers and fathers wondering what their family is gonna eat, where they
are gonna sleep. If we all work together universal we can make poverty eradicate An a article
Richard Yue Chim Wong about how they 600 million people in the Third World out of dire
poverty. We have learned two things from the past half-century of policy effort to alleviate
poverty. It is awfully difficult to make progress on relative poverty in the rich countries. A article Tells our about how generational poverty is like
genetics. It is
passed down and it goes on and on like a cycle.I learned the biggest way to stop generational
poverty is through
education. They can also learn a skill to develop there self.agencies can provide more programs
so people can get
jobs to stop poverty.

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