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3D Digital Reconstructions of Lost Buildings

A first critical framing

Danilo Di Mascio1 , Michele Chiuini2 , John Fillwalk3 ,

Pieter Pauwels4
Northumbria University 2,3 Ball State University 4 Ghent University
{mchiuini|jfillwalk} 4

This paper presents a first critical framing of 3D digital reconstructions of lost

buildings, hence focusing on reconstructions using 3D models. This critical
framing is constituted by reflections on definitions, concepts, methodologies and
digital technologies. Much experimentation in the digital reconstruction of lost
buildings has produced valuable results during the last twenty years, but the
variety of methods, software types, and purposes should be reorganized into clear
operational protocols to allow sharing of information and collaboration across
disciplines. We have therefore investigated the diverse approaches towards
digital reconstructions of lost buildings and found that digital reconstructions are
not typically aimed at simple visualizations: they are often further developed in
virtual environments, information systems and tools for simulations and analysis.
In this sense they are not products but instruments for further research and/or
heritage conservation. Counter the large number of theoretical positions,
methods and tools specific to different disciplines, such as architecture and
archaeology, we can find the almost total absence of a comprehensive critical
assessment. This paper, which is part of a larger project, intends to open and
articulate a debate on how to define, analyze and critically systematize the
methodologies for the digital reconstruction of lost buildings.

Keywords: Digital reconstruction, lost buildings, 3d modelling, information

systems, virtual environments.

INTRODUCING 3D DIGITAL RECONSTRUC- select key aspects of previous projects about digital
TIONS OF LOST BUILDINGS: WHAT, WHY reconstructions of lost buildings. References (con-
AND HOW ference papers, journal articles, books and websites)
An analysis of several sources, supported by authors' have been checked from areas of intersections be-
experiences in this field, have allowed to identify and tween digital technologies with architecture and ar-
chaeology. Moreover, websites of specific research

DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 511

projects have also been consulted. This preliminary gies of buildings and historical periods, such as lost
study has made evident the variety of characteristics palaces [3]. This research deals with virtual recon-
of this research field. Lost buildings and their forgot- structions of historical, courtly architecture from me-
ten stories have always attracted the cultural inter- dieval and early modern periods. Other studies (An-
ests and curiosity of scholars and lay people world- derson et al., 2009) focus on specific technologies
wide. An early example in which 3D modeling soft- (in this case game technologies applied to serious
ware is applied for lost buildings can be found in games) in a chosen field, cultural heritage. However,
the Old Minster in Winchester, UK [1]. A long list of the piece of writing describes serious games in cul-
similar research initiatives have applied 3D model- tural heritage, whereas we aim to focus on technolo-
ing and virtual reconstructions to a wide variety of gies applied to lost building in general.We propose
no longer existing buildings and cities from the me- here to organize the digital reconstruction process by
dieval church of Cluny III, to Dudley Castle and the replying to three main questions: what, why and how
ancient Rome [2]. A digital reconstruction process of (Figure 1). These three questions define the main as-
lost buildings is constituted by several aspects and pects of digital reconstructions of lost buildings and
steps; hence the main question is related to how to at the same time can be used to build up a first crit-
critically systematize this variety of heterogeneous ical frame for research. Next sections will elaborate
information. As far as we know, this work repre- each of these three questions, respectively (defini-
sents the first such critical framing that tries to con- tion and analysis), whereas the concluding sections
sider 3D digital reconstructions of lost buildings in a build up the targeted frame for the digital reconstruc-
more comprehensive way. Most of the previous pub- tion of lost buildings (discussion and conclusion re-
lications are focused on the description of individ- spectively).
ual research projects, however there are some excep-
tions. One of the most relevant is the first chapter of Figure 1
the publication by Novitski (Novitski, 1998), which is The three main
entirely dedicated to lost buildings. This section of questions that
the book presents descriptions of several case stud- address the digital
ies pertaining to various geographic locations, histor- reconstruction
ical periods and building typologies, including clas- process of lost
sic Greek theaters, the Columbian village of Ceren, The expression "lost buildings" identifies buildings
the palace of Kublai Khan and the Larkin Building de- that have lost their original form and that pertain to
signed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Each project was de- one of the following three categories: partially lost,
veloped by scholars and experts with different back- totally lost and transformed. The word "building" is
grounds: students, archaeologists, architects, archi- here used in a wide multi-scalar way to include both
tectural historians; every description includes also in- single buildings and artefacts, designed by profes-
formation about the main aims, sources and names sionals and vernacular, and settlements from small
of the main software packages used. Nonetheless, villages to cities. However, we are aware of other
the main aim of Novitski's work is to describe a se- definitions that include, for example, unbuilt projects
lection of lost architectural treasures brought back (Glancey 2015), but these buildings deserve a fu-
to light thanks to modern digital technologies, es- ture specific publication. It is important to define a
pecially 3D modelling, rendering and animations. classification, because for each category a different
Hence, there is not the explicit objective of sys- methodology may apply. We are proposing three
tematizing digital reconstructions of lost buildings. general categories that represent what kind of lost
Other publications are focused on specific typolo- buildings can be modelled, namely: totally lost, par-

512 | eCAADe 34 - DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2

tially lost and transformed (see Figure 2). mation system resulting from the modelling process.
The main conceptual, theoretical and methodologi-
Figure 2 cal approaches towards the digital reconstruction of
Diagram that shows lost buildings lie within disciplines such as architec-
the first phase of ture and archaeology. The methodologies of recon-
the digital struction are conceptually related to the restoration
reconstructions of theories and to the methods of architectural history.
lost buildings, This requires any reconstruction to have a scientific
namely the choice basis, using literary or visual documentation, as well
of what is to be as physical evidence of the remains on site and other
modelled. The surviving parts. The typical example is the recon-
scheme highlights struction of archaeological remains, starting from the
also two other building foundations and ruins, which can be identi-
aspects that fied and dated thanks to literary documents and arte-
characterize those facts found in the excavations. This example leads
lost buildings: the discussion to four crucial questions that repre-
reason (how they sent likewise lines of investigation:
became lost) and
building/ì/site type. 1. How to represent conjectural parts (missing
parts) from the ones that are certain (existing
remains), how to indicate the level of uncer-
tainty, and how to allow testing different re-
construction hypotheses;
2. How to provide information about the re-
WHY: OBJECTIVES AND THEORETICAL AP- assembly of parts conserved in different
PROACHES places, for instance when frescoes and sculp-
It is essential to highlight that the philosophies and tures integral with the architecture, but also
methodologies depend on the objectives of the re- objects of daily use, are stored in musea or
construction and on the disciplinary areas involved. private collections. This situation typically
For instance a digital reconstruction of a building se- occurs in archaeological projects again (the
riously damaged by a recent war may be finalized to Parthenon, or Pompeii houses), but other
its physical reconstruction. In this case the model- cases exist as well, for instance for the Chicago
ing may be following architectural design processes, Stock Exchange;
which are different from the case of a historical or ar- 3. How to document the evolution of the site
chaeological analysis of a building demolished cen- over time: archaeology always uncovers
turies ago. The methodological differences followed a number of layers belonging to different
in the digital modeling will thus depend on objec- phases of existence (while the classic graphic
tives and disciplinary areas involved, mainly architec- reconstructions show buildings frozen at a
ture and archaeology, as well as on the extent of the particular time in history);
building remains and its documentation. In other 4. How to link or refer the reconstruction to the
words, the two fields of reconstruction methodolo- documentation that forms the scientific basis
gies and digital modelling methodologies must be and the socio-cultural context of the site. This
seen as separate and clearly defined, but they end is an essential question for academic research
up being intricately intertwined in a building infor- work as well as, in a different form, for cultural

DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 513

tourism or secondary education. of particular products that are aimed at. We have
outlined seven types of products, which then result
All these points cover important lines of investiga- in the diagram listed below in Figure 4. However,
tion about lost buildings, especially the more tradi- these products also represent further practical appli-
tional ones in archaeology and architectural history, cations of the 3D digital reconstruction that use spe-
but represent only part of the studies that can be cific methodologies and software packages and as
undertaken. For example, in presence of totally lost such they will be further described in the next sec-
buildings, the first two questions should be formu- tion.
lated in a different way, because their remaining ev-
idences are the sole archive records, which can be Figure 3
more or less complete. The lines of enquiry can be fo- Diagram of the why,
cused on other aspects, such as 3D digital reconstruc- namely the
tion of no longer existing buildings within their urban definition of the
context (Martens et al. 2010), or the study of com- purpose of the 3D
plex geometries of dismantled pavilions, such as the digital
one designed by Le Corbusier for the 1958 Expo Exhi- reconstruction. The
bition held in Brussels (Sdegno, 2012). Moreover, in image mentions
disciplines such as architecture, studies on lost build- also the “product”.
ings are not limited to historical investigations. Digi-
tal reconstructions can also be more design oriented
such as in Di Mascio (2010). In this research the mass-
ing model of the fortified center of a medieval vil-
lage, destroyed by an earthquake, was digitally re-
constructed using historical plan views, historical pic-
tures and photos collected during onsite visits (Fig-
ure 3). The digital model has been used to identify
tangible and intangible memories, such as shape and
size of alleys and buildings, and the perceptual as-
pects on the alleys, that can inform the reconstruc-
tion of the fortified center (Di Mascio, 2010). We can
summarize the main objectives of digital reconstruc-
tions of lost buildings under four categories: HOW: THE DIGITAL RECONSTRUCTION
1. Historical/archaeological research; PROCESS
2. Visualization and information systems for cul- As previously mentioned, the choice for a specific
tural tourism; digital technology ('why') is influenced by many
3. Experiential virtual visit of totally lost sites; factors, from the conceptual and theoretical ap-
4. Documentation and analysis for conservation proaches, methods and tools within each discipline
and reconstruction. such as architecture or archaeology. For this reason,
it is useful to highlight the main phases that charac-
From the above, we are able to extend our framework terize the digital reconstruction process and study of
for digital reconstructions of lost buildings with an a lost building. We can then indicate to what extent
additional decisive step, namely the why of the dig- this digital reconstruction process is realized for par-
ital reconstruction, which consists of a specific over- ticular types of buildings (what) and particular pur-
all purpose and a preliminary definition of a number poses (why). The following three phases are consid-

514 | eCAADe 34 - DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2

ered (inspired by Pauwels and Di Mascio, 2014): Synagogues in Vienna, entirely destroyed in 1938, are
example cases of this situation (Martens et al., 2002).
1. Data Collection and Analysis In this latter case, the available drawings are often re-
2. 3D Digital Reconstruction drawn in vector format, in software such as Autodesk
3. Multifaceted applications of the 3D model Autocad, to be used as reference during the 3D mod-
(documentation, analysis, and enrichment) eling.
4. Dissemination
3D Digital Reconstruction
Data Collection and Analysis The main objective of the 3D digital reconstruction
Every digital reconstruction starts with a data collec- phase is to digitally recreate a 3D model of the con-
tion phase in which the main objective is to gather in- sidered object. The whole process is influenced by
formation to support the modeling process. Besides three main concerns: the collected data (and the way
traditional tools (on-site measurements and data col- of collecting them) during the previous phase, the
lection, both intrusive and non-intrusive), 3D laser features of the object that should be modelled and
scanning technologies and photogrammetry tech- further applications of the 3D digital reconstruction
niques have become mainstream in the last fifteen (connected with the purpose of the digital recon-
years, and have greatly augmented the quantitative struction, why). The digital reconstruction also has its
knowledge of important buildings and sites (see for own value because it allows elaborating hypotheses
example the Cyark archives [4]). Both techniques al- and evaluating them through 3D modelling; hence it
low digital modeling to start with very accurate geo- typically represents a moment of investigation. Lev-
referenced data (e.g. archaeological evidence) of els of detail and objects organization are strictly de-
morphologically complex sites. Every scan acquires pendent on the final aims of the project. A digi-
morphological and dimensional information, repre- tal model created for the purpose of investigating
sented by point clouds. These documents are con- the constructive characteristics of a vernacular build-
verted through specific software packages into 3D ing (Di Mascio, 2013) or of an historical skyscraper
surfaces and meshes or used as reference points to (Chiuini, 2011) has a different geometrical complex-
model 3D objects (surfaces and solids). The passage ity, level of detail and organization of elements com-
from point cloud to mesh remains an important tech- pared to a model aimed at simulate crowds' be-
nical challenge that is considered by a large number haviour along the streets of an ancient city (Maïm et
of computer scientists. The scans of remains located al., 2007). 3D modeling software, such as 3ds Max
in different locations, also very far from each other, and Maya, are widespread solutions in digital recon-
transformed in 3D objects, allow in a later stage to structions processes. In recent years, also BIM soft-
digitally reassemble the fragments in a process that ware is being applied to heritage projects. However,
can be called digital anastylosis (Thuswaldner, 2009; the use of a specific software package for the digital
Chiuini, 2011). Because of the large myriad of tech- reconstruction process is strictly connected with the
niques, devices, software and tools, however, the successive uses. The modeling process is a design
granularity, level of detail and quality of point clouds problem: the design of an information system that
are often different and not appropriate for the par- can make us understand, in its multifaceted complex-
ticular object that is considered (too much or too lit- ity, a lost building, site, or place.
tle detail). Furthermore, the fewer the building re-
mains are, the bigger the necessity is to search and Further applications and analysis of the 3D
collect other documents. In the case of totally lost model
buildings, the only references may be represented The result of the digital reconstruction process can
by archive records. The digital reconstructions of the often represent the starting point of further work that

DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 515

can have several purposes. This work can to some ex- produced in service of a particular purpose, whether
tent be articulated in seven main branches that iden- this be data collection for conservation or restoration
tify further applications and analyses of the 3D digital projects, 3D graphic representations for touristic vis-
model: analytical representations, photorealistic vi- its, historic documentation or other. Diverse mul-
sualizations, information management systems, doc- tifaceted uses can be identified for a 3D digital re-
umentation, simulations, augmented reality, virtual construction. On this basis, we are proposing seven
reality. categories that represent further applications and
analysis of the digitally reconstructed lost building.
Dissemination These are very diverse products. Choosing to aim for
The dissemination represents the last phase, but not any number of these products should be done soon
the least important; it can be the main aim of a re- enough, in combination with defining the purpose
search project or the final step, where part of the find- of the digital reconstruction. Namely, these products
ings are packaged in ways that can be easily experi- all use some form of 3D or data, but they are very di-
enced and understood by users. The results of the verse in nature and typically require a specific way of
applications and analysis of the 3D digital reconstruc- modeling. In other words, in order to produce any
tion constitute the main outcomes useful to spread of these products ('why'), one will need a different
the information to a wider audience for different pur- digital reconstruction process ('how'). Furthermore,
poses such as cultural tourism and education. All some products ('why') may be more appropriate for
these products can be displayed in museums, on- lost, partially lost or transformed buildings ('what').
line or included in products such as books or DVDs. Furthermore, each of these applications can be com-
To conclude, the digital reconstruction process typi- bined with the others.
cally goes through four practical key phases, namely
a data collection and analysis phase, a digital recon- Analytical Representations
struction phase, a further application of the 3D dig- These analytical representations allow to analyze,
ital reconstruction and a dissemination phase. Very document and communicate only a few aspects of
diverse options exist in all these four phases, as is the building. Thanks to these graphic drawings it is
schematically displayed in Figure 4. In order to make possible to split the characteristics of a building to
appropriate choices in all four phases about the way better study and represent them individually or in
in which the digital reconstruction process should sub-groups. Consequently, attention is paid to one
take form, one should closely bear in mind the 'what' or more aspects, isolated from the whole building
and 'why' of the digital reconstruction process. and analyzed through one or more graphic works. In
fact, an overall view of the building can limit the anal-
PRODUCTS OF THE 3D DIGITAL RECON- ysis of a particular characteristic. Axonometric ex-
ploded views to study the aforementioned construc-
tive characteristics of buildings are example analyti-
Of course, in many cases, the 3D digital reconstruc-
cal drawings. In (Webb et al., 2011), digital represen-
tions of lost buildings are directly aimed at produc-
tation techniques, inspired by forensic analysis, are
ing specific product outputs. These are further ap-
used to investigate, specific lines of enquiry related
plications of the 3D digital reconstruction that form
to selected features of a building.
part of the reasons why a lost building is digitally re-
constructed. Of course, as can also clearly be seen
in the last section, these products are closely linked
Photorealistic Visualizations
This is the traditional approach that aims at very accu-
to the actual purpose of the 3D digital reconstruc-
rate architectural and realistic visualization of the lost
tion. The end products should always be devised and
building, including the lost parts. The reconstruction

516 | eCAADe 34 - DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2

Figure 4
The How diagram
with the four
practical key

of Trajan's Forum in Rome includes an archaeologi- mation portal, designed to allow updating and alter-
cal investigation and a sophisticated modeling work native interpretations.
(Packer 2001). A similar purpose has led the digital
reconstruction of the Empire Exhibition held in Glas- Documentation
gow (Scotland) in 1938 and subsequently dismantled The model allows producing architectural graphics
[5]. and other information for historical studies, conser-
vation, restoration or adaptive use. Rendered images
Information Management Systems and animations of the digitally reconstructed portion
Recent work in the field of archaeology, cultural her- of the cornice of the Chicago Stock Exchange Build-
itage and architectural history tends to move be- ing document the relationship of the terra cotta en-
yond digital 3D modeling into more specific tech- velope and the steel frame that resulted from the 3D
nologies for knowledge organization. This includes digital reconstruction phase (Figure 5). The modeling
data management, ontology engineering, multime- developed effectively as a heuristic process, which re-
dia systems, immersive environments, virtual and vealed how an entire row of terra cotta blocks had
augmented reality and semantic information mod- been damaged during construction because of lack
eling (GIS and BIM). Thematic modeling integrated of coordination between the terra cotta production
with GIS is becoming common practice in archaeol- and the steel design. When the digital terra cotta
ogy. Human interfaces, interaction and usability have blocks were positioned on the model of the frame, it
become an essential component of reconstructions. appeared that all blocks below the coping had been
The 3D model can also be enriched with information chiselled on the back at the same level, which was
pertaining to any knowledge domain using semantic confirmed by visual inspection of the fragments. The
web technologies. The model can become an infor- portion removed from each piece lined up perfectly

DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 517

with a horizontal steel angle mounted at the top of experience. The reconstruction of Hadrian's Villa [6]
the steel brackets. This work, perhaps hastily exe- focuses not so much on architectural accuracy, but
cuted while setting the terra cotta on site, cracked the on the analysis of astronomical alignments with spe-
material causing water infiltration over time (Chiuini, cific artifacts on site, using the NASA calendar for
2011). the year 125 CE. Also digital characters (avatars) pro-
vide realism to the experience by moving and talk-
Simulations ing. This type of model can be used at different levels:
Simulations can be interactive (e.g. for training pur- for the general public and for the historian. It is not
poses) or devised for specialist applications (bearing just a visual representation of a space, but an instru-
structures, lighting, acoustics, etc.) and can use dif- ment to analyze the architectural design intentions
ferent technologies such as virtual reality. and historical hypothesis in an interdisciplinary envi-
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality applications allow overlapping A CRITICAL FRAMING FOR 3D DIGITAL RE-
the virtual model on a real site using a portable/wear-
able device. In (Madsen et al. 2015) an augmented
The overall diagram displayed in Figure 6 now pro-
reality installation, that includes two interactive de-
vides an excellent resource to compose a visual
vices (a tabled connected to a large TV screen and an
framework in which many existing and forthcoming
hand-held tablet), has been developed to allow peo-
digital reconstruction of lost buildings can be cat-
ple to experience the visual appearance of the lost in-
egorized.The diagram is composed by three main
teriors of the chapel of Koldinghus Castle in Denmark.
parts that represents likewise questions and impor-
The chapel was destroyed and reconstructed several
tant phases of a digital reconstruction process of lost
time and what people can see today is a ruin resulted
buildings: what, why and how. The first column is
of a basic restoration undertaken in the 1970s (Mad-
related to what. Hence, at the beginning it is neces-
sen et al. 2015).
sary to identify the lost building that is to be mod-
elled and its degree of loss. Reason and the identifi-
Virtual Reality
cation of the building/site type are useful to provide
Despite how it may seem, virtual tours have been
both a more comprehensive overview of what is to
around already for several years. In fact, it was pos-
be modelled and clues to search reference buildings
sible to experience, for the first time, a virtual tour al-
that are essential for filling the unavoidable informa-
ready in 1994, in the visitor center in the remains of
tion gaps.The second column refers to the purpose
Dudley castle in the West Midlands, England (Boland
of the 3D digital reconstruction, namely why we are
et al. 1996). This first virtual tour anticipates the re-
undertaking this kind of study. At the same time, it is
cent, and for several aspects, more advanced real-
possible to define the products that we are aiming at;
time virtual and interactive tours using game engines
they represent a concrete reply to the purpose. How-
technologies that have widely spread recently. Dig-
ever, this is still a planning phase that can be updated
ital modelling in general is today also conceived as
and modified afterwards according to the available
a way to embed information in a three-dimensional
documentation.The last part of the diagram is con-
representation of the physical world. The use of
stituted by the four key phases from Data Collection
game engines and VR device allow to navigate and
to Dissemination passing through the actual 3D Dig-
explore the reconstructed buildings in a virtual envi-
ital Reconstruction and its further applications. The
ronment; it can include interactive components and
how phase is oriented in the practical creation of a fi-
metadata. The integration of dynamic systems and
nal product that replies to a specific purpose and dis-
physical simulations such as gravity allow a realistic

518 | eCAADe 34 - DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2

Figure 5
Rendered images
that document the
between the terra
cotta and the steel
frame of the cornice
of the Chicago
Stock Exchange
Building (Source: M.

Figure 6
The final diagram
that represents
visual framework in
which many
existing and
forthcoming digital
reconstruction of
lost buildings can
be categorized. The
whole process is
constituted by 6
main steps and
influenced by
disciplinary areas.

seminate the result to a selected audience. personal experiences in the field. The big amount
of research about 3D digital reconstruction of lost
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DEVELOP- buildings, developed in a span of over 30 years, pre-
sented a wide variety of theoretical positions, meth-
ods and tools influenced by disciplinary areas such as
This piece of writing presented a first critical framing
architecture and archaeology. However, counter this
of 3D digital reconstruction of lost buildings based on
amount and variety of research, we found the almost
the result of an examination of example projects and

DIGITAL HERITAGE - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 519

total absence of a comprehensive critical assessment. the non-existing within an urban context', Proceed-
This piece of writing proposes a critical framing that ings of the 15th CAADRIA Conference, Hong Kong,
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