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Tube Bending

Nour Beydoun
(October 22, 2022)

Table of Contents
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................3
2. Phases (process)..................................................................................................................4
3. Tools.....................................................................................................................................................5

Table of Figures
Figure 1pliers........................................................................................................................................3
Figure 2 tube bender.............................................................................................................................3
Figure 3 bench vice...............................................................................................................................3
Figure 4 Final product in s shape...........................................................................................................4
Figure 5 Final product in u shaped........................................................................................................4
Throughout this task, we were expected to acquire the skill of tube bending in
which we had to bend a tube to a required form having a desired angle. The goal
was to achieve a smooth bend without inflicting and severe unwanted damage or
abnormalities to the tube. Tubing under ¼’’in diameter usually can be bent without
the use of a bending tool otherwise hand benders or production benders are used

1. Tools

Figure 2 tube bender

Figure 3 bench vice Figure 1pliers

As it is apparent, tube bending is not a difficult task once the technique is acquired.
Hence, a limited number of tools is needed.

2. Procedure
- Using a hand bender, insert the tube into the groove of the bender so that
the measured end is left of the form block.
- Align the two zeros and align the mark on the tubing with the L on the
form handle if the measured end is on the left side and with R if
measured end is on the right.
- Pull the form handle until the zero-mark lines up with the desired angle
of bend, as indicated on the radius block.
- Make sure to select the correct bender and groove for the desired tube
- Bend the tube carefully to avoid excessive flattening, kinking, or
wrinkling. A small amount of flattening in bends is acceptable, but the
small diameter of the flattened portion must not be less than 75 % of the
original outside diameter.
- It is important to note that during the procedure in the lab, we used a
bench vice to hold the bending tool in place and pull on one of the
bending handles, due to its rigidity and its need for very high strength.

3. Safety

1. Food, smoking and drinks were forbidden during work as they form as


2. Hair was tied

3. Protective glasses and gloves were worn throughout the project

4. Hand contact with face and eyes was limited and hands were washed

thoroughly to avoid contamination.

5. Tools were used under supervision and care

6. Descent posture was maintained while working

4. Conclusion
The task helped us strengthen our tube bending skills, learn from our mistakes
and familiarize ourselves with several tools and equipment. Additionally, we
applied all theoretical knowledge we have acquired during the past year in physical
and practical activities and increased our experience in the workshop as well as our
skill. The task was completed successfully with all safety procedures taken into

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