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~ SHOOT LIKE APRO Enhance your photography skills with professional secrets ea ell LANDSCAPES TO bigs Dream nO earn money from RR og EAT ohn iol] Be TOP-CLASS ADVICE WELCOME TO SHOOT LIKE APRO he jump from enthusiast to professional can seem massive, but itis actualy far less of a stretch than you think. Once you have mastered key techniques and essential photographie Skills, itis just a case of refining them. Shoot Like A Pro is jam-packed with professional tips and techniques that will help you to take your skills to the next level. Learn from the informative features and follow the in-depth shooting and ‘editing tutorials that will ensure you ean produce high-quality professional looking captures. Discover secrets straight from ‘working professional photographers and get essential career ‘advice that will help you start earning money from your photography, as well as how to manage your business and keep your clients happy. 4 L FUTURE 1 r ete CONTEN'TS (08. GET READY TO GO PRO moreabout the kt TECHNIQUES 22. GET MORE FROM YOUR DSLR 5 J potential mer 30. PRO WAYS TO SHOOT PHOTO PROJECTS. 42. LEARN PRO TECHNIQUES FOR ‘SHARPER LANDSCAPES, Dis ve maximum sharp 54. PRO WAYS TO SHOOT MORE SPONTANEOUSLY 66. GET CREATIVE WITH FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY asterir hotog 78. SHOOT SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY 84. VIDEO SKILLS FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. i Hnylea ‘96. MASTER FILE HANDLING ESSENTIALS e ndarnentalskils required 104. PRO PHOTO SECRETS en professional photographers take 126. KICK-START YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS. Lear to minimise your start-up costs an 130. MAXIMISE ASSIGNMENT VALUE. 134, KEEP YOUR BUSINESS EFFICIENT 138. QUALITY CONTROL, YOUR IMAGE LIBRARY 144, COLLABORATE BEHIND THE CAMERA. 148, SWITCH YOUR FOCUS GENRE arn to successfull take on new challeng by rebooting your busine 152. BECOME A BRAND AMBASSADOR Discover how to work in partnership with SHOOTING SKILLS 158. CAPTURE MOTION IN A SCENE 170, SHOOT CREATIVE PORTRAITS WITH NEON LIGHTS 176. SHOOT CREATIVE NEW 182. CREATE A WET PLATE PORTRAIT Get ready to go pro Coe eee rc enol Mong esc Maite ooe eee eee cls oa Seer aa! toes ‘ombining thee pao ie eT GET READY TO GO PRO ‘TECHNIQUES ‘The nest biggest decison wil be whether Cort youshauld invest ina studio. I your intents to reguaty shoot portrats or products you may find it essential te havea dedicated ‘tudo space in which to create complex lighting setups. tyou ae uncertain over this necessity, however, the fstinstance itis advisable to remain mabile du tothe ‘excessive cost of renting and maintaining an underused property Presng is anather mar skiyou wil have to master as a professional. Thereis an art to correctly pricing your work so that you are Ccompatiive wie mantainng profit, Look at what other photographers working in ‘ilar areas aro charging and decide if asking for payment per product (pit or digital ile) or per hour is most suitable for your style of business. Understandably the biggest contibutor to the success of your business isthe quality of our photography, Your images must stand Cut they ae to be noticed, a developing 2 signature siyeisimportant There are a imited commercial subjects, soa pro image has to capture each ina unique way, Professional [photography must ave the impression that, it could not have been created by the ckent themselves, demenstrating the relevance of your expertse. Most ertialy, it must be ‘vious thatthe photographer has taken time to capture exactly what the client needs When turing professional, you must adapt our creative philesopty ~ no longer base your Concept ofa successful image solely on your Iles and csikes: you must cater exclaswely for the tastes of your cert While challenging, tis wilrmake your werk more soil. KATARINA NICHOL Storytelling-style wedding photographer Katarina provides her insight into the process of turning a passion into a profession How long have you been a pro photographer? What is your background in photography? became a professional photographer roughly ‘ix years ago. was developing myself through ‘older cameras ston the technica side of things and later atstical. My fist projects were captured on old cameras ~ usualy people, nature and animals, Later | bought my fst digital camera, and | found out what magic you can do with dgtal Pictures and how you can show people such Incredible storyteling. My style of photography was shaped ovr the years by leaning trom my photoshoots. ferent photography conditions ‘and attending photography courses. it took alot of time and effort. ‘What made you want to turn pro? What was ‘your inspiration to make the jump? Prior to taking the professional route. my curiosity was always on the technical side ‘of cameras, haw film works, what chemical reactions were making pictures appear on the fm, etc. My father used to bean army documentary photographer. and ater a ‘wedding photoaraprer back inthe 803. He was always able to answer all of my questions and (taught me] to think outside ofthe box and ‘add extra value to my photographs. | guess this Is something | share with him ~ the passion and love for the unexpected and capturing the moment ast happens. in my opinion, Lnrepeatable moments are very important in lf, and capturing them gives me flfiment ‘and so much jy that a decison for my future ‘changes roma blur to completely clear. This s what I want to spend my time on, What were the greatest challenges of the process, and how did you overcome these? “The bigest challenge during my way to becoming a professional hotographer was the marketing side of photography, as this was something where strict decisions have tobe ‘made. You have to target what it you want to concentrate on, get to know the market. spend lt of time learning and developing marketing strategies, think about new ways of marketing yourself and keep yourself updated with the rewest marketing tools, What have been the most rewarding aspects ‘of making a living from photography? | definitely love what Ido. Taking photographs ‘makes me related, the world around me stops and it makes me enjey the moment “There i also the big excitement of seeing the end results, What makes me very happy isthe feeling of being completely tree of any restrictions, as photography is an artistic diseipine and thereore there no right or wrong way of dong it, sol can get as artistic as Twin! “My style of photography was shaped by photoshoots, different conditions and courses” In oder to develop a unique sty ‘experimentation is requrec both in-camera ‘anciat the computer Inthe dtl age. equal ‘expertise is needes in carnera work and post production techniques. Much ofthe creation ‘of apersonalised Took accurs in software, so try editing your images in several cterent ‘ways to see what resus you can produce. At the camera try working ith various iting setups, changing the drecton of ght and the balance between artificial fash ight anc natural ambient iluriation ‘The man reasons thet phatograpty businesses fou clude a lack of car brand, under resaarched market demands and inflenbity to changes in these quirements. Turning prois @ daunting prospect, ut with ‘00d preparation anda soli busin you wil be well placed to succeed, GET READY TO GO PRO Pro's top 5 tips pore ena) arte rion ets things and - Beautiful unique " eee Te Lert re Rae anand Seared oR racing a DAN BURMAN rapher Dan on jueglin Portrait and corporate photo mmercial sustainabili How long have you been a pro photographer? What is your background in photography? "ave been a professional phe about Il years. bought) 10 years ol, as | wanted grapher.| used this camera inmy art foundation course, and al traveling in my gap year. [went ont art at St Martins, and ended up spe in photoerapry. ographer f im SLR when ensiely > wile study fine alsin What made you want to tum pro? What was ‘your inspiration to make the jump? T'was doing erumey bar work at racecour and events while shooting estonia onthe for nent to nothing. working with was alsa an and we both hated the ba her. Th phy busin ping stone for me out o feac-end jobs. How do you balance the business and creative sides of your operation? This can pecialh who are less business minded |g thing is staying ont things. For ss the main neglecting arr 1 nmy phone, and al expenses go int that onthe day. What are the most important aspects of becoming established in a competitive market? 's 0 hard stand reat photographers img depends on many tings: hard rk, networking, self promotion and Bat the main thing omething unique. Ty to do something others aren't. This may be developing your own unique visual style or coming up with fresh c What have been the most rewarding aspects of making a living from photography? There are loads of Benefits 1 being sessional photographer. |g to interesting ns and | met interesting ‘creative, which is merely tant for me, Another massive advantage isthe personal freedom it offers me timewse This was realy great, ast meant | could spenc! lads of time with my son in Fis ear though I did have to citch wedding ography once he started schoo, as that was taking up all my weekends and summers. GET READY TO GO PRO Pro's top tips Dan Burman shares his advice Oeste coe ec ea tte eer Sr et ey ee eee eee eet Peretti es tae ee ed ey recente ee PON ne ed eve) Se eee oa eee nes prot and other ereatives in the industry. Choosejobswisey ot eres : Ce eae Seco ee) eee ne a eee Leselarmore renee etree eaten Peete errr Pee ee it and one-year plan. Keep them on your Organise for success APRA CR ates ace i opener Cee ea eT Pentre cr poetee oe een ee ei erred tres ery ee ec Peet Racers ances ER ree ® danburmanphotos TECHNIQUES GET THE RIGHT KIT Learn which cameras, lenses and accessories you need to build the perfect pro system itis even more critical that should be a weltresearched one. A pro's gear shouldbe seen as tals, which vil allow you to do your job effectively, but withthe plethora of models and avalable features on the market, can be dificult to know exacty what is essential and whats otherwise 2 lnury or gimmick A lesor-