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1) Verb to be in the present :

I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are

E.g: I am Sandra. how are you? This is John.

2) Plurals:
In order to transform a word from singular to plural form we add (s) or (es ) to the word.

/S/ / Z/ / IZ /

(P) sleeps (b) crabs (c) races

(t) hats (d) words (s) buses
(k) books (g) bags (x) boxes
(f) cliffs (l) drills (z) prizes
(th) myths (m) dreams (ss) kisses
(Ph) photographs (n) fans ch) watches
(v) gloves (sh) dishes
(r) fears (g) changes
(y) plays

3) Negatives of the verb to be:

I am not a teacher. I’m a nurse.

He isn’t a student. He is a teacher.

We aren’t teachers. We are doctors.

They aren’t doctors. They are teachers.

4) Possessive adjectives:

I You He She It We They

My Your His Her Its our their

E.g: My house is very comfortable.

5) Possessive ’s: ‫تعبر عن الملكية‬

1. This is her family.

This is Annie’s family.

2. Vince is her sister.

Vince is Emma’s brother.

6) Family members:

= Sister Daughter wife

father brother son husband

parents children

7) Verb to have in the present:

I have
You have
He Has
She Has
It Has
We have
They have

E.g: I have three brothers. She has a car. John has an apartment.
8) The present simple:

. Questions I /you /we /they:

Positive : I / you / we / they like tennis.

Negative: I / you / we / they don’t like tennis.

Question: what do you like? (w/h question)

Do you like tennis? (yes/ no question)

Short answer: Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

9) A or An:
 We use (a) before a consonant (‫)حرف متحرك‬

E.g: a dog a television a pen

 We use (an) before a vowel (‫ )حرف ساكن‬which are: i, e, o, a.

E.g: an actor an American an elephant

10) Adjective + noun:

 The Adjective comes before the noun ‫الصفة تاتي قبل االسم‬

E.g: I have a red pen.

adjective noun
 We don’t add (s) to the adjective when the noun is plural.
‫ للصفة عندما يكون االسم في الجمع‬s ‫ال نضيف ال‬

E.g: I have red pens NOT I have reds pens

adjective noun

11) How much is it?

In order to ask about the price(‫)السعر‬, we use this question How much is it?.

Thirty p 30p

One pound £1

Three pounds forty-five £3.45

Twenty two pounds eighty £22.80

12) What time is it?

In order to ask about the time(‫)الوقت‬, we use this question what time is it?.

09:15 it’s nine fifteen

08:00 it’s eight o’clock a.m: ‫صباحا‬

11:45 it’s eleven forty-five p.m: ‫مساءا‬

12: 55 it’s twelve fifty-five

07:50 it’s seven fifty

16 : 05 it’s four five

13) Present simple :

I Stem Work
You Stem Work
He stem +s Works
She stem +s Works
It stem +s Works
We Stem Work
They Stem Work

Frequency adverbs:
100% always E.g: I always go to bed late.
50% sometimes E.g: She sometimes buys pizza.

0% never E.g: Annie never eats in restaurants.

Subject + Frequency adverb + Verb+ The rest of the sentence

E.g: Annie never eats in restaurants.

Subject + Verb to be+ Frequency adverb+ The rest of the sentence

E.g: There are always lots of people in the city centre .

Questions He/ She:

Positive : He gets up at 6 o’clock.

Negative: He doesn’t get up at 6 o’clock.

Question: what time does he get up? (w/h question)

Does he get up at 6 o’clock? (yes/ no


Short answer: Yes, he does.

No, he doesn’t.

14) Days of the week :

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

15) Prepositions of time ( On/ In/ At):

1. On: we use it with days (‫ )االيام‬:

E.g: I work on Monday.

2. In: we use it with periods (‫ )فترات الزمن‬and with years (‫ )السنوات‬:

E.g: Sally doesn’t get up early in the morning.

She was born in 1815.

3. At: we use it with hours (‫ )الساعات‬and with the word weekend( ‫ )كلمة نهاية األسبوع‬:
E.g: I go to bed at 09:45 p.m.

I visit my grandparents at the weekend.

Prepositions of time

In: seasons, years, The morning, the afternoon, the evening, February, spring, summer,
months, centuries and 2013,The 1990.
parts of the day

On: days and dates Sunday, Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon, my birthday, a holiday,
May .

At: clock times, Night,10:30,noon, mid-day, midnight, sunrise-sunset, the weekend,

mealtimes lunch time
16) Question words:

What? to ask for something E.g: what is your name?

Where? to ask for a place E.g: where is the post office?

When? to ask for the time E.g: When is your birthday?

Why? to ask for the reason E.g: why are you happy?

Who? to ask for the person E.g: who is Jack?

Which? to ask for a thing E.g: which page is the exercise?

How? to ask for the manner or the method E.g: How do you come to school?

How many? to ask for the number E.g: How many people live in this city?

How much? to ask about the price or amount E.g: How much is the cheese sandwich?

16) Object pronouns:

I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
They Them
The teacher asked Sally to clean the board.
The teacher asked her to clean the board.

Subject verb Object pronoun

Object pronouns replace the noun.

18) This and that:

This: we use this for something near(‫ ) شيء قريب‬:

E.g : This is my book.

That : we use this for something far (‫ )شيء بعيد‬:

E.g : That is my father.

19) Rooms of the house:

Bathroom Bedroom Kitchen

‫الحمام‬ ‫غرفة النوم‬ ‫المطبخ‬

Living room Dining room

‫غرفة الجلوس‬ ‫غرفة األكل‬

18) There’s / there are:

Positive : There’s a sofa.

There are many pictures.

Negative: There isn’t a sofa.

There aren’t any pictures.

Question: Is there a TV? (singular)

Are there many pictures? (plural)

No, he doesn’t.

17) Prepositions of place (In, On, Under, next to):

In: ‫داخل‬/‫في‬ E.g : My keys are in the drawer .

On: ‫على‬ E.g : The pen is on the desk.
Under: ‫تحت‬ E.g : The t-shirt is under the bed.
next to: ‫بجانب‬ E.g : John always sits next to Maria.

19) Directions:

Turn left: ‫در يسارا‬

Turn right: ‫در يمينا‬
Go straight on: ‫اذهب بشكل مستقيم‬

20) years:

1997 nineteen ninety seven

1845 eighteen forty-five
2007 two thousands and seven, twenty seven, two thousands seven.

21) verb to be in the past (was/were):

I was
You were
He was
E.g: She was an artist.
She was
It was They were singers.
We were When was she born?
They were

1. He was an artist.
He wasn’t an artist.
2. They were American.
They weren’t American.

22) Past simple- irregular verbs(‫)األفعال الغير منتظمة‬:

Present Past

Go ‫يذهب‬ Went
Have ‫يملك‬ Had
Is ‫يكون‬ Was
Are ‫يكونوا‬ Were
make ‫يصنع‬ Made
See ‫يرى‬ Saw
Come ‫يأتي‬ Came
Buy ‫يشتري‬ Bought
Find ‫يجد‬ Found
Eat ‫يأكل‬ Ate
meet ‫يلتقي‬ Met
Get up ‫يستيقظ‬ Got up
Say ‫يقول‬ Said
leave ‫يغادر‬ Left

23) Months of the year:

January, February, March, April, M ay, June, July, August, September, October,
November, December.

23) Ordinal numbers (‫)األعداد الترتيبية‬:

First : 1st ‫األول‬

Second : 2 nd ‫الثاني‬

Sixth: 6 th ‫ السادس‬Third : 3 rd ‫الثالث‬

Fourth : 4 th ‫الرابع‬ E .g : I was born on the fourth of April.

Seventh: 7 th ‫السابع‬

Twenty second: 22 nd ‫الثاني و العشرين‬

Thirty first : 31 st ‫األول و الثالثون‬

24) Past simple- regular verbs (‫)األفعال المنتظمة‬:

Present Past

Cook Cooked

Watch Watched

Start Started

Clean Cleaned
Play Played
Stay Stayed

Past simple:

Stem+ ed

Verb (to work) in the past simple:

I worked
You worked
He worked
She worked
It worked
We worked
They worked

Positive : I/you/he/she/it/we/ they worked in a bank last


Negative: I/you/he/she/it/we/ they didn’t work in a

bank last year.

Question: where did I/you/he/she/it/we/ they work last

year? (w/h question)

Did I/you/he/she/it/we/ they work in a bank

last year? (yes/ no question)

Short answer: Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.

24) Ago (‫ )مضت‬:

Two years ago means two years before now.

E .g : I went to Canada three years ago. ‫ذهبت إلي كندا ثالث سنوات مضت أي ثالث سنوات قبل أالن‬

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