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Marium Abdelaal

Unleashing the Voices in My Head: A Look into My Writing Process

Writing is a deeply personal process, and no two writers approach it in the same way. For me, writing

is a way to explore the world around me and express the thoughts and emotions that are otherwise

difficult to articulate. As I sit down to write, I often find that I'm not just putting words on a page - I'm

unleashing the voices in my head.

My writing process starts with inspiration. Sometimes, the words flow effortlessly, and the different

sides of me flood my head with all their different perspectives and opinions on what I should be saying

and mentioning. Other times, it feels like I am slogging through a thick swamp, trying to find my way to

the other side, and all my voices are in deep slumber not planning on waking up anytime soon. However,

the most exhilarating moments are when I get sudden bursts of inspiration. These moments come

seemingly out of nowhere, and they can be incredibly powerful. It's like a lightning bolt striking, jolting

me out of my everyday life and into a creative frenzy. Suddenly, the words are pouring out of me faster

than I can keep up, and the voices in my head are clamoring for my attention.

Once the initial rush fades, I take a step back and review what I have written. I take the ideas that

came to me during that first frenzied burst and work to shape them into something more concrete. This is

where the process becomes more deliberate and intentional; it requires careful attention to detail. I think

about how I can convey my message more clearly and begin to cut out unnecessary words.

Although editing is an essential part of any writing process, it is also where I can get stuck in a cycle

of self-doubt. I tend to be overly critical of my work and question every decision I make. This is where I

must remind myself to trust the voices in my head. They are the ones who got me this far, and they are the
Marium Abdelaal

ones who will guide me to the finish line. They’re my characters, my inner critic, and my creative muse. I

listen to what they have to say, but I also trust my own instincts. It's a delicate balance, and it requires

constant attention to the process.

Sharing my work with others is the final step in my writing process, but it is also the most important.

It can be daunting to put my work out there, to subject it to the scrutiny of others. However, I've come to

realize that this is a necessary part of my growth as a writer. The feedback and constructive criticism that

I receive from others help me to improve my writing. They offer a fresh perspective, highlighting areas

where I may have missed the mark or where my writing could be stronger. This is invaluable in helping

me refine and polish my work. But it's not just about receiving feedback. It's also about seeing how my

words and ideas impact others. Writing is, after all, a form of communication. When I share my work, I

get to see how it resonates with other people, how it makes them feel, and what it inspires them to do.

This is the most rewarding part of the process, the one that makes every ounce of effort that I pour into

my writing entirely worthwhile.

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