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Annual General Meeting Minutes

Hideaway Lane Road Association

Date: May 14, 2022

President: Charles Graham

Secretary: Cindy Butts
Vice President: Bev Carter
Road Maintenance Committee: Jeff Carter, Andy Knott, Jay Herc
Treasurer: Jackie Hassefras
Ex officio: Leslie Herc

Attendance :

1. Welcome and call to Order:

Charles Graham welcomed residents to the meeting. He noted that we do not have quorum so we
cannot approve the Minutes from the previous meetings.

Charles thanked Jeff, Andy, Jay and the host of volunteers who have pitched in to fill potholes and to
keep the road in good shape. He also thanked Jackie, Bev and Cindy for the admin support.

Charles reminded attendees of the upcoming Fish Fry hosted by the Mundells and thanked Matt and
Gillianne for organizing the event. He commented that this is not a fund raiser, but rather a social event
to get neighbours together for a social. He said that the $10 charge is purely cost recovery to pay for the
fish, shrimp, oil, condiments, etc. He encouraged residents to RSVP.

2. Approval of Minutes

Charles stated that the approval of the minutes would be postponed due to not having quorum

3. Treasurer’s Report

Jackie Hassefras stated that she had sent the report to residents prior to this meeting. She recapped
that our expenses for the year were $20,726.11 and that our income for the same period was
$22,616.92, which included the grant from South Frontenac in the account of $1105.67. She noted that
there was $1900 in arrears owing which has been collected through court action plus an outstanding
amount of $5900 that will be going to trial. She stated that of the four residents that were in serious
arrears, two of them have paid in full. We took court action against the other two; one was settled at
the settlement hearing and was paid in full and the other will be going to trial at a date to be

Jackie went on to note that we exceeded out budget of $10,000 for plowing this year and ended up
spending $11,300.00 for plowing. She said that we will budget $12,500.00 for plowing for the upcoming
Jackie reminded residents that the books are always available for viewing and that we upload the
EStatement to the web page. Lastly, she reminded residents that eTransfers for road dues may now be
sent to

4. Road Committee Report

Jeff Carter stated there the road will be rolled and graded again this year, likely at the end of May or
early June, depending on Tackaberry’s schedule. He noted that Tackaberry did an assessment of what
needs to be done and they identified four projects that all involve building up the base of the road with
thicker aggregate, pack that down and then a layer of 5/8” gravel on top. The four areas are:

1. Area located 0.15 km from Ormsbee Road

2. Areal located 0.3 km from Ormsbee Road
3. Area 0.9 km from Ormsbee Road
4. Area 1.2 km from Ormsbee Road

Given the costs of each project and our current budget, the Road Committee recommended that items 1
and 4 be completed plus rolling and grading. Jeff noted that all three would occur at the same time,
which would save money since Tackaberry would already have the equipment on site.

Jeff commented that we will not be applying to the Private Lane Upgrade Assistance for money again
this year. He said that the Township keeps track of who has received money in the past as they give
preference to those who have not received funds. He suggested that we should wait until we are
prepared to complete a larger project before we apply to the Township again.

5. Other Business

Charles noted that we will be holding another Work Bee/social even in the fall and that we can hold a
meeting to vote on any outstanding items. It was suggested that this be held late September/early
October. He asked if there were any questions or comments, reminding everyone that we are all
working together for all residents. Wendy Libby stated that the road is in better condition than it has
ever been and she acknowledged the hard work from the road crew and the administration.

6. Adjournment

Being that there was no further business, Charles Graham adjourned the meeting at 3:10 pm.

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