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Mid-year exam grammar review

Present tenses, past tenses, “used to”, “would”, “be used to” and “get used to”

Transform the sentences using the word given, which you cannot change. Use between two and five words.

1. As a kid, it was usual for me to visit my grandma every day. VISIT

As a kid, I _______________________________________________________________ my grandma every day.

2. Ken is still adjusting to his new school. TO

Ken __________________________________________________________________________ his new school.

3. They started with the roof repairs in March. HAVE

They ___________________________________________________________________________ since March.

4. She finds it normal to be greeted by strangers because she’s famous. GREETING

She is ________________________________________________________________ her because she’s famous.

5. Saint Paul’s day is one of the most important celebrations for our school. PLAYS

Saint Paul’s day ___________________________________________________________________ in our school.

6. My sister started making noise during my zoom class. WHILE

My sister started making noise ________________________________________________________ my zoom class.

7. My parents persuaded me to travel with them over the weekend. INTO

My parents ____________________________________________________________ with them over the weekend.

8. Nate quit his job three months ago. LOOKING

Nate ________________________________________________________________________ a job for two months.

9. My stupid neighbor never stops playing loud music. ALWAYS

My stupid neighbor ____________________________________________________________________ loud music.

10. He’s been living in Brazil for a year so he has become accustomed to speaking Portuguese. TO

He’s been living in Brazil for a year so he _________________________________________________ Portuguese.

11. Brad wakes up every day at 5 but he has never felt it is natural. NOT

Brad is _________________________________________________________________________ up every day at 5.

12. Sheila started painting her room two hours ago and she’s not finished yet. HAS

Sheila ____________________________________________________________________ her room for two hours.

13. Conan got home and he turned on the TV. HOME

After he ____________________________________________________________________, he turned on the TV.

14. I realized my mistake the second I saw the report on my desk. SOON

As ______________________________________________________ the report on my desk, I realized my mistake.

15. We used to be great friends with Jane but she insulted me once. GONE

We used to be great friends with Jane but I ___________________________________________________ her.

16. By the time the firefighters got to the scene, the house was completely burned down. CONSUMED

By the time the firefighters got to the scene, the fire _______________________________________ the house.

17. I waited for three hours before the doctor called my name. BEEN

When the doctor called my name, I ____________________________________________________ three hours.

18. I wanted to tell her the truth but I couldn’t remember the details. FORGOTTEN

I wanted to tell her the truth but I ______________________________________________________ the details.

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