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Dr. Miciano Road, Dumaguete City, Philippines


I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Discuss the Perfect Progressive Aspect and its types.

2. Construct sentences for each tenses of the Perfect Progressive Aspect.
3. Distinguish the difference between Perfect Progressive Aspect from other aspects.

II. Subject Matter


Perfect Progressive Aspect


o Future Perfect Progressive Tense Examples | (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2023, from progressive?

o Past Perfect Progressive Tense Examples | (n.d.).

Retrieved March 7, 2023, from

o Present Perfect Progressive Examples | (n.d.).

Retrieved March 7, 2023, from
Dr. Miciano Road, Dumaguete City, Philippines

‌ Materials:

o Visual aids
o Worksheets
o Pictures

‌III. Procedures

A. Preparation

o Prayer
o Greetings
o Checking of Attendance

B. Review

o Ask the class about the previous lesson.

o Ask the class if they learn in the previous lesson.
o Ask the class if they really understand the previous lesson.

C. Motivation

o The teachers will present 2 classifications of phrases (had been, have been and has
been, and will have been) and (past perfect progressive, present perfect
progressive, and future perfect progressive). The students will play an educational
game called “match me”. It is a game wherein students should match the phrases
that they feel that coincides to the other phrases.

D. Presentation of Lesson

o State the objectives that need to be accomplished.

o Proceed with showing the visual aids explaining what perfect progressive aspect
and its types all about.
o The Past perfect progressive is a verb tense which is used to denote an action that
has been in progress continuously up to the point of another action in the past.
The past perfect progressive tense shows action that has been in progress
Dr. Miciano Road, Dumaguete City, Philippines

continuously up to the point of another action in the past. This tense is related to
the present perfect progressive; however, in the past perfect progressive, the
duration does not continue until now because it stops before something else in the
past. Examples:
 Andy had been chatting online before he went to bed.
 Her skin was sunburned because she had been lying on the beach all day.
o The present perfect progressive tense (or present perfect continuous tense, as it's
also known) shows action that has been continuously happening up to the present
moment. We use this verb tense to show that something started in the past and has
continued up until now; or that an action has been happening over time until now.
Simply put, the present perfect progressive has the meaning of lately or recently.
The present perfect progressive tense is usually combined with a length of time
phrase (such as, ‘for few seconds/five minutes’, ‘for all day/morning/weeks’, and
‘since Monday/last month,’ etc.) to indicate action that started in the past and
continues to the present. Examples:
 Andy has not been spending time with his family since he started a part
time course.
 Lola hasn’t been using her favorite car recently.
o The Future perfect progressive tense is a verb tense which is used to show that an
action will be in progress continuously up to the point of another action in the
future. Normally, words like before, when, or for years, etc. are often used with
future perfect progressive. The future perfect progressive primarily indicates the
duration an action will be continuously in progress before something or another
action or a specific time in the future. This means the same as past perfect
progressive; the only difference is that it happens in the future, not the past. The
structure, will have + been + present participle of main verb is used to construct
this tense. Examples:
 By the time Geoffrey graduates, he will have been studying for 7 years.
 When the meat is cooked, it will have been cooking for 12 minutes.
Dr. Miciano Road, Dumaguete City, Philippines

E. Application

o The teacher groups the class into three.

o Instruction: Each group will pick a number from the box, ranging from 1 to 3.
The group who got the #1 will receive picture #1, followed by the other groups.
Then, they will take on the role of newscasters and create a news report based on
the image that depicts a recent incident using the three tenses of Perfect

F. Generalization
After the discussion, the teacher will ask the following questions.

o Why do you think it is important to learn about Perfect progressive aspects?

o How will you apply your learnings about perfect progressive aspects in your life?
Dr. Miciano Road, Dumaguete City, Philippines

o Distinguish the difference between Perfect Progressive Aspect from other aspects.

IV. Evaluation

After learning about paragraph, the students will be assessed by answering a quiz through


Instructions: Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. True or false? The future perfect progressive tense indicates a continuous action that will
be completed at some point in the future.
A. True
B. False

2. The future perfect progressive tense is formed by:

A. "will have been" + [present participle]
B. "will have been" + [past participle]

3. Select the example of the future perfect progressive tense.

A. will be going
B. will have been going
C. will have gone

4. Select the one with an example of the future perfect progressive tense. Remember, you're
looking for 'will have been' + [present participle]:
A. Will you not have been drinking for eight hours at that point?
B. It's never too late to be who you might have been.

5. Select the one with an example of the future perfect progressive tense.
A. I will have been waiting for over an hour when the train finally arrives.
Dr. Miciano Road, Dumaguete City, Philippines

B. I hope that by 2050 the entire solar system will have been explored and mapped by
flotillas of tiny robotic craft.
6. True or false? The past perfect progressive tense is used to show that an ongoing action in
the past has ended.
A. True
B. False

7. The past perfect progressive tense is formed:

A. "had been" + [present participle]
B. "will have been" + [past participle]

8. Select the example of the past perfect progressive tense.

A. had worked
B. have been working
C. had been working

9. Select the example of the past perfect progressive tense.

A. Did she work last night?
B. Was she working last night?
C. Had she been working last night?

10. Select the one with an example of the past perfect progressive tense. Remember, you're
looking for 'had been' + [present participle]:
A. She had been walking without shoes since breakfast.
B. Progress might have been all right once, but it has gone on too long.

11. True or false? The present perfect progressive tense is used to describe a continuous
activity that began in the past and continues into the present. It also denotes a continuous
activity that began in past but has now finished.
A. True
Dr. Miciano Road, Dumaguete City, Philippines

B. False

12. The present perfect progressive tense is formed:

A. "has/have been" + [present participle]
B. "had been" + [past participle]

13. Select the example of the present perfect progressive tense.

A. had been painting
B. have been painting
C. has painted

14. Select the one with an example of the present perfect progressive tense.
A. I have been doing marriage counseling for about 15 years and I realized that what
makes one person feel loved, doesn't make another person feel loved. (Gary Chapman)
B. If it had been possible to build the Tower of Babel without climbing it, it would have
been permitted.

15. Select the one with an example of the present perfect progressive tense.
A. A pessimist is a man who has been compelled to live with an optimist.
B. Either I've been missing something or nothing has been going on.

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