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1. Present simple Past simple I eat cookies She said that, she ate
2. Present Past continuos I am eating cookies He said that, He was
continuos eating cookies
3. Past simple Past perfect I ate cookies She said that, she had
eaten cookies
4. Past continuos Past perfect We were eating They said that, they had
continuos cookies been eating cookies
5. Present perfect Past perfect She has eaten She said that, she had
cookies eaten cookies
6. Past perfect Past perfect He had eaten He said that, he had
cookies eaten cookies
7. Past perfect Past perfect He had been eating They said that, he had
continuos continuos cookies been eating cookies
8. Will Would I Will eat cookies He said that, he would
eat cookies
9. Would Would He would eat cookies He said that, he would
eat cookies
10. Can Could I can eat cookies She said that, she could
eat cookies
11. Could Could She could eat They said that, she
cookies could eat cookies
12. Should Should I should eat cookies He said that, he should
eat cookies
13. May Might I may eat cookies She said that, she migth
eat cookies
14. Might Might He might eat cookies He said that, he might
eat cookies
15. Must Must/Had to I muste at cookies She said that, she had
toe at cookies
16. Have to Had to I have to eat cookies He said that, he had to
eat cookies

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