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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region Viii – Eastern Visayas
Schools Division Of Leyte
Sta. Ana National High School
303428 ǁ Brgy. Sta. Ana, La Paz, Leyte

Activity Completion Report

I. Home Visitation
II. December 07, 2022
III. Brgy. Calaghusan,
Municipality: La Paz, Leyte

IV. Summary
Based in my daily attendance records Nelberto A. Bohiyan one of my
student in Grade 7 Hope advisory is always making absent. This leads me to
conduct a home visitation to meet the parents of Nelberto and report the
performance of their son and ask the reason behind why their son is always
absent in school.

V. Actual Results/Outcome

VI. Problems Meet/Solution Applied

VII. Leason Learned

Home visitation is an effective way of identifying student’s problem in their
academic performance and their parents will have an idea of the educational performance
of their student/s.
VIII Sustainability
Conduct a home visitation of those students who are making abseentiesm and
any problem in their educational performance.

Prepared by:
Noted By
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region Viii – Eastern Visayas
Schools Division Of Leyte
Sta. Ana National High School
303428 ǁ Brgy. Sta. Ana, La Paz, Leyte

Home Visitation Form

Learner’s Name :
Grade & Section :
Address :
Date of Visit :

Status: Abseentiesm / Consecutive Absences:



Solutions/s or Intervention/s to be made:


Learner’s Signature

Parent’s Signature
Conducted by:__________________________

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