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1) Of which country is Taoism a native religion?

Answer: China.

2) What European city first heard Christian preaching?

Answer: Philippi.

3) Which religious leader is known as “The Enlightened One”?

Answer: Gautama Buddha.

4) What is the meaning of the word ‘Buddha’?

Answer: Enlightened one.

5) Which saint is believed to have introduced Christianity in India?

Answer: Saint Thomas.

6) In which year Christianity is believed to have introduced in India?

Answer: About A.D. 50.

7) The ‘Torah’ is the sacred book of which religious people?

Answer: The Jews.

8) On which mountain did God give Moses the ‘Ten Commandments’?

Answer: Mount Sinai.

9) Which French philosopher founded ‘Positivism’ which is also known as the

‘Religion of Humanity’?

Answer: Auguste Comte.

10) What is the holy book of the ‘Zoroastrians or the Parsi people called?

Answer: The Zend Avesta.

11) Which philosophical doctrine believes that since the world is the creation
of divine law, it is man’s duty to accept his fate?

Answer: Stoicism.

12) What is the name of the Mountain that Noah’s Ark rest on after the flood?

Answer: Ararat.

13) What is the name of the theory that Gods of mythology were originally
heroic mortals?

Answer: Euhemerism.

14) Which religious movement was started by Theodor Herzl, aiming to
establish a Jewish State in Palestine?

Answer: Zionism.

15) Hazratbal Shrine Mosque is situated at which place?

Answer: Srinagar.

16) Where is the famous Buddhist temple of Borobudur?

Answer: Java.

17) The Konark temple is dedicated to which God?

Answer: Sun.

18) In which state the famous Dilwara temples are situated?

Answer: Rajasthan.

19) The famous Amarnath Shrine is in which state?

Answer: Jammu & Kashmir.

20) The famous Konark temple is located in which state?

Answer: Orissa.

21) The book of Islamic religion called:

Answer: The Quran.

22) With which system of Indian philosophy is Kapila associated?

Answer: Sankhya System.

23) What is Sankhya system?

Answer: About evolution. According to this system the whole universe has
evolved out of one cosmic energy.

24) In which religion do men take the last name ‘Singh’ and women ‘Kaur’?

Answer: Sikhism.

25) “Be ye lamps unto yourselves, betake yourself to no external refuge. Hold
fast to the truth as a lamp, hold fast as refuge to the truth”. Who said these

Answer: Gautama Buddha.

26) What does the name “Jesus” means?

Answer:  “Jehovah is salvation”; Matt. 1;21.

27) What was Modern Sarnath, near Varanasi, called during Buddha’s time?

Answer: Isipatana, where Buddha taught his first sermon.


28) What is Buddha’s Middle path?

Answer: A path between the two extremes of self-indulgence and self-


29) What, in the Christian church, occurs 49 days before Whitsunday and 40
days after Shrove Tuesday?

Answer: Easter.

30) In which religion adherents must visit Mecca at least once in a lifetime?

Answer: Islam.

31) What is the name of the Vatican’s Army?

Answer: The Swiss Guard.

32) Who was the first woman to be obtained in the Buddhist order?

Answer: Mahapajapati, Buddha’s maternal aunt and his mother’s sister who
had brought him up after his mother’s death.

33) Which are the Triratna s (three jewels) of Buddhism?

Answer: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

34) What does the term “Digambara” mean?

Answer: The sky-clad.

35) Which book of the Bible comes after Acts?

Answer: Romans.

36) Which is the mother of religion of Christianity and Islam?

Answer: Judaism, the religion of the Jews.

37) Moslems are the adherents of which religion?

Answer: Islam.

38) In the Jewish religion what is the ‘Bar and bat mitzvah’?

Answer: The religious coming-of-age of a 13-year-old boy.

39) The followers of which religion observe the Sabbath from sunset on Friday
to sunset on Saturday?

Answer: Judaism.

40) In which religion the Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are worshipped?

Answer: Hinduism.
41) In Buddhism, what is the name for the attainment of perfect serenity,
achieved when all desires are eradicated?

Answer: Nirvana.

42) What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

Answer: Ps. 119 (176 verses).

43) Who founded Judaism?

Answer: Abraham.

44) At what age Mahavira died?

Answer: At the age of 72 years.

45) Name the place where Mahavira died:

Answer: Pawa, near Rajgir.

46) What does the word ‘Islam’ literally mean?

Answer: Submission or surrender to the will of the God.

47) What does the term ‘Sikh’ mean?

Answer: A disciple of the One True God.

48) What Book of the Bible means “the Going Forth”?

Answer: Exodus.

49) Who has been Guru Nanak’s companion in his younger days?

Answer: Mardana, a Muslim rebec player and music composer, who helped
Nanak to organize Kirtans or community singing of devotional songs.

50) Who has been the last Guru of the Sikhs?

Answer: Guru Gobind Singh.

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