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Vowel sounds
Short Long
/ə/ /æ/ /ʊ/ /ɒ/ /ɜː/ /ɑː/ /uː/ /ɔː/ /iː/
teacher man put got shirt part who walk cheap
/ɪ/ /i/ /e/ /ʌ/
chip happy men but

Diphtongs (two vowel sounds)

/eə/ /ɪə/ /ʊə/ /ɔɪ/ /aɪ/ /eɪ/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/
hair near tour boy fine late coat now

/p/ /b/ /f/ /v/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /θ/ /ð/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/
pill book face van time dog cold go thirty they choose jeans
/s/ /z/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /w/ /j/
say zero shop usually me now sing hot late red went yes

Subject pronouns Object pronoun Possesive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns
1 st person I Me My Mine Myself
2 nd person You You Your Yours Yourself
3 rd person (male) He Him His Hiss Himself
3 person (female) She Her Her Hers Herself
3rd thing It It Iits (Not used) Itself
1st person plural We Us Our Ours Ourselves
2nd person (plural) You You Your Yours Yourselves
3rd person & thing (plural) They Them Their Theirs Themselves
Because Because is used to show reason She usually eats at home because she likes cooking
Although Although is used to use two opposite statements Although he speaks seldom, he says meaningful words.
Whereas Whereas is used to show contrast She is very funny whereas he is boring.
But But is used to join two ideas that are opposites I'm very hungry, but the fridge is empty.
Besides Besides means in addition to, also it is a preposition She speaks three languages besides Spanish.
Unlike Unlike means different from, not similar to Jack is completely unlike his father.
Therefore Therefore, is used to show the result / effect of an action She came first. Therefore, she got a good seat.
Provided Provided means if or only if They can listen to music provided they disturb nobody.
Unless Unless means, except on the condition that You don't need to go unless you want to
Since Since is used to show result Since a see you, I'm better
So So is used to show result Whoever says so is a liar.
If If is used to show condition Let me know if you go to the school.
Yet Yet shows contrast or joins opposites We haven't finished eating the watermelon yet.
After After telling us about order, sequence I can pass after the green light is on.

Who/that I had a friend who could speak six languages! I had a friend that could speak six languages!

THINGS Which/that I bought a blanket which glows in the dark I bought a blanket that glows in the dark

• It was a beautiful hotel whose lobby looked like

• I spoke to a friend whose uncle is a lawyer.
a palace.
• It was a beautiful hotel. Its lobby looked like a
• I spoke to a friend. His uncle is a lawyer.

PETS Who My neighbour has a dog who constantly barks

Giant pandas, which are endangered, can spend 10

ANIMALS Which/that Animals that have hair or fur are called mammals.
hours a day eating

PLACES Where There’s a new shop where you can buy furniture.

When The days when I have to collect the children are stressful.
year, time)

More information in Page 43. First Certificate

Listing, ordering and time Adding Information Giving example
· Firstly · In addition · For example
· Secondly · Additionally · One clear example is
· Thirdly · Furthermore / Además · For instance
· Fourthly · Moreover / Además / Lo que es más · Such as / Tal como
· Lastly · Also / También / Además · Namely / Concretamente
· Finally · As well as… · To illustrate
· Eventually · In other words
· Meanwhile / Mientras tanto
· Initially
· Henceforth / De ahora en adelante
· As soon as
Results and consequences Highlighting and stressing Concessions and contrasts
· As a result · Particularly · Admittedly / Ciertamente
· Consequently · In particular · However / Sin embargo / No obstante
· Therefore / Por lo tanto / Por consiguiente · Specifically · Nevertheless / No obstante / De todas formas
· For this reason · Especially · Even though / A pesar de / Aunque
· Obviously · Although / Aunque / A pesar de
· Of course · Despite
· Clearly · In spite of
· On the other hand
· By contrast
· In comparison
· Alternatively
· Another option could be
Reasons and causes Giving your opinion Concluding linkers
· Owing to / A causa de · In my opinion · In conclusion
· Due to / Debido a · I think · To conclude
· Since · I believe · To summarise / Para resumir
· As · I admit · To reiterate
· In my view
· I agree
· I disagree
· I accept

And, so, but and because are the most useful connectors in English

of time
· on Sunday;

· on May 1st;

on days (of the week) and dates · on Christmas;

· on my mark;

· on the weekend

· months / seasons / year · in summer / in July / in 2017

in · part of the day · in the evening

· after a period of time · in an hour; in the future

· At 11:15 p.m.;

at a specific point of time · at half past six

· at the weekend

from a specific point in time until

since · since 1980; since yesterday
now (past till now)

for over a certain period of time · for the first time in forever; for 3 years

from now to a specific point in the

ago · a second ago; a decade ago; a while ago
past (now till past)
throughout the course or duration
during · during summer; during the vacation; during the discussion
of sth.
· before winter; before dawn; I have to talk to the client before I call
before previous to in time; earlier than
my manager
Subsequent in time; at a later time
after · after midnight; after tomorrow
· until Monday; I’ll wait to call my manager until I hear from the
until up to a certain point in time

by not later than · by 12 o'clock; by next week

of place
in position or state inside sth. · in London; in the book, in the mirror; in love
· specific position · at home; at the table; at my side
· an event (or a place related
· at the party; at the cinema; at school
to it)

· position above · on the desk

· in contact with · on the wall

· for a certain side (left, right) · on the left side

· the state or process of · on leave; on fire; on the way

· on the phone; on TV; on the radio

· means of conveyance
· on trains; on the bus; on a plane

· off the table; off the wall; went off to Canada; got off the bus;
off from a place or position
turned off the TV

in a lower position; beneath the

under · under the table; under water

· in or at a position above · put sth. over a shirt; walk over sth.;

over · over my dead body

· more than
· over 100 years

below in or to a lower place; beneath · below the surface; below 20°; below the clouds

above higher than sth. else; overhead · above the door; the clouds above; the problems cited above

from a lower towards a higher

up · up the hill; up there is a …

down a descending direction · rolled down the hill; walking down the street

of directions/movements
across On, at, to or from the other side · across the street; lines across the paper

through from one end or side to another · through the tunnel; a tour through France

· In a direction toward a
· go to bed; move on to; face to face
person / thing
· toward a (given) state · back to health; all the way to; to die for

· movement to the inside /

into · went into the kitchen; crashed into a tree
interior of
· to the condition, state, or
· breaking into pieces; go into banking
form of

· from the inside to the outside · drag myself out of bed; out of nowhere
out of
· no longer in the condition,
· out of town; out of order; out of fashion
state, or form of

onto · movement to the top · jumped onto the table

· towards the house; toward the future;

· movement in the direction of;
or closer to
· toward peace

a starting point; movement away

from from a source, a cause; a · walked home from the station; traveled from NY to LA


originating from, composed of, · men of the north; a cup of coffee; the hand of God; that friend of
associated with, belonging to yours

· a book by Mark Twain; by myself;

in the name of; through the

by · played by the rules; killed by a bullet;
agency or action of

· one by one they left; by car, by bus

· estimation of quantity · about ten people; about two miles

about · a book about English

· on the subject of
· the chorus is about to sing

indicates the object, aim or

for · happy for you; eager for fame; for one thing, …; for heaven’s sake

with in the presence or use of · with a friend; with cheese; with confidence; with a lot of …

Irregular verbs
Infinitive Past simple Past participle Spanish
be was /wɒz/ / were /wɜː/ been ser/estar
become became become convertirse/volverse
blow blew /bluː/ blown /bləʊn/ soplar
break /breɪk/ broke /brəʊk/ broken /'brəʊkən/ romper
bring /brɪŋ/ brought /brɔːt/ brought /brɔːt/ traer/llevar
build /bɪld/ built /bɪlt/ built /bɪlt/ construir
buy /baɪ/ bought /bɔːt/ bought /bɔːt/ comprar
catch /kætʃ/ caught /cɔːt/ caught /cɔːt/ atrapar/agarrar
choose /tʃuːz/ chose /tʃəʊz/ chosen /'tʃəʊzən/ escoger/elegir
come came come venir
cost cost cost costear
cut cut cut cortar
deal /dɪəl/ dealt /delt/ dealt /delt/ tratar/acordar
do did done /dʌn/ hacer
draw /drɔː/ drew /druː/ drawn /drɔːn/ dibujar
drink drank drunk beber
drive /draɪv/ drove /drəʊv/ driven /'drɪvən/ conducir
eat /iːt/ ate /et/ eaten /'iːtən/ comer
fall fell fallen caer
feel felt felt sentir
find /faɪnd/ found /faʊnd/ found /faʊnd/ encontrar/hallar
fly /flaɪ/ flew /fluː/ flown /fləʊn/ volar
forget forgot forgotten olvidar
get got got recibir/conseguir
give /gɪv/ gave /geɪv/ given /'gɪvən/ dar/regalar
go went gone /gɒn/ irse
grow /grəʊ/ grew /gruː/ grown /grəʊn/ crecer/cultivar
have /hæv/ had /hæd/ had /hæd/ tener
hear /hɪə/ heard /hɜːd/ heard /hɜːd/ oír/escuchar
hide /haɪd/ hid /hɪd/ hidden /'hɪdn/ esconder
hit hit hit golpear/pegar
hold /həʊld/ held held agarrar
keep kept kept guardar/mantener
know /nəʊ/ knew /njuː/ known /nəʊn/ conocer
lead /liːd/ led /led/ led /led/ llevar/dirigir
learn /lɜːn/ learnt /lɜːnt/ learnt /lɜːnt/ aprender
leave /liːv/ left left irse/salir
lend lent lent prestar
let let let dejar/permitir
lose /luːz/ lost lost perder/deshacerse de
make made made hacer
meet met met conocer
pay /peɪ/ paid /peɪd/ paid /peɪd/ pagar
put put put poner/colocar
read /riːd/ read /red/ read /red/ leer
ride /raɪd/ rode /rəʊd/ ridden /'rɪdən/ montar
ring rang rung sonar/llamar
run ran run correr
sink /sɪŋk/ sank /sæŋk/ sunk /sʌŋk/ hundir/excavar
say /seɪ/ said /sed/ said /sed/ decir
see saw /sɔː/ seen ver
sell sold /səʊld/ sold /səʊld/ vender
set set set sentsrse
sing sang sung cantar
sleep slept slept dormir
speak /spiːk/ spoke /spəʊk/ spoken /'spəʊkən/ hablar
spend spent spent gastar
stand stood /stʊd/ stood /stʊd/ ponerse de pie
steal /stiːl/ stole /stəʊl/ stolen /'stəʊlən/ robar
swim /swɪm/ swam /swæm/ swum /swʌm/ nadar
take /teɪk/ took /tʊk/ taken /'teɪkən/ tomar
teach /tiːtʃ/ taught /tɔːt/ taught /tɔːt/ enseñar
tell told /təʊld/ told /təʊld/ decir
think thought /θɔːt/ thought /θɔːt/ pensar
throw /θrəʊ/ threw /θruː/ thrown /θrəʊn/ tirar/lanzar/aventar
understand understood /ʌndə'stʊd/ understood /ʌndə'stʊd/ entender/comprender
wake /weɪk/ woke /wəʊk/ woken /'wəʊkən/ despertar
wear /weə/ wore /wɔː/ worn /wɔːn/ usar
win won won ganar
write /raɪt/ wrote /rəʊt/ written /'rɪtən/ escribir

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