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Teacher: Gladys Ortiz

Student: Juan David Castro

account number: 201810040127

subject: English 1

practical exercises #1

campus: El Progreso

delivery date: February 25, 2022

Exercise 1
Write two plural sentences for each of the nouns below.
Example: pen I have ten pens. My three colored pens are working fine.
1. cow  
1a. my grandmother has two pregnant cows
1b. I have three cows in my corral                          
2. city
2a. We have two big cities
2b. what are the smallest cities?
3. tree
3a. there are three trees in my garden
3b. They cut down 4 trees on the mountain
4. toy
4a. I have 16 collectible toys
4b. yesterday I lost 5 toys
5. fox
5a. there are many foxes in the zoo
5b. I have 3 foxes painted in a painting
6. wife
6a. he has already had two wives in his life
6b. in their culture they may have many wives
7. knife
7a. in my kitchen there are ten knives
7b. he cuts the meat with two knives
8. monkey
8a. this place has four monkeys
8b. My friend has seven monkeys at home.
9. donkey
9a. here are two donkeys
9b. yesterday four donkeys were born
10. cup
10a. I have won two soccer cups
10b. today two cups are won in a tennis final

Exercise 2
11. What is a close family?
It is a family made up of parents and children.
   Write two sentences examples:
   a. my family is made up of three people
   b. Only my mom and I live in my house.
12. What is an extended family?
It is the family that is made up of parents, children, cousins, uncles and grandparents.
   Write two sentences examples 
   a. In my family we are eighteen cousins
   b. At Christmas six uncles and all my grandparents get together
13. Who are the in laws?
are the parents of our girlfriend or wife
    Write one sentence example
a. Today I will go to dinner with my in-laws

Exercise 3
Look at the following sentences. Write the interrogative form for each. Write the
negative form for each sentence.
Interrogative (Green) Negative (red)
Example: She has a dog. Does she have a dog? She doesn’t have a dog.
14.- She needs a dictionary: does she need a dictionary? she doesn't need a dictionary
15.- They have school tomorrow: do you have school tomorrow? they don't have school
16.- He likes to eat pizza: do you like to eat pizza? they don't like to eat pizza
17.- We want to go to the movies today: do we want to go to the cinema today? We
don't want to go to the movies today
18.- It rains a lot in winter: In winter it rains a lot? in winter it doesn't rain
19.-She is hungry: is she hungry? she is not hungry
20.- My mother works at a hospital: Does my mom work in a hospital? my mom doesn't
work in a hospital

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