Module 7, English 1, Juan Castro

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Teacher: Gladys Ortiz

Student: Juan David Castro

account number: 201810040127

subject: English 1

Module #7 homework

campus: El Progreso

delivery date: March 30th, 2022

Dear students,
w. to III partial, for this homework #1 you are going to make questions and
corresponding answers with Wh questions.

Questions Answers
1.-Why: Why didn’t Juan David do his homework?
- because i was tired
2.-Which: which color is your favorite?
- I really like the color red
3.-What Kind What kind of music do you like?
- I like pop
4.-How many: how many hamburgers could you eat?
- I could eat three
5.-Whom: whom is the best goalkeeper?
- the best goalkeeper is manuel neuer

Write the contraction for each pronoun and noun.

6. I am: I’m
7. You are: you’re
8. I will: I’ll
9. do not: don't
10. She is: she’s
11. They are: they're
12. is not: isn't

Write the possessive form for each

13. The book of my mother: My mother's book
14. the car of my brother: My brother’s car
15. The bones of my dogs: My dog's bones

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