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4 ! Windows in the ceiling. Hexagon-shaped table with
interactive glass top. Clusters of monitors of
8 different sizes. Five chairs, bolted to the floor.


2 Monitors show the status of the spacecraft. Most N

9 6 are broken, only one works if engine is shut down. AL

ED 1 01
11 LOCK Solar panels visible through the windows. A thick
power cable goes from them into the computer room

10 (10).

ENTRY POINT MAIN DOOR: Someone has been trying to get in. To open,
manually rewire (slow), if the engine is on: hack
7. MAINTENANCE SHAFT (medium) or use code (quick).
! Electronics panels are ripped out, wires hang out.
Piles of tetra paks and plastic canisters with ! Soundproofed, padded all white room, with
colorful logos. strangely angled corners. Light flickers.
Screens with spectrographs in different colors,
Under a pile is an expensive laptop. Bulky and representing sound waves, show the mood of an AI.
broken (smashed-in screen). Infected with a
ransomware virus. When the player characters arrive in the room, AIKO
tells them where the AI’s memory subroutines are “My name is Aiko, I am kidnapped--BZZZZ--Grasshopper--
located: in a red and silver CBM80 cartridge (used to BZZZ--Please--BZZZ--help”
store memories) connected to the computer. AIKO wants
Infects artificial neural networks, such as them to take it and leave the ship. BACKGROUND
chromes and AIs. Tries to infect as many
The ruthless scavengers on the Grasshopper recently
systems as possible before blocking them
until a ransom is paid to a hacker called 11. COMMANDER BRIDGE raided a research vessel. After killing the crew, they
Kisen. The hacker is a kid living somewhere MAIN DOOR: Locked with eye scanner. stole the ship’s named AI, AIKO, and installed it on
on the Iron Ring. their ship. This initiated AIKO’s revenge protocol, and
! Compact, with a low ceiling. Smells of warm the AI blew up the Grasshopper’s medical bay while trying
plastic and electronics. Two seats for pilot and to seize control of the ship. The scavengers tried to
8. EMPTY OBSERVATION ROOM command, and crew compartments along the sides. turn off AIKO with no luck. Finally, they turned off the
! Bright. Large windows cover the walls. Dirty red engine, leaving the ship with only emergency power.
floor strewn with garbage. Equations are scribbled A blinking light warns of an approaching
on the windows. Room appears to have been used for spacecraft (the marshal). Now, they try to contain AIKO in the computer room. They
rituals. do not know that AIKO sent an SOS, picked up by the
Data cassettes with passwords for various places player characters, just before the engine was shut down.
An AI dog replica is sleeping under some debris. on the ring. Old star charts, leading to the
The hard drive hatch is open (can be hacked). scavengers’ hidden base on a distant asteroid. THE GRASSHOPPER
The ship is floating dead in space, not replying to any
READING THE MATH: Seems to involve compressing volumes WHAT HAPPENS NEXT contact attempts. The engine must be shut down, since
and something like white noise infecting code. It is A spacecraft with two sector marshals arrives as the scans reveal no central heat source. Emergency lights
smudged and rewritten over and over again, as if the player characters reach the computer room (10). They flicker. Debris surrounds the ship, originating from
writer did not believe the results. are looking for AIKO, and will act authoritatively. a hull breach in the medical bay, seemingly caused by
They want to see a valid Search and Salvage contract to an explosion inside. A dead body in an EVA suit floats
Astrosextant, behind some garbage. allow the player characters on the ship. nearby.

4 ! Dark. Broken red light panels flicker irregularly.
! Something exploded inside, destroying the hull.
Straps and carabiners along the walls, connected Room is depressurized.
3 to a rubber floor. Small shipping containers in

5 various colors, stolen or salvaged. A plastic quarantine airlock (depressurized)

2 connects to cryopod room (3)
9 6 Broken glass and sharp pieces of plastic on the
ED 1
11 LOCK floor. Makes noise if walked on. VENTILATION TUNNEL: Behind a hatch on the wall, by a
green blinking LED light. Leads to the observation room

10 Shipping containers: one vehicle part, a random (8). Hatch must be rewired to open. Inside tunnel is a

7 weapon. computer panel. AIKO will contact the player characters
through it.
! Dim, lit by a handful of candles. High-tech EMP 5. CREW QUARTERS
spears sticking out of a dead engine.
! Partially lit by emergency lights. Drapes of thick
THE SCAVENGER CREW fabric hang from the ceiling and on the walls.
Crew of six, brutal and hostile to anyone boarding their Noise trap: Thin tripwire attached to metallic
ship. Can sell AIKO (want thousands of holos or a good garbage by door to cryopod room (3). Alerts Frosted shower glass is spattered with blood.
barter). Last one alive triggers ship self-destruct scavengers if triggered. “Get rid of this!” Someone died here or cleaned a large wound.
sequence from the commander bridge (11) when all seems scrawled on piece of cardboard next to trap, on
lost (two minute countdown). cryopod room side (3). Mathematical symbols are inscribed in the ceiling,
behind the fabric. A scavenger wears a necklace of
GOAL: To contain AIKO in the computer room. In the long REMOVING THE RODS: Restarts the engine and powers up eyes from dead crewmembers. It works perfectly in
run, to get rich and settle in a nice station somewhere. the spacecraft. Lights and doors turn on, SOS signal the retina scanners.
restarts. AIKO can access the whole spacecraft (mainly
THE AI (AIKO) assists player characters). Scavengers know exactly Four scavengers work in a floor hatch, welding and
Observes the whole ship via security cameras. Contacts where the player characters are. cutting, disconnecting wires to the computer room
the player characters, acting like a person named Aiko, (10). Wear rough taped-up EVA suits. Two sleeping.
trapped in the computer room (10). 3. CRYOPOD ROOM.
! Four cryopods, broken beyond repair. Broken glass HP 8, DR 12, ATK +2,
GOAL: Avenge former crew, then get off the ship. and dried blood on the floor. Lit by dozens of Tools and gravity dirks (1d4), revolvers (1d6).
candles. The scavengers use the broken pods to

• Messages hidden in scrolling or glitching text on FRAGILE MEDIC BAY DOOR(4): Cracked steel Gravity dirk
computer terminals or connected gear. plexiglass, depressurized plastic airlock and the 6.MAIN CORRIDOR
vacuum of space behind. Don’t hit the door with
! Very dark. Wires hanging from ceiling. Metal floor
• Morse code messages via LED power lights on security any stray bullets without a suit on! Breaking door grating. Piles of garbage.
cameras. causes decompression, and all nearby doors close.
Walking on the floor grating can be very noisy.
• If the engine is turned on, AIKO can talk through 1d4 IN THE CRYOPODS
speakers next to the doors in the ship. 1 Scavenger, sleeping. Looks like a friend (ask SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
players who). Official S&R bureau recommendations mandate that you always wear
0. AIRLOCK 2 Stuffed with stolen, blood-soaked clothes.
appropriate protection for the task at hand and have your search

and salvage contract ready when you board other spacecraft.
Door to cargo bay (1) is broken, missing its lock.
Have a nice death in space.
3 Someone slept here. Silvery emergency blanket.
Trap: Boltgun (1d6 damage), triggered by motion Plastic cup with Bloody Linn, a red fluid made from
• Riots • Virus • Vacuum
detector at the cargo bay door. engine grease, moonshine and blood. • Welding • Void • Cold & heat
• Stargazing • Radiation • Underwater
4 1d4 objects from the equipment list.

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