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Upon entering each room.

Roll 1d4 to see how

many infected are within.

Then roll a 1d10 for what video recording can

be found if players are searching or looting.

The Troubadour A 10 results in no log being found. If the same

number has rolled again. Add +1 until a new
number is found.

Recently, all communications

have gone quiet and only a weak
distress signal is echoing out
across the cosmos. The scrap
merchant brothers Leroy and
Quaid are paying handsomely for Sat upon the crimson fire of
the research equipment located a burning star, a small moon,
in the facility. Assuming all orbiting a dead planet. Un-
parties down there are now dead
named, was the station for a
for an unknown reason.
research facility. Exploring
Meanwhile, the benefactor of the the concept of deep drilling
research Arthur Dudley IV, is to find a new source of power
asking that you go down masquer- and fuel. Whatever they
ading as working for the broth-
found…they should have left
ers, only to instead find out
what happened down there and re- behind…and stopped the
port back. drilling.
Infected crew - BDY +2, DEX +1 ML 10, HP 8,
DR 12, ATK 2x Fist (BDY, 1d4)

For infected who are in half or injured. Use

the stats at /2

For those infected that are one limb use

stats at /4

When dismembering an infected. The limb can

become sentient on a 1-3/d6

On a crit, players must roll BDY at DR16 or

become infected. Only surgically removing the
worms can save the person.

Deep Sea Leviathan - BDY +10, DEX +5, ML X, HP

60, DR12, Devour BDY 6d8 x 2
1 -Shuttle room
7- Drill Room
Entering into a large hexagon, the biggest 5 -Green house This is where the giant drill pushes into
room in the entire facility which acts as the ocean floor, from this room all you
a docking station for ships breaching the This room is packed with containers and
glass casing for underwater plant-life. The can see is eternal blackness of the moons
water. It is fitted with a decompression flora in these cases is alien to look at and icy ocean. The controls for the drill are
chamber. Inside, the lights are moderately disturbing. located within another room
functioning but keep shorting. The smell,
is putrid, unnatural rotting flesh. Death 8- Drill control room
is an aura and it lives in this room.
Someone can use a tablet and who is tech 6 This room contains
maintenance of the
Starting the drill
the control panel for
drill and operation.
is the equivalent of

savvy could notice that a glitch in the
ringing the dinner bell.
facilities electrics is causing the lights
shorting out. The control panel is in the
engineering room. 9- Dr Parkers nest

This room is unbreachable from the
2 -Operations room shuttle room. Inside tendrils and a
pink thick paste line the walls,
This tiny box room is filled with data
servers and buzzing computing equipment. 5 9 malforming this room from what it
once was, leaving behind a what
looks like a nesting chamber. Dr
3 -Observation room 10 8 parker awakens, he will want to add
the PC’s to his collection of
people. Should the PC’s give away
Made entirely of glass, dense and thick. they have a ship. He will try and
The outside framework is adorned with take it.
lights powerful enough to illuminate 30ft
outwards in all directions. The sea life
is haunting to see and observe. If the
10a Dr Parker, large and deformed, with
green flesh and rotting appendages.
Tendrils flick in a disturbing
manner from within him. BDY +3, DEX
PC’s were to use flashlights to light up
+2 ML 10, HP 20, DR 12, ATK 2x
the room, or if they were to fix the Tendril (BDY, 1d6)
glitch in the lighting system. Then the

outside fauna can see the PC’s. The 10- Living quarters.
integrity of the glass is 2d12 points of
This room is a mess, littered with junk
armour, the outside fauna can deal damage and personal belongings. Navigating the
to the glass. The pressure will allow room is slow and difficult. Within the
water to flood the room easily. room are 4 manifestations. Two limbs

4 -Labs 4 and a half body. An AI revolver is on

the floor

This larger room is filled with tons of

malfunctioning equipment. Specimens of sea
3 A small backroom is locked, the door
can either be hacked with a tablet or
cut into with a cutting tool. Inside is
the chief engineer of the operation.
creatures and dead service members of the Beckett. Still completely intact, his
facility. All precisely cut open and demeanour is unsettling. He is smiling
dissected in different ways. As if the gently, but speaks no words. When his
mouth opens, only a guttural bellow
person conducting the experiments was emits out. (Stats of infected)
frantically searching for something. 6- Engineering room
Inside several jars. Are worm like
This small room is filled with servers and 11- Mess hall
mechanical whirring, a dim red light barely
parasites, small teeth protrude from the illuminates this stuffy room and it is only This room is where the staff would sit
faces of these strange cosmic entities. big enough for 4 people due to the amount of down and eat together. It’s covered in
equipment inside. a thick paste that is tacky and sticks
Inspecting the jars causes them to wake to anything it comes into contact with.
from statis and try and escape. Fire can repel it.

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