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5 Reception and hospitality

Answers to Test yourself questions
5.1, page 85
Q1 Any 4 of: Dressing in appropriate clothes; being well groomed;
looking pleasant, cheerful and welcoming; ensuring the desk and
reception area is kept clean and tidy; being polite and courteous,
even if busy; treating all visitors the same; never making tactless
comments or discussing other people with a visitor.

5.2, page 89
Q1 Any 4 of the following duties (the tasks are shown in brackets):
Receiving and screening visitors (greet visitors, ascertain their
needs, if they have an appointment check this on the system and
record their arrival, notify the person concerned, ask the visitor
to complete the reception register, if they have no appointment,
try to find someone else to help, provide information if
requested). Introducing visitors (find out their name and
make a note of this, make the appropriate introduction to
the member of staff, saying the most senior person’s name
first). Operating a switchboard (greeting callers appropriately,
putting callers through to the correct extension, answering
queries from extension holders). Receiving letters and parcels
(signing for couriered items and parcels, making a note if an
item is damaged, informing the addressee of the arrival of
urgent items). Managing and maintaining the reception area
(keeping the desk area clean and tidy by putting away papers
once used, keeping magazines stacked neatly, removing used
cups and glasses, ensuring notices are up to date, arranging for
spillages to be mopped up immediately). Receiving and filing
business cards (noting the name to announce to the person
they are visiting, using the name, title and organisation in any
introductions, filing the card for future reference or passing it to
the person they are visiting).

5.3, page 93
Q1 Diary page for Grace Lara. Suggested answer (see notes):
25 April
09:00 Partners’ meeting
10:30 Read and deal with incoming mail
11:15* Visit to Marsha Gibbs to discuss potential project


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12:30* Working lunch with Martin Garvey about plans for

new hotel
14:00* Interviews for new secretary
16:30* Sign outgoing mail

*Appointments need to be in this order, and for a minimum

of 1 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours and 30 minutes, but they could be
spaced out differently. The times above allow for overruns and
unforeseen tasks between each commitment.

Practice exam questions

SECTION 1: Multiple-choice questions
1 a; 2 d; 3 d; 4 c; 5 c; 6 b; 7 d; 8 a; 9 c; 10 d.

SECTION 2: Short answer questions

1 a Any 3 of: Name of visitor; job title; name of organisation;
contact details of organisation.
b It can be referred to easily when notifying a colleague of
their arrival; if the visitor is being introduced, the card
provides details of their title and organisation as well; it can
be filed for future reference.
2 No specific answers are possible but examples could be:
a Tact – by not making thoughtless or hurtful remarks; by
keeping their thoughts to themselves; by always being
positive and making people feel good about themselves.
b Initiative – being positive; being helpful; thinking of
appropriate ways to solve a problem.
c Good temperament – being positive, calm and even-
tempered at all times.
3 Any 3 of: Contact the person involved and explain that the
appointment needs to be rescheduled and apologise for the
inconvenience; give a reason, if not confidential; suggest other
possible dates that the executive is available; agree the new
date and confirm in writing, if necessary.
4 Any 3 of: Make people feel welcome by making eye contact
and smiling when they arrive; always greet a visitor correctly
and ask how you can help; greet regular visitors by name; find
out names tactfully; be able to talk about neutral topics to help


Unit 5 Ans.indd 21 01/12/11 11:11 AM


a visitor to relax; deal professionally with people who have an

appointment, and offer a drink or newspaper if they have to
wait; check that people have not been forgotten or do not
have to wait too long; if people have travelled some distance,
explain where the toilets are situated.
5 a Any 5 of: Greet the visitor promptly; find out the visitor’s
name and check the appointment details on the system;
make a note that the person has arrived; notify the person
they are going to see about their arrival; ask the visitor to
complete the reception register and then be seated if they
have to wait; point out any reading materials and/or facilities
to obtain a drink; explain where the toilets are situated.
b If the visitor has no appointment and wants to see someone:
find out the reason for their visit, then ask them to be seated
while you check out their request with the person they have
asked for. If this person is not available, see if someone else
can help or ask your supervisor for advice.
6 Write down the details about Mr Cozier on a notepad in case
he does not offer his business card. You should also note that
Mrs Foster is more senior because she is a director of your
company. When Mr Cozier arrives and Mrs Foster comes to
reception, you say: ‘Mrs Foster, this is Mr Juan Cozier, the sales
manager of Diablo Products. Mr Cozier, this is Mrs Beverley
Foster, our marketing director.’
7 Any 4 of: Wear appropriate clothes and shoes for the task/
company image; hair should be tidy and freshly washed; nails
must be clean; clothes must be freshly laundered and pressed;
subtle jewellery; restrained make-up (women).
8 Time of Name Organisation To see Time of
arrival departure
09:15 Mrs J Duval Safety Plus Dr Hershall, 11:00
Ltd HR manager
11:30 Miss Jessie JL Caterers Dr Hershall, 12:15
Hendricks HR manager
14:00 Mr Sonny Hitronics Amy Roach, 15:30
Campbell Software IT manager
15:00 Mr P Phillips Target Edna 16:00
Associates Price, sales


Unit 5 Ans.indd 22 01/12/11 11:11 AM


9 a Note down which dates and times would be suitable for the
executive; contact the other person and agree which would
be best; write the appointment in the diary and check that
you know all of the key information required, including the
full name and title of the other person, their organisation (if
appropriate), a contact telephone number and directions (if
necessary); confirm the arrangements in writing if requested.
b Contact the person with whom the appointment was made
and tell them about the cancellation. Give the reason, if this
is not confidential; apologise for any inconvenience; erase/
delete the entry from the system or clearly cross through it if
it was written in the diary.
10 a Any 3 of: Tickler file – used to jog your memory. A tickler
file consists of index cards completed with key information
that are completed in advance and stored by the date on
which the information is needed. A diary – used to record
reminders. These are entered under the date when the
reminder is needed. A calendar – a wall or desk calendar can
be used to record information required on a certain date.
Wall planner – this will show information at a glance for
specific dates either as notes or symbols. Charts – these can
identify activities to do or actions to take on a certain day.
b Any 4 of: Deadlines; appointments; meetings; conferences;
leave arrangements; social functions; tasks to be carried out
at a future date.

Case study
1 Reception is open 12 hours a day, for seven days a week, so
three receptionists are needed to ensure there is always a
receptionist on duty. If one receptionist is ill, on holiday or
announces plans to leave, the others could work additional
hours to cover the absent employee.
2 The Purple Hills Wellness Spa is new and the owners want it to
be popular with customers immediately. So, the attitude of the
receptionists is very important as they are the first people new
customers will meet. They have a major contribution to make in
promoting goodwill and a positive image of the new business.
3 No specific answer is possible, but ideas could include the
incorporation of the colour purple in a lightweight suit (with skirt
or trousers) with a white shirt or blouse that has a logo on it.


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4 Advantages, any 4 of: Easy to add, amend and delete

information; daily printouts can be made; recurring/routine
appointments need to be entered only once; double bookings
are impossible; the owners can check the appointments from
their cellphones; staff can check their appointments on the
computer; reminder messages can be sent to client cellphones.
The main disadvantage is if the system fails.
5 Information could be provided about the treatments available
and the cost, and other health and beauty leaflets and
restaurant menus.


Unit 5 Ans.indd 24 01/12/11 11:11 AM

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