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@ When does the scholarship period open and close? A: The scholaship period for The Mico Uriversty Cokege runs from the beginning of the academic year in September through to October @ How are students notified about scholarship opportunities? A Students are advised to regulatly check their student emails for all scholarship updates @ 1am on the PATH Programme. How can l access this benefit in College? x to access the PATH Bursary, stuclents must fulfil the requirements: Be a member of a registered PATH household Hove benefited from PATH while af high school Be puruing @ Bachelor's degree and in year 1-4 If 1am on the Minisiy of Education's Math and Science Scholarship, can | stil apply for a scholarship at The Mico? A:No. Can | use the PATH Bursary fo purchase books and stationary for school? ‘A: No, the PATH Bursary will not go to students directly, but willbe sent to the institution and can only be used for tuition or @: Are scholarships automatically renewed? A: No, scholarships are nol automatically renewed. They are tenable for one academic year. If Hake a leave of absence for more than a year, ist possible for me to get a scholarship fo restart school? In order to be qualified fo registered. Therefore, pier to 1! Office of the Registrar or Student Affairs, Once registration details have been deal with, you may then proceed to apply fora scholavshio. 5 Questions lye SCHOLARSHIPS an: Office of Alurnni And Development Scholarships Get the chance of a ifetime to earn a scholasship for College, Each year, The Mico University College offers many scholarships to recognize academic achievement and asst in financial aid. {A scholarship is aif cid that does not need to be repaid, Most Mico scholarships are non-renewable, requiting that you reapply in order to receive the scholarship again. However, as long as you maintain the requied GPA of 30, you should have litle problem n retaining your scholarship, Please note that the process is competitive. Our Scholarship Process \We understand that the scholarship and financial aid process can feel challenging at times. You right have questions about what information is required, how it works, and how your unigue situation might impact the outcome of an application for scholarship. Our sail here fo help. Easy Application Review Our application process is easy and straightforward and includes the submission of easy-to-acquire information so that we can base four scholarship decision on a holstic picture of your academic situation. Once you submit your scholarship application, our Scholarship Selection Committee carefuly considers all of your information, which we use fo determine your eligbilly. We encourage you to contact our staff you would lke fo discuss your ‘application. or it you have general questions about how our scholarship application process works. Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarships @: How can | obtain a scholarship at The Mico University College? A: To obtain a scholarship af The Mico, you must fulfil the fellowing requirements: Be a registered student Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 Display financial need Be involved in campus or community activities Display strong leadership quaities @: What documents do I need fo apply for a scholarship? A: Students will need! Completed application form (wh Alumni Office or on The Mico website) |-page autobiography Copy of your most recent progress report Proof of financial need con be collected at the What are the ditferent types of scholarships available to me? ‘A: There are several types of scholarshios available to students These are: Ful scholarship (inclusive of tuition boarding, stipend) Ful tuition scholarship Busary Book grant Boarding grant @: Where can I find information on how fo access scholarship opportunities? ‘A: All scholarships and bursary opportunities are advertised through the Office of Alumni & Development. Please check your email frequently, : How will know when the scholarships and bursaries have been awarded? {Students who are shortisted for awards are contacted vie email or telephone. Unfortunately, only shortisted candidates wll receive response and willbe invited to attend an interviow.

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