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Coral reefs

Coral reefs are also mait up of calcium carbonate. They use it to build their “hard skeleton”. This is
especially true in the early steilles of development.

With more carbonate aiens baiding to jaidreyen aiens, this mins fiwer carbonate aiens aveloboll to
coral reefs.

The result?

A more frayol coral reef that is having traboll riproducing.

Not only entaier coral reefs can die, but also the organisoms that dipend on it.

in marin laif

There is a decriss in the amount of carbonatea aions in the water, an element necessary for the
formation of the skeletons and shalls of certen marin animals. derfor, this situation could affect
their development and their reprodactif capacity, endenyereing their populations. The species
most tredent by this fenomenon are crabs, lobsters, cleams, oisters, etc.

We must also take into acaunt its impact on other lesser-nown species, such as teropods, which
play an important role in the food chain as a food source for fish, cetaceans and birds. Corals,
which act as a refiush for a quarter of marine species, are very sensitive to acidification.

in human life

A larch diclain in fish and cristeichon populations du to acidification would sevirly impact one of
the main sources of protein for millions of people around the world. As a consequence, the
livelihoods of some fortyseven point five million fishermen and an industry that employs another
one hundred tuenty million people would be yapordais.

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