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Advanced Cantonese

Colloquialisms V
CCLCC4613E / Advanced Cantonese online course

Yale-China Chinese Language Centre


July 2022
Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

Introduction to Cantonese Sounds and Tones

Cantonese sounds and tones – ‘Gwóngdūngwá yúhyām’

Cantonese is a tonal language, in which tones play a very important role in identifying the
meaning of words. There are about 20 romanization systems used in Cantonese course books.
This book uses the “Yale system”.

A syllable in Cantonese is composed of 3 components:

1. An initial – ‘sīngmóuh’: consonants used at the beginning of a syllable.
2. A final – ‘wáhnmóuh’: the part of a syllable that follows an initial.
3. A tone – ‘sīngdiuh’: the pitch contour of a syllable, e.g. ā, á, a, àh, áh, ah.

1 Initials – ‘sīngmóuh’
According to their phonetic features, the 19 initials are divided into 5 groups as shown in
Table 1.1. Learners should notice the following points in pronouncing or identifying

1. The ‘j’ and ‘ch’ are pronounced with lips spread, instead of rounded or protruded lips. The
‘ch’ and ‘j’ initials in Cantonese, such as: ‘chàh’ (tea) and ‘jyuh’ (live) are not the same as
those in ‘church’ and ‘judge’ in English.

2. Some sociolinguistic research shows that Cantonese speakers may pronounce the ‘n’ like
‘l’, e.g. ‘néuihyán’ (woman)  ‘léuihyán’.

3. The ‘g’ resembles ‘c’ in ‘scan’ (unaspirated ‘k’) and ‘k’ in ‘kitchen’ (aspirated ‘k’).

4. The ‘kw’ is a strong aspirated sound, resembling ‘qu’ in ‘quick’.

5. The ‘ng’ initial resembles the sound of ‘-ng’ as in ‘singer’. Cantonese youths may drop the
‘ng’ in ‘ngóh’ (I), and say it like ‘óh’.

6. The ‘y’ is different from the vowel ‘yu’ as in ‘yih yuht’ (February).

7. Sociolinguistic research also shows some natives may pronounce the ‘gw’ without rounded
lips, which may make ‘gwok’ (country) become ‘gok’.

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Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

Table 1.1 “Initials” chart with examples

English Chinese
Group Initials Romanization Tone
Meaning Characters

1 Aspirated stops
p pa M.L. afraid 怕
t taai M.L. too much 太
k kāat H.L. card 咭/卡
ch chā H.L. fork 叉
kw kwàhn L.F. skirt 裙
2 Unaspirated Stops
b bā H.L. father 爸
d dá H.R. hit 打
g gá H.R. false 假
j ja M.L. bombard 炸
gw gwai M.L. expensive 貴

3 Nasals
m mā H.L. mother 媽

n nāu H.L. angry 嬲

ng ngóh L.R. I, me 我

4 Fricative & Continuants:

f fā H.L. flower 花
l lā H.L. final particle 啦
h hā H.L. shrimp 蝦
s sā H.L. sand 沙
5 Semi-Vowels
y yéh L.R. thing 嘢
w wá H.R. language 話

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Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

2 Finals – ‘wáhnmóuh’
Table 2.1 shows the 51 Cantonese finals (with examples) used in the Yale system. Included are
the vowels with long or short length and the diphthongs consisting of vowels in different

1. Cantonese has single vowel sounds (e.g. ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘eu’, ‘yu’) and diphthongs
(e.g. ‘ai’, ‘ou’, ‘aau’ …). When single vowel sounds have no following consonant, they
are supposedly pronounced as “long vowels” (e.g. ‘ma’, ‘me’, ‘mi’, ‘mo’, ‘mu’).

2. There is a distinction between diphthongs having short vowel ‘a’ (spelt as ‘a’) and those
having long vowel ‘a’ (spelt as ‘aa’). The examples of the long and short ‘a’ are shown
in Table 2.2.

3. The finals ‘eu’, ‘eung’, ‘euk’, ‘eui’, ‘eun’ and ‘eut’ are rounded central vowels. For
example, ‘hēu’ (boot), ‘sēut’ (shirt), ‘seun’ (letter), ‘heui’ (to go), ‘lèuhng’ (cool) and
‘yeuhk’ (medicine).

4. The endings ‘-p’, ‘-t’ and ‘-k’ endings are unreleased stops.

5. The ‘i’ in Cantonese is different from the one in English, as the tongue position is higher,
e.g. ‘tīn’ (sky). (Compare it with the English word ‘teen’)

6. The ‘o’ is similar to ‘o’ as in ‘got’ in English, pronounced with rounded lips, e.g. ‘ngoi’

7. The ‘u’ is also similar to the vowel as in ‘wood’ in English, pronounced with rounded lips.
e.g. ‘luhk’ (green).

8. In a diphthong, the vowel glide is articulated strongly when it goes with a short main vowel,
whereas the vowel glide becomes weak when going with a long main vowel.

There are fifty-one finals (or “syllable endings”) in real life Cantonese vocabulary as shown
in Table 2.3.

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Table 2.1 “Finals” chart with examples

Group Finals Key words Chinese Characters English meaning

a Long a sā 沙 sand

aai daai 帶 bring

aau gaau 教 teach

aam sāam 衫 clothing

aan sāan 山 mountain

aang láahng 冷 cold

aap ngaap 鴨 duck

aat baat 八 eight

aak baak 百 hundred

Short ai dāi 低 low

au gau 夠 enough

am sām 心 heart

an sān 新 new

ang dáng 等 wait

ap sāp 濕 wet/humid

at māt 乜 what

ak dāk 得 okay

e Long e jē 遮 umbrella

eng leng 靚 beautiful

ek tek 踢 kick

Short ei sei 四 four

eu Long eu hēu 靴 boot

eung lèuhng 涼 cool

euk jeuk 着 wear

Short eui heui 去 go

eun seun 信 letter

eut chēut 出 go out

i Long i jí 紙 paper

iu bīu 錶 watch

im tìhm 甜 sweet

in tīn 天 sky

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Group Finals Key words Chinese Characters English meaning

ip dihp 碟 dish

it jit 節 festival

Short ing sing 姓 surname

ik sihk 食 eat

o Long o ngoh 餓 hungry

oi ngoi 愛 love

on hon 看 look

ong tōng 湯 soup

ot hot 渴 thirsty

ok gwok 國 country

Short ou chou 醋 vinegar

u Long u fú 苦 bitter

ui múi 妹 younger sister

un muhn 悶 boring

ut fut 闊 wide

Short ung tung 痛 pain

uk jūk 粥 congee

yu Long yu syū 書 book

yun yùhn 完 finish

yut hyut 血 blood

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Table 2.2 The long and short diphthongs in Cantonese (aai/ai, aam/am, aan/an, aau/au)

long (aa-) short (a-)

Romanization English Romanization English

gwāai good (child) gwāi tortoise

High level sāam Clothing sām heart

sāan Mountain sān new

gwáai Kidnap gwái ghost

High rising fáan Opposite fán powder

háau examination háu mouth

gwaai Strange gwai expensive

Mid. level gaau teach gau enough

daai take dai emperor

Table 2.3 51 “Finals” in Cantonese


a e eu i o u yu

aai ai ei eui oi ui

aau au iu ou

aam am im

aan an eun in on un yun

aang ang eng eung ing ong ung

aap ap ip

aat at eut it ot ut yut

aak ak ek euk ik ok uk

Note: L = long, S = short

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Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

3 Tones – ‘sīngdiuh’
This book employs the six-tone system, which has been accepted by many scholars. To make
the tones visible, Table 3.1 can show the pitch contour of the voice. Please note that the low
falling tone is lower than the low level tone. (The high and low rising tones may have
alternative representations in different systems employed by other books).

Table 3.2 shows the differences in meaning when a word is pronounced in different tones.

Table 3.1 Pitch contours of the Cantonese tones

High High Middle Low Low Low
Level Rising Level Falling Rising Level
Pitch 55 25 33 21 13 22
Note: Some people would use a high falling tone (53) for a high level one to stress certain
words. However, the two tones do not make difference in the meaning of the word.

Table 3.2 Cantonese tones with examples

Tone H.L. H.R. M.L. L.F. L.R. L.L.

Romanization sī sí si sìh síh sih

Chinese Character 詩 史 試 時 市 是
English meaning poem history try time market be

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4 Spelling conventions
1. The tone mark of the ‘rising’, ‘falling’ or ‘high level’ tone is placed on the top of the first
2. The not-pronounced ‘h’ is placed behind the vowels of a final to indicate low pitch tones.
3. The mid-level tone has no tone mark.

香 港
↓ High Level tone mark ↓ High Rising tone mark

h ēung g óng
intial final
intial final

中 早
↓ High Level tone mark ↓ High Rising tone mark

j ūng j óu
intial final intial final

大 晨
↓ (without tone mark for level tones) ↓ Falling tone mark

↓ Low Pitch tone mark ↓ Low Pitch tone mark

d aaih s àhn
intial final intial final

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5 The Organs of Speech – ‘Faat Yām Heigūn Tòuh’


1. Upper lip & Lower lip 上下唇 seuhng hah sèuhn

2. Upper teeth & Lower teeth 上下齒 seuhng hah chí

3. Alveolar ridge 齒齦 chí ngàhn

4. Hard palate 硬顎 ngaahng ngohk

5. Soft palate (velum) 軟顎 yúhn ngohk

6. Uvula 小舌 síusi(h)t

7. Tip of tongue 舌尖 si(h)t jīm

8. Front of tongue 舌面(前) si(h)t mín (chìhn)

9. Back of tongue 舌面(後) si(h)t mín (hauh)

10. Root of tongue 舌根 si(h)t gān

11. Vocal cords 聲帶 sīng dáai

12. Nasal cavity 鼻腔 beih hōng

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Abbreviations and Symbols

Adj. …………………………………… Adjective

Adv. …………………………………… Adverb
Att. …………………………………… Attributive
AV …………………………………… Auxiliary Verb
BF …………………………………… Bound Form
CV …………………………………… Co-Verb
DW …………………………………… Directional Word
IE …………………………………… Idiomatic Expressions
lit. …………………………………… literally
M …………………………………… Measure
MA …………………………………… Movable Adverb
N …………………………………… Noun
Nu …………………………………… Number
P …………………………………… Particle
Patt. …………………………………… Sentence Pattern
PH …………………………………… Phrase
PN …………………………………… Pronoun
PW …………………………………… Place Word
Q/A …………………………………… Question & Answer
QW …………………………………… Question Word
RV …………………………………… Resultative Verb
SP …………………………………… Specifier
T_Sp. …………………………………… Time Spent
TW …………………………………… Time Word
V …………………………………… Verb
VO …………………………………… Verb-Object Compound
/ …………………………………… or
( ) …………………………………… word(s) that can be left out

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Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

Lesson One
Máaih hohkhaauh jaaihyun

fomàhn 課文 Slangs/ core vocabularies

Sentence structure/ grammar points

Yale romanization Chinese scripts

Wòhng sāang ge mānéui gāmnìhn fongyùhn syúga 黃生對孖女今年放完暑假

jīhauh jauh sing síuhohk seinìhnbāan. Kéuih 之後就升小學四年班。佢兩

léuhnggo néui haih wahnhyutyìh, yānwaih kéuih 個女係混血兒,因為佢老婆

lóuhpòh haih Yidaaihleih yàhn. Wòhng sāang 係意大利人。黃生經常要去

gīngsèuhng yiu heui daihyihdouh chēutchāai, 第二度出差,周不時唔喺香

jāubātsìh m̀hái Hēunggóng, ngūkkéi yauh chéngjó 港,屋企又請咗個工人,所

go gūngyàhn, sóyíh léuhnggo néui hái ngūkkéi 以兩個女喺屋企冇乜機會

móuh māt gēiwuih góng Jūngmàhn, gáaudou yīgā 講中文,搞到依家佢哋兩個

kéuihdeih léuhnggo ge Jūngmàhn fō tùhng 嘅中文科同常識科嘅成績

sèuhngsīk fō ge sìhngjīk jēuim̀séuhng. Léuhng 追唔上。兩公婆好鬼擔心,

gūngpó hóugwái dāamsām, sèhngyaht go sām lō- 成日個心囉囉攣。今年暑

lō-lyūn. Gāmnìhn syúga, kéuihdeih kyutdihng 假,佢哋決定幫兩個女轉讀

bōng léuhnggo néui jyún duhk gwokjai 國際學校。


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Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

Hēunggóng daaihbouhfahn gwokjai hohkhaauh 香港大部份國際學校都係

dōu haih sīyàhn yìhngwahn ge, jīkhaih wah jingfú 私人營運嘅,即係話政府一

yātgo sīn dōu m̀wúih béi hohkhaauh, hohkhaauh 個仙都唔會俾學校,學校嘅

ge gīngfai yiu jihgéi dohk dihm kéuih. Léuhnggo 經費要自己度掂佢。兩個女

néui yātchàih jyun haauh, hohkfai dōu géi náleih, 一齊轉校,學費都幾乸脷,

gāmàaih dī syūbóufai, kwīk-līk-kwāak-lāak ge 加埋啲書簿費、虢礫緙嘞嘅

jaahpfai múihnìhn yiu sáisèhng seisahp géi 雜費每年要使成四十幾萬。

maahn. Sēuiyìhn haih gám, Hēunggóng m̀síu 雖然係噉,香港唔少家長都

gājéung dōu hēimohng sungdī jáinéui duhk 希望送啲仔女讀國際學校,

gwokjai hohkhaauh, Wòhng sāang Wòhng táai 黃生黃太鍾意嗰間仲係以

jūngyi gógāan juhng haih yíh sihngcháan IB 盛產IB狀元著名,每年百分

johngyùhn jyumìhng, múihnìhn baakfahnjī jī ge 之二嘅學生喺IB考試攞到

hohksāang hái IB háausíh lódóu seisahpnǵh fān 45分滿分,所以學生要爭崩

múhnfān, sóyíh hohksāang yiu jāangbāngtàuh 頭先至入到嗰間學校。兩個

sīnji yahpdóu gógāan hohkhaauh. Léuhnggo néui 女今次考到入去,兩公婆都

gāmchi háaudóu yahpheui, léuhng gūngpó dōu 話好彩。

wah hóuchói.

Wòhng sāang yáuh go séidóng, giu A-Chán. 黃生有個死黨,叫阿陳。佢

Kéuihdeih yàuh sai wáandou daaih. A-Chán jīdou 哋由細玩到大。阿陳知道黃

Wòhng sāang deui mānéui jyunjó haauh, jauh dá 生對孖女轉咗校,就打俾黃

béi Wòhng sāang. 生。

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A-Chán, “Gūnghéisaai néih deui mānéui wo, 阿 陳: 「 恭 喜 晒 你 對 孖女

yahpdóu gāan mìhnghaauh. Daihsìh sīng jūng 喎,入到間名校。第時升中

gójahn jauh m̀sái fàahn la!” 嗰陣就唔使煩嘑!」

Wòhng sāang, “Yáuhpàaih fàahn a, léuhngjek 黃生:「有排煩呀,兩隻馬騮

máhlāu juhng gam saigo, géisìh duhkdou 仲咁細個,幾時讀到大學畢

daaihhohk bātyihp a? Gāján duhksyū chèuihjó 業呀? 家陣讀書除咗交學

gāau hohkfai, juhng yiu máaih hohkhaauh 費,仲要買學校嘅債券,大

jaaihyun, daaih nàh nàh géisahp maahn ga. 拿拿幾十萬㗎。如果唔買債

Yùhgwó m̀máaih jaaihyun, múihnìhn jauh yiu 券,每年就要向學校交基本

heung hohkhaauh gāau gēibún ginchitfai, 建設費,慢慢同你計呀!」

maahnmáan tùhng néih gai a!”

A-Chán, “Géisahp maahn deui néih làih góng, 阿陳:「幾十萬對你嚟講,濕

sāpsāpseui lā! Yáuh mēyéh gam fàahn a?” 濕碎啦! 有咩嘢咁煩呀?」

Wòhng sāang, “Haih, ngóh wándāk dō, daahnhaih 黃生:「係,我搵得多,但係

sáichín faaigwo wánchín wo. Gāján mēyéh dōu 使錢快過搵錢喎。家陣咩嘢

gwaijó, chāan wán chāan sihk chāan chāan chīng 都貴咗,餐搵餐食餐餐清

a!” 呀!」

A-Chán, “M̀haih ā máh? Gam kwājēung? Néih 阿陳:「唔係吖嘛? 咁誇張?

m̀haih juhng hóuchíh yíhchìhn gám, yauh laahn 你唔係仲好似以前噉,又爛

dóu yauh laahn gwán ā máh?” 賭又爛滾吖嘛?」

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Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

Wòhng sāang, “Gaaijó hóu noih la. Ngóh jíhaih 黃生:「戒咗好耐嘑。我只係

gēng, maahnyāt sāntái yáuh mēyéh dūnggwā 驚,萬一身體有咩嘢冬瓜豆

dauhfuh, yiu wán chòihjái je gwailéi, gám jauh 腐,要搵財仔借貴利,噉就

baih la! Wai, m̀hóu góngmàaih dī sēuiyéh la. Haih 弊嘑! 喂,唔好講埋啲衰嘢

nē, néih jī m̀jī hohkhaauh jaaihyun ge wùihbou 嘑。係呢,你知唔知學校債

hóu m̀hóu ga?” 券嘅回報好唔好㗎?」

A-Chán, “Aai, ngóh yauh móuh sailouh, sīk tìuh 阿陳:「唉,我又冇細路,識

mòuh mē!? Ngóh bōng néih mahnháh yàhn lā.” 條 毛 咩 !? 我 幫 你 問 吓 人


1. mānéui 孖女 N: twin (girls)

1.1 mā 孖 Adj: a pair

(e.g. mā jái孖仔- twin boys)

2. jāubātsìh 周不時 MA: every once in a while

3. léuhng gūngpó 兩公婆 N: husband and wife; married


4. go sām lō-lō-lyūn 個心囉囉攣 PH: (of feeling) disturbed; anxious;

worried; annoyed

5. yātgo sīn dōu m̀wúih 一個仙都唔 PH: don’t give a penny

béi 會俾

6. dohk dihm kéuih 度掂佢 PH: find one’s way out; find a

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6.1 dohk (kíu) 度(橋) V: plotting

7. náleih 乸脷 Adj: very costly; too much (price)

8. kwīk-līk-kwāak-lāak 虢礫緙嘞 PH: many different things

9. jāangbāngtàuh 爭崩頭 N: a severe competition; in a fight

for something

10. séidóng 死黨 N: bosom pal; a friend one holds

dear to one’s heart; one’s close
or closest friend

11. dá béi PN 打俾PN VO: make a phone call to someone

12. daihsìh 第時 TW: in the future

13. máhlāu 馬騮 N: lit. little monkey; affectionate

term for children

14. daaih nàh nàh 大拿拿 Adj: to describe a huge amount of

something; usually money
related, such as mortgage, debt,

15. maahnmáan tùhng 慢慢同你計 PH: wait until the time is ripe to
néih gai settle account; bide time for

16. sāpsāpseui 濕濕碎 Adj: an easy job; a piece of cake;


17. gāján 家陣 TW: Nowadays; at the present time;

yīgā (a variation of “yìhgā”)

18. chāan wán chāan sihk 餐搵餐食餐 IE: spend all one earns instantly
chāan chāan chīng 餐清

19. laahn dóu 爛賭 Adj: gambling addiction

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19.1 laahn gwán 爛滾 Adj: addiction to nightlife, clubbing

and visit prostitutes

20. yáuh mēyéh dūnggwā 有咩嘢冬瓜 IE: in case there is any unforeseen
dauhfuh 豆腐 accident

21. chòihjái 財仔 N: finance company (chòihmouh

gūngsī財務公司), an
organization that makes loans to
individuals and businesses.
Unlike a bank, a finance
company does not receive cash
deposits from clients, nor does
it provide some other services
common to banks.

22. gwailéi 貴利 N: loan sharking

23. góngmàaih dī sēuiyéh 講埋啲衰嘢 PH: prattle; too chatty; talk for a
long time about bad things or
things are that not important

24. sīk tìuh mòuh mē!? 識條毛咩!? PH: know the shit about something

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Additional vocabulary

1. fong syúga 放暑假 VO: spend a summer vacation

2. sīng bāan 升班 VO: go up (one grade in school)

3. wahnhyutyìh 混血兒 N: person of mixed blood; mixed

4. chēutchāai 出差 V: go on a business trip

5. sèuhngsīk fō 常識科 N: general studies

5.1 -fō -科 N: class; subject

6. sìhngjīk 成績 N: result (of work or study)

7. jēui 追 V: chase; catch up

8. yìhng’wahn 營運 V: operate; do business

9. gīngfai 經費 N: operating expenditure; funds

10. syūbóufai 書簿費 N: textbook fee

10.1 jaahpfai 雜費 N: sundry fees

11. sái 使 V: spend money

12. sihngcháan 盛產 V: abound in; teem with

13. johngyùhn 狀元 N: lit. Number One Scholar, the

title conferred on the one who
came first in the highest

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imperial examination; very best

(in any field)

14. yáuhpàaih 有排 Adv: a long time later; still a long

15. hohkhaauh jaaihyun 學校債券 N: school debenture

16. gēibún ginchitfai 基本建設費 N: capital levy, also referred to as

capital enrolment fees, are
annual non-refundable
payments that are charged per

17. M̀haih ā máh? 唔係吖嘛? PH: It can’t be true.

18. kwājēung 誇張 Adj: exaggerate; overstate

19. gaai 戒 V: stop doing something

20. Gám jauh baih la! 噉就弊嘑! PH: That’s too bad.

21. wùihbou 回報 N: return; repay; investment


8|Pa ge
Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

Sentence Structure
hóu gwái好鬼 + V/Adj
very; extremely

a. Tīnmàhntòih gwajó baathouh fūngkàuh, ngoihmihn hóu gwái daaihfūng.


b. Gótou dihnyíng hóu gwái húngbou.


c. Sīngkèih yaht kéuih tūngsèuhng (dōu) hóu gwái ngaan héisān.


d. Kéuih nāu gójahnsìh go yéung hóu gwái gáausiu.



Well-known or be famous for

a. Chyùhnwāan (Tsuen Wan) ge Sāmjéng (Sham Tseng) yíh sīu ngó jyumìhng

b. Hēunggóng dihnyíng yíh gūngfú pín, duhngjok pín (action movie) tùhng
gíngféi pín (gangster film; cops-and-robbers movie) jyumìhng.香港電影

9|Pa ge
Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK


c. Gógāan wahnduhng yuhngbán gūngsī yíh maaih bōhàaih jyumìhng. 嗰間


Haih nē係呢…

Oh, by the way, ...

This expression is used when one suddenly remembers something one wanted to

a. A-Chán, gam ngāam a! Hóu noih móuh gin la. Haih nē, dímgáai jeuigahn
hóu síu gindóu néih làih nīdouh yámchàh gé? 阿陳,咁啱呀! 好耐冇見


b. Dōjeh néih chéng ngóh sihkfaahn wo. Haih nē, néih dásyun géisìh
chēutfaat heui Yīnggwok a? 多謝你請我食飯喎。係呢,你打算幾時出


10 | P a g e
Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK

Class activity / Homework

a. Sharing
1. Dímyéung hóyíh jāngjeun (enhance; promote) léuhng gūngpó ge
gámchìhng (affection; love) a? 點樣可以增進兩公婆嘅感情呀?

2. Néih gokdāk dímgáai Hēunggóng yáuh gam dō gājéung sung dī jáinéui

duhk gwokjai hohkhaauh a? 你覺得點解香港有咁多家長送啲仔女讀

國際學校呀? Gwokjai hohkhaauh yáuh mātyéh hóu tùhngmàaih m̀ hóu

nē? 國際學校有乜嘢好同埋唔好呢?

3. Tùhng kèihtā gwokgā waahkjé sìhngsíh béigaau, hái Hēunggóng duhk

gwokjai hohkhaauh syun m̀ syun hóu gwai a? 同其他國家或者城市比


4. Je gwailéi yáuh mātyéh mahntàih? 借貴利有乜嘢問題? Dímgáai chòihjái

ge sāangyi gam hóu? 點解財仔嘅生意咁好?

b. Make your sentences

1. daaih nàh nàh 大拿拿
2. náleih 乸脷
3. kwīk-līk-kwāak-lāak 虢礫緙嘞
4. sāp sāp seui 濕濕碎
5. daihsìh 第時

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