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Field A :

Drying and cooling of the cargo is possible.

The atmospheric temperature is cooler than the cargo temperature
The relative humidity and the dew point of the atmospheric temperature are below the equilibrium
humidity of the cargo hold
If we are ventilating, the cargo will be dried and cooled.

Field B :
Drying and cooling are only limited possible.
The relative humidity of the atmospheric temperature is below the equilibrium humidity of the cargo
hold.Dew point, Vapour pressure and temperature of the atmosphere are below the intersection of the
cargo dry and wet temperature. Because of the vapour pressure differential , a drying effect will occur, if
we are ventilating. The effect is very small and for this reason and for the reason that the sorption
equilibrium will be undergone, a ventilation with less air changes is required ( Ventilation on 1/4 speed )
and a strict control and measuring should be done

Field C :
Ships sweat can be avoided, but there is a risk of sweat of the third kind .
The atmospheric temperature is below the dew point of the cargo hold For this reason the outer shell
plating can be cooled down below the dew point which results in ships sweat. Ventilation will reduce or
avoid in this case the development of ships sweat. The ventilation will reduce the bio chemical process of
the cargo. But the ventilation should be not so intensive ( high air exchange =full power ) that the cargo
which will be directly influenced by the air flow can develop sweat of the third kind. A controlled medium
ventilation is required.

Field D:
Dying is possible
The atmospheric temperature is warmer than the cargo. If we are ventilating we have to put in mind that
because of the ventilation the cargo will be warmed and the bio chemical process inside the cargo will be
positive influenced.

Field E :
Risk of water vapour transport inside the cargo.
The dew point and therefore also the vapour pressure and the absolute humidity are higher in the
atmospheric temperature than in the cargo hold temperature. Ventilation will result, because of the
vapour pressure differential of the ventilating air to the cargo, in a humidity transport inside the cargo.
Ventilation can cost cargo damages due to sweat ( Cargo sweat )

Field F :
Risk of Cargo Sweat
The relation of atmospheric condition against cargo hold condition are much more extreme than in Field E.
Additional to the characteristics of Field E , the risk of cargo sweat is given, because the dew point of the
atmospheric air is above the cargo temperature.

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