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MDE 158

Group 04-P
Sereke Askar

Assignment 3

For my interview essay, I chose Nurbol Ayazbaev. He has worked as an accountant since
2004. My father and he have been close friends for many years and he is one of many people I
look up to in life because he never gives up and always achieves his goals.
Nurbol finished high school in Almaty №75 and then decided to study in “Kazakh State
Academy of Management” which is also known as Narxoz University. He was a student at the
Faculty of accounting and audit and graduated from the university in 1997.
Nowadays he is a general accountant. His regular workday starts at 8:30 am and he
makes sure that every-single accountant is in a position to start the work day at 9 am. Nurbol
thinks that discipline is the most important factor to be productive. In the morning they start to
work with the bank and check bank statements, most of them he does it by himself. Accountants
have to report about expenses before 11 am and only after reports, accounting discuss its
schedule for the next month. Between 2 and 6 pm, he does internal work. During his career, he
has faced many problems but the most popular one is that accountants try to fake their reports in
their favor to make money.
Accounting is an important department for the company, especially if you work as a
general accountant. Because if a company has some problems such as administrative penalty and
the responsibility falls on the accounting department as well as the general accountant.
Accounting handles everything which is related to the numbers. For instance, accounting has to
report all things like taxes, payments, charges, etc. “Everything that accountants do is crucial for
the company”- thinks Nurbol.
Nurbol says if you work as a general accountant, thus, the whole department depends on
you and the main idea is to be an example to others who work under you. The particular reason
for the circumstance is that you workers will look up to you and show results as well as you do.
Also, he has mentioned before that discipline is essential for any worker. It makes your workday
productive way better. To keep your workers motivated all the time you can motivate them in the
two ways. The first way is you can give them money as a reward for their hard work, the birth of
the child or if someone dies. The second way is to motivate them by giving diplomas or
certificates for their achievements, also the career ladder has to be everyone’s motivation
because nothing motivates them as much as the career ladder. By the experience that Nurbol has
experienced, he says that if you enjoy doing what you love and besides receiving money are his
major motivations.
As an expert on his job, he described his strengths and weaknesses. He was educated in
the late 90s which means he knows Soviet-era charts of accounts and new ones. It helps him to
solve any problems in his sphere in different ways. If Soviet-era charts do not work, he can use
new charts, and as he said it has helped him a lot. However, in Kazakhstan automation is not that
improved compared to Europe or the Westside. Automation would help to calculate numbers
even faster and make it easier to do. On the other hand, it would decrease the numbers of
workers, so, arguably, we can consider it as a weakness.
He started to work after his fourth year in university, a company that is named “Monolit”
took him to Russia and this is where his career begins. As he said, he started to work right away
as a general accountant. They educated him on how to lead accounting in the company and
calculate numbers like taxes, sales, etc. After three years when he was 25 years old, he became
the general accountant of his company. He supposes that leaders should be democratic but it does
not always work. That is why he says leaders also have to be creative and think bigger. Because
they have been doing the same job for years and this job can be done in different ways. As a
result over time leaders need to create their own way to solve problems and be a good leaders.
Accountant’s workplaces should be private from others in case you work as a general
accountant. Because sometimes you have to punish your workers for their mistakes and explain
what they did wrong. Because if you say their mistakes in front of everyone it could make them
feel humiliated which can affect his/her productivity.
The most crucial lesson that Nurbol has learned is to never stop developing your
knowledge. Nowadays technologies are making huge progress everywhere and if you do not
want to get behind the times, you need to develop. By developing he means: read books,
communicate with people who are more successful than you, educate yourself, etc.
Advice that he gave for the young people was that we (students) need to compete with
ourselves, we have to create realistic goals for ourselves regarding what we want to achieve in
the future and after each try, we must develop even if it is small but there should be at least some
To sum up, everything that has been stated so far I can use his advice and knowledge
which were given to me during the interview. I assume the best way to be on the top in any
sphere is to communicate more with people who work in this sphere, in my case it is accounting
and audit. I will use this knowledge to be a good accountant or even more. During this interview,
I was told about mistakes that he did before and I will try to avoid all these mistakes.

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