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Hassana Johana G.

Ungga The Teacher and the School Curriculum

BSED Math 3-1 Dr. Annabelle A. Gordonas
PUP Taguig June 27, 2022


"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress" (Kettering,

n.d.). Change entails innovation, and innovation entails significant changes that

enhance our lives and make the world a better place. Our world has undergone

numerous changes, some of which have been positive and others negative. These

changes have an impact on not only our way of life but also our nation, economy, and

social systems. Dr. Anabelle Gordonaz was the presenter for the ED-English and ED-

Math webinars. According to her presentation, some of the drivers of change are the

pandemic and other disruptions; declining government funding for education; students'

demand for more flexibility and personalization, the promise of digital technology; and

the need to respond. Each of these changes plays a part in the changes taking place in

our world. In line with this, I was also inspired by the story Dr. Gordonaz told us, titled

The Mouse Trap. Whenever one of us is threatened, we are all threatened. Therefore, if

you do nothing about a problem or when someone comes to you for help, there is a

possibility that it may affect you as well. The downfall of your selfishness and uncaring

attitude will eventually lead to your own destruction.

The COVID-19 pandemic's effects are one example of the changes that have come to

us. She discussed the effects of the pandemic on education as well as some

technological solutions that were employed to address these changes. With nearly 1.6

billion students affected in more than 200 countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has

caused the greatest disruption of educational systems in recorded human history. Over

94% of students around the world have been impacted by school, institutional, and
Hassana Johana G. Ungga The Teacher and the School Curriculum
BSED Math 3-1 Dr. Annabelle A. Gordonas
PUP Taguig June 27, 2022

other learning space closures. According to Dr. Gordonaz, students' attention spans

have shrunk in online learning environments, so as teachers, we must be more

engaging and innovative with our lesson plans. This is an illustration of a change that

we can see: a small change like this can have a big impact on a person's life, their

studies, and even our nation. Therefore, we need to have practical solutions for every

change in order to deal with it and lessen its effects.

In light of this, there are 5 trends in education that will persist in 2021, namely:

technological trends in teaching and learning; soft skills training; students' decreasing

attention spans; facilitating learning as opposed to teaching; and the trend toward

lifelong learning. These trends can aid and direct us in providing students with high-

quality, competitive solutions. All of these trends are a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,

and as a result, COVID-19 is driving businesses or technological advancements to

address these trends. First, to scale remote work: in order to ensure employee safety

during this pandemic, some businesses are now implementing work-from-home policies.

I find this idea to be good and very safe as a remote worker. As a result, I am able to

balance my work and studies because when I don't have a work-from-home

arrangement, I tend to get ready two hours before heading to work, which affects how

much time I have to spend away from the classroom. As a working student, this remote

work is therefore very beneficial to me. Next, to speed up digitalization, some

companies are now using digital methods such as sending applications, interviewing

candidates over the phone, and also implementing it in universities, such as the

Polytechnic University of the Philippines, where they have their own website and they
Hassana Johana G. Ungga The Teacher and the School Curriculum
BSED Math 3-1 Dr. Annabelle A. Gordonas
PUP Taguig June 27, 2022

also have a website for students to apply, access grades, and request documents

without going to school personally. Lastly, to accelerate automation, the fact that these

automation tools frequently reside on the desktop also speeds up automation by

reducing integration times. Activities like a journal entry, MI reporting, reconciliation

activities, ordering, billing, and commercial operations are examples of this one. With all

of these technological advancements, the illustration of the job market in 2022 shows

that there are currently 130 million more emerging jobs than there are declining jobs,

totaling 75 million. Indeed, we can deal with the effects of changes gradually if we do

have concrete solutions.

Given the link between current trends and changes brought on by the pandemic, the

DEPED should implement an effective method to address and reverse these current

trends. One illustration of a successful strategy used by DEPED is the MELCS. It is

made available by DEPED as the main resource for all schools, Schools Division

Offices (SDOs), and Regional Offices (ROs) to use in choosing and putting into practice

learning delivery strategies that are appropriate for the local context and diversity of

learners while also adjusting to the challenges posed by COVID-19. In the process of

developing curricula, stakeholders such as local government units (LGUs), NGOs,

industry partners, and relevant governmental agencies (CHED, TESDA, etc.) were

consulted (parents, teachers, and school administrators). In the second section, a

review of recent studies and researchers, factors such as job opportunities, societal

demands, trends, and issues, potential students, child preferences, community culture

and economic life, career opportunities, and school readiness were taken into account.
Hassana Johana G. Ungga The Teacher and the School Curriculum
BSED Math 3-1 Dr. Annabelle A. Gordonas
PUP Taguig June 27, 2022

Followed by this process is planning the curriculum and writing the curriculum standards.

Truly, a curriculum is more than just a subject; it is the backbone of education. On the

PISA test, the Philippines scored 353 in mathematics, 357 in science, and 340 in

reading, worse than the average of participating OECD nations. With this outcome, I

frequently questioned whether the curriculum actually aids our education in the

Philippines or if it was made very well, given how inadequate it is there. Our curriculum

has also undergone a review process, and as a result, some recommendations have

been identified. One of the suggestions that were made was to focus on the

fundamental knowledge and ideas that students must learn and be able to explain as

evidence of their understanding. Prioritizing the standards and competencies that

learners will still require even after completing formal education is also important. Finally,

take into account how consistently and appropriately learning competencies are built.

According to the statement of CHED Chairman, J. Prospero De Vera III, "From now

on, flexible learning will be the norm." "There is no going back to the traditional, full-

packed face-to-face classrooms," CHED Chairman J. Prospero De Vera III said during a

webinar entitled "Educating our Children in the New Normal" on Friday, May 21. I agree

that now that we are in the digital era of our generation, we should practice becoming

technologically competitive. But, yes, CHED Chairman De Vera III should consider

some students who were not privileged to join in the concept, such as those who have

no gadgets. With this being said, Dr. Gordonaz presented the three categories of the

Emergent Learner Groups: without connectivity; with limited connectivity; and with

connectivity. Luckily, I belong to the group with connectivity, because I have a job to
Hassana Johana G. Ungga The Teacher and the School Curriculum
BSED Math 3-1 Dr. Annabelle A. Gordonas
PUP Taguig June 27, 2022

sustain my educational needs. In this pandemic era, hybrid learning has a significant

impact on both students and teachers. First, the teaching models are changing and

forcing universities, colleges, and schools to adjust their business and financial models.

Second, thanks to technological advancements that were put into place during

pandemics, students can now master them.

"The advancement of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really

even notice it, so it's part of everyday life" (Gates, 2019). Technology plays a significant

part in our education. Technology is fantastic in and of itself. Having technology is

advantageous, whether it be a computer or a smartphone. Students no longer need to

sift through numerous encyclopedias in search of information because they can quickly

look something up online. Information is now more accessible than ever. Technology

has also changed, along with our culture. The new technological advancements have a

lot of advantages for students. Many of these advantages have been observed by

teachers in their students' use of technology. Students can now communicate with their

teachers outside of the classroom thanks to technological advancements. By allowing

questions via email, students can clear up any confusion in the classroom. Students can

get one-on-one attention through email that they might not get in class because of

hesitation that could be brought on by other students in the class. Since we are now in

the 21st century, I should practice using any technological advancements since they are

very helpful to us as students and allow us to work less but more effectively, especially

during pandemics.
Hassana Johana G. Ungga The Teacher and the School Curriculum
BSED Math 3-1 Dr. Annabelle A. Gordonas
PUP Taguig June 27, 2022

Observing the webinar, I realized that its main purpose was to inform us about the

state of our educational system and how technology influences or supports some of the

current educational trends. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all been

affected by profound changes to how our educational system functions. The webinar will

provide a more thorough explanation of the changes that have affected our educational

system during this pandemic. Educators aspiring to become teachers can benefit

greatly from the topics covered in the webinar. The following can serve as a guide for us

when we are working in our professional fields.

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