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God’s Design for Families

Biblical Parenting

Challenges Facing the Christian Family

God's Design for Families
Day 1 | Monday
Read Genesis 1:26-27

"So God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created
them." – Genesis 1:27

Did you know that in Japan, you can rent a family? Shocking but true. Nippon Kokasei Honbu offers family
rental services for elderly Japanese who are isolated from their children due to the hectic schedule of modern
life. Clients can rent a son, daughter, grandchild, or relative for lunch for 3 hours. The rented relative will
show up at their doors for a prize of more than a thousand dollars plus a transportation fee.

Unbelievable as it may seem, we have come to a time where the quality of family life is fading fast. Families
are under siege, and an increasing number of disintegrated families expose the ugly consequences when we
try to bend the rules and depart from God's design and purpose for families.

The creation account provides the family's divine portrait. In the beginning, God created in His image and
breathed the breath of life (Gen. 2:7) --- giving man dignity, inherent value, a unique purpose to fulfill, and the
exclusive honor to bear His image. Image-bearers, God designed Christian families to be His representation to
the world. Every Christian home is on a mission to make God known to the world. The husband's love for his
wife is an image of Christ's sacrificial love for the church. A father's love for his child is like the unconditional
love of God the Father for us. Loving relationships in a family can be a radiant picture of God's love, draw
others to Him, and ultimately bring glory to His name.

Families are broken; homes are breaking. The trend is devastating. Christian families are on a mission to
reflect God's character to a world in crisis. Unless we make a turnabout and live out God's given design for
families, the decline threatens to continue.

 Why is it crucial to know God's purpose and design for families?
 In what ways does your family bear God's image?
 What three steps will you commit to doing to be more faithful in representing God to the world?

Lord, may we not forget that we are a family on a mission
Designed and called out to represent You in all season
May our family be a living testimony
Of your unconditional love, amazing grace, and mercy.
God's Design for Families
Day 2 | Tuesday
Read Genesis 1:26-31


"God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it..." –
Genesis 1:28

In their regular family devotion, a young boy never failed to thank God for his parents every night. More than
any other blessing of the day, his parents come first in his list of thank you's to God. His heart swells with
gratitude for God's gift of family--- always.

Did not Adam, the first man in history, burst into joy when he received the gift of the family? Adam must
have enjoyed the lush, green garden of Eden, the sweet singing birds, and the company of tamed animals. He
must have been thrilled to touch the soft petals and simply reveled in the beauty and grandeur of his home.
But his joy was incomparable when God gifted him Eve, his family.

Family is not God's spur-of-the-moment thing, and it was not an addition to God's grand plan. After God
blessed Adam and Eve, He said, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it." This was
God's first directive to the first couple– to be family and produce children.

When God crated man, He unquestionably had family in his heart and mind. God hardwired man for
relationship and fellowship. Man is created for community, and family, therefore, is part of His creation plan.

Out of the overflow of God's generosity, we have been given the gift of family. How we live God's purpose for
our family is our gift to God.

 Next to Jesus, can there be a greater and grander gift than family? Why or why not?
 In what ways have you expressed your gratitude to God for the git of family.
 How have you seen your family live out its God-given purpose?

You have gifted me with a beautiful family
How can I say thank you for your lavish generosity?
Let me begin by loving them wholeheartedly
Motivated always by your love and all for your glory.
God's Design for Families
Day 3 | Wednesday
Read Ephesians 5:21-27

"Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord… Husbands, love your wives, just as
Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…" – Eph 5:22,25

Modern weddings are becoming more sophisticated, stylish, and sky-high budget-wise. The increasing demand
for professional wedding planners, coordinators, designers, and other services convey the intricacies of
wedding preparations.

Weddings are hard work, but marriage is way harder, as many say so. But another perspective says marriage
isn't hard at all. It is the husband and the wife who needs much working, especially in their God-given roles.
Because marriage is God-created, not man-made, it is always wise to go back to His design. A deviation from it
will mean disaster.

God ordained the man as the spiritual head, the responsible provider, the protector, and the initiator of love
in this human relationship. The husband's love and leadership reflect the sacrificial love and leadership of
Jesus over His church. On the other hand, God purposed that the wife be loving. Just as the church serves,
submits, and dedicates herself to the Lord Jesus, the wife gives herself to the Lord first and then her husband
in humble submission, service, and dedication.

Both are created in the image of God and thus stand before Him on equal footing. No one can claim
superiority or lament over inferiority. There is only perfect unity, for the two shall become one. Yet, God has
given them different roles to fulfill.

A husband who seeks to honor God through marriage will not take advantage of his leadership role. Instead,
his leadership is fueled by love, expressed in humble service. Likewise, a wife who seeks to honor God
through marriage will not undermine her husband's leadership.

 What are your thoughts about Biblical roles for men and women? Do they make you uncomfortable?
 Which role do you think is more difficult? Are they different from the expectations of men and women
in your society?
 How do you respond to the truth that both man and woman are equal in marriage?

Husband – Pray to love your wife in a way that produces loving submission.
Wife - Pray for a heart that lovingly submits to your husband's leadership.
Husband & Wife - Pray that your marriage would reflect God's relationship with the church.
Unmarried - Pray for contentment. If you intend to pursue marriage, pray for a godly spouse.
Widow – Remember your spouse with gratitude.
God's Design for Families
Day 4 | Thursday
Read Genesis 2:18-25


"…It isn't good for man to be alone; I will make a companion for him, a helper suited to his needs." Gen 2:18.

Was it love at first sight for Adam and Eve? Yes, and even more! It was a marriage at first sight! It all began in
the Garden. Adam was surrounded by every good thing God created. Surprisingly, there is one thing that is
not good. And God spilled the beans. He said, "…It isn't good for man to be alone; I will make a companion
for him, a helper suited to his needs." Gen 2:18.

God caused a deep sleep to come upon him, removed a rib from his side, and fashioned a woman out of it.
God walked her down the garden aisle and presented the first bride in human history to Adam. Overwhelmed
with joy and gratitude, Adam blurted out the most romantic words saying, "This is now bone of my bones and
flesh of my flesh she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." This explains why a man leaves
his father and mother and is joined to his wife so that the two become one person (Gen. 2:24). This lone verse
strongly defends the exclusiveness and the enduring union of marriage.

God's blueprint of marriage is one man, one woman, one time. Leaving and cleaving is also God's design in
marriage. This means that the couple's relationship takes priority over every other earthly relationship. A man
is to leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. Finally, the man and the woman are to become
one flesh – that is, the union of man and woman consummated in sexual intimacy. Marriage is the only and
exclusive relationship in which God intended sex. Sex outside marriage is a sin. Becoming one flesh allows for
procreation and pleasure with each other.

Marriage is God-made, not man-made. God's design for marriage is perfect. There is no other or better
option. Any discrepancy from God's design is a recipe for tragedy. May we not fall into the temptation of
exchanging heaven's perfection with our preferences. Why settle for less when God offers the best design for

 What does God's design for marriage tell you about today's societal issue on same-sex marriage?
 Why is leaving and cleaving crucial in marriage relationships? What happens when this part is
 What are some of the problems in society that are the direct or indirect results of going against God's
design for marriage?

Lord, open our eyes that we may see
Your gift of marriage in all its beauty –
"One man, one woman one time"
For there is no other or better option
Than the one, You designed in all perfection.
God's Design for Families
Day 5 | Friday
Read Ephesians 5: 20-33


 "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." – Ephesians 5:20

They say that even if marriages are made in heaven, man has to be responsible for the maintenance. What is
the secret to maintaining a heaven-like climate in the home? If Paul is asked with this question, he would
probably say to the husband – "Love your wife"; and to the wife – "Submit to your husband."

The wife submits based on Christ's lordship (5:22) and headship (v.23). Submission is not burdensome to a
wife who submits herself first to God and lets Him be the Lord of her life. The wife's humble submission to her
husband's leadership is strong evidence of her submission to Christ.

Submission does not translate into the husband's dominance, nor does it seal the wife's subservience. In a
marriage relationship, both husband and wife are called to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

The husband's charge is to love his wife. Paul raised the bar high for he said, "... Love your wives,  just as Christ
loved the church and gave himself up for her." It is the kind of love that knows no height, breadth, length, or
depth. It is a love characterized by willing sacrifice. A husband's Christlike love will encourage loving
submission. A wife who is loved unconditionally and sacrificially will find joy in submitting to her husband.

When couples choose mutual love and submission, they enjoy a harmonious relationship at home. They will
have their version of "happily ever after."

 Is your home a place where mutual love and submission are evident? In what meaningful ways are
they demonstrated?
 What can you do (as a husband, wife, or child) to help create "heaven in your home"?

I pray not for a perfect family
But I bring every member to your throne of mercy
May each one's heart yearn for a family breakthrough
By mutually loving and submitting to one another
As our expression of honoring You.
Biblical Parenting
Day 1 | Monday
Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk
about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get
up." – Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Discipleship ministry is gaining momentum among evangelical churches these days. Churches close to
becoming monuments were revived as they obeyed, stepped out in faith, and joined the discipleship
movement inaugurated by Jesus more than 2000 years ago.

While this is a breakthrough, it also unveiled a slight setback. Some Christian parents have relinquished their
discipleship roles. They heavily rely on the church to disciple their children. But this is not God's design. He
holds the parents accountable for discipling their children. They are the primary disciplers. God made this
clear when he said, 4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be
on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk
along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." – Deut. 6-4-7

The key agent in passing on the torch of faith and faithfulness is not the church but the parents. They are
divinely mandated to nurture, teach and model life in the context of everyday life (Prov. 22:6). The church is
instrumental in the child's growth, but it can never replace the role of the parents. The church's role is to
partner with parents by equipping them to become effective disciple-makers at home.

Only when parents embrace their God-given purpose as primary disciplers will they be able to raise
independent, faith-filled children who will glorify God with their lives and bear His image to the world.

 Why do you think some parents are not living out their roles as primary disciplers of their children?
 Do you see your church partnering with parents in home discipleship? I what ways?
 How will future generations be affected if discipleship at home is neglected?

 Pray that you would take the call seriously to pass the Gospel to the next generation.
 Pray parents will fulfill their role diligently, and set an example that will bless future generations.
 Pray that the hearts of the fathers will be turned to their children and the hearts of children to their
 Pray that God's love will be reflected in and through families to the rest of the world and for
generations to come.
Biblical Parenting
Day 2 | Tuesday
Read 2 Timothy 1:3-5; 3:14-15


"I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and,
I am persuaded, now lives in you also." – 2 Timothy 1:5

One woman stood in awe of God as she held her baby in her hand. She realized that she was not only gifted
with a child, and she yearned for so many years. But through the child, God was pleased to give her the gift of

The psalmist affirms children as God-given gifts (psalm 127:3), graciously endowed to us. But with this
awesome gift comes tremendous responsibility. God has given parents the primary responsibility to teach
them to love with their hearts, souls, and strength and know God. Parents have been given the noble task of
passing the Gospel to the next generation.

Timothy is an example of one who was largely influenced by the godly example of his family --- his
grandmother Losi and mother, Eunice. These women took on their parental role to the highest level possible.
What Paul saw in them was the free-from-hypocrisy kind of faith– no pretensions nor exaggerations. And this
heartfelt faith was so lived out in their everyday lives that it can now be seen in the life of Timothy.

Passing on faith requires intentionality, constancy, and consistency. They made time to teach the Scriptures to
Timothy from infancy (3:15). What could be the best time than the family time set aside for prayer, worship,
and reading of Scriptures. Those times indeed ignited faith in the heart of little Timothy.

Moreover, the power of modeling in this family was hard to dismiss. This implies that they walked their talk.
Passing on the faith is more than words, and devotion to God must be translated into actions. In other words,
we model what we teach. Lois and Eunice modeled life lived by faith in God. It did not happen overnight.
They offered many opportunities for Timothy to know God on a very personal level through their everyday

Like Lois and Eunice, parents are the ones who make the biggest impression in the life of a child. Parents are
most responsible for faith formation.

 What does our society reveal about passing on the Gospel to the next generation?
 What can the church do to strengthen home discipleship?

 Pray that you will be more intentional in passing on the Gospel to the next generation.
 Ask God to give you a picture of specific ways He wants to do more in the next generation. If God gives
you a word or picture, draw or write it down.
Biblical Parenting
Day 3 | Wednesday
Read Luke 15:11-32

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." – 2 Corinthians 6:18

"I messed up all the time!" one mother exclaimed. In exasperation, she wished she would parent her children
the way God parents her. Have you considered how God parents us, His children? Would not our parenting
be healthier when we follow God's example? The story of the prodigal son gives us a picture of the beautiful
ways God fathers us.

The story begins with the younger son demanding his share of the inheritance. He was quick to convert all his
inheritance into cash, went on a journey, spent his days in wild living. Eventually, the young man lost
everything, including his "friends." Now penniless in a famine-stricken land, he ended up feeding pigs. Out of
desperation, he went back home, ready to be one of his father's servants.

From afar, his father saw him and was filled with compassion (v.20). This practically means that his father
watched and waited every day for his son to come home. Then he did what was undignified for a rich, old
man. He lifted His robes and RAN. He embraced and kissed him. The father set aside the conventions of the
day out of his great love. The son was about to say his rehearsed speech, but his father did not allow him to
finish. The father had completely forgiven him even before he said sorry. He was given the best robe, the
ring, and shoes. A homecoming party followed. His son has been reconciled and welcomed back as a full
member of the family. The father's love prevailed!

During the celebration, the older son comes home. He was enraged. His brother wasted everything, and now
he gets a party. He felt that his life of servitude was without celebration. Though deeply hurt, he listened and
welcomed the frustration and pain of his son. Despite his attitude, the father pursued him.

Isn't God, our father, the same way with us? He is incredibly patient with us. (2 Peter 3:9). He generously
blesses us (Eph 1:3-6). He graciously gives good gifts (Jas 1:17) and just like the father in the story, sometimes
God disciplines us (Heb 12:5-6) by allowing us to experiences consequences because of our poor choices (Eze
23:35, Prov 19:15). He unwearyingly teaches us (Isa 28:26). Time and again, He forgives and offers grace (Eph
2:8-9, 1 Jn 1:9,) all because of His unconditional love. (Jn 3:16, Rom5:8). There is nothing in this world that
would exhaust God's love for us.

Perfect parenting is a myth! But we can be the parents God intended us to be as we seek His help and follow
His example.
 What God's fatherly traits stood out for you? Why?
 As God's child, what is the father's invitation to you today?
 How do you respond to God's beautiful ways of parenting you?

 Prayerfully listen to the song "Why have you Chosen Me." Take time to reflect. Offer a thanksgiving
prayer for the beautiful ways He Fathers you and for the gift of being His beloved child.
Biblical Parenting
Day 4 | Thursday
Read 2 Timothy 3:15

"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all
wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts." –
Colossians 3:16

There is no magic or formula to build a perfect home. But having family devotions will surely help cultivate
spiritual wellness in the family.

The Bible does not explicitly say Timothy's household was conducting a nightly devotional time. But obviously,
grandma Lois and his mother Eunice made sure that Timothy grew in the ways of the Lord. They intentionally
took time to pray and study God's Word, the basics of family devotional. It is hard to miss what this faithful act
accomplished in their lives as a family.

First, it ignited young timothy's faith. Paul affirmed the passing on of faith in this family with these words, "…
Your honest faith—and what a rich faith it is, handed down from your grandmother Lois to your mother
Eunice, and now to you!" - Timothy" – 2timothy 1:5 MSG. Second, it induced spiritual growth. Timothy lived
out a genuine faith in the Lord. Timothy became a respected Christian in their hometown, a trusted co-worker
in the Lord r and a devoted friend of the apostle Paul.

Whether we admit it or not, we pass on to our children what we consider valuable. Family devotional times
are avenues where we can have meaningful faith talks with every member of the family. When we pray
together as a family, we communicate the value of trusting God and the beauty of communing with Him.
When we read the Bible as a family, we convey the importance of God's Word in our lives. When we sing
together, we tell our children that God is worthy of our worship and praise. In short, family devotionals foster
spiritual growth as a family and as individuals.

There is no set way for every family to have a daily altar. The secret to a successful experience lies in the
variety and newness which comes from the Holy Spirit. But generally, there should be four parts to a family
altar: thanksgiving, singing, Bible reading, and prayer time. Some families gather for family altar before having
dinner, and others prefer before the children's bedtime. Regardless of your preference, the most important
thing to remember is that every part of the Family devotional time should lead the children and parents
toward a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Is family devotional time given priority in your family?
 What do you need to do to make the family devotional time a necessary part of your home?
 When will you start?
Lord, there is no better gift or legacy
That I can give and leave to my family
Than genuine and growing faith in You
Help me to live out my faith in everything I say, think or do.
Biblical Parenting
Day 5 | Friday
Read Esther 2:5-7


"Mordecai had a cousin named Hadassah, whom he had brought up because she had neither father nor
mother. This young woman, who was also known as Esther, had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Mordecai
had taken her as his daughter when her father and mother died."- Esther 2:7

Mordecai became a father by adopting an orphan cousin named Esther. As an adoptive parent, he took his
parenting to a higher level. Mordecai courageously lived and led by faith; a godly quality crucial in parenting

Many times, Mordecai was confronted with fear-inducing circumstances. He took full responsibility to raise
and nurture his young cousin. He bravely let go of this young girl to be taken in the royal harem in submission
to the king's decree, searching for a new queen. He refused to bow down to Haman, which incurred
consequences. He faced death sentence together with all the Jews because of Haman's wicked schemes. But
Mordecai refused to operate from the place of fear. He chose to live and lead by faith in God.

Mordecai's incredible faith accomplished these three things. First, he saw obstacles as opportunities, and
fatherhood entails life investment. He could have said NO to adoption. But he saw adoption not as an
obstacle to his life but as a chance to show unconditional love and nurture an orphaned child.

Second, he saw beyond present circumstances. That is why when faced with imminent destruction, he
persuades Queen Esther to help her people. Mordecai was convinced that Esther was divinely positioned for
such a time as this. Third, Esther learned to live by faith. Living out our faith is one of the greatest legacies we
can leave our children.

The secret to leading our children faithfully is to show and live by faith genuinely.

 Do you aspire to be someone your children will want to follow?
 Are you living and leading by faith? What practical things can you do to live and lead in faith?

Oh, the joys and sorrows; the trial and triumphs of parenting
But I would never trade this divine gift for anything
I humbly ask that You will help me lead faithfully
This beautiful family you have entrusted to me.
Challenges Facing the Christian Family
Day 1 | Monday
Read Matthew 5:14-16


"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your
Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

The Christian family is on a mission to bear Christ's image to a Christless world. We live in a world that often
does not tolerate Christian values, and yet we must live differently and be the light in a dark world. God gives
this divine privilege and sacred responsibility to influence the darkened society to Christian families.

Practically speaking, light shows the way. Without light, every step we take in darkness is unsure. As light
shows the way, Christian families should reveal Christ and His glory, His gospel, and His Kingdom.

Light also promotes life and growth. Take away light; no living thing will survive. As light aids life and growth,
our lives should encourage growth. This growth starts at home as children are nurtured in the ways of the
Lord. Home discipleship promotes growth. Discipled children go out and make disciples of others, impacting
lives. Finally, as light gives a better perspective on things in the dark, Christian families have the opportunity to
live their lives in a way that people see the difference.

God has purposely placed our Christian families in specific communities and cities to let His light shine through
them. Christ is not to be kept as a secret, and we are to "let [our] light shine before others, that they may see
[our] good deeds and glorify [our] Father in heaven."

In an anti-Christian culture, God called us to be the light.

 Is your family intentional in influencing people for Christ?
 What concrete actions will the family take to act upon your responsibility as the LIGHT of the world?

May my family be a shining light
To a word as dark as night
May our family be always faithful and true
May we not forget what You have called us to do.
Challenges Facing the Christian Family
Day 2 | Tuesday
Read 1 Samuel 2:12-26


"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens." Ecclesiastes 3:1

One of the many blessings of this pandemic is rediscovering the joys of family time. Lockdowns, quarantines,
and no movements opened many doors of opportunities to spend time with our family.

When families neglect one another and put work first, the family bond breaks down. There is emotional
distress, and children turn to social media to cope with loneliness. These are just some of the bitter realities
when family time is neglected.

Eli was both the high priest and judge of Israel. He had two sons, Hophni and Phinehas. They were priests.
But instead of leading and teaching people the ways of the Lord, these men were described as wicked v.12.
It is hard to grapple with why these men whose father served as a spiritual leader to a great nation did not
know the Lord. We do not have the details of their childhood. But how they turned out as adults despite their
family background and sacred positions as priests speak primarily of what happened in the home.

Faith formation does not happen overnight. But it happens over time as parents make time to be with
children to communicate with them what it means to love God and serve Him through intentional teaching
and modeling.

Family time is, therefore, God's designed for families. God's will that we spend quality time with our family
because this is a platform for nurturing faith. When we spend quality time with our family, we are
implementing heaven's design for families. What would family time require of us?

UNPLUG – some families are together, but each to his gadget! We need to unplug from social media so that
we can refocus and reconnect deeply with our family.

UNWIND – do fun things together. Go for a family project. Do something that gives you life as a family.
UNLEASH your power to say NO. Practice boundaries to protect family time. That is God's gift to you. We can
love more and serve our families better when we observe boundaries.

It is God's will that we spend quality time with our family. Family time is a platform for open, safe, and
meaningful dialogues and faith talks.

 How is your relationship with your spouse and children these days?
 What three specific action steps do you need to take to spend more quality time with your family?
 How will you spend quality time with your family this week?

Lord, please help me to keep a balance between work and family
Remind me never to neglect my family in my pursuit of financial security.
Forgive me for the many times I sacrificed my family
In the altar of work and ministry.

Challenges Facing the Christian Family

Day 3 | Wednesday
Read Judges 13:1-7

YOUTH REBELLION: Samson, a Wonderboy or a Wonderboy?

"How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word." Psalm 119:9

Where did we go wrong? This could have been the painful question of Mr. and Mrs. Noah after seeing their
son entangled in a string of ungodly choices.

This couple was given the honor to parent the child whom God has chosen to deliver Israel after 40 years of
Philistine domination. Though they were living in a time of spiritual darkness, a time when every man did
whatever he thought was right… a time when they did whatever they felt like doing (Judges 21:25), the couple
resolved to obey the Lord.

They did their part, but as it turned out, Samson wallowed in defiance and rebellion. Judges 14 says –
"Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a young Philistine woman." And just like that. When he
returned home, he ordered his parents to get the woman for him. His parents naturally disagreed. But he
demanded and insisted. Marriage with unbelieving foreigners was prohibited of Israelites (Ex 34:16; Deut. 7:3).
Demanding a wife was against the tradition in which parents arranged marriage. He was utterly disrespectful.

Samson continued to violate his vow and God's laws on various occasions. He was rash, reckless, and out of
control. And he used his gifts and abilities unwisely.

Did his parents beat themselves up for what has become of Samson? Should they be solely blamed for
Samson's actions? They were faced with this great challenge as parents --- make peace with their limitations.
Mr. and Mrs. Manoah have done their part, and Samson was now responsible for his actions.

Parents have limits. We either embrace this truth or deny it and suffer in silent agony. Yes, we do not have
complete control over the lives of our children. But take heart. God is in complete control of their lives. And
the greater comfort is this: God loves them more than we could ever know or imagine. When they seem to
be out of control; out of our reach ---continue praying and go back to God's love for you and your children.


 Is there anything a parent can do to protect their child from rebellion and sin in their youth?
 What can a parent do if their child is rebellious, denies the faith, and chooses a life of sin?
 How do children learn to be rebellious – or is it a natural behavior?


Give us a double portion of your grace of Lord,

To love, discipline, and nurture our children according to your Word
Come the day when they rebel, make poor choices, and sin willfully
Lord, please deal with them according to your love and great mercy.
Challenges Facing the Christian Family
Day 4 | Thursday
Read 1 Kings 21:1-16

MATERIALISM: Greed and Greedy

"Don't love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never
abandon you." – Hebrews 13:5

They say that some of the children today have this so-called "gimme" syndrome. You will always hear them
say, "Dad, Gimme money." "Mom, gimme me a beautiful dress like my best friend's." "Can you gimme a new
gadget, grandpa?" And the wish list goes on and on and on.

Gimme, gimme attitude without restrain, and discipline, especially among children, can easily foster greed and
discontentment. Greed is a powerful force, and it can blind our eyes to the needs of others. Greed has deeply
wounded people.

King Ahab had everything he needed and even more. But he wanted what he did not have and what was not
his. He coveted the vineyard of Naboth. Since it was an ancestral property, Naboth refused to sell it to the
king. Queen Jezebel couldn't stand his husband's lack of willpower to impose himself asking. She promised
the king the vineyard and wasted no time planning Naboth's murder. After he was killed, King Ahab greedily
took over his vineyard.

Greed is self-absorption and self-pre-occupation. It is self-preservation at the expense of others. Greed never
dies a natural death. We combat greed to end by nurturing contentment and cultivating an attitude of

 Without any hint of hypocrisy, can you say these words: "I have learned to be content whatever the
circumstances"? – Philippians 4:11
 How can you nurture contentment in your heart? How can you cultivate an attitude of gratitude?
 How can charitable giving and serving others together as a family combat greed and materialism?

Father, please help me not to focus on what I do not have.
Nor should I set my eyes on what others have.
Instead, fill my heart with thanksgiving.
So that I will not have room for wanting more, comparing, and complaining.
Challenges Facing the Christian Family
Day 5 | Friday
Read 1 Kings 21:1-16

"Don't love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never
abandon you." – Hebrews 13:5

Fathers play a crucial role in families. Their absence would mean a crisis in the world. Children and young
adults need the example of their father. Without fathers, children grope for their identity and fear for their
safety. Take away fathers, and you will see children with emotional and behavioral issues and damaged self-

Shem, Ham, and Japheth lived in a godless society. Genesis 6:5-7 gives us a picture of their time. "5-7 God saw
that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil—evil, evil, evil from morning to
night. God was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place; it broke his heart.  God said, "I'll get
rid of my ruined creation, make a clean sweep: people, animals, snakes and bugs, birds—the works. I'm sorry I
made them."
Amidst the evilness of the time, they had a father who found favor in the eyes of the Lord. His exemplary life
stood in bold contrast to the prevailing rotten character of the people. Noah, their father, Walked faithfully
with God even if everyone chose not to. The decaying society did not carry him away because he walked
closely with God. There could be no other reason why his sons listened to him and joined him in the ark
Moreover, he obeyed God even if his command to build an ark on the dry ground did not make sense. And his
sons learned obedience through his example. Finally, he waited on God even if it was hard work. There was a
lot of waiting before the flood came. And his sons learned patience through his patient waiting.
More than identity and family security, Shem, Ham, and Japhet were blessed with the legacy of faith. They
learned to walk, obey and trust God through the life example of their father.
Fathers have a vital role to play in the family unit, and they are crucial in the development of a child's well-
being. Without them, the family is broken.

 What percentage of families in your community have absent fathers?
 Even if fathers are physically present, what other ways do fathers sometimes neglect their
 What are the effects on the wife and children? What can a church do to help fathers be responsible
leaders of their families?

Lord, help me to be the father you intended me to be
Always present for my children, always there for my family
May I recognize that every child is a gift from above
Worthy of my time, my unconditional love.

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