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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Agent Carter (TV), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agent Carter
(Marvel Short Film)
Relationship: Peggy Carter/Dottie Underwood, Peggy Carter & Daniel Sousa
Character: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Dottie Underwood
Additional Tags: Mild Smut, Enemies to Lovers, Bisexual Peggy Carter, Domestic Dottie
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-27 Words: 1430

by moonlightptx


Peggy and Sousa receive a tip off on Dottie's recent whereabouts.


Written from Peggy's POV :)

See the end of the work for more notes

I know Dottie Underwood doesn’t pose any threat to my safety; the two of us have a certain
understanding. She is the only person I would consider my equal in skill and intellect. Calculated,
brave, persistent, and rather attractive.

“Peggy, are you ready?” A hand rests on my shoulder, I turn to find Daniel — my best friend, my
ex — smiling at me, a mischievous glint in his eye. He believes my rivalry with Dottie is
something more personal. And as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes he knows me better than I
know myself.

“Meet me in the car”.

“What’s our play?” Daniel pulls into the parking lot across from the dingy motel where — if our
sources are correct — Dottie will be residing.
“I retrieve Miss Underwood, you wait here.” I go to reach for the door handle before he can argue,
but Daniel swiftly locks the doors. I shoot him a glare, “That’s an order”.

“You’ve got to be joking! Peggy, whatever’s going on between you two is irrelevant, what if she’s
armed?” Daniel searches my eyes; I drop my gaze in fear that he will see right through me. We sit
in silence for a moment, at a stalemate with each other.

“She won’t harm me. That’s the one consistent thing about her.” I feel my cheeks heat up. Daniel
sighs and flops back into the passenger seat, studying me. He never wins our arguments and, in my
opinion, there’s not always a first time for everything.

“Be safe.” The door unlocks.

I give him a reassuring smile and exit the car, my senses invigorated by the biting wind and the
anticipation of the task ahead.

The motel complex seems innocuous enough on the outside. A neon sign reading ‘VACANCY’
blinks rapidly, casting shadows across the courtyard. No shady drug deals happening in the
shadows, no prostitutes bringing guilty clients back from the nearby strip clubs. I locate the room
number. There is no car parked out front of the dimly lit patio, but through the window I can see
the lights are on inside. Dottie’s silhouette comes into frame, her figure looking beautiful as ever
bathed in the glowing light behind the curtains. I tread towards the entrance, desperately trying to
ignore the uncertain thrill that runs through me.

The paint chipped door swings open before I even reach the handle.

“Peggy! What a charming surprise, though I must admit I wasn’t expecting guests.” I wrap my
fingers around the cold metal of my concealed gun and draw a sharp breath. Dottie stands at the
entryway, wearing fluffy sleep shorts and a singlet, not exactly the attire you would expect of a
highly trained espionage agent. God she’s beautiful.

“Don’t tell me you honestly came here with no backup, or is that detective partner of yours waiting
outside? Oh, I always have been so jealous of him” Dottie sighs before turning on her heels and
walking inside. I follow quickly on her footsteps, bemused. The thing about Dottie is you never
know what version of her to expect. She’s an enigma; a mystery I so want to unravel.

“You were expecting me, and yet you’re not going to run?” I relax my grip on my gun. The studio
room is cramped with furniture. It is meticulously clean, nothing to indicate Dottie has taken up

“Well, I figure even if you take me in, I won’t stay long anyway!” The arrogant bitch. Rolling my
eyes in response, I carefully observe her removing a pot of boiling pasta from the stove, muscular
arms tensing as she carries it. I glance at my worn wristwatch. We should be on our way back by
now. As she sets the pot down, my eyes roam to her chiselled collarbone, her broad shoulders, her
lithe legs —stop it. I snap myself out of my trance to catch Dottie’s impossibly blue eyes gazing at
me in amusement. Silently, I curse myself for getting distracted. Focus.

“So, what brings you here? If you’re arresting me, you sure are taking your sweet, sweet time.”
She steps close towards me. I can see every detail on her face. Those hypnotising eyes, the curve
of her lips, her sharp cheekbones, it takes every ounce of discipline within me to not cup her perfect
face in my hands. I feel myself getting flustered, forcing myself to step back, the longing in my
chest protesting. “Have you ever kissed a girl, Peggy?” Dottie continues, tilting her head. Shit.

“Do not come any closer or I will —”

Dottie swiftly pulls my waist into hers and presses her mouth to mine. I draw a sharp breath
through my nose and instinctively wrap my arms around her neck. It felt as if the warmth of her lips
touching mine conducted a perfect symphony; one that was written for only us to feel. It’s tender,
it’s passionate, and holy hell it’s intoxicating. My hands tangle in her hair as I deepen the kiss.
Fuck, what am I doing? I pull away, face flushed, gasping. Shame and embarrassment floods
through me as I roughly grab Dottie’s wrists and twist them behind her back.

“Well, this is unexpected” Dottie smirks. Fucking unbelievable.

“Enough of this. I’m arresting you.” I snap at her, guilt squashing the desire burning in my chest.

“Just as things were getting interesting!” Dottie rolls her eyes as I forcefully push her towards the

“Not a word to anyone. You hear me?”

“Whatever you say, darling.”

The drive home is silent. And the silence is deafening. Dottie sits restrained in the back seat, a
smug look on her face. Daniel keeps glancing over at me, questioning in those all-knowing eyes. I
stare straight ahead, trying to keep my mind from wandering back to the motel room. She kissed
me. I kissed her back. I didn’t want it to stop? We come to a halt at a set of lights. Cracking my
window, I try to let the sounds of the city distract me from my thoughts. Horns honking, tourists
arguing over what direction is right, a group of men trading war stories.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Daniel pulls into the parking lot.

“They cost a lot more than that.” I quip. “Escort Miss Underwood to the interrogation room, I’ll
deal with her later.”

The clock reads 11:30pm, just half an hour since Daniel went home to Violet. Which means it’s
just me, the security guards, and Dottie Underwood left at the SSR. I open the door to the
interrogation room, immediately making eye contact with her. Memories I had tried to suppress of
earlier this evening come flooding back to me, how soft her lips were, how she dug her nails into
my hips as I deepened our kiss —

“Peggy! I was beginning to think you had forgotten me.” Dottie leans forward over the table,
pouting mockingly. “Don’t worry, our little secret is still safe with me.” She winks.

“Unfortunately, I think that’s highly unlikely.” I fiddle with my hands. She moves as close to me as
she can, I notice her leg is restrained to the table.

“Well, you’re here for a reason.” Dottie crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, challenging me.

“I am.” This time it’s me who makes the first move. I reach up to her face and tuck a strand of her
dark glossy hair behind her ear. Her eyes flutter shut at the gesture.
“You’re beautiful.” Dottie whispers, looking me up and down, eyes full of desire. My heart
hammers against my ribcage. I press my lips to hers in response. She gasps softly and leans into
me, her hand running up my back and into my hair, tugging gently. Sitting back down, she pulls
me into her lap without breaking the kiss. Deftly, Dottie removes her lips from my mouth and
focuses her attention on my neck, evoking dizzying sensations within me. That old question runs
through my head like a cliché, how can something so wrong feel so right? Placing my hands on her
shoulders I sigh deeply, pushing myself off her lap. I take a moment to steady myself, my knees

“Did I get the wrong idea?” Dottie, face flushed and chest heaving, looks at me quizzically.

“You’re making it very hard for me to do my job.” Smoothing out the tangles in my hair, I turn
around and make for the door. “Daniel will be seeing you tomorrow morning, Miss Underwood.”

“You’ll be back, Peggy.”

I pause before closing the door behind me. Yes, I’ll be back.

End Notes

Took a few creative liberties with this one (making Sousa the absolute ally that he is) !!

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