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• A method used for soft samples
• Cells are intentionally “smashed” or crushed onto a slide to reveal their
• squash slides begin by preparing a wet mount; place lens tissue over the
cover glass; gently press down, careful not to destroy the sample or break
the cover glass, and squash the sample; remove excess water.
• The advantage of squashing method provides fast and easy method to
obtain a very thin specimen sample.


 Before performing a squash method, it is important that the specimen must undergo
with staining method to enhance the contrast and highlight the structures of specimen
when observed in the microscope.

1. Get a sufficient amount of specimen to be observed and place it in the watch glass.
2. Put a drop of hydrochloric acid and acetic acid stain in the specimen.
3. Place the specimen in the hot plate with a hot setting for 5 minutes to heat the mixture and

4. Transfer the specimen in the microscope

slide and add one drop of acetic acid stain, then
cover it with cover slip.
5. Place soft object such as towel on the top of
the slide, then squash the specimen gently.
6. Place the slide in the microscope to observe the structure of the specimen.

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