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Agent Carter Characters + Some Avengers Watch the MCU

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence,
Major Character Death
Category: F/M
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain
America (Movies), Agent Carter (TV), Agent Carter (Marvel Short Film),
characters watch the film - Fandom
Relationship: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Howard Stark/Maria Stark, James "Bucky"
Barnes/Natasha Romanov
Character: Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, James
"Bucky" Barnes, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Jack Thompson, Daniel
Sousa, Ray Krzeminski, Roger Dooley, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov
(Marvel), Peter Parker, Clint Barton
Additional Tags: Characters Watching
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-09-15 Completed: 2022-12-12 Chapters: 4/4 Words:

Agent Carter Characters + Some Avengers Watch the MCU

by that__ffic_writor


Through the power of fanfic, the agent carter characters are transported to a room where
they will meet some others from the future and they have to watch some films. Honestly,
just read the title.


See the end of the work for notes

Chapter 1


A flash of light and loud bang occurs. Suddenly, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Jarvis, Anna Jarvis,
Angie Martinelli, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson, Chief Dooyle and the rest of the SSR appear
together in a white room with no door.

“What the hell just happened?” asked Sousa. Everyone is looking around, stunned trying to
understand where they were. Peggy’s hand instinctively reached for her pistol, cleverly concealed
under her skirt only to find her holster empty.

“Who do you work for,” she said to the walls. Maybe this was some evil plot from a left-over
hydra group. Alas, she got no reply. At least not a verbal one.

“Peg, look here,” said Daniel, nodding to what seemed to be a note and a stack of films. “That
wasn’t there a minute ago.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Peggy responded as she walked and picked up the note. “To those gathered, I am
sure you are all wondering why we have brought you from going about your day to a room with no
means of exit -”

“You can say that again,” Howard interrupted but was quickly silenced by the glare from Peggy.

“To be honest there is no clear reasoning for this,” she continues to read “maybe we want to ease
some of the pain that is to come and could be prevented, or maybe we are doing this for our own
enjoyment. What we do know is that you have to finish these films in order to return to your lives.
The films will be a mix but first they will cover your past before moving into what is to come.
Happy watching. PS- we may be sending more people to join you.”

“Then lets start,” said Thompson in the bored tone he could muster.

“I beg your pardon,” replied Peggy.

“Lets start,” he said slowly, as if talking to a toddler.

“Come on English, where’s your adventurous spirit, huh? Besides the quicker we watch the
quicker we get out of here.” Angie asked. “But, I don’t actually know many of you – obviously I
know Peg and oh my gosh, your Howard Stark – a pleasure, but who are the rest of you?”

“yes I do suppose introductions are in order, I’m Agent Daniel Sousa.”

“Agent Thompson of the SSR New York”

“Edwin Jarvis and this is my wife –“

“Ana Jarvis” Ana cut him off, “lovely to meet you” she said with a smile.

“Obviously you all know, I am Howard Stark and this is the beautiful Maria,” he gestured to the
lady standing beside him.

“And I am Angie Martinelli, do you know these people English?”

“Yes Angie, before we start I think I need to come clean about my true job.” To Angie’s confused
look Peggy continued, “I don’t really man the telephone. I am an Agent for the SSR or the
Strategic Scientific Reserve. I worked with them during the war where I met Howard and have ever
since. Look Ang, I’m so sorry, I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to tell you but I could
never risk your life like that.”

“Hey, its alright Peg, I get it, top secret business and all that. Besides, I cant say I’m all that
shocked, your office hours where always too strange. ” Angie reassured her, “So should we get

“Lets” said Sousa as he went to put the first film in.

Suddenly a voice boomed through the room. “Sorry, we changed our mind, we don’t want you to
start with any of the films provided. We will show a nice little selection we put together of clips to
introduce some guests before we send them in to watch the other films with you.”

“Who are you,” Peggy quickly asked.

“We cannot say,” the voice responded, “but I assure you we mean no harm.”

“yeah right,” Peggy muttered but none heard as the film had begun.

(The scene in Captain America the First Avenger when Peggy first talks to the recruits) The
camera pans down a line of soldiers, pre-serum Steve Rogers is shown.

Peggy gasps, “what’s wrong Peg?” asked Angie.

“Nothing, nothing, I just knew that man.” Peggy responded.

Peggy is shown introducing herself, she says she supervises all operations for this division.

“Supervisor, but I thought you did secretary work,” said Thompson.

“I am an Agent, Thompson, not a secretary,” Peggy replied, “no matter how much you treat me
like one.” She muttered.

“But you never said you supervised a division –“

“hum yes, you never asked for my history did you, or read my file. You just assumed I was a
secretary.” Peggy replied.

Hodge cheeks Peggy.

“How rude.” Said Ana

“I quite agree Mrs Jarvis,” said Peggy, she smiled softly remembering what can next.

Peggy punches Hodge.

“ooooh” a collective groan goes up from the men.

“Damn Peg, your right hook hurts.” Howard commented.

“Speaking from experience Stark?” asked Thompson.

“Yes he is, and I hope he learnt his lesson. Now please if we have any hope of getting through
these movies before the next century you would all, kindly, shut up.” Peggy replied though she still
smiled at the memory of Colonel Philips when he came on screen.

Colonel Phillips introduces the Captain America Experiment.

“Damn that guy is scrawny.” Thompson commented.

“yes, he was,” Peggy laughed, gaining weird looks from her male colleagues.

"So you were the supervisor of the Captain America Project Peggy,” Sousa asked.

“Yes I was,” Peggy said distractedly.

The next scene is short clip of Peggy watch Steve get the serum injected in him.

“THAT WAS CAPTAIN AMERICA” Krzeminski exclaimed. “How? He was so tiny!”

“He was, along with asthmatic, and suffered from high blood pressure, heart trouble, scarlet fever,
rheumatic fever, to name a few.” Said Peggy.

“How was he Captain America?” asked Krzeminski.

“Because he was a good man,” replied Peggy.

The scene changes to Peggy and Steve being told about Bucky’s capture and Steve looks up
from the map of the Hydra base camp. Peggy follows Steve to his tent and tries to convince
him not to walk to Austria to save Bucky. They go outside and Steve says “you said I was
meant for more than this, did you mean that.” And Peggy responds “every word of it.” And
then says she can do more than just let him go, she can help him.

“I’m sorry, but who is Bucky?” asked Sousa.

“Oh,” laughed Peggy, “he was Steve’s best friend. They grew up together in Brooklyn.”

“And what did you do to help Rogers?” asked Thompson.

“I think you mean what I did,” cut in Howard.

“I organised for Howard to fly us in as close as he could so Steve could jump.” Peggy clarified.

The scene cuts to Peggy talking with Colonel Philips in the tent. Peggy gets told off for letting
Steve go.

“Ohhh Carter you were in trouble” Thompson sang.

“Gosh, you sound like a three year old. Act your age Agent.” Peggy lectured.

Men start running outside towards some commotion and Colonel and Peggy follow. A large
group of soldiers march into camp lead by Bucky and Steve.

“Oh my sweet lord!” squealed Angie, “He did it! And that power walk… Besides the point, of
course your gut was right Peg”

Steve salutes Philips and tells him some of the men need medical attention and he tries to
surrender himself for disciplinary action.
“What did I say, he was too good.” said Peggy when the men murmumured on how they would

Peggy comes close to Steve and tells him he was late, he response that he couldn’t call his
ride. Bucky calls for a toast to Captain America and Peggy and Steve have an intense stare

“Are you sure you don’t have just a small crush Carter,” Thompson teased.

Peggy just had realised what the rest of the film would entail and was dreading it already. The
comments on being Captain America’s girl had quietened down recently and this would do nothing
to help that. At least now it will be 100% fact. No more would be left to the imagination and
speculation of her colleagues. Although she did like keeping her story with Steve private, it was
still raw and she didn’t want to open that wound back up. It was tough as it was to see him on that
screen and not be able to talk to him again.

“Say Peg, is that Bucky guy single?” asked Angie.

“Dead I am afraid love,” Peggy replied, thankful for a change in subject.

The scene changes to Steve and Peggy pouring over a map and talking with Colonel Philips
on the plan of action to take down Hydra.

“None’s perfect my ass,” Thompson said, “that guy just recited what would take weeks nay months
to gather that much information and her only got a quick look at their plans!” Thompson exclaimed
in awe of Steve’s strategic thinking. “And he has brains not just brawn, what can’t he do?”

“Fly a plane,” deadpanned Peggy, “not without crashing it.”

Steve is at the bar trying to recruit the Howling Commandoes. They all agree and Steve goes
to get another round. Bucky and Steve sit at the bar and have a little heart to heart.

“Aww how sweet” comments Maria Stark, who up to now had been silent. Peggy who clearly
forgot about her presence jumped slightly and hummed in agreement.

“They were as close as brothers, closer even.”

The men fall silent as Peggy enters in a red dress.

All the men (except Jarvis) wolf-whistle.

“You clean up nice, Carter” Thompson commented eyeing her current outfit of her typical sensible

“Stop it all of you,” Peggy said, irritated. She as much as she wanted these scenes with Steve to be
over, she liked seeing him again and she knew as soon as they were over, her colleagues would
only tease her more.

She delivers her message and says she is waiting for the right partner. She and Steve don’t
take their eyes off each other.

“English, you have a lot of catching up to do,” Angie said. “Is this why you never liked that
Captain America Program – it is isn’t it! Oh but you will have to tell me all about this.”
“And I will Angie but not right now…” Peggy trailed off gesturing to Thompson and Sousa.

“oh right” said Angie, disheartened for a moment before bouncing back up.

Bucky talks about being invisible and Steve says Peggy might have a friend.

The room chuckled and then again when Angie responded to Steve saying “Oh boy she definitely
has a friend who would be only too happy to fill a spot on a double date.”

The scene changes to Steve talking to a secretary who is flirting with him and he is very

“Shit.” Peggy said. “I messed up.”

“what do you –“ Sousa said but stopped when Peggy raised her hand to silence him.

“I’m sure you will see,” Peggy said bitterly, “I should have trusted his inability to speak to

The secretary kisses Steve and Peggy walks in on them fuming. They walk together as Steve
tries to convince her it was nothing but Peggy wont listen. Steve asks her is she and Howard
have been “fondue-ing”

“This priceless Peg!” Howard chuckled, “Please tell me you educated his sweet innocent mind
with the true definition of fondue."

“What’s this about fondue,” asked Sousa.

“A long story,” Peggy replied.

Peggy walks away from Steve. Howard talks Steve through some weapons and he picks up
the shield. Peggy enters and asks Steve about his “unfinished business”

“Jeez Carter, no need to be so bitchy,” Thompson commented.

“Excuse you,” exclaimed Peggy, turning to face him.

“I didn’t say you were a bitch just that you were acting catty –“ but he didn’t get to finish his
sentence as Peggy punched his in the face.

“Kindly shut your trap,” said Peggy.

Peggy draws a gun and fires at him. Howard and Steve are stunned.

“Damn Carter” says Thompson.

The scene changes to Peggy and Colonel Philips watching a film reel of the mission. Steve has
a compass with Peggy’s picture in it.

Peggy smiles. “How sweet of him” says Ana Jarvis.

The scene changes to Steve chasing Schmidt and his shield gets stuck in a door then a fire
machine chases him. Peggy guns down the man. Steve goes to kiss her then she reminds him
of the mission.
“I have to say Agent Carter, you surprise me.” Thompson said, “I feel I should take back my
comment on you being a secretary. Clearly you fought alongside Captain America, not just as his
beau.” His jaw still ached from moments before and could only pray he did not set her off again.

“Thank you, Agent Thompson,” said Peggy, “I am afraid your validation means little to me

“Yeah I deserve that,” said Thompson.

Steve chases after the Red Skull’s Plane. Colonel Philips tells him to jump in to the car as
they chase him and Steve prepares to jump. Peggy stops him and kisses him.

“Short and sweet, Peggy, I like it,” says Angie. Peggy lets out a rare blush at her co-workers getting
to see her kiss someone.

The scene changes to Steve flying the plane, he get in touch with the command centre and
Peggy is on the other side. Peggy tries to find him, a safe landing and he says it is not

Everyone is on the edge of their seat, despite all knowing the outcome. Peggy seems distant, as if
she is reliving all this for the first time. Howard is uncharacteristically perfectly still. No knee-
bouncing or nervous jiggles. The room is silent. Peggy tries to problem solve. Steve says he needs
to put it in the water. Steve says Peggy this is my choice. Peggy has silent tears rolling down her

Steve puts the compass back up and tilts the plane down. He says he needs a raincheck in that
dance. Peggy plays along and then Steve cuts out and she breaks down.

“Oh English,” Angie says, “she goes to comfort Peggy.

“Um Agent Carter, I think I speak for all of us at the SSR when I apologise for all our teasing. You
clearly are, as much as it pains me to say it, a competent Agent. It was wrong of us to jest about
your past relationships when we didn’t know anything. Peggy wiped her eyes and blows her nose
on her handkerchief, patting Angie’s arm in silent thanks for her comfort.

“As I said earlier,” she says.

“I know, my validation means little to you.” Thompson responds.

Peggy lets out a watery chuckle “precisely”

“You really did love him English, didn’t you?” asked Angie.

“He was my right partner,” Peggy nodded much to Sousa’s resignment.

The scene opened to Bucky and Steve on the train. Bucky drops off the train and is presumed

“This is going back in time,” said Peggy.

“Was that when he…” Angie trailed off. Peggy didn’t need to speak, just her sad smile answered
Angie’s question. “Poor Steve, I can’t imagine he took that lightly.” Peggy just shook her head in
The scene changes to Peggy walking through a boomed bar. Steve is sitting with a drink and
turns to acknowledge Peggy.

“This was after Bucky’s death?” clarified Angie to which Peggy nodded.

Steve starts to talk about the serum and how it effects his cells. Peggy sighs know how much
pain he is in.

Peggy sardonically laughs to herself. Watching Steve in pain is no easier the second time around.

Steve says he can’t get drunk.

“Aw, I wanted to see a drunk Captain America.” Howard complained.

“Why?” Scoffed Peggy, to which Howard could only shrugged.

Peggy says his metabolism burns 4 times faster and it was thought he wouldn’t be able to get
drunk. Peggy says it wasn’t his fault. Steve denies that.

“You really think that would convince him it wasn’t his fault Peg?” Howard scoffed, “He is
stupidly stubborn.”

“No, I didn’t,” Peggy said indignantly, “but I had to try.”

Peggy talks about Steve having respect for Bucky and allowing for the dignity of his choice.

“But that helped,” Peggy said.

Steve says he is going after Schmidt and won’t stop. Peggy says he won’t be alone.

“Wow, he really was Captain America.” Said Krzeminski.

Then the voice spoke again.“Up until now the events show have been from the past. These will be
in the future for you but the past for us and those who we will send in shortly.” The viewers were
all confused, there was lots of muttering as they tried to work out what the strange voice meant. All
except Howard of course who was full of questions.

“So where does that place us?” Howard asked, “where are we on the timeline? How many
timelines are there?”

“I am afraid we would not stop talking if we went down that route of conversation.” The voice

“Am I the only one curious as to who these people that will join us are?” asked Angie. Peggy
mentally kicked herself for forgetting about the identity of the newcomers. She had been so
preoccupied with memories of Steve. She took a few deep breaths and turned her attention to the
conversation at hand.

“You will see in good time, just two more clips I believe,” said the voice.

The scene changes to a bunch of men in a blizzard in the Arctic. They have found a plane,
machinery is cutting through the ice to find get inside. They search the plane. Then they find
Captain America’s shield.

“He is, I told you Peg. HA. He’s out there,” Howard said through strange laughs, he wasn’t making
much sense.

“HOWARD,” Peggy shouted, drawing him out of his nonsense jabbering, “he may be out there but
he is frozen solid. He…” she trailed off, trying to maintain her composure. “He couldn’t have
survived the crash let along be frozen in ice.” She finishes resignedly.

The scene opens with a baseball game playing and on a close up of Steve’s eyes. The camera
starts to zoom out to reveal Steve in a clinical room. He gets up and tries to work out his
surroundings. A woman enters his room. Steve asks where he is, continuously. He realises the
baseball game on the radio was from 1941 and starts to get mad. Two armed men enter the
room, he fights them and busts out of the facility.

“Who are they? When is this?” Peggy spews out, trying to make sense of what is happening.
“Presumably they are in our future, which means Steve survived by some means and they found
him?” Peggy concluded. “But what will they do to him, he can’t be safe with someone random
agents,” she rambled, thinking out loud until the film cut her off.

He ran out of the building and down the street. There are all these ads and new cars around
the place.

“Holy shit that’s the future alright,” said Angie.

“Incredible,” said Howard.

“No flying cars though, sir” said Mr. Jarvis.

A man with an eyepatch talks to him. He apologises and breaks the news that he was asleep
for 70 years.

“No…” said Peggy, “impossible.” She said not believing what that would mean for right now.
Right now she thought, he is sitting under the ice waiting for us to come for him. He waits another
70 years. How, how did he survive those 70 years? Could the serum really… Once again she was
cut off by the film.

Fury asks if he is going to be OK, he responds with yes but he had a date.

Peggy chuckled her sad laugh, “I am sure I would be dead.”

“Whooowa,” said both Thompson and Sousa, “don’t say that about yourself.”

“Think it through, I will be 87 in 70 years. That is old and I’m an Agent. Hate to break it to you
boys but this isn’t the business you get in if you want to reach the retirement home.” Peggy said.

“So now,” the voice spoke once more, “I think you are ready to meet the others.”

There was a loud thunk from behind and everyone turned to look. Two broad shouldered men
hunched over from the impact of their fall, stood to attention, taking in their surroundings like,
well, only soldiers would.

“Who are you?” Peggy demanded.

“Peg?” Asked the taller of the two, “How the.. what the… where are we? When are we?” The man
said as he slowly walked towards the gathering, the other man trailing closely behind.
“How is that, you can’t be…” Peggy trailed off as he approached her. “How do I know you aren’t
an imposter?” she asked him. “We watched, they (she waved her hand around the air) made us
watch you wake up from the ice but how do I know who you really are?”

Slowly he reached into his pocket, still in shock at what was happening, and pulled out a small
gold compass. “You know this went down with me, you know it is one of a kind.” He said before
moving to hand her it. Peggy backed away forcing the man to throw the ornament. Peggy popped
the seal and opened the clasp to the same sketch Steve did of her all those years ago. “oh” she
gasped, raising her hand to cover her mouth, “oh” she breathed out as she rushed to him. “Steve,”
she whispered before wrapping herself around his torso. Steve stood rigid for a second before
melting around her, burying his nose in her hair. “Peggy,” he whispered back. “How are you here?
How are you so young?” he asked, pulling back to look at her face. She just shook her head, trying
to process everything that has happened in the past few hours.

“So how did you survive?” asked Angie. “We watched Ang, he was frozen, the serum must have
–“ “No,” Angie cut Peggy off, “how did you survive.” She said pointing to the man behind Steve.
“Because we watched you fall off a train Sergeant Bucky Barnes.”
Chapter 2 - Bucky Suffering by Crusade588
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Because we watched you fall off a train Sergeant Bucky Barnes,” Angie said.

The room was silent. Most were ashamed, they were suppose to be America’s best agents yet a
civilian noticed the elephant in the room before them. All were shocked. Completely and utterly
flabbergasted. After a while of no one moving, Peggy slowly untangled herself from Steve’s
embrace and sat back in the closest chair, making sure to keep a hold of Steve’s hand.

“So, your telling me, that not only did Steve Rogers survive a plane crash and being stuck in ice for
70 years but a Sergeant who was seen falling to his death also appears to be alive 70 years later,
without aging all that much and gaining a…” she pivoted to fully look at Bucky,” a metal arm?”
She exclaimed. The room just nodded in agreement with her summarisation of events as they came
to the same conclusion. Quickly growing impatient of the silence that followed, Peggy demanded,
“Well someone start talking,” she pointed to the two men. “Now.”

“Ay Ma'am,” spoke Bucky for the first time as he stood to attention and mock saluted her, “You
haven’t changed all that much.” For the first time, Peggy really took a moment to look him over.
Now, he has the same cheeky grin she remembered from the glimpses of conversations she would
listen to at camp, but it was fleeting and quite to disappear, unlike before. At first glance, he looked
as if he hadn’t aged but she could see new scars littered his exposed neck. His eyes were darker.
That’s stupid, Peggy thought, that is something only poets say but she found herself considering
the truth in the saying. His eyes had lost the spark they carried before. And of course, there was the
matter of the metal arm. The metal arm that had a soviet star painted on it? No, not possible, Peggy

“I’d appreciate a little more information and a little less cheek soldier,” Peggy responded good
naturedly, smiling gently.

“Yes Agent, oh where to start,” Bucky trailed off, looking to Steve for support but before either
could continue, the voice spoke again.

“To properly introduce the Sergeant, we have put together a little movie the pulls on Bucky’s past
few years. We feel it is only fair to warn you that these scenes are… confronting, and I am sure
will only provoke more questions. The answers will come in due time.”

By now everyone had returned to their seats, having stood at the entrance of Steve and Bucky.
Steve had taken his place next to Peggy, never letting go of her hand. The two were still in awe.
Awe that they were finally back together and were determined to make the most of it. Bucky had
taken his place on Steve’s left. These past few years the voice had said, Bucky thought. Already,
he was dreading the next few minutes. The past few years meant Hydra and revealing the part of
his past he was least proud of to a room of Nazi's and communist haters. Not much he can do about
it now though, he thought, as he resigned himself to his fate.

THE FOLLOWING SCENE IS FROM Bucky Barnes Suffering by crusade588. IT IS A


Bucky is seen with a machine gun, hunting down men. There is a voice over of a guy
interrogating Bucky. Alexander Pierce is seen asking for a mission report and Bucky refuses.
They see him shirtless with people working on the metal arm. He looks

Bucky tensed almost immediately at the voices coming out of the scene. Coupled with the images
of events he barely remembers, where he was fighting to remain himself, where he had resigned to
the monster within him. It was hard watching it back and not wanting to scream and the guy
onscreen; to somehow go back in time and change his ways. To correct all the murders. Bucky was
getting lost in his regret as Steve moved his free arm to rest on Bucky’s shoulder blade, grounding
him back in the present. The pair exchanged a faint smile and Bucky nodded back at Steve. The
little action of comfort did not go unnoticed by Peggy who smiled softly at the reminder that the
friends… no scratch that, the brothers were reunited once more.

Bucky is seen being strapped into a machine as a voice says words in Russian. They seem to
trigger something within Bucky.

Bucky shakes a little as he instinctively grabs hold of Steve’s forearm. Steve turns to him and
whispers “come on Buck, your stronger than them now. They can’t control you.” The rest of the
room tried and failed to hide their stares at the pair.

Once Bucky had regular breath again, Peggy finally voiced the thoughts floating around
everyone’s head. “Was it HYDRA? Or some other power? I assume your brief capture at the
HYDRA facility included some experimenting?” At Bucky and Steve’s shocked look and the
confusion on the remaining viewers Peggy sighed, “Is it really that much of a jump to say Bucky
survived a fall off a moving train off the side of a mountain may I add, because he was injected
with some sort of super soldier serum. We know HYDRA was experimenting from Dr Erskine and
it is how Steve survived 70 years in the ice.” Again everyone was silent. Steve was smiling faintly,
of course he thought, Peggy would piece it together. Thompson was ashamed, he should have
realised that. How come Peggy did? He thought. Bucky just nodded.

“Spot on Agent.” Bucky nodded, “HYDRA found me after the fall and gave this,” he said raising
his arm. “They controlled me. Completely. Those words,” he trailed off, “I’m ashamed to admit
what they could make me do. I doubt I will have to though, I think you will see,” he pointed back
to the scene which started to play again.

Bucky is scene responding to the words through a violent montage of images. A man says
“good morning soldier,” he responds, “ready to comply.”

“Complete control,” said Angie, echoing Bucky’s words from before. All of this was a lot to take in
for the poor girl. She was doing remarkably well to keep up with everything considering not 2
hours ago she thought her best friend had a safe desk job at the phone company (although she did
have her doubts, what kind of phone company desk jobs results in bruising and wounds, not to
mention crazy hours.) and now she was watching a man go through mental and physical torture.

Bucky is seen in many different car chase like scenes, he stands on the high way with a gun
and the Soviet star on his arm. There is a female (Natasha) voice over talking about the
“winter soldier”

Bucky sucked in his breath at her voice.

“Who is that woman?” Peggy inquired, curious as to who elicited that response from Bucky.

“My colleague” Steve said vaguely and then reluctantly elaborate at Peggy’s expectant stare,
“Another agent. Natasha. I – we,” pointing between himself and Bucky, “work with her.”
Bucky is seen younger firing a gun. They keep calling him soldier, he is seen with a mask
hunting people down.

“The winter soldier, I gotta say, that’s a mighty cool name, almost makes up for your middle name.
Buchanan; James Buchanan Barnes” Angie said in an effort to clear the air.

“You betta stick to Bucky doll,” Bucky chuckled good-naturedly, admiring her lack of terror at
having him around.

“You got it Jamie,” she responded with a grin.

“Bucky.” He said half-heartedly.

Bucky is seen beating up a bunch of people. Natasha is seen behind a car.

“That’s Natasha.” Steve pointed out.

Bucky is seen clashing with Steve’s shield.

“You fought each other?” asked Peggy breathlessly, disbelieving.

After sharing a glance with Bucky, Steve responded with “not knowingly.”

Bucky flips over the car and then punches through walls. He fights Steve again briefly. A
man says well done soldier. Bucky is shown fighting to defend Wakanda. He catches Steve’s

“I am glad to see that the vibranium lasted.” Howard commented.

“With all due respect Captain, how affective is a shield really?” asked Thompson speaking to Steve
for the first time. Sousa almost snickered at his out of character respectfully enquiry.

“Firstly it is Steve, but to answer your question, surprisingly. You would be amazed at the
boomerang like qualities it has.” Steve responded.

“Except when someone catches it,” Bucky cut him off, “Then you're in deep shit.” He reached to
ruffle Steve’s hair who dodged his attempt lazily.

Bucky is scene pushing Steve over and standing with his shield.

“I’m –“ Steve cut Bucky’s apology off.

“I don’t want to hear it.”

Bucky is seen shooting guns and saying hail HYDRA and then wakes up from a dream. He is
in therapy where someone is asking about his nightmares. Bucky falls from the train. The
voice over talks about Bucky moving from one fight to another for years and then stop
fighting. He disappears in the snap.

“Whoooowa, can we pause this for a second,” Howard demanded waving a hand at the screen
before turning in his seat to see Bucky and Steve. “Explain,” he said pointing yet another finger at
the pair.

“That was something called the snap.” Said Steve “That was the first battle we lost. Half of earth’s
population was lost, just like that,” he said pointing to the frozen image of Bucky’s disintegrating
body. He bowed his head in respect as the room came to terms with the unbelievable news. The
viewers sat in shock, some muttered to each other while others sat in silence, their mouths opening
and closing.

Bucky is seen in therapy with Steve notebook of things to remember. Sam talks to Steve. Sam
talks to Bucky and asks him what is on his mind.

“That is Sam Wilson, we work with him. He’s a good guy.” Steve said. He could feel Peggy
itching to asked and answered before she got the chance to voice her question.

Fake Steve talks to Bucky, taunting him. There is a short clip of Howard begging him.

“What was that.” Howard said, hiding his fear with his direct and demanding question. The room
held a breath, they weren’t agents without knowing a what a man with a gun to his head looked
like. After a sharing a look, Steve answered for Bucky, muttering something about changing the
future too much.

Shuri is talking to Bucky by the lake. He is shown going into ice, then falling from the train.

No one spoke but Peggy grabbed Steve’s forearm just that little bit tighter as he tensed, looking
over to Bucky to remind him he was here. Bucky stared straight ahead, his face unmoving,
unreadable (even to Peggy’s trained eye.)

Sam is talking to Steve on the bridge. Montage of Bucky saying he is not a killer. Sam is
shown with Steve’s shield, Bucky tells him he doesn’t deserve it and Steve was wrong about

Peggy wanted to ask. She wanted to ask so bad. She wanted to know what had happened to Steve
but she knew she couldn’t bear to hear the answer. She settled for running her thumb along his

Steve’s brow was furrowed. He knew Bucky wasn’t jealous of Sam. He was annoyed though. And
rightly so, Steve didn’t go back and say bye to him, no no. He spoke to Sam. He had hoped they
would get along once he was gone.

The screen went black as the voice spoke again.

“Now we still have a few minutes left of that but I think you get the picture, the Sargent went
through some messed up shit but he is straight again.” Bucky let out a sardonic chuckle at messed
up shit muttering “that’s putting it lightly.” “And now, “ the voice said “we want to switch focus to
you, Agent Carter with something we call well, Agent Carter”

Chapter End Notes

Hi guys,
Thank you so much for your support and comments! It has really helped and I have
tried to take them onboard.

I need your advice though - should the Avengers come to watch Agent Carter? Leave a
comment ;)
Chapter 3 - a meeting

But first,” another voice said interrupting the one that was speaking before yet still seemed to be
coming from the same place.

“Hey!” the original voice protested.

“Oh hush! But first, It is my great honour and privilege to introduce you, well some of you, to the
greatest that ever walked the earth. Some say they are the best. What some would call godly… but
I say – “

“Oh shut up already,” the original voice too over again, “Now another group will join you. They
are from your time Captain and they have agreed to be civil so see that you act accordingly. I’m
talking to you Sargent.”

Bucky just nodded his head in confusion. Steve was stilling just a tad straighter, Peggy couldn’t tell
if he was bracing himself or excited. He had got really good at hiding his emotions but Peggy
didn’t mind. She would work him out again, it would just take time.

A loud pop happened and a group appeared at the back of the room.

“Now, lets get these introductions out of the way so we can start Agent Carter,” said the voice,
“They know why they are here, no need to explain it again.’

“Ah hay Cap,” said Sam walking forward pulling Steve into one of those bro hugs where they clap
each other on the back.

“Sam Wilson right?” asked Angie, sticking out her hand, “We have watched you already,” she said
at his confused expression, “Angie Martinelli.” She said as they shook hands.

“Ok and this is Dr Bruce Banner,” Steve said pointing to them as he went; Bruce gave a polite nod
and wave, “Thor,” Thor coughed and Steve rolled his eyes, “Thor Son of Odin, God of Thunder,”
to which Thor nodded, “ Clint Barton or Hawkeye,” Clint remained expressionless but inclined his
head slightly.

Before Steve could introduce the next person Peggy stepped in. “Natasha Romanoff was it?” She
asked Nat who nodded and said with perfect composure “Agent Carter, I am unsure if you are
aware of the position you hold in the future but let me thank you for your acts to come. I owe my
life to you.”

Peggy had not been expecting such a deep response and stood, her mouth agape for a split second.
Natasha had managed to leave the Directress of Shield herself speech. Of course it didn’t last long
and Peggy returned her compliment with a smile saying “You are right, I have no clue what you
are talking about but that is a lovely thing for you to say all the same.” The two women shared one
last look, Natasha calculating and Peggy evaluative, before Tony interrupted them all.

“And I am Tony, Tony Stark.” He said looking directly at Howard for a moment before walking
towards a seat many aisles away from him. He pointedly avoided looking at Maria, something
Peggy did not miss. Perhaps he was not Maria’s son? He did have her nose though. Howard was
stunned. Not only did he have a son but he had a son who seemed determined to be on the other
side of the didn’t think himself the fatherly type, Peggy was soon pulled out of her musings by the
next introduction.
“Hi, I’m Peter Parker,” said the youngest member of the crew. He had seen the awkwardness
before him and had stepped in before the silence went on.

“Excuse me son, but who are you?” asked Steve, confused at what a kid was doing there.

“I’m sixteen, from Queens and well…” he trailed off looking at Tony for an answer. He shrugged
and tilted his head slightly in response. “I’m Spiderman.”

“But your… Holy shit, your just a kid!” Steve exclaimed.

“Language, cap” Natasha retorted instantly.

“I’m sorry but that really doesn’t help us,” said Peggy referring to those from the 40’s

“All will be explained later” said the voice. “For now, we start watching Agent Carter.”

The room was still in shock. Majority of the arrivals had slotted in just fine but the questions
Tony’s presence raised were consuming the agents amongst them. Steve was still grappling with
meeting the young vigilantly who had stolen his shield. He pitied the boy, no not pity he thought,
he emphasised with him. He is so young to have such a responsibility on his shoulders. He
approached Peter and apologised for his rash reaction to his presence and said it was a honour to
finally meet him.

The lights dimmed as the screen began to play.

The screen fills with the scene from the plane when Steve puts the plane in the water. The sound of
the plane becomes the kettle whistling and Peggy pours a tea. New York City 1946 flashes across
the screen.

“So a year,” Steve asks Peggy quietly, as if the entire room isn’t listening in on their conversation.
Natasha was privately marvelling at the ease around each other and how quickly Steve relaxed into
Peggy’s presence. Of course she showed none of this outwardly but she was impressed with their
connection, that it could span so many years and so much heartbreak.

“Almost to the day,” replied Peggy. She was not so oblivious to the attention being placed on
herself and Steve but she didn’t mind one bit. She had to admit that it felt a little good to have her
colleagues who had ridiculed and questioned her relationship the Legend of Steve Rogers finally
eat their words. If they needed to stare to confirm she was more than just one of the many girls
who was so in love with Captain America, she would let them.

The paper headline is Stark selling weapons and it cuts back to a moment from the plane ride for
CA:FA. Peggy starts to change and she peels away her dress to reveal a bullet wound.

Steve’s breath catches immediately and pivots his body slightly so he is angled towards Peggy in
some sort of protective stance. As if he can change the past (hehe)

“Oh stop it,” Peggy hissed under her breath. “It was the gunman at HYDRA and as you can tell I
am 100% fine so stop stressing. Besides, I am an agent. Getting shot is in the job description." As
annoying as Peggy found Steve’s concerned for her was she couldn’t help feel the tiniest sliver of
joy at having someone watch her back for once. She preferred having him here to fret over her than
not be here at all.

Steve found little comfort in Peggy’s words but eased back into his chair all the same to get off
Peggy’s nerves.
The screen switches between Peggy performing domestic tasks and meeting Cap., fighting people,
and firing guns. Her roommate comes home and asks her about dates. Peggy avoids the question
with some sarcastic comment about spinsters shoes.

“I like this woman,” said Natasha to no one in particular.

Peggy is putting away her gun as Colleen talks about the phone company not being life and death.
Peggy says she has no idea.

All the agents at the SSR snicker quietly.

Peggy is the only one in colour amongst grey men. She walks into work and gets told to mind the
phones before “covering them”

“Get ‘em Peg,” Steve chuckled, having a feeling these men (from the SSR) were going to piss him
off pretty soon.

Montage of Howard Stark plays. He is accused of selling weapons to enemy.

“Did you,” asked Tony, speaking to Howard for the first time.

“Well um -,” Howard stuttered uncharacteristically nervous to talk to his son who seems to want
nothing to do with him.

Tony scoffed. “I’ll take that as a yes then,” feeling more and more disgust at his fathers practices.

“No he didn’t,” interjected Peggy. She knew Howard could be a tool and had no idea how he
would treat his son but she also believes he has a good heart and good intentions. He might just
need a little help getting his message across.
The SSR conduct their meeting on Howard Stark. Peggy tries to interject and fight for Howard’s
innocence. Dooley accuses her of sleeping with both Howard and Steve instead of doing any actual
work during the war. They stop her from doing work.

“Right,” said Steve standing up, “Stop this thing,” he demanded, waving at the screen. “How many
of you,” he said pointing to Peggy’s colleagues “believe Peggy did nothing but sleep her way
around the bunks during the war.” He was fuming, so frustrated that his Peggy had to deal with
some idiots throwing accusations and innuendos around without knowing a thing, stopping her
from doing her job all while she was trying to grieve her partner’s death.

“Please Steve,” Peggy said, standing up and trying to guide him back into his seat. “You don’t
need to do this. Let them think what they want. I am sure these films will prove them wrong.
Besides, I hold no value to their opinion and I can pick my own battles.”

“I know that, and trust me I do not doubt your right hook but that doesn’t make any of this right.
You shouldn’t have to deal with this bullshit.” Steve said

“Language Cap,” Natasha said on instinct.

“No, I shouldn’t have to deal with it but I do and I can so please sit down so we can get on with
this.” responded Peggy.

“You should listen to her buddy. I had to,” Sousa interjects, getting confused glances from those
around. The screen begins playing as an explanation.

Sousa stands up to the others and demands an apology. Peggy asks him to stop sticking up for him.
“I think we could get along,” Steve said to Sousa.

“If he keeps his distance from a certain someone,” said Bucky, voicing Steve’s exact thoughts.

Thompson asks her do the filing and she insults his intelligence. The scene changes to the diner.
Angie starts talking about Captain America and then they talk about work. Peggy talks about her
work during the war (vaguely) Angie talks about her failed audition and a customer complains
about his BLT sandwich.
Chapter 4 - the watching continues

Peggy looks down at her tea cup and sees a note written on the napkin, “Meet me in the alley in 5

“Please no,” whispered Steve under his breath

Peggy walks out and Jarvis makes out that he is a bad guy.

Peggy laughs and Jarvis blushes. Seeing him blush, Anna joins in Peggy’s laughter as she predicted
what was to come.

“Why did you have to say that,” said Howard.

Peggy punches him and shoots the tires of the car. Howard opens the door and apologises to
Peggy. Peggy and Howard talk in the back of the car. Howard explains how someone stole his
dangerous inventions from him and he was being set up. Peggy makes a witty remark about
considering all the angles of Howard’s mind.

Natasha smiles, well smirks is probably the better term.

Howard asks Peggy to help clear his name. Peggy doesn’t agree to anything outright. Howard is
getting in a boat. He walks over to Peggy and grabs her hand.

“Oh you better watch yourself Stark, Stevie boy is not even fully frozen yet!” Bucky said cheekily
when he say Steve’s expression cloud with the slightest tinge of jealousy. Steve couldn’t help but
smile at Bucky’s comment, he loved when he showed a hint of his past self and wasn’t so
consumed by the trauma of the last few decades.

Peggy subtly agrees to helping him.

“Carter,” said Dooly “I am sure even you can understand that as soon as we get out of this room
you will be fired and tried for treason.”

Before anyone from past or the future could protest, the voice spoke. “I would advise you keep
watching.” Before anyone could comment the movie began to play,

She walks over to Jarvis. She and Jarvis have an amusing conversation about the cook who
pocketed the spoons. Peggy just laughs. Peggy walks into the office and passes Sousa with a
picture of Howard on his desk. She tells him Howard hate the water. That he kissed Peggy she
pushed him overboard.

Howard replied in protests talking all about how his boats were his babies, how he has never been
turned down a kiss and on and on until Peggy cut him off.

“Good lord Howard, I was lying! I was covering your arse.” Said Peggy rolling her eyes, much to
the amusement of Natasha.
Sousa talks about Spider Raymond. Peggy comes into the meeting by filling their coffee.

“If we are not going to be treated as equals then why not use it to our advantage,” said Natasha. All
the agents looked around in confusion to see the smirking redhead.

“Don’t worry, Im sure you will see soon enough,” said Peggy.
Peggy enters club in a blonde wig, glitter dress, and perfect American accent. She easily walks
passed the guards.

“How come…” trailed off Thompson in disbelief.

Peggy puts on her sweet dreams lipstick. She then goes into his office and seduces him. He kisses
her and passes out. Peggy gets the globe. Peggy calls Jarvis, he tells her she needs to deactivate it.
Jarvis says his wife has certain after hour requirements.

“What a good husband, such a deary” said Angie to Anna’s delight.

Thompson walk into the club. Peggy takes care of a guard with a stapler. She avoids the other
agents. Raymond is killed. Thompson and co. realise they have been beaten. Murderer follow’s
Peggy. Peggy’s roommate is sick.

“She is right you know,” Steve whispered to Peggy “you are too great a catch.”

Peggy deactivates the core. There is crash. Collene has been murdered. He is about to shot Peggy.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats. All agents were scared for Peggy. They didn’t think she
could get out of it.

“No English” said Angie

She fights her way out. Then she cries over Collene. She meets Jarvis at the Diner. She says she
gets people killed and she mucked up the chance she had. Jarvis says Agent Carter is good and
those she works with are fools. They go into a scientist. Peggy remembers vitarays.

“Oh peg,” said Steve.

Peggy opens his file and there is flash back to his “death.”

“Oh peg,” said Steve, pulling her into a hug.

Sousa walks in on her. They talk about Sousa’s injury. The creepy man starts typewriting.. Jarvis
and Peggy go to Roxon. A man reveals a scar on his throat. He says Liviathon is coming and
breaks the bomb. Jarvis and Peggy narrowly escape.

“badass aunty Peggy,” said Howard.

“Please stop giving me a heart attack Peggy,” said Angie. “But I don’t think that is going to stop
now. Is it?”

To which Peggy shook her head.

Thompson, Sousa and Chief have a meeting about the blonde that got to Raymond first.

Steve chuckled, “outsmarting them at every turn” and places a kiss to the crown of Peggy’s head,
earning him a smile.

After Jarvis and Peggy’s talk in the diner, the arsehole who annoys Angie continues his sexist
comments. Peggy comes over and threatens hims.

“Yes Ma’am” Barnes hollered.

“thank you English” smiled Angie.

Jarvis is on the phone with stark saying that peggy wont suspect a thing.

End Notes

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